GalaxyNES- No Horizons


Jun 7, 2005
GalaxyNES- No Horizons

Welcome, my friends, to a story of a most grand scope. An epic tale of the stars- or to be precise, of the creatures who once lived their lives in orbit around them. However, to these stars they are tethered no longer.

These are entities of stupendous and mind-boggling variety, many of whom might even struggle to recognize each other as beings in of themselves. However, all of them share an incredibly rare and powerful gift- intelligence- and within them it manifests in many radically different forms.

These are the beings who have escaped the fetters of their collective homeworlds to seek their destinies amongst the boundless stars. Some plot to expand and conquer, others seek to explore and discover, and some have motivations entirely beyond our own comprehensions.

This is their story, as each of these species stride towards their destinies in a universe of No Horizons.

Seize the Night Sky.



This is a Story NES. The stats are simple and descriptive, and the meat of this NES is in stories. You can invent new alien species, then play as nations, species, or even individuals, if you are so interested. To clarify, you can write for an entire species, which may be fractured up into multiple factions, you could command a single united force, or you could write entirely about a small group of an individual. At any rate, as creator of a species, you do have some responsibility to flesh out their character, but as a moderator I'll be happy to take initiative and work with you to create the most interesting story possible.

Actions will be performed through stories. They can be as brief and simple or elabourate and long as you wish! I will make weekly short, quick updates saying what happens, and update the map to show political control, exploratory results, locations and the like. Orders are unnecessary, though if you insist on sending them, they're allowed.

Creating a Species

One of the most important things in this NES is creating an alien species. Creativity is king here, bizarre is good! Try a non-hominid body plan, experimenting with different psychologies, or subverting some genre stereotypes! If you're having trouble with this, then I'd be very happy to help out. Simply catch me on #nes or send a PM, and we'll work something out.


Each pixel corresponds to a distance of roughly 10 light years. Straightforward enough. The passage of time, on the other hand is a bit of a trickier matter to deal with. The development of various faster-than-light technologies have enabled tremendous distances to be covered within the span of mortal lifetimes, but transportation is by no means instantaneous. There is some flexibility in how you want to view time- some species might view an update as generations long, while for others it may pass as an inconsequential . From a human viewpoint, each update is roughly fifty Earth years- though as there is no Earth here for reference, our idea of a year is somewhat irrelevant.

Starting Template

Name (Of Individual, Group, Organization, Nation, etc.)/Player
Species: A name for your species, and a description of their appearance and capabilities.
History: An overview of how your species developed to the point where it is today.

Just tell me where you'd like to start, what colours you'd like. If you'd like, you could work out some common history with other members of your local area. Not all species are going to start at the same time- the zeroth update will cover the history of this little piece of the galaxy up to this point, giving us a variety of levels of development between species. We might have a few multi-species confederations, empires, newly-emerging star travelers, or even a few species who have still not yet escaped the bounds of their home planets. This is pretty much up to you for the start.

I'll answer any questions you have about the game, and will expand upon the present rules if it will help to clarify. I'd like to finish up by saying that all people are welcome to join, whether they are old-timers, newcomers, or somewhere in between! To newcomers to our community, I'll be happy to show you the ropes and get you started in NESing. It's going to be a wild ride. :D


Update One
Update Two
Update Three
Update Four
Update Five
Update Six
Update Seven
Update Eight
Update Nine
Update Ten
Update Eleven
Update Twelve
Update Thirteen
Update Fourteen
Update Fifteen
Update Sixteen
Update Seventeen
Update Eighteen
Update Nineteen
Update Twenty
Update Twenty One
Update Twenty Two
Update Twenty Three
Update Twenty Four
Update Twenty Five
Update Twenty Six
Update Twenty Seven
Update Twenty Eight


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Colourful and gregarious, the Allentryen and Akari are feathered bipeds with avian ancestry. They are cooperative and diplomatic, while retaining a distinct hint of individualism. Their bodies are covered in grey feathers, while their head was bare except for a fringe of feathers covering the back of their head. Their head feathers were brown in young individuals, but became more colorful with age. The origin of these two species is unclear, but it is widely presumed that they were once part of a single empire which fell, only to be succeeded by two civilizations long after, each of which had forgotten about the other’s existence.
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Humbled by an infestation by a parasitic organism known as the Vine, the advanced civilization of the Amur was humbled and permanently deformed, falling from regional prominence to obscurity. Pre-infestation, they were lanky bipeds, but after the vine’s corrupting influence established itself, several neotenous genes were activated, resulting in the preservation of tertiary legs and eyes in adult populations, and a more hunched, squat posture. The Amur are very fond of organization, and strove to establish a new, ordered government. However, the depredations of the migrant Hammenammir, followed by the rise of the Fungal superorganism of Thachugi Waglafar Thialexiu Xatchrli, have left this species divided between one half that lives on the brink, and another that lives under alien domination.

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Pre-Vine Amur

Post-Vine Amur

Descended from arboreal reptilian ancestors, the Cherwel are the native population of the now-ecumenopolis of Garv'n- Cherwyn, as it was once known. Cherwels have culturally and linguistically assimilated into the mainstream of the Galactic Republic, but to this day the continue to strongly value egalitarianism. Cherwels tend to clad themselves in cloaks, tied along the length of their bodies, maintaining a fondness for intricate textile art.

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Colossal gas-giant dwellers, the Choon range from a mere 20 meters in length, to over a kilometer in some of the greatest of the grandmothers. Their bodies are oblong spheroids, encased in a semi-flexible carapace, with stiff, elabourate antler-like structures where one might expect to see wings on a bird. Seven eyes, vertical slits, cluster around the front, while tremendous long spikes extend out of their backs. A very long, whiplike tail develops at the rear of the animal, often extending multiple times the length of the body. Below, carapace plates conceal a tremendous mass of tentacles, deep within which is hidden a fearsome maw. Further back, a cavernous space spawns masses of dronelike young, near-absent minds tied to that of their mother. Much of the rest of the bodily interior is filled with a tremendous mass of spongy material, providing buoyancy for these titanic creatures. All Choon start off as simple drones. Cannibalizing fellow Choon serves not only as a method of fertilization, but also allows predatory individuals to gain the solid-stored mind and memories of the deceased. Doing so facilitates further mental and physical development, allowing them to become some of the privileged few to reach adulthood. Romantic and sentimental as often as they are heartless and supercilious, the Choon seem to be rife with contradictions. Many wander the universe without direction, or like a child wandering from toy to toy. Those who interact with other species do so in a variety of ways. Some terrorize primitive populations, others contact only a select few, while still others manipulate those they contact, for amusement, a sense of charity, or more obscure purposes. The Choon conduct combat either from a distance, through the release of hordes of 'small'drones, or more directly, usually in a manner involving humongous tentacles and ingestion. Advanced Hyperspatial Technology has been provided by the mysterious benefactors who named the Choon, but beyond this they have nothing in the way of science to further develop these ideas, though they are quite capable of modifying and developing new designs based on already-known concepts.

