No, RtP changes E&D too extensively with the addition of Dignitaries.
So regular E&D?
No, RtP changes E&D too extensively with the addition of Dignitaries.
So regular E&D?
It seems the number of "dummy policies" added in E&D is steadily rising. I'd like to warn against this however, as there seems to be a hard core limit of 250 policies in the game (Link). When this number is exceeded you can no longer load scenarios as CiV will crash with a runtime error.
Right now we have 293 policies when using CBP+RtP+E&D
If using RtP, you must use the vanilla E&D. In fact, next RtP update will block the CBP E&D. Perhaps in the future, when development for CBP E&D and RtP has cooled, I'll look at adding support.
Phew. And that's not including the 200~ policies I add with Sovereignty
On a side note CBP+RtP+"regular E&D" is 289 policies and that also causes a ctd.
Using CBP+RtP only we have "only" 253 which works.
Got the ancient device event on turn 1. chose moral option -> CTD (nothing in lua log)
Restarted, got it again. chose evil option -> no problems
moral of the story, always choose the evil option
Noted, will convert most of E&D's dummy policies to PlayerDoTurn events. Although, it might be glitchy or dangerous to do so..On a side note CBP+RtP+"regular E&D" is 289 policies and that also causes a ctd.
Using CBP+RtP only we have "only" 253 which works.
I was fixing E&D months ago but got bored with Civ 5. Now I'm thinking about finishing it and saw this thread.
Here is what I did:
Tested and fixed every random event. To balance things I got rid of static numbers in outcome results. Now rewards you get depend on your culture, gold etc.
Sandstorm event replaced with Ancient Ruins Discovered event.
Struck Oil event replaced with Resource Found event.
New color for negative outcomes.
No events use Sukritact_ChangeResearchProgress. It was crashing the game.
Added GetCityNearestToPlot method.
Added GetRandomMilitaryUnit method. This one needs testing. Sometimes it does not return anything.
Got the ancient device event on turn 1. chose moral option -> CTD (nothing in lua log)
Restarted, got it again. chose evil option -> no problems
moral of the story, always choose the evil option
No decisions for Greece comes up, I just noticed. Events still work, and Decisions show up for 5 other Civs that I just randomed (including modded ones).
Before this whole thing goes live, I'd like to offer an opinion. I'm against the idea that I have to commit to a certain moral alignment that gives me a penalty in a certain area, such as reduced growth (is this population or tile gain?) or reduced production, the middle ground being taking the middle choice and living with whatever penalty that it gives. Having a Civ with which you want production, but having all the choices you want to take being aligned with the morality that gives you a penalty in production, doesn't make it feel good. I think you should remove the penalty and instead focus on what perk being Benevolent or Malevolent comes with, such as increased growth or increased production, or decrease their potency if you think there isn't enough of a penalty to offset it. When you have to choose between 15% production or growth, there is already a penalty in itself since others who chose the other alignment will have either better production or growth than you.
If you want to stick with your numbers, how about an option to turn off Morality?
Also, there's an issue with E&D and custom Civ mods, where if they replace the Palace with a UB Palace (even with SQL so that the Palace has all of the stats of the CBP Palace), it doesn't end up having 2 Magistrates. Is there a solution to this on your end, or how can I manually add two magistrates for the UB Palace?
I went away with the moral alignment giving penalties. Instead, benevolence produces Great Person Generation +% (20% max) in each of your cities and malevolence grants Great General/Admiral Points. (+10 max) per city.
For E&D and Custom civ, I'll try and do a SQL trigger that triggers on all civilization that have a custom palace.
INSERT INTO Building_ResourcePerEra
(BuildingType, ResourceType, Quantity, InitialQuantity)
I like where this is going. I'll keep using it and test it for bugs and whatnot.
On another note, what are World Events? Are they just Civ specific events that happen elsewhere and I get a notification for it?
So I was playing as the Mongols and after settling many cities, I decide one more cannot hurt... got a decision and chose the plus 1 happiness + 2 morality and my game crashed my heart was broken... using the last CP version released on 3/18.
- I don't know, there's too much added.
- Two events will be unlocked at Philosophy and Civil Service which can dictate your morality of the empire without relying on randomness of luck.
- Removed any references to Sukritact's ChangeResearchProgress(Apparently this causes CTD).
- India's Script decision now grants culture and science based on the output of the city rather than the population of the city.
- Fixed UU's common errors.