Many leaders Game 6 Emperor Spaceman

Spoiler :
Well its traditional to have some sort of plan. I've thought about this and I've just got to improve my economy, build more cities (still) and keep some troops up. It will mainly depend what the Indian fella is doing as well. I need to find techs no-one has for trade value.

My main goal for the set is to not be last in points by then end (currently 100 from Bizmark).

We meet Asoka. He is at least 6 techs up. My hopes are dying here as he has Nationalism, my big trading hope. I can only hope I get there before Joao and Victoria.


Don't be stupid Ozbenno. Even the Taj Mahal has been built :mad:.

First plan down the toilet.

Go Printing Press next as it will help and might have some trade value.

Finally get my Academy in the capital. The bad RNG on scientists has hindered my progress here.


Asoka, I take back everything bad I ever said about you.


Qin takes the barb city 1 turn before I would have. :scan:


I get some trade value from PP (Liberalism, Gunpowder) and then head towards Replaceable Parts and get more this (Economics and something else I forget???). Switch civics to Free Religion, Free Trade and Free Speech.

Go for a second Academy.


Here'e the situation at 1600AD. Slightly better against Asoka but not Vicky and Joao.



Plan to move ahead is to tech directly for Laboratories and try and win the tech war.



Willem, -1600 AD.

Spoiler :

The main objective for this round is to the city Swiss Pauli pointed out for me, getting economy and production up to speed, and keeping the neighbours happy while I build up my weak army somewhat.

I started by changing the build order to a settler from my production city. A GS researched most of Replaceable Parts, and I traded for Optics. After RP I researched Nationalism and Constitution and changed to Representation for the research boost.

This was followed by Corporation since I had a GM saved in my capital, which I intended to use for Sid's Sushi in my more food-poor cities. In order to improve my economy I also build the FP in Maastricht, completed in 1505. In 1525 I was lucky enough to get a GP, who went to Rotterdam to build the Taoist holy building. Rotterdam is now a given for Wall Street. I also found that my population is growing.

I went Engineering/Gunpower, which I traded for Astronomy from Asoka. I then went Chemistry leading to Steam Engine, and one SE was in I immediately changed to Dikes in the cities that would benefit from the production boost. Research is now set to Assembly line, and once this is in I think it is time for Factories all around, preferably build during a golden age.

The state of the nation:




Zara - Round 5 - a Royal Roller Coaster!

Raw Report:
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1310AD Starts with the discovery of education. Excellent!

Unsuprisingly Asoka discovers liberalism on the same turn, taking astronomy with it.

I decide to head for printing press in hope of trading it to some of the other civs for their techs,

I decide to trade him cows for his corn. I get 2 health to him gaining one. And figure one of my neighbours will go for the same thing if I don't.

Trade theology to Bizzy for Aesthetics.

1320AD - Joao demands world map - why of course!

1330AD - Sell my world map to Asoka for 155g.

1340AD - Asoka finishes Sankore...

1350AD - Qin demands optics. Think about it for a bit and decide to cave - not intending war soon and relations could improve.

1390AD - Printing press comes in - throwing a few more coins round the empire. I trade it to Vicky for Guilds and Literature.

1410AD - finish researching banking - only 2 turns, so figure it's worth doing. Look what's about - seems nobody has rep parts and it's normally a low priority for AI's.

1420AD - Bizzy demands World map - and gets it. Get a great scientist from specialists. Can bulb part of Astronomy, which is known to 3 civs and so a bit of a waste. Could build an accademy... however I think firing up a golden age would be best - not had one yet, so it's a cheapie. Key period in history and helping get the banks/grocers/unis up faster while generating more research and GPP seems worthwhile...

Before and after:


1430AD - give Bizzy wine for his fish.

1460AD - Rep parts is in at monopoly. Time for a bumper round of trading.


Qin gets Education and Guilds for Astronomy and Drama
Asoka gets Rep.Parts for Liberalism and gold.
Catherine gets Printing Press and 90g for Economics
Joao gets Rep.Parts for Gunpowder.

