Turn Discussion Thread

DMOC you're very welcome to take the turns. If you see us up you can play whenever you like.

I'm currently building military and hoping that we get Cannons so that we could do some real damage (still probably suicide), but at least we could have relevantly sized army.

p.s. You'll get email soonish concerning the Realms beyond game :)
Game is running again. Here is few pictures of the current situation. We've some kind of stack forming near Cav. If we want we could try to attack closest Cav city or alternatively attack against the barb cities. Any opinions?

Spoiler :



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In my opinion we can't do it profitably. I'm trying to capture the 2 barb cities now and wait what happens with Kaz an Cav. Of course I could be active also in this relationship, but haven't yet done anything about it.
Huh? Cav left? I must have missed something... haven't been around here in too long. :crazyeye:
I think Cav resigned. So it's the three of us now.

However, I think this game doesn't stand a chance of lasting 10 more turns.

Personally, I'd wish the game end now and we'd declare Cav the winner (well, I think they deserved it, if not then a dual victory between Cav and SANCTA). I hope that after about 3-4 weeks, we could start up the plans for a third demogame.

It'd be interesting to see the individual forums anyway.

How's the PhD progress going LP? I'll be involved in that probably in about 5 years.
Yeah, either Cav and/or SANCTA certainly deserved to be the winning teams, since they both played so well throughout the game. Even if they did get much better starts than us - possibly the best ones in the game - while we got stuck with the worst. :p But still, they played well and both would have deserved a victory.

PhD is coming along slowly... no major breakthroughs yet, but I'm still in the first year so my project is kind of still in the "feeling out" stages. ;)

I'm looking forward to the next game! We'll be getting started soon... I hope. I'd be glad to play with any of you at my side again. I think we made a great team, and even though our sucky circumstances meant it got a bit less interesting after the early game, it was great to get to know you guys. You were a great bunch to play with. :)
Yep, in New Zealand. :)

And yeah, it seems we may have been the team that actually worked together and included everyone the most. SANCTA and Cav seemed to be dominated by one or two experienced players at any one time, MS almost imploded from lack of activity, and Kaz... well, reading up on their forums was very entertaining - they just couldn't seem to stop bickering, could they. :lol:

Good game, guys.
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