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The original inhabitants of the Star-Forest, the Dendro are distantly related to the Maus, possessing a neural network within their roots. For hundreds of thousands of years, the Dendro carefully structured a plant-dominated ecosystem around themselves, only to see it all brought to ruin by the chance act of the Wera teleporting the Galactic Republic’s homeworld of Garv’n across the galactic arm and into the heart of Dendro space. Today the Dendro are but a shadow of their former selves. Their mouths (a symbiotic plant species) sing dirges mourning the death of the Forest, although some Dendros, specifically those belonging to the lineage of Barat, maintain a resistance to the destruction caused by the Galactic Republic.

Arboreal hexapods, the Fehan are an anomaly to many of their neighbours. Their body is covered with numerous gripping setae, with sensory organs in the front and a posterior brain. Fehan, who reproduce via a mechanism similar to pollination, have no concept of romance or lust, though they still possess a strong emphasis on platonic and familial love. They are non-territorial, although by no means pacifistic- they are quite aware of how to fight and place relatively little weight on individual death.

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Small beings resembling little more than a pinkish ball of fluff with a few protruding plastic spikes, the Fudirunins are something of an anomaly. Capable of incredibly fast reproduction, they can reach their environment’s carrying capacity in an extremely short period of time. Possessed by a very strong sense of groupthink, Fudirunins divide the universe into things that are ‘right’ and ‘not-right’. The former are befriended, the latter utterly destroyed. Additionally, they have a confidence that grows with population- a singular Fudirunin is cowardly and indecisive, but a larger group becomes progressively more suicidally overconfident in their actions. Fudirunins have almost entirely mechanized their society, freeing individuals to work in the military, colonization, exploration and science. Opposition to the Zaff Dominion led to a variety of slave-freeing raids, which ultimately resulted in the integration of many alien species into the Fudirunin social fabric.

Gurlatch Aruhn
Primitive and almost entirely lacking in technology, but still possessed of a keen predatory intelligence, the Gurlatch Aruhn resemble large, mammalian centipedes, each one possessed of an impressive rack of horns, the size and shape of which are often used to determine dominance. These creatures live for the hunt- their very society is built upon the gatherings which occur immediately before and after a major kill. These creatures curl up into balls in order to move quickly, and are masters of hunting tactics. A visitor to their world might suspect them to be nothing more than unintelligent animals, until the very moment where they overwhelmed the visitor's expedition en-masse in a precisely-planned and tightly-choreographed assault.

Mollusc-like amphibians, the Hweelu walk on a triad of heavily-reinforced tentacles, each of which extends from an armoured coil on top of the body which holds all of the vital organs. Small manipulator tentacles and sensory organs extend from this coil alongside the primary walking legs. Hweelu could have become a major interstellar power, had they not been constrained by a very small community size. While they maintain extremely close relations with a dozen or so of their closest relatives, their empathy diminishes rapidly for more distant groups. As a result, city-based culture never overtook their civilization, as it did for so many other species. Despite this, the Hweelu have still managed to slowly build up to a respectable level of technology, though their utter political fragmentation leaves their species largely incapable of exerting power away from their own world.

Consummate designers and tinkerers, the Kadanoff are masters of both automated industry and genetic manipulation. While their most common form (whether or not it is natural is a somewhat academic question) resembles a long-fingered millipede dangling from a balloon, the Kadanoff have engineered themselves to thrive in a wide variety of different jobs and habitats. The Kadanoff are friendly, though they tend to be secretive and untrusting towards outsiders whose brains they have not carefully studied or manipulated.

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The Karron are small, spiky, armoured creatures, who walk with a hunched bipedal gait. The Karron rose to dominance on their home planet not by being the greatest killer but by being the greatest survivors. Early Karron traveled in packs and when they found a meal the group would surround it leaving only their heavily-defended backs exposed, rendering them nigh-near immune to predation. Over time predators learned that a Karron is not an ideal meal and left them alone, allowing them to continue their development. At their civilization's peak, Karronic warfare had reached the point where special-ops teams served as the only offensive forces, infiltrating fortified sites that were unbreakable by conventional means. With the discovery of alien life, lasting global peace was achieved. However, Karronic paranoia would prove to be their downfall, as their fear of the rising Fehan led them to conduct an ill-fated pre-emptive strike, leading to the ruination of their empire and the devastation of Catifah. Today, some 'Karan' live within the Fehan Empire, while others continue to squat in bunkers, buried deep ruins of their semi-occupied homeworld.

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Big, brawny, hard-shelled, combative and honourable, the Kasekral may seem like the odd man out in the original three species of the Collectivity of Sanath, and in many ways they are. Nonetheless, despite their initial enmity towards the Nitha and Qii, they have proven themselves to be incalculably valuable to Sanath, often serving on the front lines of combat alongside their erstwhile enemies the Nitha.

The Kog'Vlad are ferocious, cannibalistic and bloodthirsty specimens. They produce an acid that is deadly from their mouths not unlike spit which is often used as a projectile weapon to capture and kill prey. The more blood a Kog'Vlad intakes, the more large and powerful it becomes, until it is killed. Once killed, Kog'Vlad will leak little small eggs that form the basic cells for new individuals. In this way, Kog'Vlad are asexual. Organization in Kog’Vlad society is centered around a singular Emperor, who has lifted their civilization from medieval barbarism to an early age of space travel. This cooperative behaviour is surprising, given the typically individualistic nature of most Kog’Vlad.

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Natives of the planet Koraft, the Kurkrav are slender, knobbly insectoids. Their bodies are wiry and bipedal, while their faces are distinctively hymenopteran. Talented practical thinkers and engineers, the Kurkrav provided much of the mechanical prowess of the Zaff Dominion, designing the mechs and vast foundries that powered the military victories of the Dominion. Possessed with a degree of resilience in the face of Zaff mental domination, the Kurkrav came to form a significant portion of the Dominion’s Branigan Corps, producing such notable figures as Warmaster Torug, who commanded the defenses and attempted recapture of Glare. Today, Kurkrav populations continue to live in New Braniga and, in limited numbers, the Galactic Republic.

A race of sentient spongelike organisms who span across a planet. While unintelligent as individuals, multiple Kurma can interface with one another, generating vast, distributed neural networks, granting their planetary consciousness with an impressive level of processing power. Kurma generate large, sticky nets in order to capture and feed upon airborne lifeforms, and have fairly recently begun to expand out of their own home system in order to better ensure the survival chances of their species.

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A union of a sentient tree and a hiving insectoid organism, the Lauki-Maus have evolved to a state of complete codependence. The Maus provide organization, leadership and food, while the Lauki serve as loyal agents of interaction with the motile world.

Lauki have four arms, each with three graspers and hairs to allow for climbing on nearly any surface. Two long and powerful rear legs allow for speed running, long jumps of up to forty feet and powerful striking ability. They have two pairs of small wings, a heavier pair on top and a smaller stabilizing pair below, which allow short bursts of flight. Their heads are hymenopteran and streamlined, with small mandibles only good for eating fruits and chewing wood. They serve as the labor, foot soldiers and caretakers of the Maus. As such they lack the higher levels of intelligence and are mostly left to follow orders and without command they are fairly incompetent at any task. In recent times, genetically-engineered high-intelligence Lauki have rebelled against the Maus, and become a self-supporting civilization.