I then revolt to free market, free speech, free religion - netting a tasty economic boost.

1470AD - I repair an earlier oversight by found Qohaito - claiming a silver and fish resource I'd failed to notice. :o

1520AD - suffer a chinese revolt in Hangchow - which kinda sucks - 2nd one and that's not a good sign.

1540AD - Finally getting back on track. Feeling a catchup is possible. Only a couple of techs behind and have opportunities. My new lands are cottaged up - democracy is nearly in. Science rate is accelerating.

Then I see an English Galleon off the coastline. I go to diplomacy with Vicky...


Oh dear = this might hurt somewhat.

I don't have rifles or grenadiers and those redcoats are going to savage me. :(

I start to move my veterans down, but they're 2-4 turns march away...

1545AD - Lailaibela is attacked by knights from the sea. My might defending melee unit dies. More galleons move towards my other weak coastal cities. :(

I pull Bismark in for nationalism and education - as much to stop the little git from backstabbing me.

1550AD - A brave maceman holds off and kills 2 trebuchets and a knight, but perishes. Adulis falls to Vicky, but has a stack parked outside to take it back. The Heroic epic finishes in Addis Ababa.

The stack kills the landed units without difficulty. Retaking my city, but losing the cultural improvements of course. I generate a great general, who is packed off to Addis Ababa as an instructor.

1555AD - I recapture Lailaibela - losing a mace at 90%.

Vicky will not talk peace, her galleons have headed back home and I'm guessing they'll be back in ~4 turns with Redcoats... By which time I should have rifles to face them.

Asoka finishes the Taj Mahal - granting himself a much needed Golden age. :p

1575AD - I trade Joao for Scientific Method, giving him rifling. We have oil - which is good - I'll be needing that a bit later... (*)

I then blow my treasury with my re-election pledge of "A Rifle in every coastal city".

1585AD - 2 English Galleons show up off the southern tip of the coast again. Probably containing redcoats.

IBT Bismark asks for constitution and gets it.

1590AD - Bismark gets Astronomy and Another tech for military Science. Quin gets Constitution for a rep boost and some cash. Upgrade a few caravels to frigates. :)

The English assault is an insult - a knight and 2 trebuchets - blown to bits by a rifle, knight and mace. Figure I have enough time for a quick revlot. Slip into emancipation.

(*) - Asoka is heading for a cultural victory - going to suffer the horrors of trying to raze one or more of his cities. :(

Spoiler :

Education (1310AD) > Aesthetics (1310AD-trade) > Printing Press (1390AD) > Guilds (1390AD - trade) > Literature (1390AD - trade) > Banking (1410AD) > Rep.Parts (1460AD) > Drama (1460AD-trade) > Astronomy (1460AD-trade) > Liberalism (1460AD-trade) > Economics (1460AD-trade) > Gunpowder (1460AD-trade) > Nationalism (1500AD) > Constitution (1525AD) > Democracy (1555AD) > Rifling (1575AD) > Scientific Method (1575AD - trade) > Chemistry (1590AD) > Military Science (1590AD - trade) > Biology (not finished)

Spoiler :

Oh my, this is one of the most entertaining civ games I've had in ages.

Pulled myself out of a shallow (but slightly unexpected) tech hole with a golden age, cottage building and trading...

Finally felt like I could see my way forward when Victoria attacked me with a small tech advantage. Lost a couple of cities, but recaptured them and now feeling more secure. She still won't talk peace though.

Can see Asoka is running off with things - huge civilisation, tech advantage and a cultural victory within reach. I'm going to have to butt heads with him to get my spaceship up.

I've won at emperor before, but this game seems tougher. :) Awesome fun and no idea if I'll win or lose at this point!


Hello back guys,

Can I please ask you to accept me out of the loop for a while ?
Have some serious RL issues to handle, and my attention was (and is) too much focused on Civ & SGs.
I don't know how long it will take - hopefully I'll get it right back on the track before it's too late (if it already isn't).

I'll keep you posted.

