Again thanks for the praises. I'm glad she turned out that well.
Nice. Do you think you could convert
the Inventor into a LH?
Hm, do you want it with or without the helmet? With should be pretty easy because most of the work I had with the first two leaderheads was to make the facial expressions look right. I haven't looked at that model yet, but maybe it could be a problem that it has this big machine on the back. But that is only a wild guess.
What I do is use parts of other LHs' norm files and use them in the norm files of my LHs. (copy and paste)
Shouldn't the norm file resemble the LH texture? Or is that file rather resistant against differences?
As for the NiSkinPartition, I think there is and option in Blender for creating that when exporting the nif.
I tried that, but using that NiSkinPartition leads to the said error. This is how my export setting looks like:
Wow, you are fast!
She looks great! If you somehow manage the shader version, that would be perfect, but I think I'm gonna add her anyway.
Just had a not much to do for a day. Once you know what to do, it is rather easy. I share your opinion about the shader, so I'll try to manage it somehow.
I think even the style fits to the other civ LHs a bit.
Nice one

Funny, I thought the same the first time I saw her animated.
- first you have to export the model with the leaderhead export option from Blender - necessary to create some additional information. ("Export extra shader textures)
- second, there is no working NiSkinPartition for Leaderheads so far (works only for units), therefore stripify the model (NiTriStrips)
- the nrml map can be created using a gimp script from the diff texture or a self made "high texture" (with black and white you controlls the high of the object) - link
- and look here
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them out as soon as possible. Now I might even have to learn how to use Gimp...
this one looks great also
hope you will convert more of these
That strongly depends on my motivation. But at the moment I can imagine to make some more.
It looks great SaibotLieh!
If you aren't done with converting some of the models, could you perhaps convert the monk and the shaman?
The monk looks like it would make a good stand in for a middle age Tibetan monk leader head but could also be used /modified to become a older east Asian leader head. The Shaman could also be used/modified for a generic east female Asian leader head. There are only a few high quality east Asian leader heads in the database simply because there aren't too many vanilla faces to work off of without heavy mesh editing, so if you could import these it would really help. (Not to mention they would look pretty cool.)
I'll think about it. Most of the time I'm more motivated to work on a female model, thus the chances are higher for the shaman I guess.

But one way or the other, it's good to hear that they might have some good use.