None Shall Pass 2 [Game Thread - Concluded]

This has been quite a long night...
The night is dark and foggy. The dread whispers of ghosts and the fearful breathing of sleepless mortals fill the cold air. The world dreams uneasily.
@ everyone

Do not post until I EXPLICITLY say you are allowed to do so.
Do not post when the update comes, wait until I say "you can post".

The Assassin lies under Tanar Aerdoth's bed, waiting for the door to open and his prey to come home. Soon enough, the knob to the front door turns and footsteps echo off of tile. A coat is thrown to the ground, shoes are slipped off. Tanar Aerdoth enters his bedroom and falls on his bed, exhausted.

The Assassin flings himself out and up onto the bed. He holds his victim down, Blasto8000 at the ready.

"That's an outdated model."

"What? Why do you care?"

"The Blasto9000 has improved accuracy and less recoil. It's a worthy upgrade for anyone."

"Maybe I'll do that.... after I kill you!"

"I must have misread the situation, if that's your plan."

"What exactly did you think was going to happen here?"

"I don't know. Maybe you're really into BDSM."


"Look man, why would you want to kill me? I'm a decent chap."

"Why would I want to kill you?"

The Assassin pulls the trigger and blows Tanar Aerdoth's head off.


Spoiler :

Tanar Aerdoth was Figwit!

Spoiler :
He was a member of the Town!

Night summary:

• The "Assassin" kills Tanar Aerdoth (Figwit).​


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26 / 32

SamSniped - Bilbo Baggins

SouthernKing - Treebeard

Jarrema - Denethor

Winston Hughes - Grand Moff Tarkin

Visorslash - Bail Organa

Count Dingdong - Balrog

spaceman98 - Admiral Thrawn

Double A - Qui-Gon Jinn

Backwards Logic - Morgoth

Sprig - Yoda

remake20 - Jar Jar Binks

christos200 - Gollum

BSmith1068 - Barliman Butterbur

azzaman333 - Boromir

SamSniped (2) - Gimli

Arakhor - Haldir

Takhisis - Nazgûl

choxorn - Luke Skywalker / Luke Skywalker

edse - Mace Windu

JohannaK - Éowyn

Newyn - Gwaihir

Internet Flea - Wedge Antilles

Riedquat - Faramir

Legato Endless - Shaak Ti

Verarde - Aragorn

Tanar Aerdoth - Figwit

The Empire has been eliminated.

The Morgoth faction has been eliminated.

The Jedi Order has been eliminated.

"Well, let's get on with it. You all know the drill."

"Right, sling mud at each other until something sticks, then we kill 'em."

While everyone else begins the usual arguments, Buddhafish walks up to the center stage. He turns around to address all five members of the crowd.

"My fellow people, today is a beautiful day. The natives which humiliated us upon our humble arrival to Middle-Earth, the natives who killed my son and everyone else anyone in this room ever loved, those natives are gone! No more will we share what is rightfully ours! No more will we suffer injustices wrought by a backwards band of primitives! This is the day we gained our independence!"

"If you're trying to quote the President's speech from Independence Day, you messed up some of the lines."

"No, you idiot. The LOTR menace is gone! Star Wars #1! Vengeance has been achieved! Our people have been avenged!"

A modest cheer erupts (remember, there's only five people in the crowd).

Swammerdami whispers to no one in particular:

"So this is how LOTR dies. With a golf clap."

Spoiler :
Vengeance victory!

Spoiler :
Town victory!


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Buddhafish - Jango Fett

johnhughthom - Kit Fisto

Kennigit - Ki-Adi-Mundi

KingMorgan - C-3PO

Snerk - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Swammerdami - Princess Leia


26 / 32

SamSniped - Bilbo Baggins

SouthernKing - Treebeard

Jarrema - Denethor

Winston Hughes - Grand Moff Tarkin

Visorslash - Bail Organa

Count Dingdong - Balrog

spaceman98 - Admiral Thrawn

Double A - Qui-Gon Jinn

Backwards Logic - Morgoth

Sprig - Yoda

remake20 - Jar Jar Binks

christos200 - Gollum

BSmith1068 - Barliman Butterbur

azzaman333 - Boromir

SamSniped (2) - Gimli

Arakhor - Haldir

Takhisis - Nazgûl

choxorn - Luke Skywalker / Luke Skywalker

edse - Mace Windu

JohannaK - Éowyn

Newyn - Gwaihir

Internet Flea - Wedge Antilles

Riedquat - Faramir

Legato Endless - Shaak Ti

Verarde - Aragorn

Tanar Aerdoth - Figwit

The Empire has been eliminated.

The Morgoth faction has been eliminated.

The Jedi Order has been eliminated.


johnhughthom, Kennigit, KingMorgan, Snerk, Swammerdami



Arakhor, BSmith1068, christos200, Double A, Internet Flea, Jarrema, JohannaK, Newyn, Riedquat, SamSniped, SamSniped2, SouthernKing, Takhisis, Tanar Aerdoth, Verarde, Visorslash


edse, Legato Endless, Sprig

azzaman333, Backwards Logic, Count Dingdong, remake20


spaceman98, Winston Hughes
The game is now over. Thanks for playing, everyone!

I will be posting some infodumps (such as the one below) soon. Feel free to discuss the game (whether you won, lost, died, survived, or did not play at all), and post your Role PMs and stuff.


Spoiler :
You Have Passed - Dead QT.

good kid, maad city - Vengeance QT.

New World Order - Jedi QT.

The Empire Strikes Back - Empire QT.

Ancient Evil, or Metallica Cover Band? - Morgoth QT.


NSP2: Perfectly innocent townies - town network QT.

The Greater Good - Jedi/Vengeance QT.

R2D2 Spare Parts Emporium - Jedi/Snerk QT.

Princess Leia Cosplay Changing Room - Visorslash/Sprig QT.

You can now post.
Yay we won? :huh:
What was the point of the PG if it doesn't factor into the level of victory?
Bragging rights?
Well then I fulfilled mine on Night 2. :smug:

Or was it 3? :shifty:
nice game ! (even if I died early, it was fun to observe)

what was the thing with One Ring?
What was the point of the PG if it doesn't factor into the level of victory?
It was known from the beginning that it wasn't a factor. Did anyone read their Role PM?

what was the thing with One Ring?

I believe that's answered in the Dead QT, but here's the item description:

Item: The One Ring. If you do not use any abilities at Night, you cannot be targeted by (most) Night actions.
You could still be nightkilled, though. There was no "corruption" mechanic, I don't know where this came from as it's not mentioned anywhere by me.
It was known from the beginning that it wasn't a factor. Did anyone read their Role PM?

No, yes, I had forgotten about that but I ask because I went back to check.
Screw you Christos.

It was a fun game while it lasted, though we got very unlucky very early.

And by the way, we had absolutely no quarrel with the town.

Question for Zack: Was our victory technically compatible with a Vengeance one if we consisted entirely of SWs at the end?
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