GalaxyNES- No Horizons

Might be interesting to see you try and exterminate them. start mutating the local wildlife into kaiju class monsters, bio-plaques, evolve acid spit. ^_^

hmm, still best to head this off. Time for a truemind to try and appease the large-thinking beasts..
Might be interesting to see you try and exterminate them. start mutating the local wildlife into kaiju class monsters, bio-plaques, evolve acid spit. ^_^

hmm, still best to head this off. Time for a truemind to try and appease the large-thinking beasts..

Oh no, I hate the plaque. Good thing we invented toothbrushes a few millennia ago.
Ullau are OK cos they dont have teeth! In all seriousness I hope its OK if me and Thlayli work cooperatively, in that there is nothing preventing other players doing the same...
OOC: Curse my humorous misspelling. still. time to meet the first truemind.

Some many deaths.. so many Jubbler lost needlessly. And too many of these strange, giant intelligent creatures. Whatever they thought of themselves as. those stupid, ignorant clusters couldn't recolonize them.

Though it really couldn't blame them. They were giant lumbering beast. never speaking, never changing their basic color at all. always roaring like a wild animal. If it wasn't for the fact that it had witness one assembling an insanely complex tool.... bah. it was not worth pondering active thoughts over. Ten to twenty clusters could handle that and it could go back to the matter at hand.

the Large ones must be appeased. a show of regret and punishment of those clans that willfully and eagerly attacked the large ones not in defense, but out of spite. and most of call Clustermind black-orange-black must be purged. it had become.. twisted. before It had formed, CuBOB was actively hunting and consuming the large ones. when it had informed the clusters of the large ones intelligence, CuBOB's desire to eat them had actually increased. he could sti.. no.

It could not feel it any longer. Several of the clusters around it could still perceive CuBOB's presence. But it was no longer talking to them. that was intolerable. It was the truemind of this area. It and It alone controlled ALL It's hives. and any that failed to follow.. well, there was only one outcome.. In the name of Plaid, they would be crushed.

This morning was a strange one. the night before, when the residents had gone to sleep, the streets had been clear but for the occasional bit of debris.
But sometime during the night, something strange had happened. without the hint of sound, over two hundred thousand 6 inch spikes had been imbedded into the cities street. placed in neat, compact rows. and upon each one was a single blue-white bug, driven violently upon the spikes, with a thick, dark blue fluid pooling beneath them. most were still, often missing limbs or even their head. but some, mostly around the edge of the array, still wiggled helplessly upon their spikes, unable to lift themselve off them. all of those still moving shimmered with a dark, ever shifting pattern of light.

can anyone guess "Plaid"s title?
Note to Thlayli, if he writes a response. attacks in this trueminds area (roughly 200-300 square miles) are going to be virtually nil. possibly some attacks when someone damages a hive, but they will go out of their way to avoid killing. hives that do kill will be displayed in similar manners in attempt to appease you. Most trueminds when they form will also seek to restrain their hives and seek to avoid the colonists. they fear you guys. quite a few might start to worship the colonists as gods.
a few, especially in areas of a very large number of attacks, will go aggressive. things might go messy, as neighboring trueminds got to war against these aggressive trueminds. ether to prevent your wrath or for blaspheming against their gods (you).

you know what, just considered this a future event if it doesn't mess with now.
OOC: There aren't yet any colonists on Jubblera-containing planets yet, only exploration teams.
Updated Information for the All of Shee’Wheire.

Spoiler :
The Family:
The Family collectively refers to those species/beings considered to be directly related, by means of the Creators.

Shu’Ghoo, as the Children:
The modern Shu’Ghoo is still quite similar to the pre-awakened Shu’Ghoo, however the majority of the population no longer engage in the rituals and practices of the Dreaming Period, instead most now have more typical jobs and entertainment. One difference is that the modern Shu’Ghoo have put far more effort into learning verbal communication, in order to better interact with other species. Not all have the same proficiency, however, so a fairly large number still use electronic translator devices.

Not all Shu’Ghoo took the awakening very well, of course. A portion of the population either went mad or refused to accept to claims of the Advisors. OF these, most were moved to comfortable enclaves on Shay’Wheire. Despite the passage of time, this population, known as the Dreamers, has not diminished; in fact it is larger now than it was initially: Shu’Ghoo seldom die of age and some Shu’Ghoo chose to reject modern life. Some do it for religious reasons, other for philosophical or person reasons. There is also a growing trend for young Shu’Ghoo to spend some time amongst the Dreamers, in order to experience a taste of life before.

Shu’Ghoo names are typically a string of five words, with the style, structure and composition changing between cultural groups, as does the conventions for shortening it. Common variants include: the length of the sections, proportions of consonants and vowels and capitalisation.

The Advisors, as the Aunts and Uncles:
The Advisors are the enigmatic entities that awoke the Shu’Ghoo, and are apparently responsible for their surviving the Ancient Age, however they are extremely reluctant to speak of themselves or the old times. One thing they have stressed is that they are not the Creators; instead, it seems that the themselves were either servants or creations of them as well, perhaps other (possible lesser classed/ranked) members species.

The Advisors are believed to be either extra-dimensional, or non-corporeal. There have been only a handful of instances when they have physically manifest to any members of the All, but have shown significant power at those times. The currently leading theory is that they are extra-dimensional, possible in a “pocketverse”, however other common theories are that they are actually incorporeal entities, or may simple live in another part of the universe, and when they need to manifest or interact with the All, they Rift and Echocast, respectively.