Had a great time playing alongside with you guys.

Pawelo: Real Life always comes first. Civ, its fun but its only a game! 'Before its too late (if it already isn't)' sounds serious. Good luck.
Pawelo - am just back off a short Civ break induced by RL things - I fully sympathise. Things will work themselves out! Good luck. :)
@pigswill & TriviAl & Ralph (in another thread ;))

Thanks for your support.
You're right about the fact that it's just a game.
Problems occured since all my focus was on the SGs and offline games, while not seeing what was going around me.
I sincerly think it can be recovered - I'll be more than happy to be back and continue gaming.
Cheers and good luck everyone!
Spoiler :
...his counter-attack on Germany:p Plan: take a couple of German cities (Bremen & Stuttgart), make peace then tech on again, keeping an eye out for China’s cultural progress. Send a boat to meet the rest of the civs.


Spoiler :
MT done in 1320, allowing Cuirassiers. Poor Mr B; he’ll have good reason to squeak once I get my army properly together…Bremen is revolted in 1370 (losing the Spy who’d come all the way from China) and is duly captured with minimal losses.


Away from the front lines, a GM from Economics (er, Joao what were you doing?)was born in 1350 and was hastily loaded onto a (whipped) caravel. They met Vicky, who’s terribly backward (8 techs) and is Pleased by my gift of Drama.

The army has headed north in two waves towards Stuttgart, where in 1400 we suffer a setback: in the jungle at the city’s gates, Bismarck launches a huge (two full pages of the regular log) attack and manages to destroy all but one of our siege, some maces, a CB and a Cuirassier. He expended a great deal of his own siege units on the effort, and his attack in 1430 is much less successful: after a spy revolts the city, we’re able to promo-heal and take our prize.


Also in 1430, we encounter the hugely backward Catherine the Not-So-Great: Aesthetics bribe to make nice :lol: Meet Asoka, too: he’s not the elephant of some other games, but he’s pretty up-to-date in tech. Novgorod is now English, so time to check the relations:


Cathy asks me to join her war. No thanks: with no interesting resources she’s not going to get anything from me (unlike Vicky). Cathy did take back Yekaterinburg, though.

Tech-wise, it was Astro - Sci Meth – Chemistry. Joao had already claimed the GS from Physics, so it’s off to Biology first. I’ve farmed heavily, so this will be huge. The GM is finally cashed in after some snooping around: 2300g for the slush fund. Huang’s not been idle on the research front, so I deal him Astro & Eco for Rep Parts and 160g. Asoka gets Astro and 585g for Constitution. And Ivory for 16 gpt. Get a breakthrough on Leccy, shaving off one turn (702b, stat fans).

Yet more trading: cow to Joao (poetry in motion, don’t you agree) for 11gpt, and MT to Huang for Corporation. In 1600, I sold Bio & 75g to Asoka for Steam Power. We have coal (and oil aplenty). Radio is in, but the wonders are queued behind levees in DC and NYC.



I’m not number one for Production, which isn’t so great seeing as I only have one city on Wealth. I plan on using a GE to found Mining Inc which should change all that…


China is now behind India on the cultural chase. Asoka lacks Leccy, so I’ll not trade that around and pursue the Broadway and (especially) the Radio-wonders. I don’t really want to burn a GE on any of them and I better save a GS for AlumCo just in case. BW will be completed in 13 turns.
Ok I will try and get cracking on an update (must confess I have been playing CIV rather than reoporting on the MLG - but you know which one is more fun!!)



Spoiler :
turtle and trade to Space, whilst churning units from my HE city to stay in touch on military. I’d say an 1850 launch is on the cards here.


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:woohoo: This is just huge for Space games: extra food, happy, cash & Jay and Silent Bob to boot. What’s not to like about Shopping Malls? On the same turn Cathy demanded Literature :rofll: Get the disgraced Senator event a couple of turns later and select the +1 :)

Trade in Steel, learn Superconductors in 1645. Broadway finished 1660. Assembly Line following turn. Cristo 1670 then RnR next turn. Trade in RR in 1680, and use Cristo to switch into FM (and CS) for this:


Gimme hammers! Complete Indy in 1695, and we have plenty Alu. AC here we come.

