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Things I learned about the science of warfare through Civilization IV

51a) An archer will attempt to fire his chief weapon once or twice (though only experience teaches him that this is a wise course of action), then get out two small daggers and fight with them. Despite this, he is not called "dagger man"
51b) A longbowman will behave in the same fashion, but doesn't even get the daggers, but uses the bow as an apparently lethal club.
51c) A crossbowman gets a tiny little axe, but isn't called an axeman to avoid the obvious confusion; hatchetman perhaps? Despite the diminutive size of his axe, he has a large combat bonus against axemen. The tiny little dart he gets to fire before battle commences, that only sometime does some damage, is presumably responsible for this.
52) Music and books provide an invisible, slowly regenerating, protective forcefield around your city.

53) An army which moves in the end of one year has to wait 5 seconds before moving in the next year.

54) Great people live forever if they settle in a city.

55) You can learn loggy siege weapons how to wage war in narrow streets
#56 A scout can move through the wilderness (forests and hills) no faster than the most heavily armed foot soldier. This is because scouts are in tune with nature and have to stop now and then to pick berries, hunt food, and dance around campfires till dawn.
Only after several life or death battles in the wilderness does the scout realize that the wilds can be rather dangerous places, and then decides to get a jog on.
57) The whole world will be boared of conflict in 2050, and will declare a world ruler based on its population and land area... China will take over the world.

58) The tank is the ultimate innovation in warfare, after that the only technologies people will get will be for health and happiness.

59) Food is directly related to populaion, no, really, the agricultual areas have huge populations all over the world, uh huh, right.

60) Food cannot be transported from one city to the other, even after the invention of the railroad (Though it can dissapear into nowhere upon hearing a neighboring nation may be starving)
61) If you have at least one citizen who shares the same state religion as a guy who built a palace somewhere, you must crown him king the day that the "Vote me as WINNAR" election ends. He will then give your entire kingdom to the winner if he has enough votes, then tell you that it is the end of history and ask if you want to play for "One....More....Turn..." or exit to the Main Menu.
63) When in a city, a longbowman with enough experience can use longbow with laser scope. If they read enough book, their arrows have automatic searchhead and on a hill behind walls, they are explosive. However, destroying the theater and having a rifle or grenades replace their deadly weapon by a spoon.
64) Indian worker can outrun tanks
65) grenadiers likely use performance enhancing drugs... I'll be damned if I havent seem them lob grenades to take out my gunships... they must have gotten roger clemens as a great general/pharmacist
67) Flak cannons and halftracks never existed. If an army didn't have their own planes circling overhead for whatever reason, they were doomed until SAM launchers came into play

68) Pikemen clad head to toe in plate mail could outrun lightly amoured 19th century cavalry and kill them.

69) The combined might of the police force, secret service, SWAT teams, and 10000000 citizens armed with guns/knives/baseball bats in a modern metropolis can not stop a battalion of clubman from razing it instrantly.

70) Similarly bunkers and nuke shelters could virtually eliminate the negative effects of bombers and nukes respectively. However even a highly injured clubman has no problem cracking through meters of reinforved concrete to kill those inside

71) (Not warefare but..) Every city has to have it's own power source, further more the power plant must be built IN the city and can't be built a few tiles away

72) (Not warefare but..) The prominent religions today are not Chirstianity, Islam and Judiaism; but Buddhisim, Hinduism and Cunifucianism. Furthermore highly religious societies that were actively against the spread of other religions (theocracy) had no problems building vast temples to paganic gods (Zues and Artemis)
73: Pikemen actually CAN reach helicopters with their REALLY long pikes!
74) If you put a nuclear warhead in a missile you can build the SDI to counter them with a pretty high interception ratio ( better than in RL, BTW ). But if you put a non-nuclear warhead in the same missile the SDI can't intercept it ( in fact there is no way to intercept it ;) ).... Probably the missile system of the SDI is equiped with Geiger counters for tracking issues :lol:
75)When you learn the greatness of engineering your units are instantly trained in how to use the roads more effectively.

76)Units must be specifically trained in the art of walking on enemy roads because they are constructed differently.

77)Being a combat veteran makes you wounds heal faster in enemy territories but have no effect on how quickly your wounds heal inside friendly territory.

78)Even in ancient times the medicine available in friendly territory was powerful enough to make you heal 4x faster than in enemy territory.
Thank you for that

79) Caravels can carry Moses, Leonardo Da Vinci, Columbus, and Spies but cannot carry simple slaves and Settlers.
80) learning the civil law is a mandatory task to effectively use a mace. In fact, macemen are terrible warrior from the local administration searching for valid form 3A-6 about "using of melee weapons in warfare".

81) War elephant are made of ivory and you need to know how to make a good bridge to use them to battle.
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