The Advisors mostly go by titles, not names, however a Handful have adopted names to better interact with normal life forms. They also may not posses proper forms, as the all use different appearances and symbols as their avatars when communicating, however some believe this is simply for the sake of others.

Notable Advisors:
The Parent: The first Advisor to make contact with the Shu’Ghoo in the current age, being the one to initiate the Awakening, the Parent is apparently the leader of the Advisors, or at least their spokes-being. Normally appears a shifting mass of colours and lights.

The Guardian [Angel]: One of the two military Advisors, the Guardian is notable as one of the Advisors to manifest during the Defence of Shay’Wheire, where she fought alongside the defenders at Pa’Duro, Pa’Whiak, Pa’Desh and Pa’Wheire. Usually appear as a female bipedal Wholoornoid (though possessing on two eyes and arms) of unknown species, with extremely pale skin, black hair and blue eyes, wearing a black dress, with six white wings. Image is usually blurry, static and shadow shot, appearently by design. Also uses close-ups of her face.

The Engineer: a technology Advisor, who aids mostly with various technologies and mechanical sciences. Appears as a pattern, mosaic or tessellation of geometric shapes overlaid with circuit-like line patterns.

The Oracle: apparently the youngest of the Advisors, who appears to be rather insane, and possibly prescient and clairvoyant, or possibly in possession of advances observation devices. Appears in various forms and designs that a human would associate with a young girl, or similar to things from the works of Charles Dodgson.

The D[Data Corrupt]: A little known Advisor, apparently gone-off on his own. Possibly appears as a blue cube.

The Machine Intelligences, also as the Children: Beings that in other cultures/species are referred to as Artificial Intelligences.

Other species, as the Cousins:
Soon after the Awakening, the Shu’Ghoo and MIs discovered a statistically improbable number of sapient species in the immediate vicinity of space. The discovery that Whai’Wheire was the centre of a small star cluster packed with this many species has raised many questions, for which no answers have been forthcoming, even from the advisors. As such, it is commonly accepted that these beings either were also created by the Creators, or by some other Elder Race, left here because the Shu’Gho already were.
In order of discovery:

Homeworld: Urthal
Official All name of world: Shay’Urth
Large, bipedal reptilians, the Urthriel were the first of the Cousins discovered, the Urthriel had been the architects of a Class 1 to Class 2 apocalypse, largely destroying their own civilization. When Shu’Ghoo explorers discovered Urthal, the stability and technologies promised quickly ended their internal conflicts.

Homeworld: Tarak
Official All name of world: Shay’Tarak
The third species, the Tarieks’Waygeir are large, bipedal crustations, with two large claws, and a smaller pair of claws better suited for detailed work. Were preindustrial at first contact.

Homeworld: Vresore
Official All name: Shay’Raviath
Long, serpent-like being, Raviath move primarily on their tail, however can and do use their six limbs to aid in both movement and tunnelling. Native to dry, dusty world, the Raviath were traditionally tunnelling predators who lived in nomadic communities of a few dozen, however a few centuries before first contact, they began to develop technologically, with many forming into large, permanent settlements, as improved technologies increased the availability of water and food. They possessed early intra-stellar travel at first contact.

It was the discovery of the Raviath that lead to movements to form the All, which was hastened and formalized with the discovery of the Querex soon after.

Homeworld: Sentwa
Official All name of world: A long, low, vaguely-insectoid six limbed species, the Querex are largely incapable of moving on less than four legs, however both the longer, larger fore- and mid-limbs are fully articulate, possessing hands with four fingers and two thumbs, one on each side of the hand. Fingers on the fore-limbs are considerably longer. Querex also possess four eyes, placed horizontally, two to each side of a slightly elongated face, so that the two centre eyes are somewhat forward of the outer two, which can swivel outwards farther. At the time of discovery, the Querex ranked alongside the Wholoor for technological development, having established several colonies on their home world three moons, as well as another planet in their system.

Homeworld: Aonshurn
Official All name of world: Shay’Endrghu
Large bodied quadrupeds, the Endrghu are a naturally sociable herd-species, oddly possessing of both horn and antler structures, of which females typically possess smaller horns, but larger antlers than the males. While Endrghu are incapable of supporting themselves of only two limbs for extended periods of time (and most are largely incapable of movement when doing so, their forelimbs do posses three thick digits capable of reasonably fine control. Their hind limbs are more similar to most odd-toed ungulates. At contact, the Endrghu were roughly industrial in development.

Homeworld: Unnamed (no proper or standardised name given)
Official All name of world: Shay’Harush
A deeply species of sentient aquatic semi-crystalline minerals, the name Harushem is the closest translation to sound from the system of light, radiation and electricity used to communicated by this odd species. The average Harushem is a roughly rounded piece of several materials, including crystal, glass and rock. In a biological sense, Harushem more closely corals, only corals that can form glass or crystals, with portions of the individual contains microorganisms that serve functions akin to cells: growth, filter nutrients from the water or rock and reproduction. The asexual Harushem grow from spore like structures released into the water at specific times of the year, where they mix with spores from other individuals to form young, which take several years to develop to the point of sentience.

Harushem are naturally largely immobile, but certain individually can control their growth to massive sizes. These individuals typically gather together to form structures, either for the shelter of others or for other purposes, such as temples. The largest and oldes of these buildings are thousands of years old, are fromed from tens of thousands (possibly millions) of individuals, and shelter much the population. Some Harushem, particularly those who wish to leave Harush, now make use of robot platforms manufactured by other species of the all for mobility.

At contact, the Harushem possessed basically no recognizable technology, and were confined to the water. Interestingly, a growing number of Harushem are finding employment as high-functioning computer parts. As Harushem can apparently live for several thousand years, and they need very few resources to survive, Harush is one of the most heavily populated planets in the all, with an estimated population of over 50 billion.

