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Quick Questions and Answers

Can wonders be destoryed if a city is taken? I seem to have kept most wonders. The Russians built Machu Pichu in one of their cities. It was pretty sweet, I could see the wonder peeking up from the tops of the clouds and the sun glinting off its snow capped peaks.

But after a few turns of taking cities, I noticed it had disappeared! I checked all the cities within 2 tiles of the mountain and none had the wonder any longer.

it may have only been under construction. wonders appear on the map when theyre under construction, even if they have not been completed yet. if you capped the city the construction would be halted and it would disappear
Maybe I'm missing something but I have a stupid question. How do you siege a city with a trebuchet? I try to do a ranged attack with it, but all it does is move to the hex next to it to attack, but gets destroyed the next turn by 1 city attack...
Where can I find the cost to maintain a particular unit, and is the cost different if the unit is in my own territory vs. an enemy's, or on neutral ground?
@Nostrodam: There is a special unit action in the left portion of the screen called 'set up for range'd attack. It requires 1 movement point to do, but is necessary if you wish to utilize it's ranged attack. If you don't click this first the trebuchet will try to melee the target.
@the mongol there is no world builder that you can enter to cheat in game with. You can however turn off ancient ruins in the advanced setup portion of setup game.
@meteorpunch Peace deals have a duration of 10 turns. You can check the deal history using the diplomatic relations button and clicking the 'deal history' tab located at the top to find out what turn you made the deal on. It's a somewhat clunky way to find out when it will expire, but it's there..
Where can I find the cost to maintain a particular unit, and is the cost different if the unit is in my own territory vs. an enemy's, or on neutral ground?

There is no individual maintenance displayed anywhere, only for total units in the economics overview. Note that support and maintenance is not the same.

Can any one tell me how can I move my stacked units (1 Military + 1 Great general) with one order?

I am tired of repeating the orders again and again.

You can't.
How can I quickly review the resources available without having to scroll around the whole map? For example how much sugar.
if i trading resources and it shows me that i have 1 gems. Its only 1 gems for my civilization and if i trade it i have then 0? Or its 1 gems available for trading and still have for myself?
How can I quickly review the resources available without having to scroll around the whole map? For example how much sugar.

You can't "quickly" do that. To determine your luxury resource surplus you will need to talk to individual civilizations to see the amount in the trade window.

if i trading resources and it shows me that i have 1 gems. Its only 1 gems for my civilization and if i trade it i have then 0? Or its 1 gems available for trading and still have for myself?

It's 1 gem for your civilization. 2 means you have 1 to trade.
You can't "quickly" do that. To determine your luxury resource surplus you will need to talk to individual civilizations to see the amount in the trade window.

It's 1 gem for your civilization. 2 means you have 1 to trade.

Thanks. But the resource only shows if that civ wants/needs it. Let me put it another way. How do i know if I have a resource at all. Say i see sugar and dont know if I already have at least one. cheers
Do railroads count for trade routes, or do I also have to have roads between my cities?
Do railroads count for trade routes, or do I also have to have roads between my cities?
They count as trade routes
Is it possible to remove maintenance for roads and railroads? And is there a feature like the world builder in civ 4 that allows you to remove the fog of war to look at the map?
Thanks. But the resource only shows if that civ wants/needs it. Let me put it another way. How do i know if I have a resource at all. Say i see sugar and dont know if I already have at least one. cheers

It's in the tooltip if you mouse-over the happiness icon in the top bar. You just can't see how many of each unless you trade with a civ (and they don't have the resource).
Funny thing happened on the late stages of the game. I was playing with production specialization (production/gold/culture/science) and for some reason science provided less unhappiness(decreased unhappiness by 2 or 3 by specializing in science in certain cities, not all)…have no answer for that
So this seems fairly simple but I can not for the life of me figure this out.

Mods - Download Simple Clock - Go to the area where it shows the mods I have downloaded - Put a green check next to the Simple Clock mod indicating it as enabled - Back to the main menu - Mods - Singe player - Set up game - Once in game no sign of clock anywhere.


Hate to be a bumper but it's a pretty popular mod so surely someone knows what I am doing wrong that is preventing me from using this mod.

Funny thing happened on the late stages of the game. I was playing with production specialization (production/gold/culture/science) and for some reason science provided less unhappiness(decreased unhappiness by 2 or 3 by specializing in science in certain cities, not all)…have no answer for that

Can you provide a save game where this happened and specify which city this was in? It could be a bug or something else. If you do upload a save game, remember to state if it's the normal version or digital deluxe version and which patch number you're using (It's shown at the bottom of the main menu screen).

Hate to be a bumper but it's a pretty popular mod so surely someone knows what I am doing wrong that is preventing me from using this mod.


I haven't played with mods in Civ V yet, but I think I read someone saying that you need to start the game from the mod overview and you can't load a saved game with new mods. You have to play a game with the same mods from start to finish as far as I can understand.
I haven't played with mods in Civ V yet, but I think I read someone saying that you need to start the game from the mod overview and you can't load a saved game with new mods. You have to play a game with the same mods from start to finish as far as I can understand.

That is exactly what I did. :(

So still looking for an answer if anyone knows.

Also are achievements disabled when you start a game from the mod section? Would make sense if so.

Does marble not give a bonus to wonder production anymore?

I tried to sell it and it didnt change the time i made a wonder.
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