Bug Reports and Discussion

puppets summoned by an illusionist should also be illusionists. codewise it seems like the issue arises from the fact Illusionist is considered a racial promotion.

something like this ( from Eitb ) should work:

Spoiler :
Old Unit Racial Rules:
A unit can only have one race
Race is determined as the last one set (all races bump out all other races)

New Unit Racial rules.
A unit can only have one race.
Race is determined as the last one set, except that illusions always take precedence.
Hidden Nationality Removes All Races and their effects, except for illusions and puppets. When a unit loses HN, it gets its race back.
Hidden Nationality gives the unit the Artstyle for Orcs or else defaults to normal if there is no Orc equivalent. I does *not* give the Orc Promotion

( might have been fixed already, can't test ingame right now )

btw, does passive XP gain already scale with gamespeed in MNAI? I don't think so. "regular" passive XP should be easy enough to tweak, for hero I found this nice code on RB:

Spoiler :

ATM the free XP that's being added is done by calling getFreeXPPerTurn() on any promotion a unit has which adds XP per turn (in CvUnit::doTurn - the loop in question begins on line 1153 in my copy of Tholal's source, YMMV.) Given that this method is ONLY called in this codepath (well, also in CvGameTextMgr, but we can ignore that since it just checks that it's nonzero) it'd be trivial enough to make it take a turn number as a mandatory argument, at which point you could have it return:

- 1 regardless of turn number (normal speed) (1 xp every 1 turn)

- 1+(turnnum%2) (quick speed) -- will give 2xp on odd numbered turns, 1xp on even numbered turns. (3 xp every 2 turns)

- (0 == turnnum%3) ? 0 : 1 (epic speed) -- on turns divisible by 3, grants 0 xp, 1xp otherwise. (2 xp every 3 turns)

- turnnum%2 (marathon speed, assuming marathon is twice the speed of normal, which afaik it is.) (1 xp every 2 turns)

Edit: If you weren't aware, the turn number is a member of CvGame, so you can access it via GC.getGameINLINE().getGameTurn()

Further edit: It might actually make sense to create a new method, lets call it CvUnit::getScaledXPPerTurn(int), which calls getXPPerTurn() and scales it (from 0 to 2) by game speed and current turn. This way you're not going to wind up with weird side effects in CvGameTextMgr.
could Doviello upgrades via spell be tweaked so they allow to go directly up more than 1 tier like normal upgrades? ( i.e. warrior -> battlemaster instead of having to do two steps )

it's pretty clear the current behaviour isn't intended but just a limitation of the spell approach, and it's both annoying and damaging.
[to_xp]Gekko;12201964 said:
could Doviello upgrades via spell be tweaked so they allow to go directly up more than 1 tier like normal upgrades? ( i.e. warrior -> battlemaster instead of having to do two steps )

it's pretty clear the current behaviour isn't intended but just a limitation of the spell approach, and it's both annoying and damaging.

It is because these upgrades are handled via spells. That would require creating a new spell for each (unit to be upgraded, unit to upgrade) pair. Taking into account worker and slave upgrades, allowing to upgrade for more than one tier would require the following spells (spells in bold are already present):

Beastman -> Sons of Asena
Sons of Asena -> Battlemaster
Worker -> Beastman
Slave -> Beastman

Beastman -> Battlemaster
Worker -> Sons of Asena
Worker -> Battlemaster
Slave -> Sons of Asena
Slave -> Battlemaster

