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Real Unit and Terrain Data Compiled from Civilopedia


Oct 24, 2001
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Last updated on January 24, 2004

**Update 7: C3C**

Download Civ3 Conquests version:

http://www.civfanatics.net/downloads/civ3/reference/Civ3C3Cdata.zip (PDF format, 3.52 MB)

WHAT AN UPDATE! They changed and added soooo much stuff for Conquests, it took a while to do this.

I must thank Alanus in France who translated the original file into
French. He actually collected all the Conquests data and graphics and added them to the file, plus some significant tweaks and improvements (like a whole separate page just for Civ-specific abilities). I then did a reformatting and editing job on the file to make it ready for public consumption.

I haven't played Conquests myself yet, so I can't vouch personally for the accuracy of every last bit of info in the file, but I think it's pretty darn close to perfect. If there's factual errors, I'll do updates.

Here's a hit list of the major changes:
-Conquests units included
-Other units updated to reflect Conquests changes (AA stats, etc)
-Conquests terrain added
-Conquests resources added, and the resource page improved
-Conquests governments added, and other governments updated
-New civ-specific abilities page, including a chart of all the civs
-New design for Wonders pages, with all Conquests data included
-Tech tree updated with Conquests info

Happy Civing!

**Update 6: PTW**

Download Play the World version:


**Update 5**

The file is now updated with the changes from the 1.21f and 1.29f patch. You can download the files from CivFanatics File Server:

The file is in PDF version:


**Update 3**

Well, if you thought the last overhaul was major, you ain't seen nothing yet.

A little while ago, BrownK posted a great tech tree file in another thread:


I had been wanting to include the tech information in the reference file, but I didn't know how to do it. BrownK showed the way. Plus there were several other things I wanted to add to the file. They've now all been added. They are:

--FULL TECH TREE! with all tech graphics, and it lists all the units and improvements, wonders, effects for each advance
--zones of control indicated for units
--resource requirements are listed for wonders and improvements
--wonders and improvements allowed by a resource are listed on the resource page
--all the terrain graphics are included
--all the resource graphics are included
--new page for governments (with graphics) and civ-specific abilities
--keyboard shortcuts.

You can also download the files from CivFanatics File Server [thanks Thunderfall!]:

I hope you like it! I recommend using a quality printer, preferrably color, since the graphics are really nice.

**Update 2**

Well, I've done a major overhaul of the file. It now includes graphics! All the full colour graphics from the Civilolpedia, for all the units, are now included in the file. This makes it a fair bit bigger, since you need more pages to display all the units, but I think you'll agree, it's a major improvement. There's a bunch of other changes. Here's a list of the new stuff:

--graphics for units!
--required advances for units
--upgrade path for units
--note about railroads on terrain page
--required advances for strategic resources
--list of units allowed by each strategic resources
--required advances for wonders and city improvements
--line spacing increased on wonder and city improvement pages for easier reading

All the data here is accurate for the shipping version of Civ3. If you've installed any of the mods/patches floating around, then you may have different stats for some of these things.

Lastly, I haven't proofread the whole thing, so there might be a couple typos. If I find mistakes, I'll upload a new copy to this thread, so keep an eye on it.

Have fun!

P.S. The xls version of the file is in a posting near the end of this thread (or at least, what was the end at the time, page 2).


**Update 1**

I've added two more pages. One for Wonders (small and great) and one for City Improvements. This information has been taken from the Civilopedia and cross referenced with the game editor. The updated file is attached to this message (same name as before).


Attached is a PDF I made with all the *real* stats for the units and the terrain. The charts in the manual don't match the Civilopedia. There aren't many changes, except for the industrial and modern era units, which are almost all different from the manual. So Firaxis was definitely tweaking the game right up to release. Here's betting they'll keep on tweaking in a few patches (of course, they'll be called "enhancements" but we know what's really going on).

The file was made with Winzip on Windows. It's a standard PDF inside (3.0 compatible).

Hope you enjoy it!

l like a lot!!!!!!!:goodjob:
Interesting. So roads give +1 trade on hills and jungles, even if they did not have existing trade?

Is this accurate?

I believe that this will cause ugly road systems to go everywhere, much like the railroads in civ1.
So, assuming the Civilopedia was updated with the info on the final build of the game, then the data in that file should be correct. I'm going to check things out as I play, just to see that the terrain stats actually are working as advertised. So far, it does seem that if you build roads everywhere, then you get a Commerce bonus everywhere.

Think about it: everything costs money now, including upkeep of units, so they had to make a way for you to generate more coins than in previous civ games.

