• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

End of Empires - N3S III

Starting Location: [Choose from the cradle map; preferably giving me your own map pinpointing the location for me and other players]
Society: A person gets up to the top of the ladder almost always by sheer merit and hard work. The nation is seen as more important than the person is in most cases. It does not matter weather or not a person is female or male. They both are able to get to the top. The exception is with the ruling monarchy with the supreme empress in charge and also the females are the only ones allowed for religious duties.
Lineage: Matriarchal, the property, wealth and name is passed along the mothers side of the family rather than the fathers.
Values: Hard work, innovation, adaption and self sacrifice
Religion(s): Palmayran polytheism is the religion of the Palmyrans. It’s rules are that you must, pray every day at ever location possible fifteen mintues a day during dusk. You must also not intentionally cause harm to you peers and respect them with high honor. You must take care of a guest first before asking them what they are needing. If you see a person in need of help you need to go out and help them. Take time out of the day to do something good that will help others but may very little to gain for themselves. It’s also important to note that the priests can only be female, and that all of the minor gods listed below are part of the trinity.
Language(s): The language is a very interesting one to say the very least. It contains thirteen letter, most of them consonants. It’s also somewhat of a nasal and rough language and puts more importantce of the stress and tones of each word and letter spoken rather than the letters themselves. The writeing is a very simplistic one in comparison to the spoken part and is comprised of a mixture of hieroglyphs, pictographs and Arabic style writing.
Mythos: The orgins of these people are very obscure but it was known that a long time ago there was only the bare earth, cloudless sky, and empty oceans. However, there were three deities from which all others originated. The most important deity to the Palmyrans was the earth god the shrew. She represented the hard work ethic, the sheer tenacity, it’s brain power and the ability to take on animals larger than it self and eliminate them. The sky god was the guuguubarra who represented the craftiness, and it’s ability to adapt to the conditions of which it lives in. The god of the ocean is the great crocodile. The crocodile represents the ability to change, the sheer power and the caring that it shows with it’s of spring. All these gods created the lesser ones, but also it’s important to note these gods and goddesses are both good and evil. The lesser gods are the centaur who was the god of the forest, kangaroo the goddess of the sky, the jackal the god of the desert, scarab beetle the god of death, dingo the god of war, lion the god of the sun, hippo the goddess of the swamps, hyena the god of the moon, toad god of the rain, rabbit the god of fertility, springbok the god of fire, Koala bear the god of technology, and Termite the god of farming. Through all of these deities the gradual process of the creation of mankind happened.
Economic Base: Fishing, Farming, Mining, Smiting, Masonry, Ship building, and Trade
Nation Names: Later
Person Names: Later
Place Names: Later
People who have expressed interest, but not joined:


People who have promised to join, but have not done so yet:


People who have picked a spot, but not created a culture:

Jason The King

People who have filled out a template but not submitted orders (technically okay):

Slavic Souix

People who have submitted orders:

Ninja Dude

The first three lists need to get shorter and the last one longer before I update. If there's a significant change by tonight, the update could come then.

Let me know if you're in the wrong place, or not on the list when you should be. Please do not harass people who have not done something in this thread; that is counted as spam. As is speculation on the update; put that in While We Wait. :)

Would people who haven't sent orders like an example of how I would write it?
I assume my orders are sufficient?

Starting Location: Noted on map

Society: the society operates at three levels: clan, civic and national. Family and clan are the two smallest social units. Clans freely intermarry. Clans are led by councils made up of both men and women with an elected male (usually) leader. Cities and towns are led by a similar council, but with a woman as leader. The nation is led by clan and city representatives that choose a male leader for 1-7 year terms. This national leader controls the army which is made up of soldiers provided by the clans.

Lineage: property and ownership of wealth goes from mother to daughter. Family and clan leadership goes from father to son. Women who give up ownership of property and wealth can become leaders; men who give up leadership roles can own property.

Values: Curiosity, adventure, cooperation, accumulation of knowledge, clan affiliation

Religion(s): The world is an imperfect recreation of the Dream Time (when the world was freshly created and untainted by sorrow) and stories told by the mystics and music made by the talented are how the people know how the world should be.

