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Gotm17-Carthage Pregame Discussion

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Thx cracker

I will sign out of this thread as soon as I actually find the link to the PTW save. The start package still only contains the graphics and .txt files.
Yes, the start package only contains the graphics, the pediacons.txt file, and the instructions

butttttttttttttttttt, the instructions tell you where to find the game file. ;)

(last month we had at least six individuals who skipped reading the instructions inspite of everything we could do to make that seem important. This month we are trying the process of having the location of the save file be included in the instructions.)
Haha! Good one.

Silly me, it's been a few days since I installed the graphics files, so I didn't remember reading about the link.

thx again.
Just to make 100 % sure: is it ok to play with either 1.21 or 1.14 PtW version, as long as we do not use any possible new exploits or bugs found in 1.21 version ?

Yes, it should be OK to play in either version. From a big picture view all our international friends do not have access to the v1.21f patch so it would be unfair to exclude them or to act as if we were prima donas just because Firaxis threw out a last minute curve ball. Hopefully the v1.21 patch will fix some of the designed in performance issues in PTW that come from forcing the MP game modes into the SP executable where they do not belong. Good luck in the game. - cracker
One minor issue:

Downloaded the graphics package for PCv1.29 and there seem to be two folders labeled "eqWorker" making 7 folders total instead of the 6 mentioned in the readme.

I assume we want just one copy of the folder in our \units directory (or my unzipping just had a hiccup) or is there something more clever going on? ;)


I am not sure what causes this from time to time. It definately is a zip anomoly that should be impossible: can't have two files with exactly the same name normally. It is not an internal problem with the set files and there really are not two of thefiles in teh zip package. Try manually selecting the folders or text files in the zip archive and then placing them in the proper locations as suggested in the readme.txt file. I do not think it effects game functions even if it looks goofy due to the zip program as long as there is at least one of the files available. Proceed cautiously and email me or PM me if you have any real problems. - cracker
How does the scoring work? Can't find it anywhere. Is it still the in-game score that matters or has it been changed?

In my opinion, although great work by Cracker in preparing these games, they are too complicated to set up. Took me half an hour just to figure out where the .sav was. This will put newcomers to GOTM off, and this is not good...
Cracker had posted that the game would be slow in the beginning as a result of the added features. IIRC, he said it would speed up as you got farther along.

Here's what Cracker said in the first post:
Be warned also that the game has a total of 15 civilizations in the setup if you count all the real civs plus the barbarians. Play turn transitions starts off a bit slow on most machines because of how the software deals with these civilizations initially. The lag time smooths out as the game progresses and you get a bit more advanced in time. Be patient and use those extra few seconds to think about what you are doing in the game and perhaps give some thought to things you would like to discuss with players when the first spoiler discussion opens on March 5th.
Originally posted by cgannon64
In the ReadMe in the PTW Zip is a link to the save. Kind of a trick to get you to read it. ;) :p
Ah :) How stupid of me. Never did read the 2nd page of it. I just took a quick look of it and saw only instructions on how to install graphics. I didnt need any instructions for installing them so just installed the graphics and begin wondering :)
This is going to be a final global warning. If we continue to not follow directions this thread will be closed.

You may not access and use this thread in any way once you have opened the save game file.

You may not post public messages in any forum about the internal working of Gotm17 because you risk spoiling the game for others and this will not lead you to effective help for any technical issues that you may have.

I have had to delete messages from the following players that violate both the spirit and intent of these rules:

cgannon64 (5 different posts - one more and you will get a 3 day self protection ban if for no other reason than to give you time to read the instructions before posting and to temporarily give me time to deal with other issues. -cracker)
stuck_as_mac - using the thread after game begun
Another Newb signing in. Been wandering around your site for a few months. It's awesome. Congrats to all the people who worked on it. This will be my first try at a gotm. Looks like it should be fun.

After much thought, I've concluded that I want to build my first city on the jungle (that is jungle, I think) just to the west near the flood plains. Several reasons for this.

1. This gives a good settle pump to start with. The second city should go between the three bonus shield squares to build the Lighthouse.