Maus are the large live Oak-like trees that are the voice and brains behind the Lauki. They are highly intellgient, sentient plants that alone can gather and store a mind boggling amount of information. Their true glory comes in numbers where the roots act like neurons connecting to form a giant network that is one powerful 'brain', able to calculate as fast and cold as any machine. They are photosynthetic, and can even survive in the vacuum of space for years on stored reserves of energy. They produce a sweet, blue-purple fruit with a pear shape and small out growths shaped like rounded spikes, tasting like a mix of mango and tomato. They speak through the Lauki using pheromones, the Lauki can then vocally communicate on their behalf, precisely and without error. The Maus live for thousands of years but will quickly become overgrown and schizophrenic if removed from the Lauki and other Maus.

Mysterious beings apparently composed of sentient light.

Tiny biomechanical ‘bugs’, the Many exist to serve the One- or by some other interpretations, the One is merely the omega of the Many’s development. Regardless, these small creatures serve as a vanguard for their massive, baroque, cathedral-like planet-eating monstrosity, scouting ahead and preparing worlds for One’s arrival. With their charge’s destruction at the hands of the Zan Kena and her Dirge of Eternity, the Many have withdrawn back into the deep space from whence they came.

An army of rapidly-reproducing autonomous machines of unknown origin, the Mechaniforms alternate between raiding cycles, where they plunder and fight to accumulate materials, and resting cycles, where they revert to a peaceful building stage and will not even defend themselves when attacked. The reason for this behaviour is not understood, although it is viewed as annoying and threatening enough that the Mechaniforms have become pariahs throughout known space, typically being destroyed on sight.

While their natural form is little more than a hardened, three-pointed dome of a head and a soft body containing four tentacle arms and four tentacle legs, Mejani are most often seen moving around in mechanized, multi-use suits. Internal strife has seen the Mejani Lineages (Lyran, Kyan, Vycan and Vytan) reduced to just the Vycans, although recent evidence suggests that the Vytans may have managed to keep the barest fingerhold on survival.

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Natives of the planet Navart, the Navartines are bulky , eight-legged amphibians. Prior to colonization by the Zaff after their defeat by the Zan Shamai, the Navartines were divided up into a variety of somewhat primitive sovereign principalities, united only by a widespread planet-worshipping religion. Zaff Psychic Domination brought unity and slavery to the Navartines, spread the species beyond its homeworld about the expansion of the species to the planet of Truff. Today, the Navartines live primarily in New Braniga, as their ancient swampy homeworld was callously glassed by the Zan Kena. Given their faith, this event, coupled with the general rape of their planet by the Zaff, was horribly scarring to their species’ mindset. Embittered and greatly reduced in population, the Navartines nonetheless form a significant and productive portion of New Braniga. A separate population, descended from slaves liberated by the Fudirunins, exists within the Galactic Republic.

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Uplifted by the Qii to serve as warriors against the Kasekral in ages past, today the tiny, mammalian Nitha form the bulk of Sanath’s armies. Their relatively short lifespans and tremendous reproduction rates rendering them as the Collectivity’s most populous species.

Nurm live in isolated communities that correspond to the deep tidal pools their ancestors were bound to. Their anatomy reflects this aquatic heritage, and their culture does as well. Their body type is like a ten-meter cylinder that is usually about three meters wide with one end tapered to a tear-drop shape. This is the ‘tail’ end. The tail itself is a vestigial spade foot that ancestors used to burrow into sediment to avoid predation and capture prey. Moving toward the anterior end, the next remarkable feature is the bony plates that begin as the trunk of the body begins and the spade-tail ends. The bony plates are an extension of a calcified matrix inside of the Nurm individual. The plates may have served a purpose in defense at some point, or perhaps an anchor for mating practices. The plate pattern continues until the anterior face of the original cylinder is found. On the ventral surface, hundreds of thousands of modified calcified spines serve as support and a means of locomotion for the individual. The face of the cylinder is slightly tapered, with hinged bony plates at the top and bottom. Recessed into the cylinder, a fleshy, writhing mass is visible. This mass is the only part of the Nurm that can see or feel. It is covered with anywhere from one dozen to two dozen manipulators covered with eyespots and olfactory recesses. Amid the manipulators there are three or four manipulator ‘eyes,’ capable of not only sensing light, but making sense of the signals that are received. The color of the individual is usually an earth-tone, but the color is dependent upon the mineral content of the diet of the individual. The exposed flesh is a pink-green hue.

Slender, translucent-skinned amphibians, the scientific genius of the Qii has helped to propel the Collectivity of Sanath into a dominant position in local space, while their ardent pacifism has helped to serve as a glue within Sanathi Society.

A race of planet harvesters led by a figure named Ra, the Rama make use of colossal ships to decimate planetary surfaces, breaking them apart and harvesting valuable minerals before moving on. Consummate migrants, the idea of permanently settling down either seems ridiculous to them, or hasn’t been considered at all.

The Sadhilim are powerfully built bipeds descended from apex predators on their homeworld, and maintain many predatory traits to this day, including vestigial hunting claws and a fiery nature. Their name for themselves is ‘Those Who Initiate Duels’, and ceremonial competition through oratory and martial display forms an important part of their culture. Dismissive of outsiders and the unproven, the Sadhilim are willing to accept those who display greatness as one of their own. The entirety of the Sadhilim population is presently ruled under the aegis of the Fehan, who have displayed no greatness beyond an adeptness at manipulation and some superior technology.

The Sgligatik are a very unintimidating looking race from the planet Athre. They aren't very large, standing only about two feet tall, and weighing a little over forty pounds at the most. They have four legs and two arms, three fingers on each hand that enable them to grab hold of things well. What they lack in physical strength, they more than make up for in population. Each mature female (age 3+) can give birth twice a Sgligatiki year, to a brood of over 50 offspring each time. And, the average lifespan of a female is 40 years old (males generally only live for about half that time, and are only about 75% the size, on average, of a female). Their round head is covered in "eyes" (more like lenses, not quite eyes like we know them but they get the job done), they have a two-way digestive system, a one way respiratory system (which they also use to communicate) and a full circulatory system with just one three-chambered heart. The history of the Sgligatik is generally uninteresting until Year 1 of the Izoza Calender, as that was the year Izoza himself came to bless the ancient Sgligatiki with the gift of technology. A metal man from the stars above, Izoza came down to the surface and for the past millennium has spread the knowledge of technology, and has personally shaped and guided the growth of Sgligatiki civilization.