Language(s): Lyrical, fluid, rich in vocabulary and emotion, hand gestures and physical contact. Written language is ink-on-vellum based using a simple alphabet.

Mythos: At the end of the Dream Time, the people washed ashore on the beaches of this land. Their shaman leaders sang and chanted the tools and skills needed for survival into existence and once the people had everything needed to survive the shaman sang themselves back into the Dream time to await the next time they would be needed.

Economic Base: The people use the sea the land and the mountains to sustain their way of life. They farm, raise animals, fish and hunt and cut trees in the mountains. Their expert seamanship has allowed them to make contact up and down the coast.

Person Names:

Place Names:
Capital: Waipio
Hana Lani

Ocean: the Nakalani
I am filling out a starting template right now, in the same spot as where dldnj's civilization was before he left.
I assume my orders are sufficient?

Im more than happy to write more...
OOC: I would like to see an orders template if possible. Either way my orders will be in hopefully around 24 hours from now.
So what kind of animals are in the savanna? Ones found in Africa?

You can probably assume that most of them are the same; I will note any really different ones in the update. However, I will note it is unlikely that you will be able to tame elephants on a large scale in the first update. :p

I assume my orders are sufficient?

Im more than happy to write more...

They were; don't worry.

OOC: I would like to see an orders template if possible. Either way my orders will be in hopefully around 24 hours from now.

Okay, let's see what we can do...

This isn't a normal turn, so these aren't the orders I want you to use all game long.

PM Title: Orders - [Name]

[template here]


[What you want to happen]


[How you envision your culture changing over the turn period]


[What you think might happen that goes wrong -- and how you'd react]


PM Title: Orders - Prokym

Prokym - NPC
Starting Location: The far north.
Society: Highly stratified and decentralized. The top caste is that of the priests, who also are the warriors. The next caste are the merchants, who also serve as the primary messengers. Then the farmers, who pretty much just farm.
Lineage: There is no private land ownership. The priests technically own all land; they distribute it based upon their own whims. Items are handed down from father to youngest son, and mother to youngest daughter.
Values: Strength, piety, and eternal life through ancestor worship.
Religion(s): The Prokym hold that one can attain eternal life through reverence by one’s descendants. Thus, objects that were made by a person – pendants, swords, anything really, are often revered. The person’s corpse itself is not regarded as anything strange; it is simply burned. Rumors of cannibalism are most likely unfounded.
Language(s): A slightly harsh, but rhythmic and somehow beautiful sounding language, it is unrelated to the “barbarian” tongues to the south. There is no native system of writing.
Mythos: In the dawn of the world, when the forests were newly sprouting and the mists of dawn covered the world from sunrise to sunset, there was Prokyr, the great herder. He set the world in order, tamed the flocks, tended the forests, built houses and sowed barley, and his descendants became the Prokym.
Economic Base: Farming, technically, but trading timber, amber, and furs gets them anything that’s not food.
Nation Names: [Make a list of nation names for me to use]
Person Names: [Make a list of names for me to use of famous persons]
Place Names: [Make a list of place for me to use for notable places]
[Add anything else you want to say]


By the end of this turn, I want to have the Prokym expand along the entirety of the main river, with perhaps a few minor settlements along it. They will probably domesticate or adopt the domestication of goats, cows, sheep, and horses. While there is definitely no centralized authority, there are several centers of population (though they probably aren't any larger than towns). I understand I'm in the least civilized zone, so I don't expect a particularly high population.


With expansion of population will come the development of wooden and walled towns. While the walls will probably be nothing more than a row of sharpened stakes, they will serve the purpose of keeping out the vast majority of enemies in these wild lands.

The religion of the Prokym will develop into something a little more centralized, as the priests seek to gain control over their people. Large shrines will be built in the middle of towns, where priests take some of the ancestral relics of the common people and promise to venerate them for those commoners -- a convenient and more potent way of ensuring eternal life.

As the developed nations of the south start sending out explorers, probably a few of them will find the Prokym. While the trading vessels will be tiny, and their cargo small, they can still take amber, furs, and other such riches southwards -- and bring us in return vital tin, as well as most anything else of importance.