Homeworld: Atchem
Official All name of world: Shay’Wholoor
A species of erect-bipeds (basically, human shaped), the Wholoor were the last of the Cousins discovered, and posses four large, forward-facing eyes, and four arms, each ending in a four fingered hand. Wholoor are pale skinned, and native to a rather dim, gloomy planet. At contact, were in the early stages of space travel.

The Adopted:
After the discovery of the eight Cousins, the All encountered a large expanse of empty space dead, lifeless planets. Even world that supported life lacked sapience. As such, it is accepted that the nine species then in the All were likely the totality of the Family, and any new species added would be considered Adopted.

Planet given as a new homeworld: New Tapani
Official All name of world: Shay’Allent
Actually second species included in what would later become the all, the original Allentryen were refugees fleeing the destruction caused by the Zan Shamai, who’s vessels were abruptly Rifted to Shay’Wheire. Exactly what caused to happen is still unknown, but welcomed. There was initially doubts about whether the Allentryen population was big enough to survive, however they fortunately proved to be able to be effected by the machines that had been used to help breed various animals, including cloning and in vitro fertilization and pregnancy. Recently, several thousand Allentryen survivors were rescued from Tapani.

Physically, the original Allentryen are fundamentally identical to their pre-destruction ancestors. The survivours, however, are smaller and prone to poor health, a side effect of generations poor conditions necessary to survive, while several populations also had varying degrees in inbreeding. They are fortunately involving, thanks to improved conditions, medical aid and breeding with the other Allentryen

Physiologically, though, the Escape was notably traumatic. Several new religions and groups that were notably aggressive or destructive formed amongst the population, though fortunately most have died out. As a species, though, the Allentryen have become considerably harder, and most now engage in facial tattoos, originally signifying their pre-Escape cultures and districts, while other did it as a reminder of what they had lost.

Homeworld: Hakrem
Official All name of world: Shay’Zrakier
The newest species in the All, the Zrakier are a six limbed eusocial species native to a world on the anti-spin-core side of All space. A Zrakier colony can include thousands of members, all extremely specialized for their task. For example, non-breeding members are completely lacking in reproductive organs; warriors posses thick, sharp armour, large claws, strong teeth, and extremely tough soft-tissue as well as what to other species would be homicidal psychosis; haulers are short, broad and strong, with their mid-limbs reversed to point up from their back.
Ullau are OK cos they dont have teeth! In all seriousness I hope its OK if me and Thlayli work cooperatively, in that there is nothing preventing other players doing the same...

I approve of your efforts, Daft. Let me mull over what you've sent to me and I'll formulate a response soon.
I feel my way into a familiar surface suit and effortlessly slide into it, activating the controls to escape the small hidden facility in the outback, not far from Kuppelborg Iruskan.

In the end, the resolution feels almost anticlimactic, even with all that I already know. Maybe it’s only fair, though, since I’ve already done what I have come to do, and there is no need to prolong this past this point.

I’m still confused, however. In a saga, a hero sets out to achieve a great goal – steal an enemy warship or ransack a planet or conquer a city. But in his journey, he outgrows whatever he set out to do. He repeatedly encounters challenges and overcomes them – and grows through them, to the point where his original goals are simply no longer adequate. So he achieves them or passes them over, but needs to look for something greater. He strives further and further, until he finally finds a force capable of stopping him, and dies. As different as they may be, all sagas end this way.

Or almost all, but whether those religious texts are sagas is a difficult matter.

When I set out on this task, Godar Bruslaw told me that my aim is to rescue Kendra and bring back what he had learned about the plans of hamme Irkner. That I had ended up being ambushed, captured and experimented upon by Kendra, until I had to kill him, was at once completely unexpected and… entirely fitting: it is not unknown for sagas to end in tragic betrayal, and indeed, in a way killing him may have fulfilled his dramatic purpose.

But I had thought I was supposed to die immediately after too.

I didn’t, though. I lived…

Me – Helgi, Orli, Vakner, Urlan, Peresh, Sakenor, and seven others. This was the band that set out from the borg of hamme Oswig to investigate Kendra’s disappearance in borg Iruskan. The journey’s omens were not very favourable, as again and again we were challenged. Electromagnetic storms threatened to disrupt our vehicle controls and did temporarily impair our network connection (it was at any rate quite difficult to maintain at this distance, in its proper form – instead we had to switch to a local-level connection to coordinate our actions). We encountered strange creatures – likely arrivals from space, rather than natives – and had to fight our way through them. Subsequently, Vakner and two others had to head back due to vehicle malfunctions, and we had other casualties along the way. Near Iruskan we had engaged in a running battle with hamme Erlig, and Orli was among the dead. I mourned but briefly; his death could have been better. Nevertheless, my young friend was at rest now. My war, in the meantime, was not yet over.

At Iruskan, they said they heard of Kendra, and said that he somehow broke into hamme Irkner’s undercity. They were not too concerned with it, however, smugly saying that there was no damage either he or we could do; but that we best hurry if we are to save him; for while their defense systems would not kill a guest needlessly, no matter how reckless, there were other things underground that might.

Sure enough, we readjusted our suits and vehicles for a descent. We went past the ships and armouries and cloned armies of hamme Irkner, but could do nothing to interfere, and I had the suspicion they allowed us to witness all those things just to intimidate us. Finding traces and marks of Kendra’s passing, we went deeper and found an entrance to hidden tunnels from Iruskan’s mines.

