D&D Mystara Previews!

Concepts of Mystara:

Early Civilization

Here is a look at the 1st age tech trees for various civs:

From the eyes of Atruaghin

From the eyes of Frosthaven

From the eyes of Kwythellar
Concepts of Mystara:

Rise of Nations

Here is a look at the 2nd age tech trees for various civs:

From the eyes of Darokin

From the eyes of Denagoth

From the eyes of Wendar
Concepts of Mystara:

Age of Magic

Here is a look at the 3rd age tech trees for various civs:

From the eyes of Alphatia

From the eyes of Thyatis

From the eyes of Wendar
Concepts of Mystara:

Industrial Age

Here is a look at the 4th age tech trees for various civs:

From the eyes of Denagoth

From the eyes of Kwythellar

From the eyes of Rockhome
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

Early Exploration

A look at the game when the beginning year was 500BC. That has changed since, but this is still about what you'll see early in the game.
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

A Goody Hut!

I have found my first goody hut with a scout.
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

Oops not so Goody

Instead of a goody, I got Goblin war parties. Not the kind of folks you like hanging around much. Sort of like your in-laws.
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

First Contact

Finding my closest neighbors. Bunch of drunken dwarves I'd say.
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

My Other Neighbor

My other neighbor looks quite nice in black leather. :cool:
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

Goblins Again!

Ugh, I thought I got rid of these things. Sometimes, they're like roaches.
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

Ah! It's an Ogre!

Yikes, they decided to show they have an ogre with them. I might be in trouble. I wonder if his name is Shrek?
Screenshots from Kastelios early on:

Picking a Fight

And the last of this segment. I decided to bully Queen Marianne and she is preparing to swat me with her sword. What a long sword you have my dear... :confused:
Screenshots from Alphatia:

The Homeland

A look at the homeland of Alphatia. Obvisously not a random map with a coast full of fish, but hey this is beta testing. You can see various units here that are scattered around the homeland.
Screenshots from Sind in the 4th era:

Sind at War

The Empire of Thyatis has decided to take the little theocracy of Sind. Will they be able to conquer? Wait for the elephants, I say.
Screenshots from Sind in the 4th era:

An Elephant Parade

A parade! Well Thyatis doesn't look so excited to see it. Bores.
Screenshots from Sind in the 4th era:

Ylaruam Rider

A shot of one of the best horsemen in the world. Well almost the best. They are second only to the Ethengarian Golden Hordes and the Heldannic Star Knights. Unless you face him in the desert where his horse doesn't slow down and everyone else's does.
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