• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

I guess this mean no alpha centauri 2.

What a load of complete HOGWASH. You obviously have zero idea on how copyright works. I suggest going and doing some research before coming back to play with the adults. Seriously!

And then on top of that you have the hostility between EA and 2K. EA tries to buy 2K (a couple years ago). EA is foiled by 2K. EA is angry at 2K. EA will do anything to put a stick in 2K's plans. EA is NOT going to let a similar game to an IP they already own.

If Sid even attempts to make something that could be deemed similar to Alpha Centauri, in either name, gameplay, idea or even if some of the concepts are used from AC, then EA will be over them like a rash. It's how BUSINESS works. Forget the customers. EA will do anything to screw over 2K. That's how BUSINESS works.
oh boy. you don't have any idea what can happen in 1 blink of an eye.
@ Camrilla : Leisure Suit Larry is owned lock stock and barrel by Vinvindi Games, or who ever owns Vinvindi now. They protect their stuff as a similar case of when some internet fans tried to make a FREE sequel to a King's Quest game, also owned by Vinvindi, they got a cease and desist order from the company.
oh boy. you don't have any idea what can happen in 1 blink of an eye.

I work in the industry, I know what happens to companies that don't follow copyright laws. Once you got some education in copyright laws and contract laws come back to play with us adults. :rolleyes:
Lets face it, if firaxis wanted to make "civilization in space!" they would. It would not be difficult to avoid IP problems with SMAC. Different names for civilizations and non generic game concepts, but that's it. Everything else is a generic enough concept to be copied - and obviously with a sequel they would want to remove features and expand on things. The natural progression of the game would be a significant enough departure from the original to make it unique.

The fact is that they're quite happy with just the Civilization series and they don't want to bother about a sci-fi series at the moment. And why shouldn't that be the case, the Civilization series is great and its development is keeping them busy.

I'd love to see a SMAC2, and it would be nice to see something similar come out of firaxis after Civ5 is all finished, but I don't think the IP issues are the biggest reason we're not seeing a new sci-fi version of civilization any time soon.
I work in the industry, I know what happens to companies that don't follow copyright laws. Once you got some education in copyright laws and contract laws come back to play with us adults. :rolleyes:
But you have to hand it to camarilla that large sums of money can indeed fix a lot of the issues and hostilities between the two companies EA and 2K. Maybe it would require such sums of money that it would no longer be reasonable for 2k to even think about AC2. In that case it is reasonable enough to say that 2k will not ever make AC2 and that EA would never allow 2k to make AC2 even though that is not purely true. In the end all EA wants is to max their profits for their shareholders, if that means giving 2k some slack then they would do that within the boundaries of the reasonable.

And do not pass me off as a child, I work in the industry as a lawyer rather than a programmer, so there you go. :)
I'm in on a space mod, not necessarily on an Alpha Centauri mod. Why not start on Beta Centauri?

I don't think there is a Beta Centauri... how about Epsilon Eridani? That one's only about twice as far from Earth as Alpha Centauri. None of the stars between that and Alpha Centauri sound good as mod names.

please, we still mod [civ3], [civ2] and [civ1]... don't say hat IV is on its way out.

I can see modders and players with a lot of time invested in an older title and little time to learn the ropes on a new one doing that, but with Civ 5 just around the corner it's tough to imagine anyone starting now on a new [civ4] mod unless they're already doing it. Just sayin'.
I don't think there is a Beta Centauri... how about Epsilon Eridani? That one's only about twice as far from Earth as Alpha Centauri. None of the stars between that and Alpha Centauri sound good as mod names.
There is a star called [wiki]Beta Centauri[/wiki]. It's among the brightest stars in the sky.
But the nearest star to the sun is Proxima Centauri. We'll surely make up a good name. Ion cannons!!
I work in the industry, I know what happens to companies that don't follow copyright laws. Once you got some education in copyright laws and contract laws come back to play with us adults. :rolleyes:

Your post seems a tad elitist unfortunately.

In business, the bottom line is money. Always has been and always will. The worst of enemies will conspire if a buck can be made. Apparently you've got a lot to learn as far as human nature goes.

Also, that should be, "Once you've got some education..." Ironic. ;)
Also, that should be, "Once you've got some education..." Ironic. ;)

If you want to be pedantic it should actually be, "Once you've gotten some education". In written form it is actually better to not use contractions, so the best grammatical structure is, "Once you have some education". How embarrassing for the forum Grammar Nazi to be Grammar Nazi'ed himself. :rolleyes:
There are several great space oriented strategy games out there. I really enjoyed Space Empires V and Sword of the Stars. Both those games are from smaller developers, but they do a great job of replacing any desire for a new Alpha Centauri (although I wouldn't complain if more 4X games get released).
If you want to be pedantic it should actually be, "Once you've gotten some education". In written form it is actually better to not use contractions, so the best grammatical structure is, "Once you have some education". How embarrassing for the forum Grammar Nazi to be Grammar Nazi'ed himself. :rolleyes:

Fair enough. I am man enough to admit when I'm wrong or misguided.

Now, why don't you do the same? You do know the expression, "It's not the money, it's the principle", right? Trust me on this. It's always about money. The computer gaming industry is no different than any other industry in the world.
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