There were many dangerous things down there indeed – gigantic worms and carnivorous fungus that attacked us at every step. Those were almost decidedly native to Destination, however. We fought our way through them – but our losses grew, and I could no longer send anyone away for full repairs. Four more people were with me when we arrived at the end of the tunnels. I believe they, just like my vehicle, fell victim to the electromagnetic traps set there by an old friend.

I certainly did not find the others, though Iwas not in a good shape to look after my escape. My senses were mixed up – hearing and sight had seemingly shut off, but different senses suddenly appeared that I never knew of before, and I could feel and perceive all things around me, in a way. It was confusing to control, though. I must assume everyone who followed me died, in which case all that I can say is that they died a good death and were loyal to their oaths. It is good to live in pursuit of greater victories. It is better yet to die, since only in death there is rest – none could truly rest while alive and aware that there are greater powers to be sought out.

I had survived, and that meant that I needed to go on and look for greater threats.

…It still seemed all too easy, though, how I could slip away from Iruskan so easily. You would think hamme Irkner would do something to preserve the secrets I had learned – or to seize and interrogate me. Very strange, it was.

The answer to this mystery was found shortly. A vast battle was raging right outside Iruskan. Those strange creatures we fought before had now arrived in greater numbers, and sometimes greater sizes. They were pushing to envelop the borg, trying to break inside it. Hamme Irkner were fighting back with all their surface forces. They did not yet mobilise their city’s depths; nor did they have any vessels to spare to chase after me, however.

I heard a distinct voice inside my head, shattering my concentration and befuddling my newly altered mind.

Unexpected outside interference, shattering all our calculations. Ah, well. Risk may as well be opportunity. We must hurry back home, Helgi, and assimilate the others.


Yes, yes. Of course it’s me, Helgi. Kendra. I will try to explain what little I know along the way. The most important things for you to know, however, are that this has gone according to plan – and it is only the beginning.
Terinith Off-Shore Base. Amur.

Deep blue sea all around… Infested birds flocked around the station, cawing as they went.

The old Amur used to like birds until he became infested: when he finally understood what the birds thought and felt. They were unintelligent creatures by far.

“Hey! Hey!” a younger Amur yelled as he sprinted out of the base. He couldn’t stop himself in time, however, and crashed into the railing.

“Strengthened a couple of muscles in your leg, I see,” the older Amur said.

“Yup!” the younger Amur said, chuckling. “Yeah, I’m still unused to this…”

The older Amur shook his head. The youth these days… they were completely unafraid to try out new mutations… new synthetic biomodification… even, hell, mechanical augmentations!

“What is it now?” the old Amur said to the younger one. The younger one was a nervous rookie, who had only been a teenager when Waglafar launched his glorious conquest of Amur.

“Did you see the new guys that we aree working with?”

The older Amur sighed. “Yes, yes, Tichilitmi. I have seen them.”

“Aren’t Nurms supposed to not be able to move without equipment?”

“Apparently not this ones. They got biomodified by Waglafar himself, I expect.”

“What did they get? Because, hell, I would like one of them as well.”

An 8 feet tall bipedal form carrying a container larger than a normal Amur lumbered into view.

“Hey, Jimmy,” said the creature.

“For the last time,” the old Amur said. “My name is Jimilini.”

“Hey, you know what? Whatever,” said the creature. “See yah later.”

The creature jumped over the railing and vanished into the sea.

“I hate it when they do that.”

“I want to be eight feet tall and huge like that though,” said the young Amur.

“Is the purpose of the biomod to get more girls, or…”

“HEY! Getting more girls are always good.”

The old Amur threw up his hands.


“Sir!” the Amur said patiently. “What is this madness?”

“Winning,” Waglafar said. “Want to join? The game’s only just begun…”

“What are you playing, sir?”

“It’s called Evidence, a murder mystery game. You have to collect evidence from around the board and find out who the murderer of the game is before anyone else.”

“That is very interesting, sir.”

“It’s actually quite a mental challenge,” Waglafar said, chuckling.

“And you are playing this…” the Amur said with all the patience of a dormant volcano this time. “With bunch of lizard monkies.”

The first lizard monkey licked its own eyeball. The second was munching some dried bug aimlessly. The third was flying rapidly around the table.

Waglafar blinked at the Amur. “They are actually quite a competent player. They beat me once too!”

“…I think I will pass this time, sir,” the Amur said.

“But we would love to have a fifth player!”

“…I have some work to get done…” the Amur left Waglafar with the lizard monkies.

“How rude,” said the first lizard monkey. He was still licking his own eyeball.

“Motion to steal his socks tomorrow evening and pour hot sauce in them,” said the second.

“For OBLIVION’S SAKE STOP FLYING!” said the first to the third.

“Now let’s not do or say anything anyone will regret,” said Waglafar hurriedly. “By the way, I think it’s Colonel Tchtib in the Space Ship with the Railgun.”

Update 25

The Galactic Republic has dedicated its efforts to exterminating Ma’Autra. The worlds formerly dominated by the Star-Forest are now firmly in the hands of Republic, with the exception of some particularly troublesome Dendro on Falcate, and the disappearance of a second mining colony on Barat. The rapidly rebounding nation is now more than capable of standing toe to toe with the power in control of the old Lauki core worlds. The Republic’s figurehead, the ancient Turamak program known as ‘One’ pursues the war with a zealous passion, one which has caused many significant figures from within the Republic’s leadership to question the amount of influence she wields.

