ICBM and Nuclear_bomb Default Animations June 14-2009


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Thought I would correct these Two Original Game Default Animations so they would actually show their animations in Game.

The ICBMDefault.flc shows a blinking light which I altered to show better with the available colors in that original Unit Palette.

The nuclear_bomb.flc has not been altered...just made so it will show the animation in Game.

To use, simply back up the Original Files IF you want to keep them and replace those Original Default files with these New Ones. The Names are the same so nothing needs to be done other than Drop them in the Correct Unit Folder.

Civilization III\Art\units ICBM UnitFolder
Conquests\Conquests\WWII in the Pacific\Art\Units Nuclear Bomb Unit Folder

You can get the ICBM Default Flc here

You can Get the nuclear_bomb Flc here


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That´s great! Thank you very much :goodjob: I´will test them at once in my current CCM-testgame. Carthage deserves it. :D
:lol: ... well it's only been about 8 years of using the original animations that do not show in game.

Default Animations Need all Directions in order to show. Sure we can and do use Flcs such as the Airdrop that Only has one direction but that shows because it is programed to only show that direction. All Default Flcs are programed to show all directions so IF there is only one direction for them, all others cannot show. The Game is then forced to use the 1st Frame of the only existing animation...thus, a still animation is seen on the game map.

These Corrected Flcs will work for those units even though those units show other Flcs using only one direction... These are merely the Default Flcs that will show their minor animations for those who use these units and desire to see their Default animations function in their games :)

This was not any big deal to correct at all. Took a few minutes to do both as well as the Previews. It was the Uploads that took "forever" due to my (&%^%Q^%^$@) SLOW Dial Up that I have been stuck on for 13 Years. But this is a "broken Record" that I hope to be able to correct sometime soon... just not "holding my breath.

... I believe I will opt for a really Long String attached between Two Cans. That would be faster :)
It's nice to have them looking like they're supposed to. Thanks.:goodjob:
... or ,the most people used to play like me :
- collect tons of Nukes in my Capitol

Yes, but when you're done playing for the day, after you've saved, don't you nuke the hell out of your opponents sometimes before you quit, just for fun? Or is that just me who does that?:lol:
Yes, but when you're done playing for the day, after you've saved, don't you nuke the hell out of your opponents sometimes before you quit, just for fun? Or is that just me who does that?:lol:

No ,you are not the (l)only one:D

I have added superb explosion flcs to my Mods. WHY SHOULD I ?
They have to die ,not to be `saved`.
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