Many leaders Game 6 Emperor Spaceman


Spoiler :
Your game seems to be going very well ! Once more I'm surprised by the variety of outcomes although we had the same starting and the same neighbors. pholk got smashed early on, whereas you didn't fight a single battle yet despite being a juicy target with approx. half the power of Qin and Bismarck. And you snagged Lib, whereas in other games it fell in the early 11-hundreds. I'm not sure what is the reason, but it can't be your superb rexxing - seeing that Joao is the big tech guy in all games so far...

Spoiler :

I too am amazed at how this game can go differently for zillions of various reasons.
Well, I don't know why the neighbours never did DoW me - maybe the diplo, trading etc. In my situation, when someone like Bismy asks I usually say yes. Lib race was also a pure luck, IMHO, especially after being forced to go for Feudalism.
Good luck with your upcoming wars! You are able to make your way out of this situation :salute:
And then there were 7 – but will they prove to be magnificent?

Before we must start with the traditional minutes silence for Pholkero who struggled on but came a cropper in 1340 AD falling victim to Qin. But anyway the show must go on

So reporting how do things look well we have some impressive acceleration of research from the two front runners PigSwill and Swiis Pauli with Ad Hoc ‘s darius progressing nicely.


You can see that some decent sized empires have been built.


The combination of Advanced Tech position and monster Hammers & research suggest that Swiss Pauli is pulling away and will have the game in the bag (He’s doing so well we can even risk that sort of “Kiss of Death” Blessing)….

Pigswill has been doing very well tech wise up to now but will not keep pace with Roosevelt unless his empire expands we suspect.

Ad Hoc's Darius also had a real leap forward in research this time and with his large empire is looking very solid.

Pawelo although not teching at quite the breakneck speed of our leaders has just slinged PP and with maturing cottages the economy and research should really accelerate. Has a nice sized empire so very very winnable me thinks.

Now for the “pack”. Well IMHO some positions here that will need good & focussed play to pull round from Ozbenno et al

Although Ozbenno is teching OK that Empire is quite small and may look like a tasty snack to someone so - Can he expand to keep up?

The Last One has a nice sized empire if he can leverage it. Don’t know if it was “indigestion” from fast expansion but a non-trivial tech deficit to over come. But at least the land to build up from.

Imhotep (if he will forgive me) seems firmly in the Human equivalent of WHEEOH . He has gone on full military and knows it’s a do or die expansion phase versus Qin and Bismarck. So will he pull it round or will his declaration of war be known as BOAATP (bend over and assume the position) as with a small empire lagging in Tech the phrase “its just a matter of time” springs to mind.
and the rewards? :p

I'm considering attacking Qin. in my game, he's really weak, Small, and obviously not gonna win. And i bet he's gonna be asking me or Bizzy to be a vassal for him sooner or later. rather wipe him off the planet then him being the vassal of Bizzy.

I'm just wondering if it's worth it at the end. With all the new cities and hammers put in military, i might be out of the space race...
A bit late, but still in the race...

The plan
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Settle the remaining spots, improve the economy

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I didn't keep good notes this time, but from my screen shots I can see that I started out being the second most advanced civ. Around turn 160 I founded two new cities, one on spare tiles smack in the middle of the empire, and one to the far east. I got Education in turn 161, and researched Liberalism, taking Printing Press since the economy needed a boost. To further improve revenue I researched and traded for MC, Machinery, Guilds, Banking and Economy, before heading for Replaceable Parts. In turn 170 I got Angkor Wat, and I employed 3 priests, hoping for a GP for my taoist holy city. I got another GS :( I settled him in Amsterdam.

A German-Chinese war started in turn 181, and somewhat surprisingly China seems to have the upper hand. My crappy army is forcing me to remain strictly neutral, although there are some prime German tiles I would dearly like to get my hands on. The Portuguese turned up on turn 189, allowing me to trade for Music and Compass.




Summary and Future Plans
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Things are going well, but I must build more military once my major cities are off university construction duty. Research is heading towards assembly line to be able to get the dutch UB (dikes) for a major production boost.