Amoeba things, ask Darksaber1 for a better description of the Shu-Ghoo and everyone they’re associated with. Why am I writing this at 5 AM I don’t even

The Skriv are a feral reptilian race, most who stand a little over 10 feet tall when upright, which is rare, as most often they hunch forward (and thus measure about 8 or so feet). They have black eyes with red pupils, extremely resilient gray skin and long, sharp claws which curve downwards, and an extremely long tail that is equally as thick and rough as their body, though it exhibits extreme flexibility. They have the ability to spit a sticky acidic purple ooze. Extremely bloodthirsty and violent by nature, these creatures seem to exhibit only minimal sentience. Their thoughts seem to revolve entirely round killing. There is little variation in appearance between Skriv, the only difference being the number and location of scars upon their bodies, which are acquired at an early age through hunting and violent encounters with other Skriv.

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Resembling giant, bipedal mantids, the Tenoderans are a hiving species of questionable sentience but clear intelligence. ThThe Tenoderans use technology for communication, warfare and interstellar travel. Whether they possess a scientific tradition or simply reuse the tools of their defeated enemies is another mysterious question- they seem to be able to utilize technology whenever it is necessary for their purposes. Purposeful and ineffable in the extreme, the Tenoderans can wait centuries before launching rapid, deadly strikes. As has been made clear, very little is understood of this species, and there is currently very little ongoing research into their nature, given the fates of every known expedition into Tenoderan space.

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The Ullau have two large symmetrical eyes, with vision range slanted a little towards the infra-red spectrum, that can be retracted deep under the skin if need be. Other than that, their form is rather unique. Four arms are arranged radially around the front segment, adapted for a tree-climbing lifestyle, complete with grasping appendages. Each arm can also double as a leg, giving various modes of locomotion with the main body in either a horizontal or upright posture, inverted or not. The fingers are extendable as needed. Two pairs of piercing probosci are hidden behind complex folding mouthparts. Combined breathing holes, ears and scent organs are located in groves along the side of the 'head'.

The lower segment tapers to a long muscle-bound tail, which can easily haul the weight of the full body, leaving all four limbs free to manipulate objects when in a sitting or hanging posture. The tail ends in another two graspers, which tend to be atrophied in modern Ullau, but still useful at times. The internal structure is built for strength and flexibility, with a complex framework of cartilage anchored in strong mineralised joints, struts and pivots. While the skin and muscle are rather tough, there are no true bones. Much of the brain remains devoted to limb coordination and spatial awareness. The metabolism is a little slow, but energy efficient. Ullau can live up to two hundred 'earth years'.

Ullau are largely herbivorous. Their homeworld has less than two-thirds 'earth mass', and is actually the moon of a much larger, toxic ocean planet. The land terrain is mostly tidal swamps and jungle, the latter often featuring very tall trees. Ullau are settled and territorial by nature, but the modern species enjoyed a tribal lifestyle for many millions of years. It was the coastal swamp communities that eventually developed agriculture, along with other ideas that slowly spread to the populous jungle communities of the highlands.

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A species long-since fallen into hedonistic decadence, the Unaki remain highly dangerous in their own unique way. Masters of pheromonal control and illusion, the Unaki enshroud their naked, bird-like bodies through psychic trickery, making themselves highly desirable to both alien species and each other. Their world of Unaka, once an advanced ecumenopolis, has now fallen into minimally-maintained disrepair, as the Unaki dedicate as little effort as possible into maintaining their infrastructure, choosing instead to frolic in a demented dervish through the crumbling ruins of their civilization.

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Utarites are four-armed bipeds with crests and tufts of black fur ringing the neck and shoulders. Subterranean in origin, the surface of their homeworld was harsh and resource poor. Strong devotion to their families, clans and species led to rapid expansion, with the Utarites ravenously consuming resources as they expanded. Encounters with alien species led to heavy militarization, which ultimately led to strife and warfare within the Utarite species itself. Beset by enemies within and without, the Utarites reduced themselves to merely nothing through destructive infighting, and have since collapsed to a pre-FTL state of little relevance or interest to their neighbours.

A species of plant-like beings, or animal-like plants, the Verthommes are mobile and possess animal-like organ systems, but more closely resemble triradially symmetrical photosynthetic plants. They possess three slender legs, three branching arms, and numerous fleshy surfaces for photosynthetic ‘feeding’. The Verthommes are divided into three main castes- Carvers, mouth-bearing who serve as warriors and diplomats, Framers, the saprophytic working class, and Vengarians, extremely plantlike beings who traditionally formed the intellectual, political and cultural backbone of the species. All Verthommes communicate psychically, although the Carvers can speak- although this has somewhat ******ed their psychic linguistic skills, giving them an unfortunate lisp. Verthommes, while generally tolerant, can tend to be possessed with a strong sense of superiority, which has often led to a vague sense of resentment towards their neighbours. Despite this, they are noted for their honesty and noble nature, and their extreme resilience in the face of adversity. In recent history, the Verthommes have faced very much of this, at one point facing extermination by the Tenoderan organism. Interactions with aliens are viewed as important to prevent the species from lapsing into decadence and an eternity lounging in the hydroponics gardens of their homeworld. Verthommes are particularly advanced in the fields of genetics, agriculture and programming.

Humanoids, survivalists, isolated on the very edge of known space, and of generally little interest.

A transcended civilization, the Wera today are colossal vacuum-dwellers, feeding on the energies of the suns and swimming their way through the void. Planetary in size, they are capable of eating basically anything they want, although they seem to be content to watch their younger, planetbound counterparts and their struggles. They are unquestionably the largest animals in the known universe, although their abilities to seemingly circumvent the laws of physics bring their biological nature up to debate.

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Once a rising power in their region of space, the Wess interstellar empire was wiped out in a brutal war against a vastly more powerful, migratory enemy. The survivors hid underground, where they exist to this day, deeply paranoid and distrustful of anyone who might try to infiltrate their fastnesses. With red, leathery skin and four arms, the Wess are tall and gracile in the extreme, and make use of biosuits to augment their otherwise-limited physical capabilities.

A tremendously ancient pair of species, the Yplein came from the deepest depths of space and approached this galaxy long, long, ago on the bellies of their huge steeds, the Yjogl. They interact very little with their neighbours, operating on a vastly different timescale and having no desires for the resources of planets. The small Yplein flit about on helicopter-like wings through the rarefied atmospheres of their steeds, who bend light around themselves and feed on the radiation of stars, growing without constraints for millions of years. The Yplein possess powerful neurotoxins and wield a range of simple telepathic abilities, but are content to remain in space, elevated above the concerns of the rest of creation. A few herds have united to form the Association of Fplinmy, which is just as powerful as it is unlikely to ever interact with other galactic powers.

Fighting constantly to redeem themselves from a legacy of violence, the Ysir have long been a migratory race, in search of their ultimate Destination. Strongly adapted to life in space, the Ysir may not be as physically tough as land-based species, but their win-at-all-costs ethos makes them a much more dangerous foe than might be expected from their small and gracile forms.

The Zaff are psychic vampire toads. They grow constantly throughout their lifetimes, though they plateau partway through their second century (physical adulthood, mental development takes another century). The average Zaff adult weighs five hundred pounds. Zaff are able to mentally dominate non-psychics, and while doing so they drain will and intelligence from them. The Zaff are united under the Zaff Dominion, which contains the entirety of the species’ population, along with that of numerous slave species.