In my opinion, creating 5 new spells just for this issue is not worth the effort, specially when the number of spells adversely affects game performance. Maybe adding only the Beastman -> Battlemaster spell would be enough, since it is the most common and annoying upgrade. In my opinion, it also makes sense to force workers and slaves to stay at least a turn as Beastman.
I think MC requested a new XML tag to identify that ability, if that were possible the limitations of the spell system could be dropped :)

for the time being, yes allowing warrior -> battlemaster would be sweet.
When playing the Clan of Embers, I released the cities on a faraway continent to a vassal (by the regular event; I don't have revolutions or puppet states turned on). For some reason, releasing them puts me at war with the Barbarians. This is true even if the released vassal also has the Barbarian trait as well. I do not receive the "barbarians end their truce" message.
very early game, keelyn just got killed by a wrait which spawned out of the nearby Pyre of the Seraphic after she explored it. they really shouldn't explore epic lairs that close so early.

what happened here is she popped a spectre and an adventurer. the spectre killed the adventurer and became a wraith :D
just had a situation where Rohanna attacked with a non-bronze warrior stack, then soon after sent a bronze warrior to reinforce. I think if they have copper available they should wait for bronze working before rushing a neighbour, that stack would have devastated me with bronze :D
AI should have retreated that worker, I have a scout ( and can summon wolves if needed )


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Orthus' Axe should be alwayshostile or have hidden nationality... as Charadon I was tagging along with Orthus until he got killed, and I can't pick up his axe to avenge him :/
the settler was in the city last turn, they moved it outside for me to capture this turn :/


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I spotted a few issues in my current game.

In the same turn you destroy a civilization, the culture of its forts does not go away. It is also impossible to send your units into the fort culture. In the next turn, the culture disappears.

When a vassal civilization asks to become part of my civilization (I think that it is a Revolutions event), a "The X civilization has been destroyed!" message appears. Besides that, I got their cities but I did not get their culture.

In my current game, Kane (Malakim) founded 5 different religions. In the attached screenshot you can see a quadruple holy city (I already razed the Empyrean holy city). Although this situation may have been caused because of the religion weights I gave to Kane in my modmod, I don't see the benefit for the AI of pursuing so many religions.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0002.JPG
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In the same turn you destroy a civilization, the culture of its forts does not go away. It is also impossible to send your units into the fort culture. In the next turn, the culture disappears.

I considered that a feature. ;) I could have solved it by making the game recalculate the cultural owner of all tiles after a player's death but I didn't bother, and just left it alone because the cultural owner is calculated at the end of each turn anyway. I'm not sure why units can't move into it.

I'd like to hear what Tholal and others think before making any changes for that.
In my third quick test game after merging MNAI v 2.42 with Magister Modmod, I was assigned to play as Random Evil Leader and lost the game instantly.

Edit: I've been assigned to (@Random (by Alignment)) in a couple more random games since then. This results in instantly loosing and getting the popup to switch to another civ. Switching to another civ often happens multiple times. Each time, a Settler is appearing at tile (0,0), which I reserve for Sluagh units.

Everything seems to be working just fine when I'm not assigned to a real leader at the start.
In my third quick test game after merging MNAI v 2.42 with Magister Modmod, I was assigned to play as Random Evil Leader and lost the game instantly.

Edit: I've been assigned to (@Random (by Alignment)) in a couple more random games since then. This results in instantly loosing and getting the popup to switch to another civ. Switching to another civ often happens multiple times. Each time, a Settler is appearing at tile (0,0), which I reserve for Sluagh units.

Everything seems to be working just fine when I'm not assigned to a real leader at the start.

I got that same issue when playing with Unrestricted Leaders on in a development version, and this change was meant to fix it. Were you playing with Unrestricted Leaders active? This could also happen if Magister Modmod did not define CIVILIZATION_RANDOM, LEADER_RANDOM_GOOD, LEADER_RANDOM_NEUTRAL or LEADER_RANDOM_EVIL, but I checked in the latest version present at the Modmod's thread and they are defined in their respective xml files.
I was not playing with Unrestricted Leaders.

Could the issue be caused by having more than just those three leaders available to CIVILIZATION_RANDOM?

I added all the Minor Leaders there a while back, so that they would appear on the list of leaders on the custom game screen and could be played when Unrestricted Leaders option is active.
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