GalaxyNES- No Horizons

Ten thousand generations have come and gone, and the Sadhilim remain the same. Here and there, a Warrior would stumble across some ancient artifact of the gods, resulting in the punctuated evolution of Provoker technology. Yet the Clans remain, the wars remain, and new weapons (for they are always weapons) are employed in old battles. It has been this way since the Initiators first fled in shame from the Creator, since they arrived and conquered, subjugating the created things, wrestling with the gods, and establishing dominance over the many monsters dwelling in the tall trees.

And when the Sufferers came, with their fast ships and greedy eyes, and thought they could manipulate the Instigators, thought that One who Slays Monsters cannot be One who Speaks Riddles, indeed, thought that knowledge made them wise, or technology, strong; when they came, and bartered with the Ones who Make War, showing them their ships and their weapons and their cities, for they came to build cities among the tall trees; when they came, and the Ones who Pick Fights became learned and powerful and able to climb into the stars, then everything changed.

The Ones who Inflict Suffering made new cities, and built new factories. They worked in new mines and in new quarries, and they built and built and built. All this they did, and the foolish gods thought that they labored for them, for their temples and their cities. Perhaps, thought the gods, we have made these ones anew?

But ten thousand generations have come, yea, and gone. And the Sadhilim remain the same.
First update will be done on Saturday. I'd just like to say that I've been going through the descriptions multiple times, and that you guys have already DELIVERED. We've got an awesome and creative variety of species to work with here, and I can't wait to see how they interact!
The Watcher Awakens

Mir|Go|Ka slowly opens his eyes. The world before him is new. Sensation floods his mind, now rising out of hibernation. This is a system unlike any other in his knowledge, other than distant Took. It is nestled deep in the murky base of the pillars- two colossal, 500 light year tall nebulae. Mir|Go|Ka, Watcher of the Daytime Sky, looks upon them with deep appreciation. These titanic things are visible on his own homeworld- truly tremendous.

The distant sunlight tingles the Watcher’s skin, and draws him onwards. He can feel the very system around him, through the interface of the blocky shell which carries him. There is life here- and much activity. The Watcher is grateful for this, for he is bored and hungry. His inner mind is silent, the banter and chorus of three voices within are all drowned out by the mass of sensation.

This is a good place.

A brilliant flash appears in the distance. A hundred or so craft, their bodies gleaming in the sun, can be seen. A desert man focuses his eyes on the sight.

I must warn the village.

They descend from their vessels. They make no sound save for an unmistakable, maddening static. It is a noise pollution of the mind, and the desert man clutches his holybook hoping for a celestial reprieve from the torture.

It is already too late for them.

Like clockwork, the creatures arm themselves. Each of the drones possesses a plasma "glove" that locks onto their claw-like extremities. This is a lighter operation than most.

For all of us.

The static continues, louder now. The desert man tightens his scarf to cover his ears. The bugs face forward, lurch back, and catapult themselves as if to attack the sky. Their wings will now carry them to their destination.

But still, I must warn the village.

The desert man wipes his brow and readjusts his cloak. As he walks away, his holybook lies abandoned on the sand below.
Introducing the Cherwal!

Descended from arboreal ancestors, today's Cherwal live in a much-transformed world, industrial and heavily populated. Cherwyn is its name, and it has been host to its native civilization for tens of thousands of local years. The society of the Cherwal is relatively egalitarian, with very limited social stratification due to a long history of cooperative labour and organization. The Cherwal clad themselves in cloaks, tied along the length of their bodies, and have a strong fondness for the creation of tapestries and other textiles. While they have been technologically and developmentally stagnant for some time, having achieved an equilibrium with their environment, they do possess simple spacefaring technology. However, this is largely unused beyond the constrains of Cherwyn's orbit, as they have little impetus to explore out of their own comfortable sphere.

Also, they're right next to the expanding frontier of Tenoderan space.
Collectivity Intercourse Protocols, Taishev Accords (Qii)

Speaking Ways for Gods and Demons, Speaking-Agreement of Te-Shi-Ve (Nitha)

Postures Dictated by Eternal Debt Fulfillment, Three-Hundred Thirty Fifth Amendment to the Vakashka, Conclave Lord Tasev (Kasekral)

The mutual understanding of all members of the Collectivity of Sanath is that the Collectivity is binding for all time.

The Collectivity arises from the understanding that the natural result of conflict is annihilation.

The Collectivity exists to eliminate conflict, to channel the efforts of many into the good of all.

The Collectivity is not a peaceful organization. The Collectivity is a bound alliance of species for the purpose of the integration of all species into the Collectivity.

The Collectivity does not seek to eliminate or subjugate any species by force.

The Collectivity is willing to integrate any species into the Collectivity by force.

The Collectivity is the only alternative to inevitable genocide of hundreds of innocent species through their own efforts.

The Collectivity is salvation, and hope.

All species have the right to submit representatives to the Collectivity. All species have a duty to submit representatives to the Collectivity.

Grand Philosopher Taishev, Qii've'nar Ili, has stated that the extremes of genocidal belligerence and total pacifism are equal routes to destruction.

The Collectivity recognizes that recent electromagnetic data indicates a plethora of localized species. The Collectivity declares all species within communication distance to be members of the Collectivity.

The Collectivity will proceed with peaceful integration efforts of the contactable species. Belligerence will be met with belligerence, but no aggression is tolerated towards non-aggressive civilizations.

