Sad news.


Mar 12, 2002
BC wine country
Hello all. I have some very sad news. I received a PM from the son of John Slankis (AGRICOLA) informing me that John passed away in January in Toronto. He wanted the community to know, because it was an important part of his dad's life in his retirement years. On your behalf, I passed on our condolences and expressed appreciation for John's contribution to our community and his intelligence and good humor.
Oh, that's quite the blow! I certainly will miss him, with his combination of wit and playing skill. He added a lot to this community. And it's a shrinking one as it is. RIP
Damn! That is grim news, tech.

Farewell to one of the old guard - Men of his calibre cannot be replaced.
Goodbye John. You were one of the good guys mate. Always willing to lend a hand and meticulous in your play-testing. Never pulled a punch when giving feedback, a real plus for scenario designers. You will be missed greatly in the Civ2 community!

Thanks for passing on our condolences techumseh
This is very sad news indeed. Though I was relatively new to the community John was one of the first to reach out to me and provide his assistance on my projects.

His experience, knowledge of the game, feedback, advice and play testing style were an invaluable aid to me.

His contributions will be sorely missed.

May you rest in peace Agricola.
That is incredibly sad news...... John's posts were always insightful and witty and it is a shock to hear of his passing. Thanks for passing on our collective condolences to John's family.
RIP John. Although I rarely contributed to this forum, I was always impressed by Agricola's humor and innovation.

He and his contributions will be missed.
I will miss his insightful commentary as well as his ruthless optimization and unconventional approach to strategy. I'm thankful that he shared this with us over the years.
Very very sad news!

RIP John, we'll miss you!
My deepest sympathies go out to Agricola and his family. May God give you comfort and peace.
This is very sad news. I had a lot of contact with John while we were working on a redux version of redfront. He was friendly, patient and always had good advice.

RIP John... beating their forces over the head repeatedly until they saw his point of view.
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