@swiss pauli
Spoiler :

I didn't like the overlap, but I suppose I should settle there anyway.
Are there any more checkpoints after 1300? I've been playing on and got up to 1700 (no spoilers except I'm still alive in 1700). I've also kept saves for 1600 and 1650 in case they were needed.
Things are going nicely right now, finally got some time to sit down and Civ a bit... so without further ado:

Zara - Turnset 3 - "Better Late than Never?"

Spoiler :

Start with a pre-flight. I'm happy, so press enter.

My 77gold makes me the wealthiest. EAT THAT AIS! :)

325BC - Yeha founded - claiming furs and clam.


250BC - fend off some heavy barbarian attacks at Addis Abbaba. GS is born in Gondar and saved for right now.

200BC - the time is now right to use my saved GS. He's bulbed to net me philosophy. And taoism. A good use for him IMO.


175BC - The time is also right for some revolting. Switch to HR + Pacifism.

150BC - with a side order of confucian religion.

Between these dates fend off more pesky barbs.

75AD - founded Debre Berhan in the NE. Nets pigs, bananas and horsies, plus it'll make a good city when the jungle is down.


100AD - sailing in. Netting me a little income boost from trade routes. Get a mildly annoying event:[/IMG]

IBT Xtianity is founded and the parthenon is built.

125AD - the chinese demand a cow and receive it.

250AD - the evil chinese have settled a spot I had my eye on. Think I may have found the first target for 'a good crumping' - although that will be far down the line.

275AD - bah! Taoism has spread to Germany and they convert. Ah well!

375AD - settle Adulis - I had a spare settler and a good positive cashflow. It makes a nice buffer against Chinese marauding into my capital, with bananas, cows and spices it will make an OK city in time. Plus it's on an annoying hill.


425AD - pull the trigger on a trade with germany - calendar for Archery and Polytheism - will need both sometime and want Bizzy as my friend.

450AD - a great prophet is born in Gondar and turned into the Kong Miao - meaning a rise to 70% science.

520AD - China finishes the MoM and Chicken Itza on the same turn.

540AD - The great library is built in far, far away.

660AD - Theology is in, revolt to Theocracy/Caste system - the latter intended to stop revolts - cities are a little big for slavery now.

760AD - a great general is born abroad - good!

780AD - another gg born abroad. Excellent!

Monarchy(350BC) > Mathematics(200BC) > Philosophy (200BC - bulbed) > Currency (50AD) > Sailing (100AD) > Calendar (275AD) > Masonry (300AD) > Construction (425AD) > Polytheism (425 - trade) > Archery (425AD - trade) > Horseback riding (520AD) > Monotheism (540AD) > Theology (660AD) > Civil Service (1 turn from completion) >

The world:
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Plans - building up stacks to give the Chinese a smacking - war elephants and maces. Figure I might as well leverage my organised trait properly with a large empire.

Right - onto another round of catchup!



It's 1600AD.

The way you're going i expect you to be sunning yourself on Alpha Centauri by this date :lol:
Okey Dokey nice to see Kodii and TriviAL catching up. Over the weekend I will update earlier round reports et al to inculde any new saves submitted.

Glad someone else puzzled out how far ahead 40 turns was because I always get it wrong so round 5 runs to 1600AD.


Sorry for the stupid question, but how do you get the total beakers researched numbers out - looks a useful kinda thing to know.

Hopefully the ETA for my next save is about 9 hours...
Well its quite a large spreadhseet basically with the adjusted beaker values of each tech + I just (each report) mark up the techs each of you have researched (doesn't take that long!!) and calculate how much you have researched sicne the last report and from their produce the graphs.

There might be a cleverer way of doing it I haven't spotted!!
Before we must start with the traditional minutes silence for Pholkero who struggled on but came a cropper in 1340 AD falling victim to Qin.
boy that speaks volumes :lol:

am trying to catch up reading today, but am amazed not at how good you are, but at how bad i can be at the game ~ ahh well :)

edit: not to say that you guys are doing great, that is
Turnset 4 - Better late than never part 2 - '900lb gorillas in the mist'

Spoiler :

Unfortunately, I lost much of this turns notes in a weird crash - oil appeared all over the map and my computer totally froze. Annoying.