2. Want to surround our capital with good cities. Seems that would work best if we go west.

3. Clearing the jungle with a settler is always a good thing. Saves lots of time.

Since the first thing the worker should do is to irrigate the flood plains, I'm going to start by moving him to the mountain. Costs almost nothing, assuming I'm right about the starting position and could save an enormous amount of grief if I'm wrong.
Arrr, just about ready to download the sucker. I realized that if I'm really serious about the 100k win, I'll have to make a beeline for Computers. Ha ha ha. Those research labs can give you the competitive edge y'know...
well, I am going to play this gotm. I have not played any, as I am new to the game and this forum. I did download gotm 16, but I did it late and am not done or doing well. However, I hope to learn more by playing these games.

I have downloaded 17, but I have not looked at anything as of yet. I'll probably start tomorrow.
Originally posted by TheHammer
Another Newb signing in. Been wandering around your site for a few months. It's awesome. Congrats to all the people who worked on it. This will be my first try at a gotm. Looks like it should be fun.

It's good to see new player join. Welcome aboard!

I've downloaded the game and I'm about 5 minutes away from starting my game, so this will be my last post in this thread. Good luck!
Hi everyone ! I'm new to this forum, but I've been wandering on this site for about a year and a half, and I'm coming here because of a lack of good French sites for Civ3 (I'm French).
I'm fairly new to Civ3 too, but I've been a Civfanatic for so long (Civ1 and Civ2 since 1994 :cool: ). So I've just played two games of Civ3 and two of PTW by now, and was wondering what civ I'd pick for my next game (I only played as the French until now) when I saw this ad for GOTM 17 which I'm deciding to play at last.
I have a question : I'm using French versions of Civ3 1.29 + PTW 1.14, so is your save file compatible with other languages ? I think it's a stupid question to which the answer is "yes", but still...

As for the starting location, my heart goes one tile to the east to have my capital on the coast. This gives three grasslands with shields (not counting the city tile), a hill devoted to mining, and maybe some nice tiles in the south and one on the other shore yet to be discover...
And also I find it crazy when people think of building cities close one another. My development plan always involves not to get two cities working the same tile, but maybe it's a way of playing like another...

So long and happy civing to everyone of you !
I have downloaded the save but not opened it yet. Have played 2 or 3 GOTM's without much success (didn't submit last months mediocre effort) however I really appreciate the effort that has gone into these games. I found the instructions crystal clear and although a little simplistic for my abilities I think it's important for it to be this way to cater for those who don't have a lot of computer nous. Great job - thanks to everyone involved.:cool:
Phew!! I finally found the .sav file for Gotm17. I know, I know, the link was at the bottom of the README file; I must have typed it in wrong the first few times (probably a .com vs .net problem; grumble, grumble). Oh well, nothing a swipe to highlight and a CTLR-C/CTRL-V can't fix.

I'm signing out - off to play Gotm17 as my first PTW game! :cool: (BTW - Firaxis has already taken PTV v1.14f off their downloads file, or at least CFC's link didn't find it for me. I loaded PTW and CFC's v1.14f patch today; gotta go!!)
Originally posted by Shillen
Well the new PTW patch is out. Can we play this with PTW v1.21f now?

I'd say {i don't know}, because of this:

* Improved random free tech selection for the Scientific civ trait

Until vanilla Civ3 has been patched the same way, this {might} give {some} PTW-players an {} advantage with regard to speed.

Again, as a courtesy, please try not to put words in my mouth that may create confusion outside of your own game. Initial testing of this "tech feature" is not complete enough to say whether it works or creates new problems but based on some recent game techniques we know that top level players can already acheive the same results even on v1.29 and PTWv1.14f. It should be OK for players to use the PTWv1.21f patch if they have to, but PTWv1.14 is the only version tested in any depth.

Players are further advised that loading the PTWv1.21f patch is not advised in most cases because of potential compatibility issues with other players who will not have access to the patch for an additional 3 to 4 weeks. Give it some though first before randomly commiting suicide like lemmings. - cracker
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