Ruleset Discussion

2.0 - Banned Exploits
2.1 - Coordinated Capturing of Units
It is prohibited for teams to capture and recapture each turn units such as workers, catapults, and other non-combat units for the intent of using them twice in a turn against another team.
I've never seen or heard of this being done. Is this something which could only be done in a pbem game by 2 civs who are allies using each other's units against a 3rd team? :confused:
2.4 - Map Trading
Screenshots and visual maps cannot be traded between teams until Map Trading is researched. After that, teams are free to trade screenshots as a normal trade item. Verbal maps (descriptions of the terrain, however detailed, as long as no images are involved) are allowed without any prerequisite.
Shouldn't the tech be Map Making not Map Trading ?
:blush: Yeah.

TimBentley: Thanks.

gmaharriet: Yeah, because those units are non-combat, allied teams could just capture and recapture each turn those units and use them twice.

ThERat: I think there's a difference between negative gpt (say, -3gpt @ 80% science, 201 gold in the treasury), and having a negative treasury, which is what the exploit is (for example, -11gpt @ 100% science, 1 gold in the treasury), where there is a clear difference between the gained commerce/beakers and the commerce/gold paid from the disbanded units/buildings.
I don’t know if people didn’t respond to these because they disagreed, but I figured I’d repost them in case they just got overlooked (besides, I just love quoting myself :D):

2.10 - Double Tile Usage
Scrolling through the city screens in the pre-turn for the purpose of shifting tiles around so that two cities can use the same tile in one turn is prohibited.

This omits the maximize wealth then production exploit. I think the rule should be no breaking into the build sequence – this includes going to the big picture after discovering a tech and scrolling through cities to change builds or adjust citizens in any way.

Do we also want something about declaring war for purposes of giving war happiness, or is that simply another tradable good?

EDIT: Regarding negative income:

Teams may not consistently have a negative income which would put their treasury below zero gold

I would eliminate the word consistently - if people don't want ambiguity, then we can't have that in there, and I don't see any legimate reason you would put your treasury below zero gold for even one turn.
I saw them, I just didn't respond. Eliminating going to the big picture is not something I support - it's not an exploit; sometimes you'll want to change prebuilds (say, for knights, the turn you discover Chivalry), or adjust other builds/laborers.
sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Deficit spending is perfectly fine as long as there is gold in the coffer. What I meant is spelled out here
I would eliminate the word consistently - if people don't want ambiguity, then we can't have that in there, and I don't see any legimate reason you would put your treasury below zero gold for even one turn.
2.3 - Contact Trading
Contact trading in-game is allowed at Writing. Teams cannot contact each other before this technology via email or private message.
This one is worded poorly, in my opinion. Once a team meets another team, they are free to e-mail/private message/MSN each other whenever they want. However, they cannot trade contacts with each other, whether it be in the diplo window or in an e-mail (Team X is north of you would be improper before writing).
I saw them, I just didn't respond. Eliminating going to the big picture is not something I support - it's not an exploit; sometimes you'll want to change prebuilds (say, for knights, the turn you discover Chivalry), or adjust other builds/laborers.
Banning this will also elimante the chance to prevent riots if you lost a luxury in the interturn or war weariness struck badly... :ack:

If this happens it is common usage (and no exploit imo as the city governor does the same) to go to the first rioting town and fix the mistake for all others. :old:
This was part of the ruleset last game:

3.2 - Hitting F1/back-forward to change production

Description: It is possible to use F1 to go into city views and change production or rush items before a city has been reached in the pre-turn production queue.

Definition: This can result in tech-enabled units and Wonders being completed the very turn the tech is researched, or production to be changed in response to an enemy's actions (like Walls if a stack moves toward a specific city and not another)(bold added).

Do we really want to allow that? Also I believe working high commerce tiles then breaking into the build sequence after commerce is computed to work production tiles is a clear exploit that must be banned.

As far as flipping a prebuild the turn you complete a tech, I don't really care one way or another. We lived without it last game, and I don't think it makes a real difference - you just have to plan your prebuild to finish one turn later. My proposed rule would forbid flipping prebuilds, but I wanted a simple rule, and it is more complicated to allow this but ban the hypothetical walls example above.

