TerraForm -- a map editor for CIV dos

I gave up on TerraForm despite Dack's attempts. I've playing my original on DOSBox and shall try it once again when return home next month! Perhaps Dack will try editting it, but then hundreds of our fellow players are using it successfully!! Maybe something wrong with our configuration?

I gave up on TerraForm despite Dack's attempts. I've playing my original on DOSBox and shall try it once again when return home next month! Perhaps Dack will try editting it, but then hundreds of our fellow players are using it successfully!! Maybe something wrong with our configuration?
I doubt if it is our configuration.

I really love the program. So I can't complain but I think the copy protection is just not necessary.

I used to have another interesting program that has not worked on any of my machines for a long time now called CIVED15.

Someplace I might still have the excel CIV map editor program. What was pretty unique!
Well all the luck! For me, for the time being the game by itself is enthralling enough!!

URLSAME="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=6982801&postcount=226"]post 226[/URLSAME]Doesn't the mere use of TerraForm take away from the "charm"?
I think so, if it is used to look ahead. For me the mystery of exploration and the unknown size and strength of the other civilizations is where the fun is.

The whole point of the software is to dissect the game.
I thought the point of TerraForm was to build worlds and scenarios to offer up as a game of the month.. For a better dissection of the game see CIV$

But since it is free, how about just letting us install it without needing a PW.

As I have explained before (see post 4) I like to know my users, at least a count of them so I’ll know when the interest in this fades. As far as free, the price is participating in the civfantics forums and offering and playing the GOTM postings. Most people never log on again.
Ver 3 registered users 166 never posted anything to the forum.

(I was about to disappear some annoying barbarians. LOL)
CIV$ has a single button to vanish barbarians. CIV$ can be Semi-Integrated into CIV game play.

I used to have another interesting program that has not worked on any of my machines for a long time now called CIVED15.

In XP pro service pack 2; a double click and CIVED15 starts right up for me, but I didn’t test it in dosbox.

Looking about I see I haven’t updated CIV$ in years.
Fine with me Dack :)!

This new release of CIV$ ver 081001 works in DosBox, Windows command processor, and DOS. It has a number of new features. None of the new features are described in the documentation. CIV$ can be Semi-Integrated into CIV game play. By that I mean you can do a save, exit CIV, CIV$ starts immediately, You modify what you want in CIV$, Click on the CIV button and you answers to the 3 questions are pushed into the keyboard stack and without further ado you are at the Select Load File prompt in CIV. If I do say so myself it’s a very good civ helper (play the way you want! cheat!) program.

complete settlers tasks -- all of your settlers complete their tasks this turn
Change Your People -- human becomes other civilization
Unit Descriptor -- changes functions of units (see below)
SpaceShip -- only works for ver 5 (needs fix)
Finish Turn -- allows auto goto & aeroplane not in cities or on carrier to move
Replay view -- Look at replay information
First screen -- Answer the three CIV questions
Turn/Year -- modify year [/list]

Unit Descriptor

The advance page now has a button to fill the light bulb bin so that the end of the next move will give you an advance.


start E:\0DATA\vb6d\CIVmon\CIVmon.exe
cd C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.65
dosbox -c "mount c \mps\civ\" -c "c:" -c "cc.bat"

This file needs to be edited to indicate the current directory (folder) that DOSBox is in for example: cd C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.72 if using version 0.72

If you download this how about posting a review.

CIV dollar sign - CIV$


  • Civ$ 2008Oct01.ZIP
    738.4 KB · Views: 522
  • capture_10012008_164844.png
    18.5 KB · Views: 3,569
Changelog available? The one available in the distribution is from February 2005.
A new version of civ$! Cool... Lots of neat things you can do with this.
what is CIVmon.exe listed in above bat file?

I'm just going to REM it out since I don't have it or know what it is.

