Asian Units


Mar 14, 2007
i wish you could put all the files into 1 bigger file. (IE: put the khmer in one file, and put the chinese in another)

Otherwise VERY well done.
Thanks TheLastOne36!

I could put them all in one zip next time, but I personally like to browse through the database and download whichever units I want and leave the rest rather then download them in bundles. But if people perfer it that way, I could do it. It's actually easier. :)
Great units, Bakuel. :)

Just one question, I just added the Khmer axeman, and it show up with two axes. I double checked with nifviewer and it has two, you sure we have to use the axeman ani?:blush:

(I know it could be my mistake, but even if it's 0300 in the morning I couldn't resist start adding them...) :D


PS: Just tried with the berserker ani, and he slices and dices like a machine... :)
:blush: Oh yeah... Sorry about that Gattolardo and thanks for pointing that out, it's based off of the Egyptian Axeman and uses it's animations, not the vanillia one. Even though, I guess it works with the Berserker animation as well.:D
I'll update the download now.
Nice goin't there, Bakuel. Only too bad you're not into modelling horse archers for all those civs. ;)
great great great units!

i think these work much better than Firaxis' Japanese and Mongoloid Asiatic units!

i personally think the khmer units look chinese too, maybe a more "peasant" or ancient-er look on them.
Great work, my friend :goodjob: I would agree that having them in bundles is a lot easier to work with.
Actually I personally prefer to have the units downloaded separately.
Nice goin't there, Bakuel. Only too bad you're not into modelling horse archers for all those civs. ;)
Yeah, horse archers would be great!
Thanks for the kind words everyone!:D I'll probably put them into era speific bundles next time I guess.

@cybrxkhan I'm glad you liked them! I biased most of the Khmer middle age units off of images that Sword of Geddon provided in the Egyptian thread, I think they were Thai? I'm not sure. I tried to make the ancient era Khmer units as close as to the stonewall carvings in Cambodia as I could though.

NikNaks93 is prying me away from China and Khmer to tackle a couple of other ethnicities first.:cry: :mischief: I'll have to come back to this thread some other time to do the musketman-rifleman age and make some Horse Archers of course. :)
^hmm... Thai units you say? perhaps... they do seem chinese to me. but who cares! they're great.
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