MilarNES: Birth of A Civilization

here is what my UU would look like if i cant have galapagos and them turtles.



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lurker's comment: Nobody likes it when the Mod is a fascist dictator, milarqui.
OK, i am going to hope that Darwinia ultima appears in madagascar on the update. ill be happily surprised. thank you milarqui!! you are the best
You might have it in the Galapagos if you want to. I have yet to say no to where you might have your new country (although I would still like if you took one of the NPCs, I have no problem with you making up a new country).

@Crezth: I am a newbie at modding, and I am doing my best with this. I am also half asleep, which prevents my best side from surging. And my other half is a bit mad with the interruptions.
thanks milarqui! you are the best ever! what do you want me to do? ill wait for you to post the stats and stuff, ill give you free hand since you are the mod and ill deal with it. just let me have me turtle cavalry UU.

dont forget the name Darwinia Ultima!
if you send orders before 15 minutes, I'll let you have Darwinia Ultima in the Galapagos. Just remember 3 things:
1) Send me what free tech you want. If you really want to have a turtle cavalry unit, you will have to choose Animal Husbandry.
2) Invent a religion in accordance to what you think about your nation. Make sure not to imitate what everyone else has done already.
3) Send me a description of your UU and I'll give it a cost.
Remember to use the template I provided at the first page.
As long as you propose it as a religion, there is no problem. Just remember that, at the time, atheism was REALLY rare, as they tended to have a belief in some supernatural beings that could do things to them unless they behaved well.
darwinian ultima
Government: Spartan style Monarchy
Capital: Darwinia
Age: Iron Age
Colour: Black
EC: 17/6 (7 of 26) (-2 upkeep)
Army: 5 Swordsmen, 3 Archers, 2 Riders, 2 Guerrillas (6)
Navy: 4 Galleys, 1 Oar-Ship, 1 Colony Ship (7)
Spies: Trist (3)
Culture: 10
Religion: Atheism (50%)
Researching: Alphabet (5/15)
Completed Research: Stone Age, Archery, Bronze Melting, Calendar, Sailing, Writing, animal husbandry, turtle training
Wonders: turtle temple
Land and sea UU: Turtle cavalry: Sacred warriors that can fight in land and sea, they mount the great turtles of the galapagos
Milar, sorry, but i couldnt find any good pics, but i found this.

This is what the UU would look like in theory, and it also gave me an idea. maybe my army can use the boomerang to attack. boomerangs are pretty ancient and perhaps more effective on top of a turtle. do you know if they were used in war by the aborigines?


Friendly advice (from someone who has never modded a NES):
1. Show respect for the players, you lost already 2 or 3 and some were reluctant to join because of the way you run this NES.
2. Stop bugging for orders, it's annoying and insulting. No orders, their loss, no hard-feelings, just continue.
3. Go on...
4. Make this a nice and interesting NES for it has potentential!
Where's the update?
darwinian ultima
Government: Spartan style Monarchy
Capital: Darwinia
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Black
EC: 4/0 (0 of 6)
Army: 1 Warrior (4)
Culture: 0
Religion: Atheism (5%)
Completed Research: Animal Husbandry
Land UU: Turtle cavalry: Sacred warriors that can fight in land and sea, they mount the great Turtles of the Galapagos. 2.5 EC
Sea UU:
Air Force UU:

You were asking for too much, my friend. I'd rather not let you get a combined Land & Sea UU, especially because Sea UUs are supposed to be for fighting in the middle of the sea. However, the Turtle Cavalry could be a good amphibious unit, to be used to travel short distances into the sea and make sudden attacks in the coast.

As for the rest of the things I erased, I did so because they were part of the example, not the template I had asked for. That "Turtle Temple" could be a good future idea for one of your projects, but there isn't a wonder called like that. I doubt Black would be a good idea, because it doesn't work well on the map. Try to think on other colour, please.


Will try to send the update as soon as I get stalin's orders and I figure how to include dreadnoughts.

ok, how about red?

how much should my turtles be worth? put it all into building turtle UUs for my orders

sorry milar! i am so sorry to keep you awake, but we can see that you are trying. :) keep it up!
start wonder: Turtle Overseas training project. The wonder trains the turtles to swim across the sea, island jumping so that i can land and colonize south america. ofcourse the turtles cant fight on the sea as you said.
start wonder: Turtle Overseas training project. The wonder trains the turtles to swim across the sea, island jumping so that i can land and colonize south america. ofcourse the turtles cant fight on the sea as you said.

once more smashing your ideas. Sorry, but wonders are pre-established. you can invent your projects, but those can't be done until stone mining is researched. hold that idea for later, it sounds really good.

Also, red has already been taken.
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