Chaos SG 2 AND Chaos SG 3

Atlas* said:
What? I am cashing mine in for a mustache comb and a fake mustache first chance I get.
won't you be surprised when your wax mustache comes in the mail
With signups for SGOTM 2 opening up soon, I was wondering who here is planning to join Chaos Team 2? I'm in (of course):cool:.
Two prank points to Munterpipe for bringing a new aquisition to Chaos IV

SpriteSoda (not on either roster): 2
Conroe (SG Breaker in 3): 2
Munterpipe (Puppeteer for 2, 3): 2
Princecharles (Warmonger in 2): 1
Atlas (Grumpy Cleaner in 2): 2
Strauss (Tyrant in 3): 0
Pigswill (Religious Fanatic in 3): 0
Sand (AI pushover in 3): 0
Ruff Hi (Artist in 3): 0
Jeejeep (AI Pushover in 2): 0
Hookemhorns (Storyteller in 2): 0
Rex Tyrannus (Prankster in all): 2
Pholkhero (Prankster in all): 16
Soren Johnson (AI Pushover in 4): 0
JesusOnEez (Religious fanatic in 4): 0
GreyFox (Tyrant in 4): 0
ChrTh (SG Breaker in 4): 0
Sid Meier (Not yet appearing in 4): -1 for no "got it" in 12 hrs
Mostly Harmless (Warmonger in 4): 0
Hard to believe that this thread was only created 4 days ago and it'd already up yo page 10 with maybe 3 turnsets played. However, it should be noted that it is mostly filled with "Gross Stupidity" ;)
Z0m6 N00b 17 15 50 N07 5up1d 1 1z 74k1n 0ff3nc3 2 7h47.
he's not the King of Spam for nothing ;) Rex TyrSPAMus :lol:
A lurker?:mischief:
The puppeteer eyes the chance for more prank points, and another pawn on whom to attach his strings.
berserks01, you've been added to the roster for Chaos 2! What do you want to be? You are actually on deck, since Hookie will probably post his report soon.
I'm on deck :eek: ??? I knew I should've kept me mouth shut [pissed]
Welcome to the mad ramblings of a half deaf, blind artist. This is my first encounter with the totally fictious land of Chaos III and I must say that I am heartened to see that we are only able to win via democracy - the UN is the only victory condition enabled. The one draw back is that we are locked in always war (and always peace) with everyone. Well, during my turn set, I met Gandhi and it seems that the 'always war' code executes prior to the 'always peace' code - so we are currently at war with Gandhi.

On the good side, we were visited by an highly advanced group of beings who call them selves Barbarians have have mastered the art of getting great big slabs of metal (I don't know what it was, but it wasn't copper) to float. They sailed passed, laughing(!) in their Battleship "Finger-Flip". Luckily, we didn't (at the time) know how to make things of wood that float so they were not interested in a shock & Awwwe visit.

Our outlining vassel came out of revolt (thank you VERY VERY much Mr P) and now our expenses are -9. We had to dial back research to 50% to cover the costs. On the build front, I vetoed the stone ring (mainly because I was not consulted during the design phase and you know how artists somethings get! - anyway, someone else's poorly designed stonehenge completed and they still payed me 114 gold for the trouble!! - an artist is worthy of his income - that is a quote from the bible 1 Timothy 5:18) and started on a fishing boat - this boat is now making good on ITS DESIGN (did I mention that I was the designer of this one!) and it is out fishing for fish - hmmmm ... a fishing boat that fishes for fish ... isn't art imitating life imitating art beautiful!

Why a fishing boat, you ask? Well, I had a waking dream that I was floating across our flat world when I saw a huge sign in the north saying 'FEED ME'. I am sure that future people will show that this dream was prophetic in nature. Also, in that dream, I was visited by a visitation (more beauty) that said that the Spanish would never amount to much! I still have no idea what that one is about.

I did leave the turn count at an ugly 81 but I reasoned that finishing the fishing boat that fishes fishes (with a whip) AND finishing the sailing tech was more important that finishing at 80. Finally (well, before the regulation pictures), our scout found a hidden teleportation device and was able to get from the sheep invested strip of land to our South to the sheep invested island to our NW and then to the hill to our NE. We now have a beautiful picture of our lands ...

Our lone fishing boat (with nothing to do - I didn't design that one - all my fishing boats fish fish!) found that the creator does in fact love us ...

The next turn, we learnt Plastics - we can now build offshore platforms!

Spoiler log :

----------------------------New entries----------------------------
Turn 67 (1990 BC)


Turn 68 (1960 BC)


Turn 69 (1930 BC)


Turn 70 (1900 BC)
Singapore begins: Work Boat


Turn 71 (1870 BC)
Contact made: Indian Empire
Ruff_Hi: War with Gandhi!