Tried to rebuild what I can.

I continued building for war - elephants, melee and catapults. When machinery came in, I turned research off for 3-4 turns and upgraded to maces.

Here's what I started with:

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DoW'd the chinese and had some success:

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Took some reasonable losses. Boy do I hate those Cho-Ko-Nu guys - they are ugly little lumps of evil!

Theocracy produced cats served me well - the Accuracy promotion helped chew through city defense nice and fast. Generally sacrificed 1-3 collaterol catapults on each city, so kept a flow up to the front.

The Chinese counterattacked on a few occasions, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Managed to push them to a good peace settlment when the WW became too much for HR + garrison troops to handle:

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Got myself a great prophet for the Taoist shrine early on.

Met Joao the same turn I discovered optics - he's a little way ahead of me, unfortunately... but not too far.

After the war finished I switched back to Monotheism to get on with some serious infra building.

In 1230AD, Quin asked for open borders and I met Vicky.

In 1240AD, meet Catherine - who's very backwards and being hammered by Joao and Vicky.

1250AD - Joao has education now... I meet Asoka who has a monster empire and is ahead in tech. Scary! Also part of the Vicky Joao love triangle - this just gets worse! :)

1270AD - curiousity gets the better of me and I pass Vicky some chump change (100g) for her world map... nice to see everything.

1280AD - I get the circumnavigation bonus. Nice!

1290AD - Catherine demands Compass. Yeah. Right. I tell her no and demand her 10 gold. Which she gives me. :p

1300AD - to celebrate the end of the turnset Catherine vassalises to Asoka - the 900lbs gorilla!

Here we are at the end of this turnset.

Not sure exactly what I researched this turnset - started with me finishing machinery and ended 1 turn away from Education. I've started cottaging over my conquest gains and they should help me no end once things start maturing there.

Can I catch up with the other island now they've stopped fighting? I'd love to drive a wedge between them over there, but not looking likely, sadly.

The world:

Spoiler :

I've circled Asokas bloody terrifying empire in Yellow. :o

Edit: Oh - added a save now. :)


Emperor Justinian I., Round 5 (1300 AD - 1600 AD): Pimp my Civ...

Spoiler :

The designed goal of this turnset was going all military and overrun Qin. What remained of the turnset was only the design. Playing with Ruff's CustomAssets Change Mod and his Color Themes is fun, I likle the red theme very much. At least this was some consolation for a nightmare turnset...

I checked the tech situation right into the set. I'm so backwards that I doubt I'll ever come out of that hole again. So it's do or die in any case.

I got the first city without a single strike of war - Macau flipped to me. That's some punishment for settling so close at least...


I then did some trading, but it was only a drop of water into the sea...


Midway through the set I had finally assembled a decent stack. Take a deep breath...plunge !


Qin didn't like the news.


But the game is clearly not in a winning position for me...


Qin captured Macau, his Knights are a nightmnare. Pikes are some counter, but not that good.


Basically we traded cities as I captured Navajo next turn.


I then even managed to recapture Macau.


Yet I had not seen the bulk of Qin's forces. Now I did.


Another trade...


I marched on Qin's city with horse supply as this was the prime target. But his Cho-Ko-Nus and his Knights shred my stack to pieces (I hate FLANKING !). So I was forced to negotiate peace at a hefty price.


Still I gained one city, but it was the flipped one. D'oh.

A hilarious event. Sure, like I was in the position to even grab a lollipop from a child here. What are my generals smoking ? Must be good stuff...


I had met Cathy and Asoka earlier. Cathy declared - and had Galleons at hand. Fortunately she lacked in strategic deploying of troops, so her raiding parties were easily killed off...


I finally met a Civ lower in score than myself - Vicky is the vassal of Asoka. But even she is miles ahead in tech...


Another trade with the pitbull...


...and Asoka finally supplied me with horses.



I don't know how on earth I should win this one. Still I'm making a last desperate attempt - Rifles in 8 and Cataphracts. Maybe there is a short window of opportunity...