Trade Leccy for Rilfing (J) and Demo (A). Asoka is now Friendly.


Ooops. He did it again :rolleyes: And another 2 pages of log later, he failed to take Stuttgart. Seeing as I have Rifling & Assembly, I’ll be making some emergency upgrades of Muskets to Infantry. The WW means I need to adopt Emancipation as I can’t handle both :mad: sources at once. My Victory is by no means assured (in the short term):


My units are spread out somewhat, but mainly at Stuttgart and Bremen. One tile of RR let’s me get some units from Philly into Stuggi. Get 220g from Vic to upgrade :hatoff: m’am.

Suffer some severe death by collateral from all those trebs, but we pull through. Bismarck’s power has nosedived and we’re back level. Arty learned. Trade Leccy to Huang for Combustion (I can still see his research). Then I bribe him to DoW for Rifling. Rocketry in 1730 and Eiffel Denial Project, too. Flu epidemic in DC in 1740: lose 3 pop :cry:

After some skirmishing in the open (where Bismy did quite well) I took Nubian in 1740, and razed Essen in 1745. Plastics leant in 1755, and I happen to have to GEs lying around :groucho:


Time for a 5 turn Apollo in NYC.

Back to the front lines: Dusseldorf taken 1765, and Dortmund 1775. Otto would gladly capitulate at this point, but I force him to give me MT and 5 bucks for peace, and leave him to fend off China :evil:

Gotta love AIs being friendly:




Composites in 1802. Ooops! I did it again :crazyeye:

Post-round thoughts:
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Bismarck’s attack didn’t slow me down too much: a couple of turns, at most. What was beginning to drag was that I had to research most key techs myself. Joao still won’t trade Medicine, so I’ll to get that myself, too. 1850 may be a bit optimistic to launch, but we’ll see.
So a mini update as I would like to wait for a couple more 1600AD saves before tdoing that update.

So this on just covers the new 1330Ad saves since last time

Well here are the bare facts



Now for Zara the research graph doesn't quite tell the full story as towards the end of the set Trivial's research was taking off very well (just a turn away from Eudcation) so with the decent sized empire and high :science: per turn this games in a stronger psotion than the research graph alone suggests.

Willem under Yena is doing very nicely and is definitely in a solid position to push on for space.

You can expect 1600AD up on Sunday night hopefully with a couple of extra saves submitted before then.

Darius - Round 5

Spoiler :
the rexing had all gone to plan and i was pretty confident i had the beating of both Bizzy and Qin on my continent, being all the same religion helped alot in keeping the confident nice and peaceful.

Joao was very far behind in points but quite powerful so now i had to find and ensure that the remaining civs weren't even more powerful and looked at me as a nice juicy target.

With the above in mind


leading to


My last city was founded


and a random event which i had never seen before


Asoka and Catherine showed up in 1500AD, they are all nicely behind me in score but unfortunately more powerful. the next set of turns will be all military and research


the cities



Spoiler :
Very straightforward. Get Redcoats, invade Germany.

The Story Unfolds:
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In1350 Taj was finally laid to rest. The nation threw off their mourning shrouds and partied:

The crew of the Golden Hind had even more reason to celebrate. They had not sailed off the edge of the world! For once the academics were right: the world really is round. The sailors grew in confidence and a naval tradition was born.

The discovery of economics in 1380 during the Golden Age gave rise to a new breed of trader: The Great Merchant.

