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Term V Nominations


May 7, 2003
Washington State
Well, it's that time of the season again. This time, I remembered! However, the one-thread system used last term seemed like a tidier way to run things, so we shall try it again this time around.

Feel free to nominate others and/or yourself for any position below. Nominations are open until turn 116 (the next turn we receive is turn 113).

Duties said:
*Plays the save.
*In charge of all units, except for workers.
*In charge of exploration.
*In charge of religion and civics.
*BCLG100 - Accepted

Domestic Minister
Duties said:
*In charge of all workers.
*Assigns citizens to tiles.
*In charge of :science: and :culture: rates.
*First back-up turn player.
*classical_hero - Accepted

Foreign Advisor
Duties said:
*In charge of foreign affairs (trade, diplomacy, etc.).
*May appoint ambassadors to foreign civilizations.
*Second back-up turn player.
*robboo - Accepted

UN Representative
Duties said:
*Keeps the team updated on UN happenings.
*Votes in official UN polls based on the team's opinion.
*RegentMan - Accepted

(Note - BCLG has made numerous references to staying as president, so I'll include him as accepted)
I would take foreign office if i have someone to assist. I am currently doing a fairly intense job hunt and my time is limited for chats but emails I can do.
I could probably help out most of the time, but as this term will mostly be holiday time for me, I'll probably be only very irregularly.
I could be the Domestic Minister, since it requires less time to do and does not require me to be available at European times, which I am not available for.

Indeed. I did absolutely nothing, which is only slightly less than I was able to do without a copy of the game.
Why don't we just change the Domestic Minister position to Vice President. I think that better reflects the actual duties of the post (i.e. none, unless the President is dead.)

Robboo has suggested elsewere that if he was FM he could use some help and I would also like to offer a bit of aid. Looks like FM is going to have a staff this term. :goodjob:
sign up 1889 as my assistant. We discussed things in the recent past and we think we can do a good job with it along with BC's contacts.

I really want to get some teams to think about forming a 2 or 3 team allaince and perhaps discussing some non-aggression pacts with other for some years to come. All of thsi will be approved by our citizens of course.

If we can get a solid 2 teams tech allaince(which we kinda already do) and another 1 or 2 non aggression we can then expand and improve our cities..
BC has contacts huh? I knew there had to be some nefarious reason why he was still president.

Anyway I'm in and with Dutch helping too we should be able to really get Diplo to work for us.
Right now we need to press diplo. This time of the game lots of distrust and back watching. 3 of us will make it easier.
So when does the term officially begin.
Turn 121 is the first turn of Term V.

We haven't even had elections yet! Although methinks we don't really need them (unless other people join the race *hint hint*).
Im happy to continue the role but equally happy if someone else fancies a crack for a few turns, though i guess according to the thread that was already known :mischief:
Okay, since we've just played turn 117, that means nominations have closed and we now have elections. But since there is one per slot, methinks we can just keeps these as official. ;)

President: BCLG100
Domestic Minister: classical_hero
Foreign Minister: robboo and friends
UN Representative: RegentMan
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