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Civilization V Demo Release Date: 21st of september

2K Greg

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May 24, 2010
Hey guys, I have the demo release date for you:

Here's the full text:
Spoiler :
Civilization V Playable Demo Release Date

I’ve gotten several requests for a formal Civilization V demo release date over the past couple weeks, and today I have the answer. The Civilization V playable demo release date is September 21st; the same day as the North American release date of the full game.

The question many of you are probably asking now is “didn’t you say it would be available before the release date?” The answer to that question is yes, I did. At the time of that announcement, we expected to be able to get the demo out before the 21st, but unfortunately we weren’t able to finalize it in the timeframe we had initially planned, and for that we’re very sorry.

However, we have managed to get it out the same day as the North American release. So for those of you who have been waiting to try out the demo before buying the game, you can still do that with enough time left to run out to the store (or purchase on Steam) and have the full game on the same day as everyone else.

Moderator Action: Edited date into thread title.
Aw, nurtz.

NOW how do I scratch that itch? Maybe I'll take the 21st off from work after all...
Thank You !!!
Thanks Greg, no shooting the messenger people! But I would love to know what legal mumbo jumbo is doing this disservice to the world. Because I can't imagine putting it in a shiny downloadable format from steam would be tough to do in a shorter time span. But I'll save my speculation because it will involve aliens... Drink up me hearties, for tonight (and the next 25 as well) we go without our Demo!!!!
Thanks for the update! It's a pity, but better than spamming the reload button on the CiV Steam page. :lol:
Thanks for the update! It's a pity, but better than spamming the reload button on the CiV Steam page. :lol:

At least I wasn't the only one :)
Waste of time. Better going just straight for the game itself.

If you want to waste the 50 bucks on a game you don't like, sure. The point of demos isn't to get to play them earlier, it's for people who are unsure of the product to try it out.
Yeah why get the demo now when you can use can you run it instead? It seems kinda stupid
But now we can't get pre-order bonus after trying the game.
Up till now I have bought each Civ starting with I based on how much fun I had with Sid's orignial RR Tycoon. (never bought the rest of those) Given though the changes in this version and moving it into Panzer General hybrid there was no way I was going to pre-order without a trial.

I am sure they are counting on getting at least a few hundred or more sales based on the pre-release hype by not releasing the demo before hand. I don't really understand how you could have a game developed/polished/shipped to ten thousand different stores around the country and the world soon after but not create a demo. Also a little bit of a coincidence it comes out exactly on the 21st.

I am sorry but common sense says Greg was lied to about why the demo isn't out. Money made this decision.

Bottom line though they will sell more copies this way.
Good news for all not living in usa. We can start playing civ5 at the same time ;)
Edit: Hi Greg, how big will the demo be? (1 GB, 2 GB?
Too bad. Still, makes it easier to decide which version to buy now, because pre-ordering is out of the window (I want to know if the game runs on my pc to save me from the pain I felt when Civ 4 didn't run on my laptop back then).
Good news for all not living in usa. We can start playing civ5 at the same time ;)

For about 100 turns while we play the whole thing. I guess we still win ;)
Since I will be in Ireland until sept 23, and unable to play the game at is release, I dont mind it. But I would had loved to play it before I left. Too bad for me :(
But I would love to know what legal mumbo jumbo is doing this disservice to the world.

I doubt legal mumbo jumbo has anything to do with it. I can only speculate, but it seems more reasonable that they don't want to give the people who pre-ordered the game a chance to cancel their orders (after seeing what happened to the pre-orders when they released the Mafia II demo).
Yeah why get the demo now when you can use can you run it instead? It seems kinda stupid

The demo is mainly intended for people who haven't decided whether or not they want the game. It's not an "early access to the game" sort of thing. Well, we hoped it would be both, but sadly we just couldn't get it finalized in time.

I am sure they are counting on getting at least a few hundred or more sales based on the pre-release hype by not releasing the demo before hand. I don't really understand how you could have a game developed/polished/shipped to ten thousand different stores around the country and the world soon after but not create a demo. Also a little bit of a coincidence it comes out exactly on the 21st.

A demo doesn't just magically make itself; it has to be developed just like a regular game does.
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