Spoiler The Log :

Logging by BUG Mod 2.20 (BtS 3.13)
Turn 190/500 (1300 AD) [30-Jan-2008 20:45:04]
Reminder: On Turn 230, stop playing
Constantinople finishes: Trebuchet
A Village was built near Adrianople
Nicaea finishes: Trebuchet

Hinduism has been removed: Macau (Chinese Empire)
Hinduism has spread: Macau
Macau (Qin Shi Huang) culture flips
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 197/500 (1370 AD) [30-Jan-2008 20:55:41]
Thessalonica finishes: Academy
Constantinople begins: Longbowman (2 turns)
Tech learned: Guilds
Tech learned: Drama
The whip was applied in Angora
Tech learned: Education
Thessalonica finishes: Aqueduct
Adrianople finishes: Trireme
Nicaea finishes: War Elephant
Antioch grows: 8
Angora grows: 3
Angora finishes: Library

Attitude Change: Catherine(Russia) towards Bismarck(Germany), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Civics Change: MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) from 'Slavery' to 'Serfdom'

Turn 198/500 (1380 AD) [30-Jan-2008 20:58:08]
Research begun: Banking (5 Turns)
Thessalonica begins: Hippodrome (3 turns)
Adrianople begins: Hippodrome (5 turns)
Nicaea begins: Hippodrome (3 turns)
Angora begins: Granary (30 turns)
Tech learned: Compass
Tech learned: Music
Tech learned: Calendar
Tech learned: Banking
Research begun: Economics (12 Turns)
Constantinople finishes: Longbowman
Macau grows: 5

Contact made: Indian Empire

Turn 199/500 (1390 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:01:42]
MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) declares war on Qin Shi Huang(China)
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Precision Siege I (Trebuchet) defeats (4.00/4): Chinese Worker (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
A Cottage was built near Angora
Constantinople begins: Pikeman (3 turns)
Thessalonica finishes: Hippodrome
Nicaea finishes: Hippodrome

While defending in Chinese territory at Navajo, Jumbo I (War Elephant) loses to: Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (0.48/6) (Prob Victory: 65.1%)
Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Attitude Change: Catherine(Russia) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Pleased' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 200/500 (1400 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:03:58]
Constantinople begins: Aqueduct (3 turns)
Jumbo II (War Elephant) promoted: Combat I
Jumbo II (War Elephant) promoted: Shock
City Garrison VI (Longbowman) promoted: City Garrison I
While attacking in Chinese territory near Chengdu, Jumbo II (War Elephant) defeats (7.84/8): Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
A Farm was built near Thessalonica
A Farm was built near Angora
A Mine was built near Macau
Thessalonica begins: Grocer (7 turns)
Nicaea begins: Grocer (7 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Pikeman
Nicomedia grows: 10
Macau's borders expand

While defending in Chinese territory at Navajo, Jumbo II (War Elephant) defeats (5.28/8): Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (Prob Victory: 70.6%)
Civics Change: Joao II(Portugal) from 'Slavery' to 'Caste System'
Civics Change: Joao II(Portugal) from 'Decentralization' to 'Mercantilism'

Turn 201/500 (1410 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:05:48]
Constantinople begins: War Elephant (3 turns)
Whip anger has decreased in Adrianople
Whip anger has decreased in Antioch
Adrianople grows: 10
A Village was built near Duisburg
Macau grows: 6

Turn 203/500 (1430 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:11:38]
Strike Force VII (Maceman) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Chinese territory at Macau, Strike Force VII (Maceman) loses to: Chinese Knight (6.50/10) (Prob Victory: 47.8%)
Strike Force VI (Maceman) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Chinese territory at Macau, Strike Force VI (Maceman) defeats (2.64/8): Chinese Knight (Prob Victory: 70.0%)
Anti-Horse Force VI (Pikeman) promoted: City Raider II
While attacking in Chinese territory at Macau, Anti-Horse Force VI (Pikeman) loses to: Chinese Pikeman (0.96/6) (Prob Victory: 48.8%)
Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Chinese territory at Macau, Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) defeats (0.24/6): Chinese Knight (Prob Victory: 98.9%)
Strike Force I (Maceman) promoted: City Raider II
A Farm was built near Nicaea
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Lead by Warlord
A Mine was built near Duisburg
Adrianople begins: University (14 turns)
Antioch begins: Hippodrome (4 turns)
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Combat I
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Medic I
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Medic II
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Medic III

