Change interface language from Russian to English PLEASE help

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Nov 14, 2010
Hello all,
I have been registered before here at civfanatics, haven't played in a long long time, until I bought Civ5. It'd be great to play it if I could get it in English! Please someone help!

I bought it in Belarus, the "Russian version", everything including the setup was in Russian, no options to change language. The game advisors are in English though, and all my options IN GAME are in English, but still, the interface language, menus, everything is in Russian.

Maybe it is a simple regedit command, but does anyone know how to change it from Russian to English?

Thanks in advanced. Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.
Have you tried changing the language in Steam? Go to Library -> Games, right-click on Civ5, select "Properties" and go to the "Language" tab.
Wow, first off, thanks for such a quick response! This is much appreciated! :)

You know, I saw something about "Steam" in my google searches, didn't know what it was. I found Program Files - Steam , from there where do I go? Not sure what you mean by "Library". Thanks again for such a quick response!

Editted: Playing around with the Steam now, keep you updated. Thanks again :)
Nope - in the Steam - Library - Games - Civ 5 properties, only "SHORTCUT" appears, no Langauge tab...
Easier is to simply load steam and find its settings (under menu) and the language selection is under interfaces.

Library is the selection in the task bar steam icon which opens up your game list. My Russian is rusty but library is biblioteka.

Thanks again for the resposes.
So I went to the Menu and Settings, under Interface it had "Langauge: English" but Regional download was in Russia - Central, I changed it to United States New York, restarted steam, but still only "SHORTCUT" appears under my Civ 5 game. Perhaps I added the Civ 5 game to my Library wrong? Game still comes up in Russky.
Hmm, I think you're checking the properties of a Civ5's shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu, if you do it from your games library in Steam (in the Steam window, not in the start menu), there should be the following tabs there: General, Updates, Local Files, Language and DLC (no Shortcut).

AFAIK the language setting in the Steam settings menu changes only the language used with the Steam interface, not in games. Download region doesn't have anything to do with languages, it's just the download server that you're using, pick the one closest to you.
Ok, thanks for explaining about the interface settings.

I was trying to do it from the Steam menu though, I attached a screenshot showing what I mean. The only thing I can think of is maybe I imported Civ 5 game wrong into the Steam library.


  • fsscr035.jpg
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EDIT: Before doing anything else, delete the clientregistry.blob file in Steam's folder;

Did you install the game into a different directory than the default one under Steam? The game should automatically be listed in Steam as it is a steamworks game. Are you right clicking on where it lists Civilization V above Portal and clicking on properties from that?

The problem might be because you bought it Belarus... I'll see if I can find anything. Try going back to the properties and verifying the game cache.

Meanwhile, did you get an option during installation to set the language? Reinstalling might be worth a try. And you could redownload it through Steam instead of the Russian disc version (Don't know if it will redownload the Russian version or not if you are in the USA now).

EDIT: Yeah all I could find for support on the issue is this (keeping in mind Civ5 is still new and Civ5 specific non-steam issues are Firaxis' problem not VALVe's (creators of Steam);
Hmm, seems Civ5 is configured as a non-Steam game for you...

I don't know how to help you, anyone?

Edit: The best person here to help you already answered :)
I'd hardly say I'm the best, .Shane. is a volunteer mod on the Steam forums and would have better access than I do to information (I would hope). I have no idea why this is doing this, I just throw out every solution I can think of :p
If his game is listed as a Non-Steam game Civ5, then I suspect that even though he purchased it, it is not a legal steam copy of Civ5, and that maybe the root of his problems. Unfortunately Russia and eastern europe and asia are full of pirated versions on Civ5

Thanks for the detailed answer, I'll try a reinstall tonight and make sure to put it in the Steam directory. That is correct, I did not install it into Steam and there were no language selection options during installation.

Unfortunately, you might be right regarding pirated. I mean, it looked legit..but it only cost like 12000 roubles, which is like 4 dollars. I mean, I bought it at a store, not from a market or anything. Ah, we'll see, I'll try the reinstallation in the Steam directory and see what happens and let you know, thanks again for your great and kind help!
Have a look in the config.ini in your civ 5 directory in your My Games folder.

Mine has these settings for English:

; The currently selected steam language
SteamLanguage = english

; The currently selected language.
Language = en_US

; The currently selected spoken language.
AudioLanguage = en_US
Well was it in a normal civ5 case (see boxart, also apparently Civ5 is slightly on sale on Amazon and otherwise normal packaging? (There was no paper manual). - it was like this, except for the stuff on the left side and on the top right it said "Full Russian version" but in Russian. It was in a skinny DVD case and not a boxed case. No instruction manual came with it, but the CD disc had the proper Civ 5 design on it and the dvd case looked all legit with the proper specs on the back.

I am going to reinstall it tonight when I get home (should be day time in the US anyway :)) , but to Furiey, yes mine looks like that too, en_US and english, this was actually not changed and was like this when I installed it. It must be a regedit command I think.

As I said, just reminder, its the menus and in game menus (like telling the worker to work or diplomacy screens, so on) that are in Russian, everything else is in English (the advisors still speak in English to me, but their text is all in Russian)
Did it come with a valid Steam activation code? Yes having it installed outside the steam folder would cause it to be listed as a non-steam game as well.

I'm a little suspect about it being a "full Russian version" because as far as I know 1C, the local Russian publisher of Civ games has not finished, the translation/localization for Civ5 yet.

CS - it was like this, except for the stuff on the left side and on the top right it said "Full Russian version" but in Russian. It was in a skinny DVD case and not a boxed case. No instruction manual came with it, but the CD disc had the proper Civ 5 design on it and the dvd case looked all legit with the proper specs on the back.

I am going to reinstall it tonight when I get home (should be day time in the US anyway :)) , but to Furiey, yes mine looks like that too, en_US and english, this was actually not changed and was like this when I installed it. It must be a regedit command I think.

As I said, just reminder, its the menus and in game menus (like telling the worker to work or diplomacy screens, so on) that are in Russian, everything else is in English (the advisors still speak in English to me, but their text is all in Russian)

If it didn't look like the box art I linked to on Amazon you probably bought a pirated version. Are you, uh, completely sure its Civ5 and not just Civ4 repackaged or something?
@girdi -- You almost certainly have a pirated copy of the game. CFC does not provide support for such copies, even if purchased innocently.

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