House of Savoy


Jun 8, 2009
BtS 3.19
V1.1: Added Giuseppe Garibaldi, updated button for UB (not pictured)
V1.2: Fixed Garibaldi text
V1.3: Fixed buttons
V1.4: Fixed buttons
V1.5: Fixed buttons
V1.6: Changed Carabinieri
V1.7: Replaced Cavour LH

Starting Techs: Fishing/Mining
LH - Camillo di Cavour (FIN/CHR), Giuseppe Garibaldi (PHI/CHR)
UB - Porto (harbor; +1 trade route; can turn 1 citizen into merchant)
UU - Carabinieri (grenadier; 14:strength:)

Download here:

1) Download and unzip mod
2) Create the following directory and place mod in this directory:
Civilization 4/Beyond the Sword/Mods/Extra Civs*/Assets/Modules
3) Copy and paste a .ini file from any other mod, and place it in:
Civilization 4/Beyond the Sword/Mods/Extra Civs*/
4) Rename .ini file Extra Civs.ini*
5) Open the .ini file and replace the XML code with the following code:


; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 1

; Skip Main menu
SkipMainMenu = 0

; Custom Art from user folder is not loaded
NoCustomArt = 0

; Custom XML and Python from user folder are not loaded
NoCustomAssets = 1

; No Custom Scenario option in main menu
NoCustomScenario = 0

; No team play allowed
NoTeams = 0

; Read Game options from XML, not .ini
ForceGameOptions = 0

; Always start in the standard era
ForceStandardEra = 0

; Scenario file (Single player)
ForceScenario = 0

; This mod is only for single player games
SinglePlayerOnly = 0

; Allow public maps to be used with this mod
AllowPublicMaps = 1

; Mod Image file
ImageFile = 0

; Name of Mod
Name = Extra Civs

; Description of Mod
Description = Generic Mod
6) Start Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword, at main menu select Advanced>Load a Mod
7) Extra Civs* should be an option, select this mod, then select "Go" and the mod should load

* You can actually name this mod whatever you want, but whatever it is, make sure the .ini file has the same name.

Note: You can put more than one mod into the folder, and you only need to do steps 1 & 2 for each additional mod after the first one.


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Good work, although Dutchking made a Benjamin Franklin that (with the right amount of editing) could make a good Cavour LH. Please don't consider that an offer by the way, I'm a little busy to make LHs right now and I don't really need it for my mod (Italy has enough leaders as it is).
Good work, although Dutchking made a Benjamin Franklin that (with the right amount of editing) could make a good Cavour LH. Please don't consider that an offer by the way, I'm a little busy to make LHs right now and I don't really need it for my mod (Italy has enough leaders as it is).

Yeah, of the civs I have made, this LH that I chose is the one I am least happy about.
If one of your geniuses could make a better Cavour, that would be awesome. I would certainly insert it!
Yeah, of the civs I have made, this LH that I chose is the one I am least happy about.

I figured as much. It isn't a bad LH by any means, just not great for Cavour. Having said that Cavour is a great choice for Savoy, although I think there is a Victor Emanuelle out there that could also be a good second leader.

If one of your geniuses could make a better Cavour, that would be awesome.

It would take a little doing. I don't think there is much a problem with getting him to look right, in fact I have already thought about making Cavour using Dutchking's Franklin (which is based on Churcill BTW). The only problem is that he didn't post it to the database, and the only image I think exists of it is in his "Don't Tread on Me" American Revolution mod. So you'd have to ask him to post it. I think with some hair and some sideburns, and maybe different clothing (although I'm not sure its that important that the clothing be changed) it would be nearly perfect IMO.

I would certainly insert it!

Yes, I thought about Emmanuelle (I lived in Italy for some years)... but while he was of the house of Savoy, I consider him more of something for just an Italian civ...
Garibaldi would be a good one too...

I didn't see the LH for VE2... is there one?

I can always add more leaders, and update the links...

No sweat on making a LH... if someone has the time, and wants to, it would be cool... but this will work in the meanwhile.
The VEII LH is around somewhere. I think it is in Civ Gold but I don't remember exactly. It isn't that great as far as accuracy goes, but it looks pretty good. It is a reskinned Napoleon.

EDIT: Here's an image, its just a simple reskin of Napoleon. You might be able to use the skinning of the uniform on the LH you currently have if that helps you at all, but anyway if you want it let me know.
I have no idea how to do that stuff... I just know how to send the XML paths to the right art... editing/skinning art... beyond me.

If you feel like doing it, it would be cool...
I will update the civ at that time, and perhaps look for the VE2 to add... though Garibaldi was the man! His favorite civic???
Ekmek made Garibaldi. It's part of JimmyBallz's (IIRC) Italy module.
Ekmek made Garibaldi. It's part of JimmyBallz's (IIRC) Italy module.

You know... that's true! I do remember seeing Giuseppe.
I will definitely add him then.

Fav Civic... Nationhood as well I guess...
Great. :D

One thing though, no need to spam up the forum. ;) You could try making your own thread for your civilizations.

Also, make sure you tell us in the OP what the UU or UB is/the stat's, as well as which leaders are in and there traits.
I will add that info on the threads.
I don't consider posting a separate thread for a separate civ to be spamming. It keeps the post on topic for everyone, plus people might like to see the name of the civ available without having to click on the thread, rather than my name as having several civs available.
I added the Garibaldi LH from Jimmyballz's Italian Mod...
Also updated the buttons, made them better looking. Made LH text more "uniform".
Good addition :)

I like them being on separate threads. When I saw "[NEWCIV] House of Savoy" I thought "Cool, a Savoy civ. I've got to download that.". If the thread had been named "kochman's Civilizations", for instance, I wouldn't know there was a Savoy civ there in the first place.
Noticed that Garibaldi didn't have his text, fixed that, V1.2 up now.
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