King of the World #17: Peter the Great

Welcome back Neal! I felt kinda redundant trying to fill some of the huge void you left with my series, and this game has been going on for a while. Finish it ASAP! BUT, do it in the British way of imperialism. Get transports, destroyers, and go and capitulate every sucker weaker than you. I shadowed this game(accidentally at noble, I clicked too fast), and I ended up annexing the Caribbean, the Great Plains, Florida, Qin's attempt at the Inca Empire, the Japanese isles, Malaya, and the free port of Teotihuacan in India. I was enjoying being the British, but I forgot to take the Philippines, New Zealand, and Australia from Monty/Roosevelt before I capped them. My point? Having cities all over the earth is fun. :lol: Even though I played at noble, I had fun doing so, and it should be manageable. Although, space is the fastest way and I do want to see your next game soon.
Have you considered conquering backwards & heathenistic North America while going for a space race victory? Cyrus can't capitulate with a vassal in tow, so it's easy & endless conquest. Just a thought.
I just noticed that ALL of GB's tiles are grassland. Talk about 'green and pleasant land'.
The Russian empire was purring like a finely-tuned Steam Engine. Jungles were being replaced by Infrastructure in the Amazon, shrewd diplomacy and the security of the oceans kept the people safe, and the economy was reliably churning out new discoveries every few turns. Peter, though tempted to unleash his Factory-equipped Infantry upon the world, decided instead to simply play the winning hand he had, at this point, been dealt.

Of course, the economy humming along didn't mean that it couldn't use the occasional influx of cold, hard cash:

A number more of these routine trades were made throughout the round, always focusing on selling the most obsolete techs to the most cash-flush buyers. Peter was a fair man, but shrewd.

The awe-inspiring majesty of the Londongrad Stupa, meanwhile, paid off in spades:

It was worth building for that alone!

That was in the Old World, though. A fine source of commerce and all that jazz, but most of Peter's attention focused on the jungles of South America, where things like... this were being built:

I... didn't think you could have two Watermills on the same River segment. Oh, well. The northern one was built second, and should be placed on the west river. Just... interesting, I guess. And goes to show that, unlike the normal Cottage monoculture, I'm experimenting with Watermill spam. Which seems to be working out.

We conducted some minor military actions in the Tierra del Fuego:

Unfortunately, we ran into some poor rolls, and the lone surviving Infantryman was forced to withdraw back to Dobry Vordukh. The Mongols, of all people, ended up taking the city a few years later.

Amidst the usual "Trash for Cash" trades, I managed to pick up Democracy from the Mali:

But I haven't adopted Emancipation yet. Happiness isn't a problem, and we still have a lot of Jungle to clear. The Vassals of the State Intitiative hasn't been repealed just yet.

With Chinese encroachment into the Amazon now subject to our will, Asunciov was founded in 1450:

And Bahia Belo was founded in the south a decade later:

Asunciov will be, if not a powerhouse on the level of Londongrad, St. Patricksburg, or Dobry Vordukh, at least a solid contributor to the empire's prosperity. Bahia Belo is more of a vanity project to establish a southern border.

Cyrus, of all people, got a little big for his britches:

His emissary was laughed out of the Palace. Cyrus shrugged, deeming it "worth a try," and proceeded to make war on the Roosevelt/Hattie/Elizabeth Buddhist bloc.

Caesar, meanwhile, who is surprisingly a nonfactor, asked that we show restraint in our dealings with the pagans across the ocean:

Peter agreed, closing borders and refusing any further trades with the petulant Mali.

China's influence, though stunted by their vassal status, was nevertheless felt in the Pacific outpost of Concepcibirsk:

Of course, that city has already flipped once before, and was retaken by conquest, so I'm pretty sure it can't flip back. nevertheless, it was an annoying defection, and forced Peter to focus production there on Culture buildings.

By 1505, the Great Artist from the Stupa, along with a pair of more conventional Great People, launched Russia into its third Golden Age:

You can also see that the aforementioned America/America (continent vs. civilization) war has begun.

We further twisted Mansa Musa's mustache by encouraging religious defections within his empire:

The rest of our Buddhist bloc patted us on the back, enjoying our political bon mot. Indeed, the Apostolic Palace readily agreed to shut down trade with the Mali a few years later.

You will note that I had said that Rome was an afterthought in this game. Well, largely, that' because they were being eaten wholesale by the rampaging Greeks:

Rome itself was captured in 1550. Capitulation can't be far off.

Anyway, that year, being the last of our Golden Age, was where I decided to call a halt to things. After all, I need to decide whether it's time to finally embrace Emancipation:

Or whether to continue with Serfdom, or even backslide into Caste System.

Happiness is, after all, pretty stable right now:

But the Emancipation unhappiness is only going to grow in the future.

Here's another look at the empire:

South America is rapidly Industrializing, while the Old World is focusing on military and Espionage.

After all, I would like to steal Electricity, or at least Physics, from the Inca sometime soon:

As you can see, Huayna Capac and I are on very different tech paths at the moment. And Mansa Musa is still sulking about the closing of trade relations, otherwise you'd better believe that thousand gols would be mine.

Finally, the Diplomacy Web:

Basically, Isabella is at war with Montezuma, and Cyrus is at war with Roosevelt. All else is ancillary. And, of course, we continue to be friends with those whome we need to be friends with.

Anyway, that's the round. Thoughts?
You still have a lot of undeveloped land ins SA, so when you get the Cristo Redentor, then switch ot emancipation for free. Happiness doesn't ook like an issue, and very few people can use right now.
Nice round. Love to see those infantry with 'cover' promotion. :lol:
My Great King. The crowds are fickle and it seems we have exceeded their attention span. May I humbly submit we complete this journey to space and adventure forth into one last King of the World for a glorious finish. May you grant the gods mercy Oh Great King.
That's Mr. Prime Minister to you ;)

But, yes. This game has dragged on long enough. The people grow restless, and with good reason. I think I'll make one last super-round to finish things off and (finally) move on.
I've really enjoyed this one - I'd comment more but I haven't got the Civ chops to contribute anything other than 'good round!'

The writing is brilliant though - perfect mix of in and out of character
That's Mr. Prime Minister to you ;)

Strangely enough in my other current obsession, Football Manager, I have a Brazilian by the name of Gladstone in my team, and I have also taken to calling him Mr. Prime Minister:lol:

Back on topic though, well played and keep up the good work.
This has been very interesting to read, though i think everyone will understand if you want to push and get it finished to start one thats more interesting to yourself. Was it the America Roosevelt that you were tempted into doing next?

Either way good job. Hope you try and do a little spy work just for communists sake :p perhaps manipulate someone else into war so you can get sputnik up first.
I have begun the final mega-round. It's probably gonna take a while to finish (unless I'm wiped out in a surprise attack), so expect the writeup in the next few days. Any final words of advice?
One last vote to go peacefully to space so we can see how the AIs behave themselves. Sometimes come late game certain AIs can really become militarily insane, Hyuna and AL come to mind in your game. Of course, take whatever defensive/diplomatic steps to win the game.
One last vote to go peacefully to space so we can see how the AIs behave themselves. Sometimes come late game certain AIs can really become militarily insane, Hyuna and AL come to mind in your game. Of course, take whatever defensive/diplomatic steps to win the game.

thank god neal is peter this round, or you could add peter to that list as well
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