General architecture thread


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
I think that it is better to just have one thread for all my architecture-related questions, instead of posting many on this forum :)

I would like to thank those who provided good material in the past, when i asked for it.

I am currently finishing up a medieval Italian set, which is mostly a Venetian one, but also has things from Florence and southern Italy.

The castle is the castel del Monte

The large cathedral is the one of Florence.

The other two churces are of Venice, one is the st Georgio Magiore, and i forget the name of the smallest church.

So, to start the questions, i am looking to model some walls and towers, for the fortified town. Any particularly italian-medieval looking ones you could propose?
I saw Castel Del Monte and the first thought that flashed through my mind was that the canned fruit company must have built it. :blush:
I like Castle del Monte....


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Pays d'Oc isn't even in Italy. :p
Eh, and? It isn't like Italian castles are unique.
Eh, and? It isn't like Italian castles are unique.
Sure, there's no "Italian" way to build castles, but you could at least give him some examples of actual medieval Italian castles, like the Castello Estense. As it is you might as well just post stuff like the innumerable German Marienburgs and be done with it on the grounds that they're medieval and European.

I do what I want. :p
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Wait, what.
Not sure if the trees in the city centre are appropriate there. They were a nice touch with the ancient Germanic cities, but Medieval Siam might be taking it a bit far. Other than that, great work as always!
Just to note that i changed my style to something possibly closer to an expressive version of "reality" although these remain miniatures and as such there are various hindrances to make them look more realistic...

The spelling is... eclectic.
On the medieval Siam set: houses aren't really Thai style, and they should really be built on stilts. The temples and palaces look nice. Also, no windmills.

Not sure if the trees in the city centre are appropriate there. They were a nice touch with the ancient Germanic cities, but Medieval Siam might be taking it a bit far. Other than that, great work as always!

There should be more trees if anything, and canals and reservoirs.

The spelling is... eclectic.

It's Thai/Lao/Khmer transliteration. It's to be expected.
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