More comments. Never used Civ$ bf. Dont see a need for Dosbox, both civ$ and civ run from windows (I may have compatabilty mode set for both, not sure. I dont like going direct from civ$ to civ, as my icons then flash real slow and movement is slow. I find that to avoid that I always start CIV and hit 1,2,1 (setting mouse, and graphics options and something else). Other wise it is slow like that.

Civ$ seems interesting. I didnt stumble across how to "disappear" the bad guys (in my curent case, the greeks and french). I found a list of the othersies pieces with reference to grid location. I guess if I figure out the grid of my cities then I could figure out which pieces are about to take my city
Just curious. Did everybody's version 3 expire? Or is it just that a couple of us happened to no longer have working copies.
1) Yolrin 12Sep07
2) ianwelch 14Sep07
3) blessern 14Sep07
4) graylake 14Sep07
5) bigkif 17Sep07
6) Trigger The Kid 19Sep07
7) krille 20Sep07
8) joanangelats 01Oct07
9) DarTiN 01Oct07
10) skaeff 01Oct07
11) blessern 01Oct07
12) meifire 01Oct07
13) Legolas684 01Oct07
14) MagicKnight0233 01Oct07
15) Luffy85 02Oct07
16) Shaun Gilbert 03Oct07
17) hannurabi 03Oct07
18) wlblakeshaw 04Oct07
19) Viperhawk 08Oct07
20) wildlife8118 10Oct07
21) NeoLin2 13Oct07
22) VladaSzKamenice 15Oct07
23) noushina 15Oct07
24) reko669 19Oct07
25) esbens 19Oct07
26) V'Ger 22Oct07
27) mssoetaert 22Oct07
28) Kluie 23Oct07
29) dhrubins 23Oct07
30) vlimp 24Oct07
31) anyway 24Oct07
32) nemesisdb 25Oct07
33) ongatkha 25Oct07
34) KillerCane01 26Oct07
35) Condor70 27Oct07
36) Asem 27Oct07
37) darkpanda 29Oct07
38) DigitalJ1m 30Oct07
39) jmt77 31Oct07
40) peerke1983 01Nov07
41) jimjim2 05Nov07
42) xsh4dyx 05Nov07
43) vennom 12Nov07
44) nathadir 18Nov07
45) mousepaws 18Nov07
46) wdecker247 21Nov07
47) beelzeblub 21Nov07
48) Phénotype 24Nov07
49) SteveCdn 24Nov07
50) THEKapnobatai 24Nov07
51) Xénotype 01Dec07
52) Sniper Man 04Dec07
53) chesspupil 11Dec07
54) Jean Etienne 11Dec07
55) Bratticuss 12Dec07
56) smithrd3511 13Dec07
57) Moosgruber 15Dec07
58) LexCom168 16Dec07
59) KILLA_B 24Dec07
60) sotris99 28Dec07
61) hans0 28Dec07
62) vagrant66 01Jan08
63) octobertiger 04Jan08
64) mrdrifter 04Jan08
65) PaNik 05Jan08
66) Mr. Marcus 05Jan08
67) Aumo 06Jan08
68) mxat 10Jan08
69) iviv 10Jan08
70) Peter020 10Jan08
71) esprin1 10Jan08
72) usb 12Jan08
73) iossif@gmx.de 12Jan08
74) Cocey 16Jan08
75) Lord_Hill 22Jan08
76) Jackknife35 29Jan08
77) Civ Revisited 29Jan08
78) 'Dreas 29Jan08
79) mglduo 30Jan08
80) ajitam 01Feb08
81) jonesr101 05Feb08
82) Junubee 05Feb08
83) Lundso 05Feb08
84) Rashiminos 08Feb08
85) mrsbex 08Feb08
86) Alek83 09Feb08
87) Arbool 09Feb08
88) xprqc 10Feb08
89) Genn 13Feb08
90) rairs 15Feb08
91) octobertiger 22Feb08
92) mrkm 26Feb08
93) psador 26Feb08
94) Phlegmatix 27Feb08
95) Goroux 29Feb08
96) gorallodz 02Mar08
97) kartikthegreat 07Mar08
98) IGORRU 17Mar08
99) honza.havlicek 18Mar08
100) PontusAlexander 18Mar08
101) dcruze75 31Mar08
102) juandiry 31Mar08
103) meisterether 27May08
104) jim.fledermaus 30May08
105) ucanadam 30May08
106) Jeremybrightman 03Jun08
107) juz 03Jun08
108) Foodlion 03Jun08
109) Livo 04Jun08
110) nott 04Jun08
111) oliweb 04Jun08
112) smarte 05Jun08
113) Adrian89 05Jun08
114) Genn 10Jun08
115) TSchellhous 10Jun08
116) JROCKET 13Jun08
117) john428 18Jun08
118) Veni 18Jun08
119) Sven77 20Jun08
120) V'Ger 25Jun08
121) DAVE_47 25Jun08
122) dreniau 25Jun08
123) enilkj 26Jun08
124) CivPartisan 27Jun08
125) kamujian 02Jul08
126) BeniBB 02Jul08
127) Mr Shy 02Jul08
128) NoHayBanda 03Jul08
129) tql 04Jul08
130) Marks13666 09Jul08
131) kiersteady 09Jul08
132) hemangefahr 09Jul08
133) uberswami 11Jul08
134) octobertiger 16Jul08
135) vodka 16Jul08
136) thealanberman 16Jul08
137) Ironmahatma 16Jul08
138) tomigo 16Jul08
139) milan_f 18Jul08
140) Pinoy2k8 18Jul08
141) mopyper 21Jul08
142) Alcohol_IV 21Jul08
143) johanneskoenig 21Jul08
144) thealanberman 21Jul08
145) kvandeweerdt 24Jul08
146) tulc 31Jul08
147) Soulreaper 05Aug08
148) Mech8 05Aug08
149) Spectual 05Aug08
150) Peter020 05Aug08
151) kartal172 05Aug08
152) mxat 05Aug08
153) Nutster 05Aug08
154) ChristianL1964 05Aug08
156) rob8od 07Aug08
157) weshallarise 12Aug08
158) lifeoftheparty2 14Aug08
159) RavenCrow 21Aug08
160) dcsyxx 21Aug08
161) Mr.Foxhole 21Aug08
162) michael1980 25Aug08
163) corwinbad 25Aug08
164) GoodAdvice 29Aug08
165) AaronNZ 03Sep08
166) generalmajorosk 03Sep08
167) frogge 03Sep08
168) Tha-ouTLaw 03Sep08
169) wildlife8118 05Sep08

