Saxon Palace (Biuro Szyfrów)


Fallout Scrubber
Mar 4, 2006
Poland, EU
The Saxon Palace (Polish: Pałac Saski) was one of the most distinctive buildings in prewar Warsaw, Poland. The Saxon Palace had originally been a private palace of the Morsztyn family, then had been purchased and enlarged by the first of Poland's two Saxon kings. It was in this building that the German Enigma machine cipher was first broken in December 1932 and then read for several years. The Biuro Szyfrów (Polish for "Cipher Bureau") was the Polish interwar agency charged with both cryptography (the use of ciphers and codes) and cryptanalysis (the "breaking" of ciphers and codes). During World War II, the Saxon Palace was destroyed (it was blown up by the Germans after the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944.

More info here:

I was thinking if i shouldn't start it again. I'm not very happy with the result - it's too big (even after using Leaf 6x5) - and the wrong scale usually looks bad in game. But i don't like to work on the things twice (especiually if i would need start making texture once again) so i uplooad it as it is. In 1939 Mod it will work as Biuro Szyfrów (one of the Great Wonders) - you may use it of course as you want.

Download here:
I agree it's too big for easy use in Civ4. But I was thinking, why not uploading one 'side' (half) of the building? That would fit easily in a 4x4 leaf with a larger scale. I know it's not like the original building then, but it would still come handy as a Industrial era graphic in Ethnic Citystyles. An alternative for Scotland Yard perhaps, looking at the decypher history of the building?
without the middle (those columns) or with?
Yeah I would make it this way. Tough i think i'll use older version in mod
Not yet, but i'll make it.
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