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is this age difference too much?

Meh, they're both fully-grown-and-then-some adults, so I honestly haven't a [fudge] to give.
Age gap isn't that much of a big deal. They are both adults and well into their adult lives. An 18 year old and a 48 year old would be weird!
Frank and Ready are too awesome for arbitrary dating calculus!
Yeah, that is too much. But at least they're not in my state! :goodjob:
They are both old enough that it isn't weird anymore. As has been said, if one of them was a teenager, it would be weird.
As long as one of them isn't under age 18, then it's probably fine.

If it doesn't work out because of age difference, then that's their problem.
Yeah, I read that and went 'ewwww'. Not that I care whether they are homosexuals, but because of that age difference. Thats just....creepy.

I have to agree with you on the ewwwww part.

I know it shouldn't matter, but it does make a difference that they are homesexuals. I like my homosexual men to be attractive. Errr wait, that didn't come out right. :) It's just harder to imagine a guy marrying an older man for money than a woman doing the same thing. And let's be serious here. He's doing it for money. I guess I expect women to marry for money, not guys. I know it's stereotyping, but oh well.
The problem with this is the generation difference. They're both adults, so it's less... weird, but the fact of the matter is that they are both from two different generations. The one dude is old enough to be the other's dad. Seriously. That is weird, regardless of how much an adult you are. Those kind of relationships aren't healthy. If you are incapable of being with someone in your own generation (Right now I am considering a generation to be 15 years forward), you need to probably reconsider your life.

I hate mostly everybody, especially ones around my age. You don't see me running off to date a fifty year old lady because "love doesn't have a number", which, oddly enough, is only said by the people that want to be involved with someone that is capable of being their father/mother.

My sister is romantically involved with a 62 year old man. She is 24. He is old enough to be her grandfather.

It's not my place to disallow people to do this, but they are weird for doing it, in the same way that people who enjoy watching girls/boys getting mounted by animals is weird.
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