In no praticular order the Version 1 users:
1) Noli, 2) hannurabi, 3) krille, 4) Matrix, 5) carniflex, 6) solharis, 7) Goldberg, 8) flobi, 9) wanwan, 10) clownbox, 11) Tenochtitlan, 12) simonnomis, 13) trada, 14) NuPenguin, 15) sehner, 16) Snake05
There may be other users (one or two), I did not keep records but have reconstructed this list from emails.
This release detects and repairs the City Remains Unprotected... bug

The French and German version of CIV DOS produce a SVE file that is of a slightly different format from the English version. At the moment TerraForm does not work with these versions.

Build 64 Build 65 replaces Build 62 - Oct 10, 2008
This release allows read only viewing of the German and French version of CIV DOS (MAP & SVE) output files.
Note: 17Nov08 Current build is 72 see first post

Attached Files TerraForm0074.zip (432.3 KB, 20 views)
Oct 8, 2009: The attached file was removed as new verison in first post

Users Version 4 Placed here Oct 12, 2009
01) Tenochtitlan 09Oct08
02) hannurabi 09Oct08
03) magyarka 09Oct08
04) nova10 09Oct08
05) leandrotlz 10Oct08
06) »Vûlçåñø« 10Oct08
07) noushina 11Oct08
08) octobertiger 11Oct08
09) Pinoy2k8 11Oct08
10) Soulreaper 11Oct08
11) Khandster 11Oct08
12) Keylime 15Oct08
13) eBeni 15Oct08
14) urbancaver 17Oct08
15) Zetal 19Oct08
16) lndm 20Oct08
17) petarv 23Oct08
18) jim.fledermaus 24Oct08
19) Elliott Hannant 25Oct08
20) thulean 26Oct08
21) blackcrow 27Oct08
22) pieterrademaker 29Oct08
23) gumiololouc 03Nov08
24) civfan1234321 03Nov08
25) discolando 04Nov08
26) civmiff 06Nov08
27) Fillmore27 06Nov08
28) Snake05 09Nov08
29) 7Gawinetus2 11Nov08
30) Phlegmatix 11Nov08
31) IceDiver 12Nov08
32) Jeremybrightman 12Nov08
33) leandrotlz 13Nov08
34) purplemicrodots 24Nov08
35) bg_civ 28Nov08
36) mumble_myopia 01Dec08
37) kiersteady 04Dec08
38) ragerfiend 18Dec08
39) murdzi 18Dec08
40) ahuajehovan 18Dec08
41) ZlyZlyZly 18Dec08
42) Goroux 18Dec08
43) CivFan1981 24Dec08
44) lvdogma 26Dec08
45) jakell 26Dec08
46) kostjas 28Dec08
47) gws24 04Jan09
48) libelinha 09Jan09
49) usbyeah 10Jan09
50) s300pmu1 10Jan09
51) GioGio 11Jan09
52) Pazar 14Jan09
53) Death Zebra 15Jan09
54) josdino 16Jan09
55) mumble_myopia 22Jan09
56) -ThePeacemaker- 29Jan09
57) Fullkornspasta 30Jan09
58) metzi1981 05Feb09
59) akshaythegreat 05Feb09
60) Markku 06Feb09