Judaism founded in a distant land

Turn 72 (1840 BC)


Turn 73 (1810 BC)


Turn 74 (1780 BC)


Turn 75 (1750 BC)


Turn 76 (1720 BC)
Singapore's borders expand


Turn 77 (1690 BC)


Turn 78 (1660 BC)


Turn 79 (1630 BC)


Turn 80 (1600 BC)
Tech learned: Sailing
Blank Canvas finishes: Work Boat
Blank Canvas begins: Warrior


Turn 81 (1570 BC)
Research begun: Animal Husbandry
Blank Canvas begins: Galley

Onto out of character comments ...
  • why is our game name "SGOTM01 Team Queens Men"?
  • the starting save I played from was Chaos V 4000BC
  • I left a prank for the prankster to earn a prankster point - not much of a prank!

ruff_hi said:
Onto out of character comments ...
  • why is our game name "SGOTM01 Team Queens Men"?
  • the starting save I played from was Chaos V 4000BC
  • I left a prank for the prankster to earn a prankster point - not much of a prank!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :wallbash:
Turn 0 -- 2800 BC

Right then, looks like I'm set to be the Automaton.

Turn 1 -- 2750 BC

Worker is built, set him and Tenoc (starts Warrior) to Automate. Starts building a Farm.
Scout is automated to Explore.

Turn 2 -- 2700 BC

New tech learned:

Archery is recommended, so I start that.

Turn 3 -- 2650 BC

Some nice villagers give us gold:

Turn 4 -- 2600 BC


Turn 5 -- 2550 BC

Don't like the look of this :wow:

Won't be able to play any more tonight, will update tomorrow.
ahhh - good to see that someone keeps their old screenshots from Chaos I
A dark night in a city that knows how to keep its secrets, but on the 12th floor of the Acme Building, one man is still trying to find the answers to life's persistent questions.....Chaos Noir, Private Eye.

Chaos Noir: It was a cold day in Crappy City, so cold the bears had frozen in their tracks. The only thing happening around town was the ice fishing to the west. A bald man burst into my office dressed in way too few clothes and quickly bowed to me.

Bald Man: Mr. Noir? My name is Gandhi and I'm hoping you can help me. I have learned that Bismarck and Catherine have formed a, shall we say, binding relationship and I would like for you to put an end to it. I have developed a deep fondness for her and cannot stand to see her with another man.

CN: I know something about those two but what caused you to fall for that dame?

G: I saw her sunbathing from my space elevator and have been able to think of nothing since.

CN: What in heaven's name is a space elevator.

G: It's quite nice. I don't know exactly what to do with it but suspect I'll figure something out in 4500 years or so.

CN: I'll take a look around and get back to you.

I didn't tell Mr. Gandhi that I knew Catherine and Bismarck much better than he suspected. Several hundred years ago, Bismarck had misunderstood me when I said that his spread would look good on the end of a roll and he had never forgiven me. I had heard that he had greatly expanded his army around 2850 BC but hadn't had a chance to determine the particulars.

My first stop was to head downtown to see if I could learn anything important. As I walked down the street, a young kid stopped me.

Kid: Extra, extra, read all about it. Island zoos destroyed in freak . Government funds added to research budget. Midwife strike called off.

CN: The wind was chill and I kept going. This was good news (except for the wolf and bear) as Bronze might be just the thing to curl hat Russian's ponytail. I was also glad to hear that the midwives had gone back to work since there were a lot of pregnant ladies that had waiting for that news.

I walked east to the new silver mine and found the worker resting up. I told him to start building a road since silver might work even better than bronze to gain Cathy's favor.

On day 6 (2320 BC), I stopped by the wisemen's hut to see if they knew anything. They said that they had finally figured out Bronze and were taking a break before working on the next project. I told them of Gandhi's unrequited love and that they should figure out a way so that he could express his feelings to her by sending a message. They decided to start developing an Alphabet.

Word came from an explorer that he had discovered Washington.

On day 10 (2200 BC), the town celebrated it's second day at size 3 and commissioned a new warrior patrol. I sent them east to finish scouting the land and told the mayor that we should be thinking about settling a new city. We discussed some possible city sites.

Before I retired, I tried to talk to Catherine and convince her to listen to Gandhi's pleas. She made it clear that she was not yet ready to talk.

Absolutely Loved the reports Hookem and Ruff. You can understand what Ghandhi sees in that feisty girl. And yellow dot is a very good spot among all the ice. Howabout moving red dot ISW? Could be harder to get the work boat in place, but the city will have sheep as well. Bersersk 01 is UP in chaos 2. If you han't made up your mind about what player role to be, why don't you try out the storyteller as well?
Since Strauss is oop until July 28, pigswill is up in his search for god in Chaos 3.
I apologise for this brief interlude of normality but where (and what) is the current save for Chaos 3?
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