[LH] Seleucus I


Nov 28, 2005
Seleucus I of Nicator.



Howdy everybody.

I'd like to introduce Seleucus I of Nicator. He was the first ruler of the Seleukid Empire, and one of Alexander the Greats finest Generals. It was Seleucus I who came the closest of all the Diadochoi to reuniting Alexander's empire. If not for his assassination by Ptolemy Keraunos he could well have conquered Macedonia and turned his attention to Egypt.

He is based off of C.Roland's Unfinished Roman LH. The button is included in the download.​

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This one looks very, very nice! I like what you did with the chest armor. :goodjob:
Cool addition!:goodjob: (I don't think his name is Seleukos I of Nikator, just Nikator period - Nikator not being a place, rather an adjective.)
Nice thing. I'm glad that my unfinished LH have been usefull to someone and the result is great. Horewer, one thing that annoy me is that the left (don't know how to call it, but the thing that cover the face), the left thing is only visible by the inside, not the outside. Isn't two faced. It would require a blender work (simply, but still here) and an other shaders adding process. I didn't want to do it for my unfinished LH, but now that we have something more interesting, it may be nice to fix this bug.
I suck with blender. It was something I noticed and bugged me, but it doesn't ruin the model overall but it would be nice to be fixed. If you had time to look at it that would be great. If not I'm sure I can rope Woodelf into tweaking it, as he has been making a Montefortino style helmet for me and the cheek guards work really well on his.
Horewer, one thing that annoy me is that the left (don't know how to call it, but the thing that cover the face)
Those are called the "Cheek Pieces"... normally a little longer, but in a LH, not really a big issue... but yeah... "Cheek Piece".
Those are called the "Cheek Pieces"... normally a little longer, but in a LH, not really a big issue... but yeah... "Cheek Piece".

Thanks. It's logical :D. Maybe you can answer also this question, what is the name "hair thing" (black and white on this one) over the helm. In french, it's a "crête", but I really don't know in english.
'Plume' or 'Crest'... either is applicable for the horse-hair.
Fair enough, but you pretty much covered the EBCIV focus. The rise of Rome and the wars of the Diadochoi take center stage with conflicts between Gallic, Germanic, and Thraikian tribes in the north of Europe.
Fair enough, but you pretty much covered the EBCIV focus. The rise of Rome and the wars of the Diadochoi take center stage with conflicts between Gallic, Germanic, and Thraikian tribes in the north of Europe.

Well then... Is there any historical period which still has no corresponding civ4 mod? :lol:

Anyway, good job :goodjob:
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