duck and cover!
version history:
- civ3conquests patch 1.22
- ca. 1GB disc space
- english version of civilization3
gaia - epic: new challanges, new dimensions (gaia - episch: neue herausforderungen, neue größe) is an epic mod. the game starts in the ancient times till the present times with some futuristic projects.
please note that this version in complete in german!
- unrar the downloaded file in your "c:...\civilization3\conquests\scenarios" folder.
you can also try these "bonus steps": - copy and paste the LSANS file from the folder called "extras" in your "c:...\civilization3\conquests\". vista-users have to accept the font with a right click and the order "install". delete the font "lucida sans standard" in the "c:\windows\fonts" folder and install the backup of the font to cancel this step. this mod includes the backup of all fontfiles!
- download and install ares terrain for best available terrain pack.
- this mods requires the english version! german users have to use goethes tool.
- new unitconcepts (spies, ssbn, navyfighters, spyplanes, uav, ...)
- each cultural area has one unique unit
- new civilopedia-concepts for units and buildings
- continuative civilizations
- each goverment has one unique small wonder
- new font
- new unit-stats
- new techtree
- plague
- revised menu- and gamelanguage (german)
- a gallery.biq shows every unit with ingame graphics
- 85 generic land-units (+ 468 specific units)
- 40 generic sea-units (+ 64 specific units)
- 37 generic air-units (+ 161 specific units)
- > 855 units
- 40 wonders
- 25 small wonders
- 53 city improvements
- > 116 buildings
- 8 strategic resources
- 8 luxury resources
- 24 bonus resources
- > 40 resources
- 104 technologies
- 15 governments
- some eatereggs
- new soundeffects
- revised citynames (german)
- new interface graphics
- smaller city- and terrainbuilding graphics
- "best of" goodyhuts
- improved civilopedia icons
- more buildings are specific to each era
- the scientific leader is specific to each era
- new titlescreens (in the "extras" folder)
i started this project in 2003. first of all i wanted to fix some bugs (citynames, ...), but then i started to add units. first of all with the "light tank" from the wwII scenario and so the story goes on.
this mod is not a one-person production! it includes many graphics and ideas of other civfanatics. the following list is incomplete, but this guys are the main characters of this project and i thank everyone for their works!
please note that i edit files. the filename of these files are characterized with the name affix "edit" or "alt".
thanks a lot to:
- aaglo
- Ares de Borg
- BeBro
- CivArmy s. 1994
- Civinator
- Gary Childress
- gwendoline
- imperator1961
- jorde
- MarineCorps
- NavyDawg
- Plotinus
- Rhye
- ripptide
- Sandris
- ShiroKobbure
- Steph
- tom2050
- Thunderfall
- Wyrmshadow
- Civ3ExEdit
- Civ3FlcEdit
- Civ3MultiTool
- FLICster
- openoffice 3.2
- microsoft office 2010
- the gimp 2.6
- winrar 3.93
- the error message “WARNING! Maximum hypertext links exceeded” is very annoying, but this message doesn't influence the gameplay.
- sometimes the new font caused a pink shadow. change "edge smoothing" to "standard" to fix this problem.
- more units
- a comprehensive readme and some indexes of all units, buildings, governments and resources
- some scenarios
- and a english version
- defensive infantry
- distance infantry
- light tanks
- modern artillery
- offensive infantry
- tanks
- cavalry
- escort ships
- bombard ships
- transporters
- interceptor
- bomber
- fighter bomber
- civilization selection and game settings
- ancient times (rom)
- middle ages (france)
- industrial age (great britain)
- atomic age (russia)