61) googolithic 07Feb09
62) hexio 08Feb09
63) parnhawk 08Feb09
64) DarkMere 10Feb09
65) samurai77 11Feb09
66) pjbump 13Feb09
67) RenneF 17Feb09
68) Peter Clausen 19Feb09
69) Petersen 23Feb09
70) azat 23Feb09
71) MaxFrax 28Feb09
72) thisisnotanick 01Mar09
73) Juan pou 03Mar09
74) andrewrosenblum 04Mar09
75) ddkjek 08Mar09
76) Goroux 13Mar09
77) 1080774 15Mar09
78) Evagreen 17Mar09
79) Lord_Hill 17Mar09
80) markburton3575 17Mar09
81) mendalfry 19Mar09
82) frdjung 24Mar09
83) leibeld 26Mar09
84) flarpman 28Mar09
85) jsgibbs01 30Mar09
86) Eastsidah 30Mar09
87) green2000chevy 04Apr09
88) wetpeds 08Apr09
89) matijam99 08Apr09
90) bahill 10Apr09
91) Horscht 12Apr09
92) lofty777 12Apr09
93) C1v1l1z@t10n 18Apr09
94) morbidel 18Apr09
95) Mattnurse 19Apr09
96) overlord p 27Apr09
97) joonshin 27Apr09
98) Brainly 27Apr09
99) Spectual 29Apr09
100) ucanadam 03May09
101) andreius 03May09
102) Piter77 05May09
103) Kunelly83 07May09
104) tuga2112 08May09
105) z66 12May09
106) bongman 12May09
107) Vianami 14May09
108) konfuzius 16May09
109) mensmans 18May09
110) kvandeweerdt 23May09
111) Berke 28May09
112) GoldBerg 28May09
113) Dragonblaze 30May09
114) popelheiner 31May09
115) Acez 03Jun09
116) cholonge 03Jun09
117) matteori 12Jun09
118) krille 15Jun09
119) leibeld 16Jun09
120) blueskirt 19Jun09
121) richzaqwsx 19Jun09
122) akkuan 26Jun09
123) ivoapostolov 28Jun09
124) Medvedik 29Jun09
125) DragonYoshi 29Jun09
126) Marks13666 01Jul09
127) akkuan 03Jul09
128) newvision01 03Jul09
129) Tha Doctor 05Jul09
130) ChrisX 05Jul09
131) Dandenoth 08Jul09
132) zviratko 11Jul09
133) markburton3575 24Jul09
134) glenmccoll 27Jul09
135) menion 29Jul09
136) vennom 29Jul09
137) cheungsu 30Jul09
138) phoenixrd 09Aug09
139) lukab0i 13Aug09
140) rugerdon 13Aug09
141) Matrix 14Aug09
142) Gadinaaa 14Aug09
143) Brandjoker 18Aug09
144) riesenbrello 20Aug09
145) Gadinaaa 23Aug09
146) Adrian89 25Aug09
147) ervas 02Sep09
148) ucanadam 03Sep09
149) bugmagnet 05Sep09
150) everread 09Sep09
151) wypromuj 09Sep09
152) GibsonS 11Sep09
153) JTogas 13Sep09
154) andy1982 15Sep09
155) tflorczak 18Sep09
156) Arbool 23Sep09
157) RaT666 23Sep09
158) Basslines 24Sep09
159) HollieDaWuff 29Sep09
160) sarabmatevs 29Sep09
161) namocat 05Oct09
I just sent a request, Dack, maybe I'll be the first on the list for this version
what is CIVmon.exe listed in above bat file?

