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Annexing as soon as resistance finished.


Sep 22, 2011
Bit of context i tend to play huge marathon games, continents with 22 civs and 22 CS on immortal.

As a rule the general consensus has always seemed to be to puppet cities until they get quite big and then maybe annex them in the middle to late game but in my 2 recent games i have have large conquered empires and turned to annexing as soon as resistance has finished which i have found to be a much better way overall.

The game where i realised this was my first game which was a domination game so i had a huge puppet empire by the time i reached ideologies and obviously took autocracy and for most of the game i had really been struggling to keep my happiness in the positive with large periods of shutting down my founded cities to keep my happiness positive and as i started running out of options for my final push i decided to try annexing a few of the bigger cities so i could actually build happiness building which puppets never seem to do unless your empire is actually unhappy.
Short version is that i ended up annexing every puppet i had and queuing up all the happiness building they could build and quickly went from below 10 happiness to over 120 happiness so for all my cities past that point i annexed as soon as resistance ended and ended up with close to 200 happiness by the end of the game.

After that experience i decided in my next game i would deliberately annex every city as soon as resistance ended and tbh it is probably the easiest game i ever remember having. For the first time ever i actually was producing more culture than every other civ and also had more social policies than every other civ (info addict) by the end of the game i was 10 techs ahead of the closest civ and producing 3 times as much which was helped by the fact i had universities staffed with scientists in every city so was regularly popping scientist by by the mid game every 3 or 4 tech was bulbed.
I don't remember having less than 20 happiness for the majority of the game and never shut my cities down. As i was growing all my cities constantly i was swimming in gold and by the mid game i had control of most of the CS's although that didn't have as great an impact on my happiness as it could as most seemed to be coastal with whales but did help greatly with my culture.

I was helped in this regard as i was churning out so much culture i was able to fill liberty and take all the good patronage policies down to science from CS's before rationalism could even be opened as well as passively getting most of the CS quests as i was gaining the most techs, and churning out the most faith and culture

I managed to fill rationalism before ideologies became available when because i had such a tech lead already that i was able to get one out 150 turns before then next civ and also managed to get to archeology long before everyone else so was able to spam out archeologists with my numerous cities to gobble up all the artifacts not in other civs territories and was already familiar with most civs before the second civ chose their ideology which was order...they soon changed to mine.
I chose autocracy again as i had a huge puppet empire and was russia thus already had barracks in most of my cities and as most of my cities had courthouses which would then give an extra 3 local happiness.
I then switched most of my trade routes to internal either giving hammers to wonder building cities or food to help my cities grow quickly while turning out 150-200g per turn.

As i was already massively dominant i decided to take a culture victory which i managed just after reaching the modern age greatly helped by the vast store of faith i had accumulated with my religion and the fact that after taking 6 policies in autocracy i was able to quickly obtain the full tree of aesthetics so i could by great musicians.

This is only 1 and a half examples really but in future i am going to be sticking to my annexing policy as it just seems so powerful compared to the general annoyance of puppets, having to remove all their farms, having them building building you want and not ones you do etc. Using this way also i was even able to keep semi decent cities that could be built up into great ones rather than just keeping the best of the best to keep your happiness under control.
That's pretty much my experience with wide autocracy empires, too - on huge maps i find that you have to annex most of the cities. From my experience a very wide puppet-empire works fine with Order though - happiness from monuments and gold buildings, that's exactly what puppets spam anyway. It's very different from standard-sized maps where you generally don't want such a wide empire because it would just create problems without really contributing anything at that point. And overall, a "massively dominant" empire is just overshooting the goal in the eyes of most players - you could probably have won way earlier if you had just razed all the additional cities instead of assimilating them. (Which is not to say that you shouldn't play that way, but a reason why most people don't play those huge empires but just raze or puppet most of the stuff that they conquer)
Yup, annex after puppet calms down. easy :)
of course I still Raze / Sell a few useless cities as well, but those don't get puppet-ed

You also get to manage what buildings are in the cities. I often sell granaries / aquaducts to slow growth, gold or science focus. Get some basic culture / science buildings in there. Once you have artifacts populating the museums, your set for culture / Tourism.
I am trying this with Order, and it works just as well as it does with autocracy. Combined with Liberty there is lots of :) to go around.

I started with the Huns (emperor) and did the early war / Clear my continent thing with 5 Horse archers and few support units (1 archer, 2 warriors, and a battering ram for the last 2 cities). This netted me 3 capitols as puppets before anyone could even build a medieval unit.

After that I was all alone on my super continent for a while. I gradually annexed each puppeted capitol, and founded a few other cities to boot. Lots of unique lux + full liberty.

Once the caravels started going, I found I was behind in tech, but not by much. I had a lot of dups to sell and iron and so things went well until I needed to go to war again. Once I had Frigates of course.

I had 8 Cities, then capture 2 more from the Dutch. Again, waited for the rebellion to end and annexed.

Now I have 2 more cities from Byzantine. Still at +20 :) with 12 Cities on a standard game. I have all the Happy wonders at this point, plus the basic happiness from 4 policies in order.

Rome is the only threat left, and they have Asturias capitol as well. I don't see a problem overwhelming them.
Even before ideologies, there's only two reasons to delay annexing post resistance (if the city is worth annexing at all; there's some that are worth keeping [luxary / strategic resource / natural wonder] but will always have to low production)

1. You are currently building (or about to build) a national wonder and the city that just came out of resistance doesn't have a copy of the required building yet.

2. You are one turn away from reaching the next policy.
Even before ideologies, there's only two reasons to delay annexing post resistance (if the city is worth annexing at all; there's some that are worth keeping [luxary / strategic resource / natural wonder] but will always have to low production)

1. You are currently building (or about to build) a national wonder and the city that just came out of resistance doesn't have a copy of the required building yet.

2. You are one turn away from reaching the next policy.

3.You want to delay Golden Age for some reason. Like you are about to capture city with Citzhen itza
3.You want to delay Golden Age for some reason. Like you are about to capture city with Citzhen itza

:confused: Annexing a city decreases happiness by a substantial margin until the Courthouse is built (or cash rushed); so if you wanted to delay a GA, it's more effective to annex the city early and just be tardy building the court house than keeping it as a puppet.
:confused: Annexing a city decreases happiness by a substantial margin until the Courthouse is built (or cash rushed); so if you wanted to delay a GA, it's more effective to annex the city early and just be tardy building the court house than keeping it as a puppet.

Yep but you never know situations you might run into. Like you for some reason didnt capture that city with Citzhen itza in time and your GA is 10 or 20 happiness points away. Granted situations like this wont happen quite often.

Of course if you know many turns in advance you might annex right away. Choosing that freedom policy which gives longer GA might be one of these
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