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How about natural wonders?


Jun 17, 2007
Wouldn't it be nice if we can find (not build) natural wonders on the map? Like Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Grand Barrier Reef, Misissippi River, Himalayas, Nile River etc. and each is giving some special benefits. ?

Just a thought, what do you think?:crazyeye:
Sort of like the unique features in SMAC?
Wouldn't it be nice if we can find (not build) natural wonders on the map? Like Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Grand Barrier Reef, Misissippi River, Himalayas, Nile River etc. and each is giving some special benefits. ?

Just a thought, what do you think?:crazyeye:

Sort of like the unique features in SMAC?

Would be extrlemely cool. Loved those in SMAC.

But perhaps they shouldn't be visible from the start, and be revealed by certain techs. (To keep players from regenerating untill start right near the Manifold Nexus :lol:)
Great Wonders could even be quests, which are easier if you have a Great Explorer - gotten by exploring x% of landmass.
But perhaps they shouldn't be visible from the start, and be revealed by certain techs. (To keep players from regenerating untill start right near the Manifold Nexus :lol:)
Like only ships can enter the oceans will find the Barrier Reef, or some of them can be found only by explorers etc.

Also thought it could be interesting, if you can match the wonder with the city, build time will be reduced by 50%, like Status of Liberty in New York, Kremlin in Moscow, Hagia Sofia in Istanbul etc. :D
fall from heaven mod has this feature and it's a really neat use with the magic/fantasy theme. for example there's a maelstrom feature on the water, like a whirlpool thingy that either sucks your ship to the bottom or could potentially transport it to another place on the map. or there are remains like dragon bones that give extra commerce in the plot. there's another one where if your military units are nearby, they get extra strength

I think it makes sense to have natural wonders in the regular game too and there could be plenty of more natural/logical bonuses
Like one or two "set" wonders per Civ, perhaps a set number of tiles away from the starting city (to prevent the reload problem)?
Could even be random, for that matter; and two Civs might even share a wonder (read: Niagara Falls) (but then would have to be randomly generated along a border...), which could lead to interesting diplomatic situations.
Would be extrlemely cool. Loved those in SMAC.

But perhaps they shouldn't be visible from the start, and be revealed by certain techs. (To keep players from regenerating untill start right near the Manifold Nexus :lol:)

Heh, I"m trying to imagine what tech would be necessary to notice the Grand Canyon ;) But it's a good idea, and makes sense. I'd love to see natural wonders in game - though, I"d rather have most of them be revealed early, while people are still expanding/making decisions about who their primary targets are, so they could fight for them.

... Maybe they could just put the Borehole Cluster in Civ iV... Yeah, I'd like that :)
Wouldn't it be nice if we can find (not build) natural wonders on the map? Like Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Grand Barrier Reef, Misissippi River, Himalayas, Nile River etc. and each is giving some special benefits. ?

Just a thought, what do you think?:crazyeye:

instead of building them, how about they nautraly occur (depending on the location and the things affecting the land such as trees, mines, global warming, desert, rivers or w/e) and they give happiness bonuses and give tourism events more occurring (increase in money because of tourists in that one area)
We can assign scouts or explorers to an area, like we do with workers. Make them explore an ordinary looking mountain, and after X turns we will end up with nothing, or Everest. Same with the rivers, tundras, plains and even oceans if can have a new "researcher boat" unit.

This will also make explorers useful even in the mid/late game.
We can assign scouts or explorers to an area, like we do with workers. Make them explore an ordinary looking mountain, and after X turns we will end up with nothing, or Everest. Same with the rivers, tundras, plains and even oceans if can have a new "researcher boat" unit.

This will also make explorers useful even in the mid/late game.

Damn, good idea. I'd love to see scouts/explorers have this "look for natural wonder" function.
Now let's all just be honest, we're hoping Firaxis is reading and we hope to give them ideas for Civ 5 lol
a great idea to make explorers useful. Why not put this in the mods request section? a terrain mod coupled with a unit modification that has more to do with graphics than gameplay.
Grand Canyon or maybe Volcano? Love the explorer idea they really need help on land map and it settles the whole discovery tech issue. Explorer Boat though I'm less sure about unless you replace the caravel with it as the first oceanic ship.

"Look Mom that Rock is shaped like a face!"
"That means it provides 2 additional commerce Jimmy."
I too would like to see some "natural wonders", and the idea about scouts/explorers "searching" tiles for them is a great idea! I sure hope someone is going to put this in a mod, or that Firaxis is reading and implements this in Civ V. :)
How about these:

EXPLORATION (Can be performed by explorers)

Explorers will search the tiles for a natural wonder (20 turns per tile, 20% chance).

-1 turn search time, with machinery
-2 turn search time, +10% chance with scientific method
-2 turn search time, +5% chance with flight
-2 turn search time, +5% chance with radio
-3 turn search time, +5% chance with satelites
And here are some Natural Wonders:
+25% population
+10 :food: *
+5 :culture: *
+3 :health: *
+2 :gold:
20% :hammers:

*Obsolete with Corporations
+4 :) in whole country
50% City defense bonus *
+8 :gold:
+8 :culture:

+4 :gold: with Flight
+4 :gold:, +5 :culture:, +2 :) with Mass Media

*Obsolete with Flight
+8 :commerce:
25% :hammers:
+8 :gold:
+8 :food:
30% chance of flood (random event)*

+8 :commerce: with Combustion
+10% :hammers: with Leeve

*Obsolete with Leeve
+5 health
+10 food
25% production
50% City Defense *

25% production with Plastics
+10 gold, +5 culture, +2 happiness with Public Transportation
+2 happiness with Environmentalism

*Obsolete with Flight

Please contribute :D
Great Wonders could even be quests, which are easier if you have a Great Explorer - gotten by exploring x% of landmass.

Like the great Explorer idea too
Annoys me that the only appearance famous explorers make in the game is as names for Great Merchants
As well as % of landmass sea explored should count too, plus bonuses for circumnavigation, finding the poles (or at least as close as the game lets you get), contacting other civs (eg Marco Polo and China), finding new land masses etc
Great Explorers could be used to lightbulb certain techs (astronomy, compass, flight etc) or create super-recon units and caravels like GGs do with normal units
would make more sence if it was nile that had 'chance of flood' ... nile floods once a year
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