CIVmon is a windows program I wrote that monitors the directory that contains the MAP & SVE files (C:\MPS\CIV). It uses the FindFirstChangeNotification API to watch for changes in that folder. Then it makes a backup of the MAP/SVE files using the following format: date stamp, country, leader, civ year, game number.
Example: 080527172244 English Churchill 1948AD 0.sve

The program also restores the files it produces back into civ naming format. If there is interest I’ll post it.

I dont like going direct from civ$ to civ, as my icons then flash real slow and movement is slow. I find that to avoid that I always start CIV and hit 1,2,1 (setting mouse, and graphics options and something else). Other wise it is slow like that.

CIV$ on the MISC screen there is a button called First screen click it then enter the your answers to the first 3 questions of CIV. These answers as saved in a file CIV$.111 and used any time you start CIV from CIV$. The default 111 is not stored and if the file does not exists CIV$ uses the default.

On my machine if I start CIV directly I get inconsistent results some times normal speed , some times slow and often the mouse pointer will only go half way across the screen. I get good consistent results from DOSBox-0.65

Civ$ seems interesting.
I would suggest reading the documentation and experimenting. CIV$ is feature rich.
When I re-installed my civ, I didn't do the patch, where is the patch? I think that lead to incompatibility with TerraForm
I received the following pm from »Vûlçåñø«

Hi Dack,
thanks for your fast answer and registration.
I have to say WOW.
The Programm was great, nice work, respect.
But, ive the german version and can save the map in german or french. Only english is here supported.
What ive todo to use german Savegames.


The current version of TerraForm will read and detect if the SVE was written by the German, French or English version of CIV DOS. The German and French SVE files are read only at the moment. Note: TerraForm may encounter a program error and terminate if modification are attempted to a file produced by the German or French version of CIV DOS. So what you are getting is an early version of the effort to alter the German and French SVE & MAP files.

Over time I hope to modify TerraForm so that it will read / write the German and French MAP & SVE files. At the moment all you will be able to do is look at the map.
I'm brand new to this, and was wondering how I would get this to work in the first place. :rolleyes:

Try to be specific, I'm not the brightest lightbulb!
How do I edit the map? I'm trying to edit it but I have nothing to edit.
The first thing is to download the TerraForm map and get e-mail from Dack (its creator), only then will you be able to install or edit it :)!

Thanks for the help, but I've gotten everything figured out with Dack's help now. :D
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