Brooding galactic masterminds, Byronic heroes or simply the petty remains of fallen glory, the Zan of today are all but mechanical gods. What little is left of their peaceful, scientific forebears is a quivering lump of flesh buried deep within an entire empire of machinery. The original Zan were brought to their knees by a terrible infection which wiped out all but the tiniest fraction of their species; the only survivors were those who abandoned their flesh for an eternity of mechanical isolation. Today, they are proud in a way unmatched by any of the lesser races, and possess tremendously advanced robotic technology. However, deep down, they are deeply phobic of their own fundamentally organic natures, to the point where it has become entirely taboo. The Zan population has not reproduced since the cataclysm, and their numbers are doomed to dwindle away to nothing.

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Resembling little more than a foot-tall glistening black ball with a small red eye and sucker mouth, Zzndkn live in tight and uniform communities on their eponymous planet. While they possess no apparent technology, they carry on an immensely detailed folklore through memory alone, and are capable of generating what appear to be laser beams, which are used in a lethal social shunning process applied against individuals who deviate from community norms.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
Zaff Dominion/Shadowbound
Species: The Zaff are psychic vampire toads. They grow constantly throughout their lifetimes, though they plateau partway through their second century (physical adulthood, mental development takes another century). The average Zaff adult weighs five hundred pounds. Zaff are able to mentally dominate non-psychics, and while doing so they drain will and intelligence from them.
Forces: In addition to their mental abilities, the Zaff impose their will on entire worlds through the Branigan, an elite corps of slave-soldiers harvested from subject populations. The Branigan are trained from birth to be able to pilot the Zaff's massive combat biorobots.
Technology: Zaff technology is built around biological components, which allow them to interface with much of their systems using their psychic abilities. Because of their mental handicaps, they are mostly dependent on adapting technologies from conquered races. They travel using devices to enhance their mental powers, folding it to allow them to move from point to point without passing through the intervening space.
Description: It is the way of the Zaff to dominate. On their home moons, a group of Zaff would enslave weaker willed creatures to their wills and use them to gather food and other necessities. They depend on others to work for them, as millions of years of evolution have atrophied their physical abilities. They're not even sentient, instead they drain intelligence from subject races. A Zaff's mental strength is linked to the strength of the species it feeds on, though some are more skilled at using this strength than others.

The Dominion is headed by the Council of Ten, a group of Zaff of such psychic power that they are best regarded as a hivemind. The Zaff expand because every new world added to the Dominion is another feast, every civilization expands the abilities of the Dominion in a new way. A Zaff is never more alive than when they leeches off a new culture or species, in the same way that the first hit of a drug is always the highest an individual will ever get it with. Except the average drug-user can't kill you with his mind, or have an army of giant mecha ready to do his bidding.
Association of Fplinmy/spryllino
Species: The Yplein came from the deepest depths of space and approached this galaxy long, long, ago on the bellies of the Yjogl, their huge steeds that they hang onto the bottoms of, and have remained there ever since, orbiting threateningly around planets, and not doing much. Most of the miniscule inhabitants of the planets have known nothing but to have a Yjogl over them, for they are entirely invisible, except for the fact that they distort the light (and other radiation) coming to the planet they orbit around from the nearest star. The Yplein themselves are herds of small, short-lived creatures that control the Yjogl by telepathy.
Forces: The Yplein can fly short distances on helicopter-like wings, but they normally travel on their Yjogl; there is an Yjogl for every herd of Yplein. The sting of an Yplein drives the creature that receives it completely mad and causes it to wreak havoc on its species. The Yjogl, as mentioned, can distort light; in some places, a single Yjogl has been in one place for millions of years, and if it moved, it would cause mass extinction on its planet of departure and its planet of arrival.
Technology: Yjogl can go faster than light, and the Yplein are constantly developing better venoms of madness, and telepathic codes. Also, their Yjogl are constantly growing and being fed on light, and the more they get, the bigger they get, and the more they obscure the light.
Description: The Association of Fplinmy is a recent development, all things considered, as a large number of Yplein herds have pooled their telepathy and become able to cooperate as a single force. Millions of Yjogl are controlled by the association (although there are many outside the organisation), and the power of the Association would truly be terrifying if it chose to take large-scale action of any sort, but many fail to see why it should bother, when the Yjogl will, no doubt, in the course of a few millenia yet, grow so big that they cover all the planets in the galaxy; then, perhaps, this galaxy will have undergone the same fate that the previous homeland of the Yplein did, perhaps, long, long, ago.
Name (Of Individual, Group, Nation, etc.)/Player: Tapani Republic
Species: Allentryen Their bodies are covered in gray feathers, while their head was bare except for a fringe of feathers covering the back of their head. Their head feathers were brown in young Allentryen, but became more colorful with age.

The Allentryen reside on the planet Tapani. Tapani is a temperate place roughly 52% water, with the far northern and southern areas being covered in ice. The Allentryen evolved from large Birdlike animals. There are millions of over species on Tapani. Roughly 1 Billion Allentryen live on Tapani, ranging from the huge capital metropolis of Centerin to small villages comprising of 100 or less people, their is a great difference. Less than 1% of the population are farmers and they can feed the entire population.

In their equivalent of our Industrial Revolution their technology rapidly advanced, and they discovered many fuels for use. The population also increased massively topping at 6 Billion. About 300 years after the Industrial Revolution the fuel they depended on started to run low and huge wars erupted between the nations of the planet, after a huge war where 2/3 of the population died the remaining Allentryen chose to make a planet wide republic with the Tapani Senate which is voted on by the people according to district and the head of state Kelleu Oter, after discovering space flight they have vastly explored their solar system but have yet to find any other sentient beings or planets they can live on.

They have varying behaviors between the separate Allentryen.

Forces: The Allentryen are known as great diplomats, and can usually force other beings to their will just with the power of talking.

Technology: They have just recently discovered a way to achieve faster than light travel, but before that they used many techniques to achieve travel in space.

Description: The Tapani Republic is a Representative Democracy, with the population voting for Senators to represent their district, there are 340 districts planet wide. The larger the population the larger the number of Senators to represent that district, currently there are about 1000 senators. The population also votes on the Chairman which is decided by popular vote. The Chairmen have a term of 2 years, and get reelected 4 times.
Spoiler :

Color: Cyan Perhaps?

Location: Somewhere in the core of the galaxy.
Name: First Karronic Expeditionary Group/merciary

Species: The Karron appear as a mix of the Earth hedgehog and armadillo, standing about three and half to four feet tall. The Karron rose to dominance on their home planet not by being the greatest killer but by being unable to be killed. Early Karron traveled in packs and when they found a meal the group would surround it leaving only their backs exposed, which were heavily armored with thick plates and quills making it almost impossible for predators to take them out. Over time predators learned that a Karron is not an ideal meal and left them alone for the most part allowing them to continue their development. The modern Karron has not lost his love of defense for Karronic warfare consist of massive fortresses and throwing waves of soldiers at them until they crack or run out of supplies. This trend continued pass the discovery of gunpowder when most races abandon the massive fortress of old, the Karron merely built larger and stronger walls. Change only came after electricity became common place and espionage became the new face of warfare. The massive defenses remained but instead of sending waves of soldiers to their death's the victor became whoever infiltrated the others defenses and opened their gates first. Soldiers merely became peacekeeping forces. Cold Wars went on and off like this for over two hundred years until proof of alien life came to them and the Karron did what came naturally to them, they huddled together and defended themselves. The Planet is now an unified fortress ready for any threat.

