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Improving the "Server is down" message


Top fun-poster
Mar 22, 2010
We have all had it before, You go to check a thread and you get the following message: The server is to busy blah blah blah. That is why I suggest a better messages which can be found below.
Spoiler :

I think this will suggest to the user that you are RUSHING to make things better.

Spoiler :

This message will not only force the person to sympathize with the server but also direct there rage towards Monty instead of the server.

Spoiler :

This message would give hope to all, The though of more liberty AND a free tech would brighten any moment for me.

Your thoughts?
Maybe a picture? Something subtle, don't want a really gaudy gif or something. A picture is worth a billion words, you know?
Wouldn't a picture require even more resoruces?

Ah, that's true. I was just picturing those leader portraits in Civ3 when you beat the AI and they were all beaten up.
Please feel free to make your own suggestions for messages.
They could make the server is down message as the actual forum, so even when it is down we can look at it.
They could make the server is down message as the actual forum, so even when it is down we can look at it.


I like this idea, especially the thought of having one of the Civ3 'beaten-up leaderheads' as the server-down message. (It would go with the Civ3 swordsman in the CivFanatics logo, as well.)
"The server has fallen asleep. Please hit the refresh button to wake him up."
I would prefer it if it were civ related.
"The server is down. Our workers are building roads to acquire more resources."

"The server is experiencing a turn of anarchy, please wait for order to be restored."

"The server is in anarchy. Please wait one turn."

"Just. . . one. . . more. . . turn. . . "

"Barbarians have sacked the server. Giant Death Robots are being deployed."

"Server down, I Love the King Day cancelled."

EDIT: There are a few about spies that can be done, but I don't think it would be a good idea. It might lead some people to believe a hacker has messed with the server.

I think a random technology quote from either CivIV or Civ5 would be cool too.

"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window." - Steve Wozniak

"Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy."- Joseph Campbell

"The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue."- Edward R. Murrow

"The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency."- Eugene McCarthy

"Beep...beep...beep...beep..." - Sputnik I
I think this would be a very nice idea, like the failwhale and the tumblebeasts

I like Pete's anarchy lines. Barring, of course, a list to cycle through.
I like Pete's anarchy lines. Barring, of course, a list to cycle through.
Agreed. My favorite is: "The server is experiencing a turn of anarchy, please wait for order to be restored."
i like how these suggestions are actually going to be useful due to the fact that downtime is now a daily occurrence

wait no i don't
Because it might lighten some people up.
Yea, it'll be better than the current message.
"Barbarians have sacked the server. Giant Death Robots are being deployed."

I like this one.
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