Male Spy


Apr 20, 2006
In the interest of balance with all the female units popping up (literally popping up with the pauldron modification) I thought I should balance things out a little with a Male Spy.

It's basically the Spy animations with the modern Great Merchant's body, reskinned into a nice black suit. I then added the Great Scientist's head, provided by Chalid.

He minces a bit when he creeps around, would've never made it in the Marines!

Download him here

Interesting, I've been thinking of this idea as well. The animations don't look too good on him though..

BTW I think the head was from GarretSidzaka's modern worker guy.
I think Garret used the Great Scientist head too, in fact I know he did because I wanted the head and checked his file to see where he took it from.

Heavy man - very nice :)

Big man, but he runs like a girl. The animations may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it gives him a nice sneaky feel.
Someone chopped all the heads from every single civ unit, so that's probably where it originated. I can't remember the author though.

Did you rebone the merchant to use the spy animations? Maybe a modern worker, or the engineer with the scientist head would have suited better.
I'm pretty certain it was Chalid's that I downloaded, I really should make a note of these things.
I considered a white tux with a bow tie, but it didn't really work with the tails.
the cocktail is missing ;)

Looking on his moves i may thought he drank already coctail ;)

Thank you very much for this unit - great idea - he's going to ww2 mod :)
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