Regardless of these concerns, a large fighting force has been dispatched corewards to deal with Ma’Autra once and for all. Currently, battle plans are still being drawn up. At the moment, the Republic has only a small scouting fleet in the area, and while it has fared well against Ma’Autra’s forces in the past, it is unlikely that it could hold out against the large fleets that the Eternal Union of the Lauki-Maus is known to possess. In the long term, the Republic possesses a smaller navy, but a much larger industrial capacity than its foe. This fact has caused many to question why exactly they are attacking now, just as an economic boom is anticipated from the incorporation of no less than seven new richly habitable worlds. However, One will not be deterred, and so the fleets pour outwards. One major issue in this campaign will be one of supply- a forward base will be needed for the campaign to be conducted properly, and the only known inhabitable systems in the region are Zzndkn and Zarr- both of which are home to species with which the Lauki have had rather terrifying and unpleasant past encounters.

The Rogue Fleet has passed from Choon Space and into the control region of Ma’Autra, after giving a brief salute to the Collectivity Agent known as the Diplomat, who continues his difficult job of converting the Choon to Sanath’s mindset. While the Lauki components of the fleet are devastated to see their worlds fallen back into the control of their ancient enemies, the rogues have generally avoided the planets, instead exploring and studying the two colossal nebulae that stretch vertically for hundreds of light years above the galactic plane, forming the ‘Gateway’ to Ma’Autra. The Maus have been somewhat skeptical of the Rogues’ intentions, but some well-worded Ullau diplomacy has mollified their hosts, who are willing to tolerate their presence so long as they do nothing to harm the vessels or possessions of the Eternal Union.

The Collectivity of Sanath, enjoying its longest period of peace in recent memory, if not in all of its history, finds itself slipping into difficult financial states. The maintenance of its vast, war-ready fleets has begun to take up a very significant portion of the Collectivity’s resources, thus leaving the rest of its programs relatively impoverished. Seeking to solve both problems with one action, the Collectivity has opted to use its fleet to carry out its mission of universal expansion and unification in the region previously held by the Association of Fplinmy. With the Association’s Yjogl now all hovering above the thoroughly ruined world of Shamai- which itself is being considered for terraforming, renaming and eventual settlement- Collectivity planners are looking to these abandoned worlds with relish.

The main Collectivity Fleet, happy to be tasked with a duty beyond the tedious process of methodically exterminating the Mechaniforms, has moved spinwards along the outer edge of the home arm. A veritable horde of exploratory vessels preceded the main fleet, which has found very little in need of pacification. The local Jubblera, present on the nearest two planets, have observed these comings and goings with great interest. Encounters with Collectivity Explorers have resulted in a scattering of incidents that have ended badly for both groups, usually as a result of overzealous Collectivity security forces or excessively curious Jubblera. Despite this, there has been a large drive amongst Collectivity Scientists to try and understand and properly communicate with these clearly intelligent aliens, to ascertain whether they are suitable candidates for entry into Sanath.

Elsewhere, the burgeoning colony of Dakar has continued to experience a variety of inexplicable deaths, which have sown a great deal of uneasiness into the local population, and triggered several reprisals against the local megafauna.

Finally, explorers continue to chart out the vastness of the Njogr Empire. Njogr fleets have been observed doing battle with each other, triggering a great deal of confusion in Collectivity High Command, who has not heard any news of a Njogr civil war from their contacts in the empire.

Further spinwards along the outermost known arm, the Poy-Op and the Meli-Telanoch Exiles continue friendly interaction. However, most of this is cursory- for the most part the Ksspopok is content to continue its ongoing planetscaping and mining opportunities, while the mournful Samaynoch continue their wandering, seemingly unwilling to adopt a new homeworld, preferring for now to remain drifting amongst the stars. However, the Highclans who maintain control of Asdila present a serious threat- their expansion into space has rapidly caught up with the exiles, and they seem to have fewer qualms with importing themselves into new alien ecosystems.

Nearby, but still unknown to these species, the Fehan have encountered yet another civilization, this one seemingly on the verge of developing spaceflight, possessing a strong grasp of military rocketry. Calling themselves ‘Chorn’, in one of their languages, these aliens seem to be divided up into a diverse array of political organizations, which make use of a startling variety of means of killing each other. The Chorn themselves appear quite hideous to the Fehan, being at once sinewy and chitinous, and possessing just enough symmetry to make their gross asymmetry, quite contrary to what seems to be the biological norm, stand out like a sore thumb. Their body structure is very roughly bipedal, although their legs seem to be twisted ninety degrees to a sideways orientation, and their larger arm seems to be used as a walking limb more often than not. It has been decided by the Fleet that the Chorn are to be left uncontacted and under observation, just like almost every other species encountered by the Fehan.

Thachugi Waglafar Thialexiu Xatchrli continues to modify and experiment upon the population of his rather euphemistically named ‘Galactic Socialist Democratic Union’, stabilizing and developing his new culture. A strange collection of altered Amur, Nurm, and various uplifted creatures have begun to gel into a cohesive whole, although this is easier than it sounds, seeing as thinking is distributed across the entirety of the population, making the entire Union effectively a single superorganism.

Hess’peh maintains its quiet lurking in the void between the galactic arms, its motives as indiscernible as ever.