If the governor prevents riots, then I guess we should be able to also. In that case I suggest making the rule so that the only thing that can be changed in the build sequence is hiring additional specialists.
I can see a reason why a team would deficit spend.

Say you are at 100% science and have built a granary and have 15 gold. You have enough gold to handle 15 turns of deficit research.

In the interturn, you get raided by a barb horse, and now have no gold in the treasury.

This has to be allowed.
Proposed Rule said:
Teams may not have a negative income which would put their treasury below zero gold

I would say that having 15 gold with a -1 gpt deficit when you end your turn does not violate this rule regardless of what happens on the interturn. (And I hope nobody thinks that means it would be OK to send the 15 gold to someone with accept and claim they were not violating the rule because the other team hadn't accepted yet).
If something freaky such as barb horse happens, I'm sure an exception can be made.
I would say that having 15 gold with a -1 gpt deficit when you end your turn does not violate this rule regardless of what happens on the interturn. (And I hope nobody thinks that means it would be OK to send the 15 gold to someone with accept and claim they were not violating the rule because the other team hadn't accepted yet).

I suggested earlier that the rule should mandate teams notifying admins whenever a building is sold or units disbanded automatically due to a deficit with no gold to cover it. Then the admins could investigate and determine if there was intentional rulebreaking. As I said earlier, we also need to know what the punishment is. If there is no punishment then there is no use in having a rule. Perhaps we'd be better off just haiving a gentlemen's agreement not to engage in deficits we can't cover from our existing treasury.
I think all teams should be mature enough to follow these rules. Of course, someone could always cheat, but I am sure nobody want to play that cheap.
The BattleLog is used in all pbem games ... primarily to inform the other team what you could not see happening.

Without it, it would be difficult to know which team attacked you or if indeed the 'missing' unit was lost due to barbarian action.

It also gives the attacking team a chance to brag their combat achievements to the other. :mischief:

Also to clarify losses the enemy has suffered in the attack, which would be unknown if the defending unit did not get wounded in the encounter.
What is the purpose of rule 4.4 - keeping combat logs? What difference does it make if logs are kept or not? Is it sent to the opposing team so they have some idea what happened to them rather than finding things out the hard way (examination)?
In a PBEM, when you open up your turn, you don't see the enemy units attacking. So, what this rule does is make the game a bit more like Singleplayer - the other team has to report who they attacked, with what, and what the outcome was. In Singleplayer, you'd see an enemy bomber go overhead - in a PBEM, you'd just open up the save to see some of your units damaged/killed! :eek:

Yeah, the combat log is sent to the opposing team. Isn't it pretty clear? "Teams are required to send a battle log to the team(s) they attack during their turn, indicating what units attacked, and what the result was."
1.0 - Game Information

2.4 - Map Trading
Screenshots and visual maps cannot be traded between teams until Map Making is researched. After that, teams are free to trade screenshots as a normal trade item. Verbal maps (descriptions of the terrain, however detailed, as long as no images are involved) are allowed without any prerequisite.

2.12 - Negative Spending
Teams may not have a negative income which would put their treasury below zero gold, at the expense of just a few units or buildings, in order to gain advantages, such as running full science, which they could not normally afford with their regular income. Although having a negative income is permissible, perhaps to finish research of a technology one turn quicker, exploiting the game in the aforementioned manner, in a way that the disbanding of units and buildings does not make up for the commercial gains, is not allowed.

My logic for "verbal maps" in 2.4 - I think, as we saw with MIA and KISS in MTDG I, the hassle of trying to agree on stuff verbally without being able to use screenshots or drawings of the map makes up for the fact that there is no prerequisite. It's nearly impossible to make a "quality" verbal map similar to a screenshot, and it provides an incentive to research Map Making.

Let me know if you have strong objections to 2.12, or its wording. Unless there are serious flaws, I would rather solve disputes through (team?) polling, not more discussion...

I don't see any problems in 2.12, but as far as 2.4 goes, this is a text-based game, so is verbal to mean typed text? I can put together a typed map that is just as readable as a graphic map. Are we saying that one map is better than the other? Or are we saying that we can't enforce this rule?
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