There's some other strange stuff in the Civilopedia too, which I want to verify by playing more. For instance, range on a cruise missile is 2?! That's gotta be a misprint. I'll change the file and reupload if there's future changes.

I was also surprised at a lot of the modern unit stats, particularly the air unit stats. Stealth Fighter 0/0 for attack and defense?! WTF? I guess it's not meant to intercept other aircraft. But shouldn't it have a wicked defense rating?! And Stealth Bomber: more than double the cost of a regular bomber, and you get a paltry 2 more range for your trouble? I guess it can do precision bombing, but for 240 shields, you can build a lot of stuff.

Modern Armor looks insanely strong. I guess that's 'cause it is. : )

You can verify these numbers by loading the map editor and looking at the rules in the civ3mod.bic.
Originally posted by LoneWolf5050
Stealth Fighter 0/0 for attack and defense?! WTF? I guess it's not meant to intercept other aircraft. But shouldn't it have a wicked defense rating?!

The real F-117 Stealth "Fighter" is actually a bomber. It is not meant to attack other aircraft. I was impressed that they actually modeled this properly. As for defense, its ability to evade detection is its defense - only a 5% chance of being spotted.
Originally posted by Stuie

The real F-117 Stealth "Fighter" is actually a bomber. It is not meant to attack other aircraft. I was impressed that they actually modeled this properly. As for defense, its ability to evade detection is its defense - only a 5% chance of being spotted.

Good point. I was surprised that the F-15 only bombards better than a Jet Fighter though. Yes, the "Strike Eagle" variant is a ground attack craft, but the F-15 was designed as an air superiority fighter.

As for the civ3mod.bic file, everything I've checked so far has matched what's in that file. So I think the civilopedia either reads its data from that file too, or the civilopedia was updated at the very end, along with that file. For those that don't know, the civ3mod.bic file that is in the civ3 root folder is where the default game rules are kept. When you start a new game, those are the rules it uses. Those are also the rules which the editor assumes are the default rules.

It's pretty cool that if you want to change the rules, you just make a new .bic file in the editor, with no map, and load it as a scenario in the game (that's how the Canada mod I made works).

I was playing last night and noticed I had rubber on a plains square. That's not listed in the civilopedia as a valid combo, and I checked in the editor and rubber is NOT turned on for plains. Wierd. Maybe there's a random component to resources too.

Did someone clear jungle? The resources are set at the beginning of the game, and I don't think they dissappear if you clear terrain. Clearing forest did not remove the furs for me.
Originally posted by LoneWolf5050
There's some other strange stuff in the Civilopedia too, which I want to verify by playing more. For instance, range on a cruise missile is 2?! That's gotta be a misprint. I'll change the file and reupload if there's future changes.


Did anyone already check the cruise missile range?

Also, LoneWolf, can you post the file in source form? (XLS, or whatever you did it in).

Thanks for your nice work.

Glad you like it.

I think a cruise missle is actually an artillery unit, which is used up after its turn. I haven't played that far in the game, so I'm not sure.

Actually, I wrote the original in postscript/PDF code, by hand in a text editor, so you've got the original. ; )

JK, I've attached the original .xls file below (zipped).



  • civ3data-xls.zip
    10.4 KB · Views: 1,279
Thanks for compiling the data! :goodjob: Now I can just copy the info and add them to the Info Center instead of going thru hundreds of Civilopedia screens myself!

I will add your excel files to the Civ3 Reference section (which should be opened in a few days).
I'm gonna be famous!! ; )

There are a few things that don't quite add up still, such as this cruise missle issue (I think it's really artillery).

Other nagging stuff too...

I noticed in the editor that the Colossus has three characteristics checked off, but I think those check boxes are there to tell the AI which wonders to build depending on civ characteristics and strategy priorities, so I only listed the Civilopedia characteristics.

Nuclear plants give 150% boost?! All other power plants give 50%. I think it might be a typo, but I noted it down as 150% anyway.

Also, the whole issue of which plants produce and reduce pollution isn't really clear. If you look in the editor, the pollution numbers for the plant improvements don't seem to jive completely with the civilopedia.

But that's all nitpicky stuff.

Cool, LoneWolf! It's good to know what units are in the game. NOW IF ONLY THE GAME WAS RELEASED IN THIS HELLHOLE OF A COUNTRY SO I COULD ACTUALLY PLAY IT!
I'll have to add railroads to the file. It says in the manual that they increase output from irrigation and mines. So that explains why I had more food from that irrigated square with a railroad last night.

I expect it's only a +1 bonus in each case, but I don't know for sure.

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