Forces: Karronic military tactics dictate the use of strong fortress/fortress cities as a staging point for attacks as well as large scale spec ops forces to infiltrate enemy forces and shut down defenses for the main army.

Technology: have a basic faster-than-light ship, massive defensive tech, and stealth and spec ops related tech. Rather limited purely offensive tech.

Description: The FKEG is a mix of scientist, diplomats, soldiers, spies, etc. given an large FTL ship with the mission to evaluate any alien threat and to locate worlds for future Karronic expansion and report it back to the Karronic command.
(Think the Enterprise but much less friendly and better defenses)
Name: Zan Hegemony /erez87
Species: Zan, In the thousands of years the Zan have evolved technologically their bodies have been reduced to nothing more then a strange gooey material that is able to produce a being personality. The gooey material is found inside a special technological tool that allows its thoughts to control a vast number of devices. A single Zan can control a whole battle fleet and a whole robotic army on its own, which is important for the Zan since their numbers have become small, awfully small, in the whole galaxy there are no more then a few hundred Zan and each control his own empire in the galaxy. The Zan conquer worlds and make the living creatures there believe they are gods for a single Zan now conquered their whole planet in days. Their robotic technology is of extreme advance. They enslave whole planets in order to produce more armies and resources to continue and grow their empires. A few tens of thousands of years ago the Zan were still in their home planet (now nothing more then debris around a dying red giant). They were a peaceful race that dedicated all of its resources to exploration and science. Yet one day a horrible disease begun to eradicate their species. In order to save themselves they bended their bodies with machines and while their bodies were dying the machines kept some pieces alive, most importantly the brains. Their bodies eventually disappeared into the goo they are now, and some Zan today are looking for ways to install their being into their machinery completely to not need a physical body ever again, some say at least one Zan succeeded in doing so but at the point of success he was murdered by rebel scientists who were under his control. The Zan have highly advanced science and robotics and as said control vast territories across the galaxy, each Zan having his own empire and the whole species forming the Zan hegemony, an alliance of all the empires. The largest of this empires is rules by Zan Jadu who is said to rule more then a thousand planets all by himself. The enslaved species are treated differently. The physically strong ones are made into actual slaves but other can become scientists, merchants and other kinds of slaves to the Zan. They Zan can not mate and fear that creating more of themselves using biological science might bring back the horrible disease that nearly eradicated their species (and actually caused them to be the mad evil beings they are now, imagine having yours and everyone around you bodies being eaten alive in midday by an unknown disease).
Forces: Each Zan control an enormous never ending army of robots both planet situated ones and spaceships and vast untold numbers of enslaved species, some that fight as armies. They use their superior intellect, highly advanced science and never ending resources to continuously bring more resources under their control. Their one true fault is the fact their bodies are nearly gone and if you can get close to the Zan controller himself, you can easily take down a whole empire with simply burning the goo. Obviously the Zan tend to never show their ugly bodies.
Technology: The Zan have vast technological ability and each is a genius. Their specialty is brain to machine devices (allowing one Zan to control vast armies) and robotics. They have a gigantic lack in biological science and tend to prefer large sized robots to small ones. They consider nanotechnology impractical in their state.
Description: The Zan hegemony is highly united and every 500 years a Zan meeting is set around the dying sun of their once beautiful home planet. In this meeting all Zan bring their bodies to the meeting and actually leave their machinery for a few earth hours to discuss future plans and be able to physically touch another Zan.

So too overpowered? Oh come on someone has to play the evil empire. Even if not allowed, keep this for myself for future references.

Species: Fehan
Forces: will fill out later
Technology: ditto

Here's the slightly long stuff that I've worked out so far. I have yet to really hammer out the culture and history. Or rather, I haven't written them yet. They will come. :)

Spoiler :

Physical Description:

The typical Fehan is one meter long, with roughly three fifths of that length being the body and the rest being a long, hairy, flexible proboscis. This proboscis’ “hair” is actually prehensile, and acts rather like the tentacles of a sundew. In some respect they resemble an armadillo crossed with a star-nosed mole with a longer nose, though the “nose” is really a mouth – Fehan have no jaw.

The body is covered with two keratinaceous shells on the back. Attached to their middle torso are six “hairy” legs. The entire underside of the body is thus a thickly matted half cylinder, covered in “hair” which, in reality, is minutely divided setae (like that of a gecko) that achieve an almost unbelievable grip to help them climb the trees that were their ancestral habitat.


Quick summary - acute color vision, excellent hearing, clumsy, unconnected digestive and respiratory tracts (the latter is multiply redundant), brain in the club-like tail. They reproduce via an analogue to pollination.

Spoiler :
Fehan are tetrachromats – their sight extends well past where humans night see deep into ultraviolet part of the spectrum. On the other hand, the retinal equivalent in their eyes is a layered organ, with each layer corresponding to sensitive pigments. Thus they see each color with varying degrees of sensitivity – decreasing from UV to red. Their hearing is excellent, though poor directionally.

This species is excellent at jumping from tree to tree or tree to creature, though their movement on the ground is somewhat slow and clumsy. Their prehensile hair and long proboscis is excellent for detail work; these organs are also surprisingly strong for its size.

Their legs and the “hair” both can regrow (in a limited capacity) if amputated.

Three pairs of nostrils at the base of the proboscis serve as the respiratory systems’ outlet. Directly underneath these nostrils are three pairs of lungs, which connect, even deeper, to a redundant second triple-pair of lungs. Their vocal system is composed of a series of muscles and membranes near these lungs, rather like those of a Terran bird. As the lungs are utterly unconnected to the alimentary tract, they can easily vocalize while eating or drinking.

The torso of a Fehan can be conceived of as roughly five layers from top to bottom: the shell, fat reserves, the circulatory system, the alimentary system, and the spine (yes, the spine lies in the belly).

Nutrients are diverted to a storage organ, where they are pumped through a filtration organ and then into the heart, which then distributes them around the body. These three organs form a line lying in the middle of a Fehan. Beneath these lie the digestive tract.

Digestion begins in the proboscis, which is itself quite bony. Swallowed food travels through a long esophagus, where it is ground up by aptly named “knucklebones” acting in much in the manner that some herbivores swallowed stones do. After exiting the proboscis, food enters immediately into the intestines (the Fehan never get “full”, only satisfied). Both liquid and solid waste are ejected at once.

The reproductive system is located mostly in the lower torso, and it acts mostly through pollination. Each creature is hermaphroditic, with pollen producing and collecting regions clustered on the ventral side. The pollen is wind-borne or spread via contact – when it lands on the underside of a Fehan, the gametes rapidly travel to the inner system and fertilize eggs there. These grow somewhat inside, but are laid before they become a real nuisance.

