[FfH II Art Team Blog]

I do suggest replacing Chaos Marauder with Colubra, and perhaps requiring Alchemy Building? ... as for Chaos Marauder, Chaos II summon certainly, and just give them Burning Blood. Its said they will LIKELY lose control, however not ALWAYS. I think that burning blood is enough for that purpose. Also, perhaps give them limited duration and gain extra turns through combat (like pit beasts and Einherjar) ... although honestly perm summon + burning blood seems fitting enough for me.
In my current version I left Chaos Marauders as Planar Gate Summons and replaced Minotaurs with Colubrae. My Colubrae are like Champions +3 Poison strength + Mutated + Channeling I & II, allowing them to get Mage spells even though they are still melee units and don't get free promotions based on the mana you own. I thought Obsidian Gates made more sense for calling in these creature of Ceridwen.

I also made Chaos Marauders a Chaos II summon, who are summoned with the Rebel promotion. This both makes the unit AI controlled like Enraged and gives a chance of turning Barbarian like burning Blood. The unit itself gains 1 duration from combat and starts with Mutated.

I'm still having problems with my Guild of the Nine mercenary hiring Code, but I intend to make both Chaos Marauders and Colubrae potential hires for AV civs. (This fits the AV these of Deals that Kael described a long time ago.) Other civs would be limited to Axemen, Archers, Longbowmen, Champions, Rangers, Horsemen, Catapults, ect, with a random race and UU being chosen for each unitclass selected. Any unit bought this way starts with the Mercenary Promotion, which costs you 2 gold per battle (basically bounty hunter in reverse) and has a 1% chance of making the unit turn barbarian.
Moved to the Magister's Modmod thread
Spoiler :
Any chance of giving the Hippus better Mercenaries?

I was thinking of halving Merc cost for Hippus + giving all hippus Mercs bounty hunter and potentially start with flanking.

an alternative could be to allow Bounty Hunter to be the default Race for the Hippus, and give them a civ trait which halves Merc hiring costs. I almost prefer for the Hippus to have Bounty Hunter as a default race (similar to Valor for Bannor) ... it makes their Lore much more feasible from a gaming perspective, and gives the hippus an overall extra incentive to use Mercenaries ... as remember Hippus Mercs are quite superior to normal ones in Base as well ... since your abandoning the "Merc Unit" I figure that this would only be fitting (to focus on combat income).

Perhaps the hippus stables or palace could half upgrade costs for mounted units ... although thats being rather nit-picky.

In addition, I think that (at least during Crudsade) the Bannor should be able to use money to "Hire Demagogue" for half a champion's price at any time, regardless of tech. Perhaps Hiring Demagogue could have a 50% chance to reduce the population of the city by 1. (As well as a 10% chance to get either increased WW or draft unhappiness?)

In addition I think Balseraph should be able to "hire" freaks if the city has a Freak-Show or Carnival.

In addition I think the Nox Noctis should allow the hiring of assasins (half price), with the Poisons technology. Does not stack with Hippus discount however.

In addition I think wounded golems in a Luchuirp city should be able to pay money (30 gold??) to fully heal "immediately"

Just some thoughts ... although the HIppus should definitely have an advantage of Mercenaries AS WELL AS a monetary incentive to fight *alot*
Interesting ideas, but wrong thread... In what thread did you want it to be posted?
Yea, I'll have to agree that Colubra are certainly more fitting as an Obsidian Gate spawn.
Since I haven't been able to get hold of the original Lamia meshes, I decided that it would just be simpler to splice together the top-half of the Succubus unit with the bottom half of the Maar Nasai conversion:

Spoiler :

I'm sure someone can do a better job of reskinning this than I would so I'm posting the files here. I can add more appropriate animations and effects at a later point.

Art Defines XML:
				<ShadowAttachNode>Bip01 Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>
That Lamia xml art define does not point to the Lamia. Could you post working xml defines for the lamia arcane line? I'd like to include them in the next release of my modmod.

I also also wanting to use the "Bannor Archmage" art as the Malakim Immortal (or maybe champion, if the glow was removed from the pole-arm), but when I tried to write the xml defines for it as such a unit it did not work.

Edit: I got it working now.
Yuan-Ti halfbloods are also quite cool. The different castes (Yuan-Ti pureblood, halfblood and abomination) could be an interesting starting point for a modmod. And of course human sacrifice and human transformation into tainted ones. But I guess the Cualli are already fulfulling the former part so probably no need for it.
double pozzt
YES!!! I like the Poisonous Lamia/Yuan-ti

could you make a Lizard counterpart/rival too?

maybe the lizard could have a man's face/arms, and have an Icy axe or spear instead of a poisonous Scimitar.
I've done some reskins of the more human-looking Lamiae/Lamias/whatever. :)

I used bits from esvath's green one to make the blonde archmage. They now have some nice gloss and wands. There is a final phase I'd like to do with these which is to improve the animation set and add some magical effects.

Spoiler :

Download Link
Yes! After you have done with the animation and magical effect, Deliverator, you can be sure that I will steal them :lol:

Thanks, they look great (although too human-looking for my taste). I'll borrow the wand, then. I don't know why but I can't attach any mesh (weapons/staffs/etc) and particle effects to my Lamias. But the problem is over now :D
okay, so you have a Blue Lamia, a Greene Lamia, and a Purple Lamia.

now, clothing wise it seems to go Blue-> Green -> Purple

however, chromatically it would probably flow nicer if Green -> Blue -> Purple.

Is there a way to switch the Tails of the Red Head and the Brunette? I feel this would lead to less confusion as to who is the Adept and who is the Mage.

Alternatively, you could add some clothing, like some Cloth Sleeves, or a silk dress, for the Brunette, and make her the Mage.

Then it would go from simple clothes -> see through Silk -> Golden Armor
To "switch tails" just replace part of the texture.

Aaahhh this thing is killing me. I mean black attachables....

P.S> I tried to do it in 3ds max following this tutorial:

Nifskope shows the result fine but the game:

OMG an abomination :). I would really like some experienced help here.

P.S. Tested it, and my 3dsmax7 doesn't have "422 converted script" mentioned in the tutorial. Maybe because of it, maybe something else, but right arm is mirrored every time I try to simply import-export.
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