Yet the contentment was about to be shattered. In 1390 Sir Francis Walsingham, Secretary of State for Information sought private audience with the Queen. "Your Majesty, our agents have penetrated the imperial archives in Berlin. Taj did not die a natural death but was poisoned on the orders of Bismark himself! He evidently hoped that your grief would distract you from the war he had brough against us". Elizabeth's face paled, she bit her lip so that the blood trickled down her chin and neck in a thin red line. Her voice however was calm and measured. "Summon Doctor John Dee to me immediately" she ordered. She waited until they were alone. "For many generations We have been lavish in our patronage of the sciences. Now it is time for the Ivory Tower to repay their debt. We are vexed with the Chancellor of Germany. It is our wish that his entire civilisation be utterly destroyed. Yet we do not wish our people of Albion to pay too heavy a price to encompass his annihilation. It is our command that the Royal Academy of Science develop a weapon to utterly overwhelm his armies. It will not be easy for the Germans breed soldiers like rats breed fleas. But it is our command!".

Years passed. A time of outward peace and commerce. Finally in 1500 the Queen was summoned to a demonstration. A regiment of soldiers with muskets of an advanced design with rifled barrels had been assembled. Dr Dee explained that the 'rifles' could be duplicated but what could not be copied was the discipline, training and fierce loyalty of this new regiment, the first regiment of Redcoats. Elizabeth was satisfied. She summoned the German Ambassador. "Tell your rabid and putrid master that Albion shall not rest until his head is on the end of a pole".

Perhaps Elizabeth's desire for revenge over-ruled her sense. Fierce battles raged, regiments and companies perished. Even Qin's alliance with Albion seemed to progress the war but little. The formation of batteries of cannons in 1585 did not have an immediate impact. The capture of Dusseldorf in 1540and Qin's capture of Bremen in 1595 were the only visible signs of progress. For every regiment destroyed Bismark appeared to produce two more out of thin air. Yet Elizabeth was not to be swayed.

State of the Nation:
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Techs: Economics, (HBR), RP, Rifling, (Astronomy), (Constitution), (Theology), Corporation, (Chemistry), Steel.




The Future:
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Again straightforward. Annihilate Germany. Recover. Go for Space.

The Save:
another turnset...

Spoiler :

the turn after i pressed enter, Victoria finds out that the earth is round. Paper comes in, maybe i can get a world map from victoria. (joao won't trade)
Great she agrees!

and for some pics:




The Portuguese Empire is a monster!!! There's also a Russian Empire and a pretty large Indian Empire.

Islam Founded in Hyderabad (india)

Make some deals which get me 15 gpt from biz and qin.

Meet Catherine:

Meet Asoka, he's at the top of the scoreboard.

Asoka later completes the taj and starts a ga.
Next turn i complete Printing Press and i get a whooping +35 gpt. I think this is going to be the begining of a Holy Roman Economic revival.

I take a look at the victory chart and Asoka is going cultural. Now i have to go over there and raze on of his cities.

Later on, i manage to bring the beaker up to 80% !!! (at -5 gpt)

I then bring the slider up to 90% at -6gpt. i've been whipping grocers, and markets in all my cities, starting to whip banks and i have a rathuas in every city. Also, i have a couple of trades going something like this: Asoka gives me 16gpt for my ivory :p

I decide i'm gonna dow on the Chinese. I have alot of units that need upgrading, and upon discovering economics, i start to bring in troops from my other cities to near chinese territory. I also bring down the slider a bit.

I decide to abort the plans of dow on the chinese since bizzy just happened to have traded gunpowder with him, and now he's upgrading longbows like mad. >.<

rest of the set was quite and here's my world at 1600 AD:
Research and gold situation good,

All my gpt trades

and india.

Plans for next round:

raze Delhi. But first i gotta tech to astronomy. (4 turns left)
It's a one-turn overshoot (again) but I thought I'd see if anyone was generous enough to flatter me by guessing at a possible win :hatsoff: to Ozbenno for overestimating my skills.
Well a small update to try and tease out some more 1600AD saves.

As hinted out by Ozbenno even at 1600 AD we can see Swiss Pauli galloping ahead.


Not only does he have Radio researched but he even has 2 GE and a GG lurking in his cities.

In terms of hammers and research we see a similar pattern emerging


For the others I think it is fair to say Imhotep is showing great resilience struggling an against the odds whereas the other 3 can bring this one home with good solid play.

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