At the very back of a Fehan lies the brain, protected by both skull and shell. Brains are divided into three, with the bottom layer being that which controls involuntary functions, the middle voluntary functions and emotions, and the upper reason. The spine runs from the back along the belly to the proboscis, where it becomes the chaotic mass of “knucklebones”. Extending from the spine is a lattice of rib-like bones.


Quick Summary - Fehan are a non-territorial species with paramount importance placed on the family and one’s descendants but surprisingly little regard for life. Their unusual reproductive mode endows them with no concept of romance or lust.

Spoiler nested spoilers! :
Fehan evolved in the northern temperate rainforests of their homeworld, and of course this obviously informs their behavior immensely.

Ever fond of climbing and exploring, they have almost no claustrophobes in their society and instead frequently display a fear of wide open spaces. Heights also don’t bother them; they are completely at home in towering forests or artificial dwellings that somewhat resemble them. They are adept at clinging to things, be they branches or stone pillars or the massive herd beasts that they rode in their ancient history. Fehan typically pursued prey that were smaller than themselves, or they relied on intellect, ambushes and stealth to kill. The Fehan image of wilderness is much more often a prairie or mountain range than forest.

The species’ reproductive system also lends them a very different aspect than some of the more familiar creatures in the cosmos. Until the advent of high technology, Fehan never knew of more than one ancestor. For them, there was only one parent, and that was the mother – the mother had daughters, and the conception of these daughters was a completely inexplicable phenomenon.

Logically, it is simple to follow that the Fehan have no mating habits whatsoever. There is no such thing as romantic love, no such thing as sensual lust, no such thing as inexplicable attraction or the various follies it introduces.

On the other hand, a peculiar Fehan emotion without analogue in human thinking is that of “goodlife”. This emotion came about in the closing years of their individuals, when, surrounded by their family, they would tend to have increasing bouts of happiness and euphoria that reached almost orgasmic levels. To call it “contentment” or “happiness” would be like calling a piece of cheese a pizza.

All love is familial, or, simply love of a good friend. Family is paramount – to abandon a child is unthinkable. The concept of adoption could never be accepted in this society. Kinship is also one-dimensional. There are no marriages, so you can never be somehow “related” to someone who was not of your ancestor’s line somehow. Getting along with other families was quite possible on a friendship level, but intermarriage was under these circumstances impossible, so feuding families were liable to feud until one or the other won utterly. Fehan society thus tended towards the warlike and preferred subjugation to accommodation.

Parthenogenesis was a commonplace phenomenon among isolated Fehan. Those who were alone could likely raise a family regardless of how seemingly hopeless a scenario might be. While it might be a stretch, some Fehan biologists have speculated that this reproductive quirk might have informed the following facts: 1) Loneliness is not an emotion that bothers this species at all. They seek out the society of others in order to more efficiently utilize resources, but they are not bothered by the concept of being alone. 2) Suicide is nearly nonexistent, either ritualized or via depression. The former is absent because almost all Fehan wars end in slaughter of the opposite leaders, rather than capture – ergo it is all to easy to die fighting to the death. The latter is perhaps more intractable an idea.

Fehan in general are less territorial and much more willing to sacrifice individual life than humanity.

Various emotional expressions can come from the orientation of the eyes, vocalizations, proboscis twitches, and tentacle movement:

Happiness: Shivering, flattening of tentacles, upraised proboscis.
Amusement: Repeatedly whacking the ground with proboscis.
Sadness: “pulsing” of tentacles, scratching.
Excitement: Stiffened tentacles and “waving” of the tentacles and mouth.
Boredom: Slow inhalation, slitted eyes, twiddling of tail.
Goodlife: Closed eyes, hyperventilation, “tap dancing”, lowered appetite.
Anger: Upraised tail, standing on “tiptoe”, proboscis drawn back.
Fright: Stiffened tentacles, wide open eyes, sharp inhalation and lifting of the tail.
Wonder: Widened eyes, slow inhalation.

A rough timeline of the typical Fehan life (in Earth years) goes like this:

0 - 0.5 years: Infancy
0.5 years: typical age at which one learns to climb
2: basic learning
4: fluency in language
16-19: Mind matures fully; adolescence begins
20-25: Childbearing begins
25-28: Body matures; adolescence ends
40: peak condition
65: decline begins
70-80: childbearing ends
90: “goodlife” kicks in
100: average, unaided life expectancy
148: longest confirmed unaided life expectancy

Location: The lower left group of five stars... I'll take the middle-most one. Let me know if you want to start next to me and we can work out a little bit of a shared history. :)
Start me near NK. I'm down for shared history.

Confederation of the Sadhilim/LittleBoots
Species: Sadhilim
Forces: Raiders/pirates
Technology: Mostly stolen/appropriated, brilliantly adaptive, not as great innovative
Spoiler society/behavior :
Strong clan/tribal system, very weak central confederated goverment; dozens of local warlords rule over their own domains, however intertribal wars are rarely more than displays of strength or ceremonial affairs, as they are governed by a complex system of ritual hospitality. Sadhilim are much more prone to attacking Borilim, "those who suffer assault," or "foreigners," due to a universally negative view of foreigners' abilities. At the same time, foreigners who display martial prowess (either in strength or cunning) or else rhetorical excellence are generally accepted as Sadhilim. Intertribal conflict is not always bloody, as tribes often meet for a series of contests including traditional displays of martial prowess, as well as contests of rhetoric and speech.

Slavery is widespread and accepted. Slaves, unless they display some form of excellence, either in combat or in rhetoric, are considered sub-Sadhilim. Earning freedom is possible through displays of excellence.

Lineage: Patrilineal, polygamous (females significantly outnumber males), obsession with genealogy

Religion(s): The Sadhilim believe that there is a distant God who does not speak to them, that they have sinned against Him in ages past and that they, though once his chosen people, have fled from their responsibility. They now converse solely with lesser deities, themselves created by the greater God, and deal with them as they would deal with any human, attempting to appease, anger, bribe, trick, and cheat them as they can.

Language(s): The word "sadhil" (sa-DTHEEL) comes from the verb base group "s-dh," which means "to instigate a duel." Thus, a sadhil is "one who instigates a duel," whereas sadhilim are "those who instigate duels." In other words, the only word the Sadhilim have for their people can be roughly translated to "those who initiate conflict." The Sadhili language essentially lacks true nouns, which are all replaced by participles. That is to say, the Sadhilim do not understand how a person can be other than what he does, and the act and actor are one and the same.

Mythos: In ages past, the Sadhilim were known by another name, now long forgotten, and did not make war, but walked with God in Paradise. Sadly, the ancestors of the Sadhilim sinned before God's eye and fled in shame, lest they be confronted by God. Over time, they forgot the true name of their people and now the knowledge of who they once were is all but lost.

Major Clan Names: Na-Dhrudilim, Na-Sakilim, Na-Gamanilim, Na-Tothdilim
Person Names: Ma'aladil Na-Dhrudil, Daodhdail Na-Sakil, Benyanil Na-Gamanil, Tothdil
Place Names: Durnik, Malaleutik, Na-Drudhilimik, Rahalilik

Notes: Just as there is no real name for the people, neither is there a name for the religion or the language. They simply are, and there are no others worthy of consideration.