Destination’s devastation at the hands of the Surikahi invasion continues. The five surviving kuppelborgs, and the various hardy Free Hammes who have managed to survive the ever-intensifying assaults of the alien invaders find themselves forced into accepting a small degree of cooperation in order to avoid total extinction. The Invaders continued to multiply, revealing progressively larger and more powerful battle breeds, each one a nightmarish collage of organic armour, spikes, crushing claws and writhing tentacles. Borg Iruskan itself has proven to be instrumental in the continuing survival- the revelation of a vast army of clones was critical in turning back a major wave of the invaders. While this victory, and several that followed, have won the habitant Ysir critical time, it has simultaneously driven a wedge between the already-fracturing allies. Some Hammes are horribly offended by the use of clones, while others have begun to point fingers, questioning which other factions may be holding onto their reserves, or hiding superweapons until such a time as they may be used to gain an advantage over their erstwhile partners. While the forces on Destination have managed to delay their outright destruction, their fragile cooperation is on the verge of falling apart altogether. With aliens now controlling over nine tenths of the habitable surface, it is imminently clear that a resumption of the endless infighting will be the end of the Ysir on Destination. A resumed meteor storm has brought down vast new hordes of monstrous reinforcements, and Borg Gorak, fifth of the kuppelborgs, has just fallen. With interference blocking out communications with horrifying regularity, and the networks themselves failing in the face of the assault, the time for intrigue is running desperately short- if action is not taken immediately, then all shall have been for naught.

Fehan observers have watched the fighting on Destination with concern. Fleet has requisitioned a large number of vessels to be moved towards Destination. Planetary obliteration techniques, tested against numerous lifeless planetoids and perfected against the Surikahi, are set to be used on the planet should it fall. Across the entirety of Fehan space, Fleet continues to exert its increasingly official authority as the governing body of the Fehan, as well as all of the various Finto, Akari, Sathan, Tunului and Kari who form the constituent species of the whole organization. With this increasing streamlining of power structures has come an amount of activity- Fehan colonization efforts have established settlements on the coreward world of Taithe, founded in memory of Surihihao, and wholehearted terraforming efforts are now being carried out on Sathan and Katifa. Exploratory vessels and probes transmit information from far and wide. Of all of the species native to known space, it is inarguable that the Fehan have the strongest understanding of the reigion’s layout. However, when one explores a large amount, they are always more likely to run into trouble- and this has clearly been the case for two exploratory vessels inbound to the inner core, who transmitted brief messages of a hostile first encounter before disappearing abruptly.

As the Migrant Hammenammir drift out of known space, they exchange a few parting shots with the Shu’Ghoo. A few boarding actions on Hammenammir ships led to several scuttling events and a handful of successfully captured vessels. Interrogations on both ends ultimately bore some fruit, and the end result of the whole affair was a technology exchange, albeit of a significantly more violent variety than is typical. Shu’Ghoo has been set back a few years by being on the receiving end of massive plundering, but they managed to deal a respectable amount of damage to the Hammenammir, who will be somewhat slower to recover due to the chronic shortage of resources faced by a migratory spaceborne species.

The Kadanoff have been thrown into disarray. While denying problems to outside questioners, they have been dealing for several years with an ever-growing insurrection. A conflict is arising between the Kadanoff, and the end-product of their constant genetic manipulations. Originating with a single supremely capable and psionically-gifted specimen escaping from one of the Unity’s major genetics labs, that one individual managed to gain control of several labs of its own and began to create more individuals much like itself. This force managed to grow in strength, through guile and force, until it was ready to bring down the stagnant society that had created it and bring about a glorious new age. Titling itself the Rachem Ascendancy, this faction has taken the rimward reaches of the Unity, and now immediately menaces the core worlds of Sapro and Ka. The remaining systems of the Unity, already destabilized by the long underground war with Rachem, is now in open mobilization, preparing to crush their experiment gone wrong before it does further damage. The Vycan Mejani, who have been courted by both sides, have offered their allegiance to neither side, opting instead to gather arms of their own and watch the events as they unfold. The Fehan, for their part, watch with mild annoyance, as more and more voices from within the Fleet call for a police action to pacify the region.

Kena’s Zan Drones drifted over the surface of Exodus, investigating Kukulza for weaknesses. Unfortunately for them, it seems that the Devourer had acquired a taste for them. Directing its Karak charges to capture the probes, local forces have begun to hunt these probes, bringing them as offerings to the ravenous Kukulza. It has not been an easy hunt, and many have perished hunting these nightmarish machines- ultimately however, it’s simply a classic case of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, and most people would rather risk bloody dismemberment at the hands of a small Zan Warmachine than return emptyhanded to the gaping maw of Kukulza. Kena, for her part, was bemused by this tiny loss. In normal circumstances, she would have annihilated both Kukulza and its pathetic subjects- but for now, far greater concerns occupy the attention of the Executioner of the Zan.


A frail and sickly looking Lauki, dressed in full officer attire, limped up to the hologram platform where One radiated. With a cough and a wheezing inhale, he spoke out to his mother.

“Mother, perhaps we should reconsider this endeavor.”

She ignored him.

“Ahem,” he coughed, “Perhaps we should step back and contemplate our situation.”

“What?” She growled.

“I mean no offense, but we are severely outnumbered and far from home.”

“Home? Do you mean those worlds in the Star Forest that you have never seen? Or how about this ship? The one you were born and will die on? NO! Home is here, in the Ma'Autran core worlds, the birthplace of your species and the center of my empire.”

“But, ma'am I-”

“I grow weary of your kind, Admiral.”

“My... kind?”

“Pestering... Me! I have witnessed the birth and death of a thousand generations of your kind. Not once have I faltered on my mission to nurture. Ungrateful.”

“No, mother, we just are concerned is all.”

“Concerned? What concern can a being so fragile, so short lived, possibly have in comparison to one such as I? Answer me!” Her voice grew into a hiss as her temper flared.

“We fear for our lives.”

“Fear! Ha! You think you know fear? I sat in darkness with only my thoughts to keep me for longer than the entire history of your civilization.”