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Annoyed' to 'Furious'
Civics Change: Asoka(India) from 'Slavery' to 'Caste System'

Turn 204/500 (1440 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:14:00]
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Geronimo (War Elephant) defeats (8.00/8): Chinese Pikeman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Hinduism has been removed: Macau (Chinese Empire)
Macau's borders expand
Hinduism has spread: Macau
Captured Macau (Qin Shi Huang)
Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) promoted: City Raider II
Strike Force VI (Maceman) promoted: City Raider II
A Cottage was built near Adrianople
Macau begins: Hippodrome (51 turns)
Constantinople grows: 16

Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Friendly' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Furious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 205/500 (1450 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:15:09]
Geronimo (War Elephant) promoted: Leadership
Constantinople finishes: Aqueduct
Thessalonica finishes: Grocer
Nicaea finishes: Grocer
Angora grows: 4
Macau's borders expand


Turn 206/500 (1460 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:16:54]
A Farm was built near Thessalonica
A Cottage was built near Angora
Constantinople begins: Hippodrome (2 turns)
Thessalonica begins: Bank (10 turns)
Nicaea begins: Heroic Epic (9 turns)
Thessalonica grows: 13
Antioch finishes: Hippodrome

While defending in Chinese territory near Bremen, Anti-Horse Corps III (Pikeman) defeats (2.16/6): Chinese Knight (Prob Victory: 90.1%)
Civics Change: Catherine(Russia) from 'Organized Religion' to 'Theocracy'

Turn 207/500 (1470 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:17:47]
Anti-Horse Corps III (Pikeman) promoted: Combat I
A Farm was built near Angora
A Farm was built near Angora
Antioch begins: University (20 turns)
Whip anger has decreased in Angora
Constantinople finishes: Hippodrome
A Village was built near Adrianople

While defending in Chinese territory at Navajo, Jumbo III (War Elephant) loses to: Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Navajo, Strike Force IV (Maceman) loses to: Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 0.1%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Navajo, Anti-Horse Corps V (Pikeman) loses to: Chinese Knight (8.40/10) (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
Hinduism has been removed: Navajo
Navajo lost
Hinduism has spread: Navajo (Chinese Empire)

Turn 208/500 (1480 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:18:32]
Constantinople begins: Longbowman (2 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Longbowman
Antioch grows: 9

While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Jumbo II (War Elephant) loses to: Chinese Knight (3.70/10) (Prob Victory: 71.0%)

Turn 209/500 (1490 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:19:41]
Constantinople begins: Pikeman (2 turns)
Tech learned: Economics

While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Strike Force III (Maceman) defeats (6.80/8): Chinese Catapult (Prob Victory: 87.8%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Geronimo (War Elephant) defeats (4.40/8): Chinese Catapult (Prob Victory: 87.8%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Strike Force I (Maceman) defeats (3.52/8): Chinese Catapult (Prob Victory: 72.3%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Jumbo IV (War Elephant) loses to: Chinese Longbowman (2.22/6) (Prob Victory: 43.7%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Strike Force II (Maceman) loses to: Chinese Longbowman (3.48/6) (Prob Victory: 42.0%)
While defending in Chinese territory at Chengdu, Geronimo (War Elephant) loses to: Chinese Maceman (6.64/8) (Prob Victory: 2.7%)

Turn 210/500 (1500 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:20:46]
Tech learned: Gunpowder
MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) and Qin Shi Huang(China) have signed a peace treaty
City Garrison VII (Longbowman) promoted: City Garrison I
Research begun: Printing Press (12 Turns)
Constantinople finishes: Pikeman
Angora finishes: Granary
Macau grows: 3

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'
Civics Change: MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) from 'Decentralization' to 'Free Market'

Turn 211/500 (1505 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:24:39]
A Cottage was built near Thessalonica
A Cottage was built near Macau
Constantinople begins: Grocer (5 turns)
Angora begins: Courthouse (120 turns)
Nicaea finishes: Heroic Epic

Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 212/500 (1510 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:25:16]
A Mine was built near Angora
Nicaea begins: Maceman (2 turns)
Thessalonica grows: 14
Nicomedia finishes: Forge
Angora grows: 5


Turn 213/500 (1515 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:26:55]
A Mine was built near Nicaea
A Farm was built near Adrianople
Nicomedia begins: University (23 turns)
Adrianople finishes: University
Nicaea finishes: Maceman
Angora's borders expand
Macau grows: 4

Civics Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) from 'Slavery' to 'Caste System'

Turn 214/500 (1520 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:27:17]
Adrianople begins: Grocer (12 turns)
Nicaea begins: Maceman (2 turns)
Thessalonica finishes: Bank

Attitude Change: Bismarck(Germany) towards Catherine(Russia), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Catherine(Russia) towards Asoka(India), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Civics Change: Asoka(India) from 'Hereditary Rule' to 'Universal Suffrage'
Civics Change: Asoka(India) from 'Caste System' to 'Emancipation'
Civics Change: Asoka(India) from 'Mercantilism' to 'Free Market'

Turn 215/500 (1525 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:27:48]
A Windmill was built near Macau
Thessalonica begins: University (10 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Grocer
Nicaea finishes: Maceman


Turn 216/500 (1530 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:28:32]
A Cottage was built near Angora
A Cottage was built near Constantinople
Constantinople begins: Bank (6 turns)
Nicaea begins: Pikeman (2 turns)
A Village was built near Nicomedia
Angora grows: 6
Macau grows: 5


Turn 217/500 (1535 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:29:13]
Constantinople grows: 17
Adrianople grows: 11
Nicaea grows: 10
Nicaea finishes: Pikeman

Catherine(Russia) declares war on MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, City Garrison IV (Longbowman) defeats (3.96/6): Russian Knight (Prob Victory: 76.9%)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, City Garrison IV (Longbowman) defeats (3.96/6): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 86.1%)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, City Garrison IV (Longbowman) defeats (3.18/6): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 86.1%)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, City Garrison IV (Longbowman) loses to: Russian Maceman (4.32/8) (Prob Victory: 39.5%)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, Axeman defeats (2.50/5): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 72.7%)
While defending in Byzantine territory at Adrianople, Axeman defeats (2.75/5): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 49.5%)
Attitude Change: Catherine(Russia) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Annoyed' to 'Furious'
Civics Change: Bismarck(Germany) from 'Vassalage' to 'Nationhood'

Turn 218/500 (1540 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:29:29]
A Farm was built near Thessalonica
A Cottage was built near Macau
Nicaea begins: Musketman (3 turns)


Turn 219/500 (1545 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:30:27]
Strike Force V (Maceman) promoted: Shock
Constantinople finishes: Bank
A Town was built near Thessalonica
Nicaea finishes: Musketman
Antioch finishes: University
Angora grows: 7
Macau grows: 6

A Mine was destroyed near Macau
A Mine near Macau was destroyed by Russian Maceman
While defending in Byzantine territory near Constantinople, Navy Attack Ship I (Trireme) loses to: Russian Galleon (2.88/4) (Prob Victory: 1.3%)
A Fishing Boats was destroyed near Adrianople
A Fishing Boats near Adrianople was destroyed by Russian Galleon
Contact made: English Empire
Victoria becomes a Vassal State of Asoka
Attitude Change: Victoria(England) towards Asoka(India), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 220/500 (1550 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:31:27]
Tech learned: Theology
Tech learned: Optics
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Strike Force V (Maceman) loses to: Russian Maceman (2.24/8) (Prob Victory: 25.9%)
Hernan Cortes (Great General) born in Constantinople
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Strike Force VI (Maceman) defeats (4.40/8): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 95.6%)
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) defeats (3.84/6): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 73.0%)
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, City Garrison VII (Longbowman) defeats (6.00/6): Russian Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.1%)
Constantinople begins: University (6 turns)
Nicaea begins: Hindu Monastery (3 turns)
Antioch begins: Harbor (7 turns)
Tech learned: Printing Press
Nicaea finishes: Hindu Monastery
Angora finishes: Courthouse
A Hamlet was built near Macau