Spoiler physical description :
Vaguely ursine in appearance, the Sadhilim are bipeds by nature, but have a tendency (especially among males) to drop to all fours when enraged (typically this also involves some sort of bull rush). Their hands are short, broad, and padded (with small, vestigial, but still dangerous claws) to accommodate this habit. Their feet resemble paws even moreso. They are covered by a layer of short fur of colors varying from a sandy yellow to dark red, with the occasional dark black. Clan hair stylings and tattoos are very common.

Fully upright, the average adult male Sadhil stands approximately seven and a half feet tall, though from clan to clan it varies with the shortest (usually as a result of malnourishment) adult males peaking at five and half feet, and the tallest at nine feet tall. However, Sadhil males are given to stooping, standing fully erect only when enraged or for rhetorical effect, bringing their average height down to six and half to seven feet. Females are typically shorter by about a foot and half, though with significantly less variation, the shortest among them being five feet and the tallest, six. Females, possessing shorter, more slender necks, are not prone to stooping. An average male weighs anywhere from 280 to 350 pounds, while females weigh 180-220 pounds. Sprinting, males can reach bursts of 40 miles per hour, while females are capable of running 50 miles per hour. Females also tend to be more agile than their male counterparts.

Awesome stuff guys! I'm starting to add people to the map, please tell me where if you haven't already said.

EDIT: Also, could everyone provide a few planet names, so that I may put them on the map?
Throw me in the star above and a bit to the right of that green blob on the map. The Karronic homeworld is called Catifah. And if you need a color I'd prefer an Olive drab-ish color.
Awesome stuff guys! I'm starting to add people to the map, please tell me where if you haven't already said.

EDIT: Also, could everyone provide a few planet names, so that I may put them on the map?

Helan is the homeworld. Color should be... sea green.
Name: Skriv/Skeptikalz!

Species: The Skriv are a feral reptilian race, most who stand a little over 10 feet tall when upright, which is rare, as most often they hunch forward (and thus measure about 8 or so feet), black eyes with red pupils, extremely resilient gray skin and long, sharp claws which curve downwards, and an extremely long tail that is equally as thick and rough as their body, though it exhibits extreme flexibility. They have the ability to spit a purplish, sticky ooze which has similar properties to acid. Entirely bloodthirsty and ultra-violent by nature, these creatures seem to almost barely exhibit any sense of sentience. Their thoughts revolve around killing. Each Skriv is indentical to each other, the only difference being the number and location of scars upon it's body, which are acquired at an early age through the means of hunting and oftentimes, violent encounters with other Skriv.

Spoiler :
That is what they most closely resemble, except with the claws mentioned instead of webbed hands, and the black eyes with red pupils.

Forces: The Skrivs only weapon are their own numbers; they have been invaded by alien species various times throughout their existence, and thus they will unite when a shared perception of a threat forms within their feeble minds.

Technology: The only technology they use are various ancient, unmaintained spacecrafts, possibly left behind by a previous civilization. When near these ships, they enter a strange, subdued state, and appear robotic in actions; thus is how they pilot these ships.

Description: Though they remain extremely territorial by nature, and are most commonly found residing alone, or occasionally even in pairs, a semi-tribal culture has developed in the last few centuries, with much clashing occuring in between and inside the tribes. These "tribes" are located in the same places where individual Skriv reside; caverns and tunnels within their planet, which they have never spread beyond. The planet itself is a rugged, mountainous landscape, with a constant, scorching heat that has created deserts from oceans, with the only water being found within the caves. There is an abundance of massive, ferocious wildlife on the planet; many of the creatures have evolved to being able to feed upon the sands, gathering nutrients from them. The Skriv are an exception, never having strayed from constant hunting and preying for nourishment.
In the dark days, when Tama-nui-te-rā burned alone against the firmament, the Wēra came into being, whole and indivisible. At first the Wēra simply played around Tama-nui-te-rā, living on its light and riding its waves. It was Tūtara-kauika who first discovered their mission. For one day in his explorations he came upon something which he had not seen before, a pebble. In jest he bought it back to Tama-nui-te-rā, thinking it fine for a game. Which it was. He left it floating, thinking it safe and slept. When he awoke his pebble had drawn in still others, filling out to a rock. Again, he played. And slept. This time when he woke he found that the rock had grown still larger. Upon its face he saw movement and he called out to his brothers, sisters, mother, father, aunties, uncles, cousins and kin: "All come see what I have done!"

In time they came and gazed upon this curiosity. Some wanted to cast it into Tama-nui-te-rā's warm heart out of fear. Still others wanted it for themselves. But Tūtara-kauika could not be persuaded either way. Instead while the others slept, and the rock grew into a boulder, he departed and searched out still more pebbles. When he returned his people were anxious. But he reassured them and gave them each a pebble with which to watch. And when they had slept, and the sun had dimmed orange through to red, they awoke to find their pebbles moving as well. They watched, as the sun dimmed, before sleeping again. As they awoke on the seventh day they found that Tama-nui-te-rā had faded completely, dying during the night and that their toys had long since vanished.

The others despaired. But Tūtara-kauika calmed them and bid them quiet. He explained that they should each take a number of pebbles and spread out to Tama-nui-te-rā's brothers and sisters now burning on the firmament and sow them with pebbles. This they did. Most of Tama-nui-te-rā's kin were not hospitable and these were quickly spurned. But those that were soon found themselves amused in their long solitudes watching the movement. In thanks they sung for the Wēra and helped faster by creating vast waves for them to surf upon.

As the firmament expanded the Wēra spread out still further to service them. It is during this time that the Wēra changed. Some became craven. Others noble. Vast forms became weapons to blot out the light. Songs of such power to snuff out suns became weapons to spoil the games of others. Some took to killing their kin. Brother against brother. Mother against son. Weeping Tūtara-kauika called his kin together and while he grieved for the movement lost, he grieved still more for his kin now departed. He pleas for peace amongst Wēra fell on receptive ears; but his pleas for the sanctity of movement did not. The fighting between Wēra ceased but the destruction of movement only increased.

Eventually, the Sun Songs stopped. Shocked the Wēra looked around and saw that movement had stopped completely, extinguished in the war. Tūtara-kauika once again called his kin together and bade them stop. Once again they listened. He realised however that this would be temporary because many of his kin had come to enjoy the destruction. So he bade them each select a pebble. Just one. He had them put it in front of one sun. Then he bade them wait and let their movement alone decide the winner. This they did. And since that day they have waited, watched and in secret protected their charges from harm. They day has now arrived and the Wēra have returned from the void to watch...
Yjogl are to be found spread out with their highest concentration over the planets in the lower central area of the galaxy (the set of five stars of which four are in an arc and the other is just above the arc, and also those three stars underneath), but there are plenty of Yjogl in all parts of the galaxy. The Association only controls a portion of these Yjogl.
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