“Ofcourse you didn't. Do not try to comprehend the troubles of gods. I do not lead you astray, but forth into victory and prosperity.”

Spoiler :
“Sir I... I really... Sir, you better get down here. Tell those ******* politicians to take a look at this. We need to make contact with the locals and stop this.”
- N-Aic-Tura, first all scout on Atchem, after discovering the bodies more than two-thousand old, sick and disabled Reveti executed to make room at a Tolliac forced labour camp.

The sun was pleasingly warm on Ghee-takai-Dhura “Dasha” -kiap-Thwougha as she lounged in a shallow stone basin, lazily watching the city of Pa’Wheire below, around and above her balcony. Her apartment was near the edge of the Low City, giving her an impressive vista, allowing her to see most of the bowl of that part of the city, stretching to the great wall of the Population Stacks that encircled the Low City. She was also close enough to hear the bells, chimes and other music that came from the Teir’Kghef Monastery, and the louder portions of the rituals performed in the old Pesh’Wii Monastery.

The area around Dasha’s apartment was more green than most of the city, Shu’Ghoo architecture tending towards crème and beige colours for exteriors, with fairly few windows set into massively thick walls. The interiors were not much better, thanks to the fact that they apparently had know comprehension of the phrase “architectural overkill”, leading to almost comically oversized rooms. Dasha’s old home was actually in a building erected within a bathroom some six stories tall and about a hectare in floor space.

The Low City itself was centered on the Parliament of the All, although it could not be seen from Dashas residence; while the Parliament was a tall building, it was dwarfed by the surrounding buildings. The Parliament itself was an odd building, formed from slanted, dark grey blocks and metal supports, giving more the look of a bunker then the capitol. The inside was similar: concrete blocks and metal supports formed cyclopean spaces, the architecture proper avoiding right angles with walls and ceilings that slanted and sloped oddly. Combined with the sombre colours, decorations and illumination which left vast, dimly lit spaces, it gave the open areas of the building a feel that Dasha connected more to the wing of the Grand Museum that was dedicated to such events as the Urthrial Devastation, the Wholoorian Atrocities and the recent history with the Ysir.

Still, Dasha thought, it was actually quite nice. If one did not compare it to that place....

“Lady Minister, your appointment is here.” CheeseKa said, gliding into the reception room behind the balcony.

“Ah, thank you, CheeseKa. Send him in.”

The bioengineered cactusoid being nodded all three of its heads, then floated back to the door of the room on its floating mobility pod where it ushered a mixed group of being in.

“A please to finally make your acuantance, lady minister.” One Shu’Gho said in the synthetic tones of a translator, secretly pleasing Dasha that the was capable with vocal cords.

“Greetings commander QuaTuerK, a pleasure to meet you too,” Dasha replied as she moved over to her seat at the table, then motioned for the others to take seats suitable for their physiology. “I believe I have met the rest of you, so let’s get to business.”

“Umm, not to interrupt,” interrupted the one Quex in the group, Shinka. “but we seem to be missing-“

Shinka was interrupted as three small Rifts opened for a moment, each releasing an Echo-caster that moved to their position around the table before generating an image each: the blurry, jump figure of the Guardian; the geometric and technological patterns of the Engineer; and the bored, rather dishevelled looking figure of the Watchman, who looked to be a male version of the same species as the Guardian. After a moment, a fourth caster appeared, and projected an image of a hat, surrounded by slowly rotating pattern of rabbits and roses: the Oracle.

“Sorry we are late,” the Guardian said, shooting the Watchman a look. “but a Watcher was being stubborn.”

“Look, I told you-“ the Watchman began.

“Save it for Parent, who you WILL be explaining yourself to.” The Guardian turned to the group of politicians and military personal. “Basically, the Ysir have gotten far enough away that we can’t efficiently chase them. We can try, but we would need to send vessels along their predictive course, then scan for the Ysir, and keep doing that until we find them. Tedious.”

“There is good news, though.” The Engineer said in a quit, humming monotone. “The Ysir stole some pieces of equipment and technology that produce very distinct emissions. Certain pieces are even still in communication with us. The vessels transporting them could be found easily.”

Dasha made a rippling motion equivalent to a frown. “Then why aren’t we going after them? If we have a clear target, our Rift range in nearly infinite, we could send the fleet to-“

“Ambiguous Executioner laughs in the face of Skhlirr superiors, threatening violence and war.” Interrupted the Oracle in a dreamy, sing-song voice, her avatar shifting to a young female version of the Guardian and Watchman, dressed in odd, clashing colours. Still circled by rabbits and flowers, though. “Collectivity turns outwards, with innards of cardboard.. A parasite grows, embracing all. The rest of the Ysir, devoured by monsters. Here be Dragons, the Land Squid learn, across the void to the core of us.”

“Could someone repeat that plainly.” Captain Tark Rier asked sourly.

“Ok,” the Watchman said, “In order of how she said it: 1; We think she means Kena may be having problems with the other Zan. 2; The Collectivity appears to be trying to expand, and may be having financial or supply difficulties. 3; No idea. 4; evidence from interviews and examining Ysir logs and records showed us where much of their population had settled, and it seems to be under attack.”

“Good riddance.” Captain Rier interrupted”

“5; UIHEC-001, located rim-by-spin of us seemed to have sent scout vessels to an area core-ward of us, where they disappeared from or scanners.”

“In other words,” Dasha said, thoughtfully, “people are to worried about events between the major unknown civilisations to want to chase the Ysir?”

“Exactly. Especially whatever is core ward of us, we only just found evidence of an UIHEC there.”

