Bug Reports

Couple of other NwT weirdnesses: First, BUG apparently breaking the custom CIVGameText I have as mentioned in the NwT thread; second, I've now played most of a game and a significant portion of another, and seen not a single random event. O.o Any idea what might be causing that?
Nope duneflower, random events are firing, but there are a few independent random events like herbal plants? that do not work correctly because of a known bug.
He may be using 2.00 which did break events entirly. Make sure you have updated to 2.50 Duneflower.
Glider, I thought it was a merge problem. Buuuuut, I am running 2.0...

...Is there a version with unbroken events that won't break in v3.17?

Edit: Hah, for once the patch didn't kill my saves! BUG (I think) is still breaking my CIV4GameText tho...
Nope duneflower, random events are firing, but there are a few independent random events like herbal plants? that do not work correctly because of a known bug.

I have just come across this bug while playing GEM. Does anyone know how many events this bug affects? I noticed it with the herbalist event and then just turned events off all together. If there are only a few then possibly the best fix is to just edit out these events in some xml file?

Thanks. :)
Yes spacely it is just a few. You are correct that if we get desperate, we could just remove them. A big majority work fine. The suspicion is that I can uncover the failed mechanism, but it will take a little time. Basically any event that has "additional events" is probably kaput:


Bear in mind that there are 338? actual events in the code and so (338 - 7) events are working fine.

Yes spacely it is just a few. You are correct that if we get desperate, we could just remove them. A big majority work fine. The suspicion is that I can uncover the failed mechanism, but it will take a little time. Basically any event that has "additional events" is probably kaput:


Bear in mind that there are 338? actual events in the code and so (338 - 7) events are working fine.


Thanks glider1! :) I thought there would be a lot more. I do like the events so its nice to be able to still have them while just getting rid of a few bad apples. I found the airliner crash event annoying anyways...:mad:
This is not neccesarily a bug report, but just a constant problem I've been having.

Ihave Civ4 BTS and loading up stand alone Revolution Mod works fine but when i try to set up a new game, the game crashes.
Using Revolution DCM, and i load up the mod, the whole game crashes.

All other mods work fine, and i've downloaded it from the right source and used all the tips suggested in the FAQ. I'm running out of ideas and would appreciate any help.

PS: I have played the mod before and its a shame to see it not working now :(
It sounds like you're not patched to 3.19
The latest RevDCM 2.51, disables the random events that produce bugs due to interdependency problems as well as slave revolt problems. The way they are disabled (as are any random events) is to go to XML/Events/CIV4EventTriggerInfo.xml and turn down the weights to zero. Hope that helps.
Small bug on Rev hints, but there is a line:

"If you want to conquest a " and it should be "If you want to conquer a "
:lol: Nono, Glider - I asked what fixed them! As in, what was changed between 2.0 and 2.5 that made the ones that weren't disabled work again! Coz, see, they still aren't in the current NwT devbuild with 2.5...

Edit: Wait, 2.51? NwT's currently using 2.50...
Assert Failed

File: CvSelectionGroupAI.cpp
Line: 224
Expression: false

Ignored Once and game resumed fine, wol't even know about it with a final release gamecore.

If you want to take a look at it, and fix the assert, the save is for the current 0.9.5 test build of LoR found here: http://www.filefront.com/13999161/Legends-of-Revolution-light-test-v0.9.5-Setup.exe/

Because this was a test build, there is no source code included. The source code to build a gamecore is just RevDCM 2.51 source code with the source code found in this post (I'm also pretty sure the only modified source that's needed for save game compatibility is the Barbarian Civ stuff in there, everything else shouldn't be needed to replicate the assert, a straight RevDCM 2.51 gamecore may work):
Fatal Hang. No assert, just hangs. This save is for LoR 0.9.4b (source code included in the download, just select source code as an optional add on when installing, also you may very well be able to use RevDCM 2.50 source with no alterations, but you may need to include barbarian civ source to maintain save game). This is the first time there is no assert message from a critical bug, so I think it may be related to the last critical bug reported where you muted the assert. I'll go into it and try switching leaders and see if I can isolate it any better. The last fatal bug reported I was unable to replicate the hang when switching leaders though so I don't know.

Here is the reference to the last critical bug report where you state you will mute the assert. Since muting the assert did not fix this bug, it's possible/probable this is the same bug rearing it's head:


A list of LoR download mirrors can be found here. The save is for LoR 0.9.4b:

Switching through leaders I was able to track the cause of the hang to China.

Then, by removing China's cities through World Builder I was able to track the critical bug to the City of Nanjing.

Then by removing the Chariot in in Nanjing, I was able to track the cause of this hang to that chariot, removing just that single chariot in Nanjing allows the game to continue.

While the game can continue I should note the assert reported 2 posts above (line 224 in CvSelectionGroupAI) does trip twice when doing so. While this assert doesn't seem to cause any issues I figure it's worth noting, though is unrelated to this critical bug, which obviously is much more of a cause of concern.

Hope that helps you track down and fix the cause of this bug.
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