Barbarians will probably be something of an issue; they always are. The priestly caste is the one charged with the duty of defense. In order to maintain their skills, they will set out on campaigns to clear neighboring woods of their tribes; thus the area will be cleared for new settlements of Prokym.

I could see something of a food production collapse from overfarming and deforestation. In this case, the heartland of the Prokym would implode, no doubt; there's nothing to prevent that. However, the outer edges of the society would still be able to keep up their way of life, and eventually they could recolonize the interior.

In the unlikely event that we meet a civilized nation's armies, and gain a direct border with them, the Prokym would not be stupid; they would attempt to make peace, and, if necessary, pay tribute. There's no way we can match a larger empire spear for spear, arrow for arrow.

You do NOT have to have written your orders like this. ALL orders I have gotten so far are acceptable in terms of detail and format.

EDIT: Okay folks, obviously I can't update today, what with an utter lack of new orders (besides Birdjaguar, who is commended). Those who still do not have their templates filled out who want to join absolutely need to do so by the end of Monday. Those who wish to send orders in addition to their templates need to have them in by that time as well. I set a late due date, so I'm not going to be happy with overdue orders.
Starting Location: Done
Society: A mercantile society dedicated almost wholly to seafaring and the accumulation of gross amounts of gold, silver, and other precious items. They feel a need to accumulate this much wealth, in hopes that they will have enough to be accepted by the Dragon God of Wealth and Power Exousia. Unfortunately for the dead, it is now quite common for these massive graves to be ruthlessly robbed as little as a week after said person’s death. They are on paper run by a king, but de facto ruled by a group of extremely corrupt and wealthy merchants called the Opulensis Tranos.
Lineage: We believe ourselves descended from the Golden Men, who could walk on water, fly, and transform lead into gold.
Values: Beauty, an ability for acquiring vast amounts of wealth, intelligence and cunning, and a certain amount of seafaring ability.
Religion(s): We worship the three dragon gods, the last remaining descendants of the Golden Men. They are Animus, god of Intelligence, Exousia god of power and wealth and Soliman, god of seafaring and weather. They were once Golden Men, but became warped and disfigured when they allowed themselves to become poor and stupid and were punished by fate. They gave up their souls so that the Opulensi could become. Just like our language though, our religious tapestry is very open and we can allow just about any god in.
Language(s): An easy to use and learn tongue (at least for the inhabitants of this world) due to the fact we have taken many of our words from other tongues, as well as grammatic tendencies.
Mythos: We believe ourselves the last remaining descendant of the golden men, blessed by the dragons. We formerly resided on the mainland, yet immigrated to this island, as commanded to us…
Economic Bases: Most people are fishermen, miners, or traders, all set on the accumulation of wealth. We seek to bring goods from East to West, North to South, and from high to low.
Nation Names: Plousion, Fotochos, Epichirisi, Ormiskos, and Polyarithmos
Person Names: Synetos, Ischalos, Adynatos, Ischyras, Aegresco, Aurarius The Rich, and Bigatus.
Place Names: Adfigon Cape, Moira Harbor, Torgid City, The Palace of Sosibos, and the Lighthouse of Thanatos.
EDIT: Okay folks, obviously I can't update today, what with an utter lack of new orders (besides Birdjaguar, who is commended).
For getting them in at all, or because they were so exemplary? ;)
NK, I'm unable to send orders and I deeply apologize. If you wish, just ignore me this turn, and O'll fully join the next.
NK, I'm unable to send orders and I deeply apologize. If you wish, just ignore me this turn, and O'll fully join the next.

Orders are not necessary (simply deeply appreciated and helpful). Unless you feel like you didn't include enough in your template, you're in.
I would like to join this NES, but right now I don't have time to fill out the template or send orders. Might be able to in a few hours, but seems the soonest for sure time will be tomorrow. If you update before then, then I'll just join after that update :p
Barring unforeseen occurrences, the update should be tonight. I will reserve the next post to get a place at the top of the page for it.

The time period covered will be roughly to the Early Bronze Age.

If you wish to join on the first turn and have not yet done so, you can, but you need to get new materials in to me by no later than 9 PM EST today.
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