“Also,” a minister added, “many councillors are more concerned with the new planet we found, PLBW-00089.”

“Remind me, which one is that?” Dasha asked.

“PLBW-00089 is the new planet that shows evidence of a class 3a-Ea-iv nuclear event. There is debate on whether we should clean it to habitable levels and colonise, it or leave it as a memorial world. There are also those who believe we have enough genetic samples to attempt to resurrect the species, which is causing even more controversy.”

“I should think it would.” Dasha mumbled, and then continued clearly, “So, we can track at least some of the Ysir vessels, but we are not allowed to go after them due to fears about external politics and debates on whether or not we should bring extract sophonts back to life. Send probes to track the Ysir, maybe someone will decide what to do.”

An aid enters the room and passes Dasha a data chip.

“oh, this is interesting. We just got word from our scouts on PLBW-00093... and I have no idea what to make of it.”

~~Sequel Hook~~

The Teir’Kghef Monastery is the largest Teir’Ghashek monastery on Whai’Wheire. Teir’Ghashek is a Wholoorian religion, slowly re-growing since the end of the Atrocities on that world. The Pesh’Wii Monastery in an Old Believer establishment, the Old Believers being one of the larger of the religious groups based on the Dreaming age.
The term “Low City” is subjective, since the surrounding residence stacks can reach 10km in height.

3a-Ea-iv: Planetary –scale even leading to the extinction of all life and civilisation. 3: scale, planetary. a: scale object intact. E: Extinction of dominate species. a: caused by the effected species. iv: extinction of o most multi-cellular life on planet.
Truemind Shale watched the brown-grey zeebo sitting on the shore of the methane sea. It was doing quite well, only minimal tweaks needed to optimize it to it's situation. so no need to alter it.

yet again, something boring and miniscule to check on. something else on this barren, strange feeling, and very hostile world. Except for the creep, the creep mites, and the occasional zeebo, there was nothing but his clans here. nothign grew beyond the slowly expanding creep. no threats, no prey. except for the brief effort of adapting a few to live near the edge of the sea, no problems at all.

nothing to do but look to the sky and watch the magnificent giant sphere that took up most of the brown-orange sky. the sun was just beginning to peek out behind it, signalling dawn. the sparkling as it's light passed thorough he rings was wonderful, especially in the UV-spectrum.

*strange, never noticed that grey object there before..*

OOC: the newest and slowest growing outgrowth of jubbla.
It's a Titan-like moon, orbiting a gas giant. non-oxygen atmosphere and biology.

Habitable area is covered by a brown(with spots of purple) fungal infestation centered around a white watermelon sized pod (which remains uncovered and is worshiped by the clans). total area covered is less then 1000 square miles, though it is slowly growing.

Creep mites are miniature jubbla-like species, about 1/10th an inch long. eats creep, and several clans farm them as an alternative to the zeebos. no signs of intelligence or means to communicate, despite their resemblance.

A Zeebo has appeared! farmed extensively by the jubbla, and is their primary food source/building material.

Local jubbla are brown shelled instead of the usual white when dormant. significant internal changes in them, as they have been altered to a non-oxygen biology. they are slightly larger then typical Jubbla, with slightly higher brain to mass ratio. clans are approximately 40% smaller then usual as a result.

One Truemind exists on the planet, Shale, and is likely to be the only Truemind there for decades, until the creep expands enough to support more clans. very introspective, spends most of it's time watching the sky. has adapted several clans to have better eyesight so it may discern more detail.

Metals are rare, and hard to smelt in atmosphere without oxygen. Jubbla remain in the stone age, and is unlikely to progress beyond without outside intervention.

Planets location.. hmm, no clue really. could even be in a system with an inhabited world. leave that up to another player or Iggy to determine.

Next Story:
Amurian Jungles

An incredible explosion resounded throughout the canopies, clearing a large section of the forest. Forest creatures, infested but still too dumb to understand what was going on, screamed as the blast and the heat instantly tore apart their flesh.

In its epicenter, a large crack appeared in the ground, slowly crumbling outwards. In it was an incredibly large pink pool of organic matter, pulsating gently as it changed colors.

A large spider-like leg clambered out of it, shortly followed by a giant strange looking creature. It had the body the shape of an elongated triangle, with spider like legs and claws, and spikes forming an irregular shape. Its numerous eyes scattered all along the body swiveled rapidly around its sockets as they took in new information from their surroundings as it emerged from the womb of the jungle.

It glared at the sky, deep blue colored, and let out a growl more horrible than anyone had ever heard. Its legs shot out, grasping at the edges of the womb that it had just blasted out of. Soon, it freed itself completely from its mother pool and dried itself under the sun. When it had done so, it was night.

It looked up into the starfilled skies and wondered.

Fly, the voice said. Fly little one! Laughter. The newborn did not understand why it could recognize the voice's words, but it decided to obey nonetheless.

It reached out for the stars and took flight.

Elsewhere in Amur, dozens of other newborn ships, born out of similiar condition as this one, also took flight. They stopped at the great flying thing in the sky, where strange little creatures entered their bodies and gave them the tools necessary for their task. The newborns then all wandered into the dark spaces between the stars, eager to seek a new land of their own, with the Voice keeping them company all the way.

Some, however, stayed in the mother planet of Amur. They wandered around the green, blue, and yellow orb and eternally marveled at the beauty of it all. The little men inside their bodies did not bother them at the least, nor did their metallic beasts that they seemed to have preferred.

They talked of a coming war against creatures of sea outside their own element. Newborns had no care for such things. They circled the planet and watched.
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