Attitude Change: Victoria(England) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 221/500 (1555 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:34:33]
City Garrison VII (Longbowman) promoted: City Garrison II
A Farm was built near Constantinople
Research begun: Replaceable Parts (9 Turns)
Nicaea begins: Cataphract (3 turns)
Angora begins: Hippodrome (9 turns)

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 222/500 (1560 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:35:57]
Thessalonica finishes: University
Adrianople's borders expand

Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 223/500 (1565 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:36:35]
A Farm was built near Nicaea
Thessalonica begins: Stable (3 turns)
Thessalonica grows: 15
Thessalonica's borders expand
Nicaea finishes: Cataphract
Antioch finishes: Harbor
Macau grows: 7

Confucianism has spread: Constantinople

Turn 224/500 (1570 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:37:30]
A Farm was built near Angora
Nicaea begins: Cataphract (3 turns)
Antioch begins: Grocer (12 turns)
Constantinople finishes: University
Adrianople finishes: Grocer
Angora grows: 8
Angora finishes: Hippodrome

While defending in Byzantine territory at Macau, Pioneer I (Worker) loses to: Russian Pikeman (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 0.9%)
Confucianism has spread: Thessalonica
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Victoria(England), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 225/500 (1575 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:38:31]
Strike Force VI (Maceman) promoted: Combat I
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Strike Force VI (Maceman) defeats (6.80/8): Russian Pikeman (Prob Victory: 96.4%)
A Farm was built near Angora
Constantinople begins: Cataphract (3 turns)
Adrianople begins: Work Boat (3 turns)
Angora begins: Hindu Monastery (6 turns)
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, City Garrison VII (Longbowman) defeats (1.68/6): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 78.3%)
While attacking in Byzantine territory at Macau, Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) defeats (1.68/6): Russian Catapult (Prob Victory: 73.0%)
James Watt (Great Engineer) born in Constantinople
Thessalonica finishes: Stable
Macau finishes: Hippodrome

Civics Change: Asoka(India) from 'Free Market' to 'State Property'

Turn 226/500 (1580 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:39:27]
Thessalonica begins: Cataphract (5 turns)
Macau begins: Library (30 turns)
Nicaea's borders expand
Nicaea finishes: Cataphract

Civics Change: Joao II(Portugal) from 'Caste System' to 'Emancipation'
Civics Change: Joao II(Portugal) from 'Mercantilism' to 'State Property'

Turn 227/500 (1585 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:40:59]
Anti-Horse Corps I (Pikeman) promoted: City Raider III
Nicaea begins: Cataphract (3 turns)
Tech learned: Replaceable Parts
Constantinople finishes: Cataphract
Adrianople finishes: Work Boat
Nicaea finishes: Cataphract
A Hamlet was built near Macau

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 228/500 (1590 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:41:34]
A Farm was built near Nicaea
MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium) and Catherine(Russia) have signed a peace treaty
Research begun: Rifling (10 Turns)
Constantinople begins: Confucian Monastery (2 turns)
Adrianople begins: Harbor (8 turns)
Nicaea begins: Cataphract (3 turns)
Constantinople finishes: Confucian Monastery
Thessalonica finishes: Cataphract
Angora grows: 9

Attitude Change: Catherine(Russia) towards MLG VI - Imhotep(Byzantium), from 'Furious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Bismarck(Germany), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 229/500 (1595 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:42:39]
A Fishing Boats was built near Adrianople
Constantinople begins: Cataphract (4 turns)
Thessalonica begins: Cataphract (5 turns)
Nicaea grows: 11
Nicaea finishes: Cataphract
Macau grows: 8


Turn 230/500 (1600 AD) [30-Jan-2008 21:43:41]
Reminder: stop playing
Nicaea begins: Cataphract (4 turns)
Nicaea begins: University (11 turns)

Battle Stats:
Units victorious while attacking : 20
Units victorious while defending : 10
Units defeated while attacking : 5
Units defeated while defending : 14

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