We shall end war, by making ourselves impregnable. For we are the Fortress of Heaven. (Nitha)

We shall end war, by crushing those who seek to oppose us. (Kasekral)

We shall end war, by empirical demonstrations of the inherent superiority of inter-species cooperation, for the accommodation of life on greater spheres of magnitude. (Qii)

So shall we end war.
Is it too late to join? :(
Cheers to the Watcher

On the conquered planet of Uex the expanded society of Ma'Autra had formed a colony with numerous outposts for studying the reaches of the heavens above. One such building housed the equipment to study incoming objects, asteroid or otherwise, that threatened the planet.

Lights on a panel flashed rapidly under the shadow of a Lauki. For years he worked this post without ever seeing such a signal and in his limited mind he could not entirely understand the meaning. He called to his superiors, the Jun, to decipher the alert before them.

“A rogue object has entered a collision course with the planet.” the Jun said. “We must ask mother what to do.”

The Jun walked over to an island like object in the center of the large room and looked in. Roots of the colony could be seen at this juncture. The Jun leaned closer and lowered one of his upper wrists to the root, releasing messages to the Maus through pheromones. Within the Maus the message shot instantly through the neuron-like root system giving the Maus colony collective the same image of an incoming object. In bulk they calculated the chances of successfully diverting the object and could see very slim alternatives to impact.

In an instant the decision was ruled to evacuate many of the ships so the information gathered would not be lost. The intoxicating scents of the union carried throughout the Lauki communities giving them such euphoria that no panic could be instilled in them as the gigantic object would burst through the atmosphere. As ships left the planet it seemed almost calm, yet eerie.

Scans showed the object was...slowing. It's approach could be argued as controlled as it passed between the moons and the planet. Further scans showed something else strange about this oddity. It's surface was covered in structures that could only be compared to those of One. This immediately brought fear to the Maus as they knew the power of One and could only explain this object as something of her origin.

It entered the atmosphere, bursting into flames as it slowed, yet on the surface the Lauki all were in a trance of pleasure. Completely unaware of the world and events around them.
The Democratic Autarchy of Akari/Alex994
Species: The Akarians are, for lack of better ways to describe them, humanoid. Yet despite having many features one would consider human, they differ in having a much shorter lifespan. The average Akarian lives only thirty years and reproduces at an astronomical rate with huge families being the result due to the gestation period only being 1/5th the human norm. Yet despite their short lifespan, the Akarian way of life is to plot, scheme, think and trade. It is their creed. Enjoying moments of peace would be alien to them. Their lives are always in motion, always in flux. Far from dismissing change, they embrace it because they must. Called by some to be impetuous, arrogant or perhaps even dismissive, they never simply relax. It has been suggested that the Akarians were once genetically altered slaves of some long-gone master race that used them as traders and spies but that has not been supported by any relevant evidence.
Forces: For the Akarians, waging war is to admit defeat. Trade is the field that the Akarians dominate, anything, but the Akarian race itself, is held sacred and is thus up for sale. Yet if challenged to war, the Akarians mostly prefer to employ various armies of battle-droids complemented by various mercenary forces. Yet if challenged, the Akarians are not beneath entering the battlefield as stealth troops specializing in the arts of surprise assaults, ambushes, raids and destruction.
Technology: Akarians are excellent scientists, yet few of them choose to go down that path. The history of the Akarians has shown that they have always been masters of reverse-engineering and thus do they rarely invent their own technology as opposed to using the technologies of others and simply improvising it to fit Akarian needs. In rare moments of native Akarian creativity, great feats of progress can be made with the launching of several FTL vessels to the stars…
Description: Akarians live to scheme and to trade. While their ancient history has been lost, the Akarians have long resigned themselves to living in fractured and divided city-states on their stormy home-world of Zephyr where their floating cities traverse the storms. Despite the decentralized nature of their civilization, the Democratic Autarchy is absolute in its rule simply because of the nature of the massive extended families of the Akarians.

South-Western Galactic Core please.
Hello Uex

Mir|Go|Ka, the Watcher, opens himself to the alien atmosphere. This is a vast, green world, unlike anything else the Choon can imagine. Green, immobile organisms encrust the surface, hiding countless tiny animals, while tiny aerial creatures flit about around him.

With a groaning creak, the Watcher begins to open his plates, which are stiffened from their long time sealed shut in space. He identifies the greenery as a type of photosynthetic organism, and from his center, a vast array of tentacles emerge. He is now just a few hundred meters from the planetary surface, and has halted his descent. The tentacles caress the treetops, sensing and groping their way through the dense growth, while the Watcher hovers silently, a vast 1600 meter long behemoth in the sky.

Suddenly, the actions gain a sense of purpose. A mammoth tendril wraps itself around the base of a trunk, while others seize onto smaller branches, ripping the tree out of the soil with a jerk. The tree is lifted with horrific, and seemingly effortless speed up towards the Choon, where a black, formless mouth emerges from the center of the tentacular mass, waiting. A long, tassel-like mass of delicate, rootlike structures dangle beneath it, and are the last thing seem from the surface before the tree disappears.

The forest is silent, save for the cracking and rustling of wood and leaves as the tentacles continue to trail their way through. The silence is broken once again as a second strike begins. Hundreds of tentacles descend from the sky, ripping apart the grove and bringing more and more up into the seemingly-insatiable maw. One tree is lifted to right in front of an array of seven vast, eye-like plates, and investigated like a child with a flower, or a biologist with a new specimen. Within the now-churning innards of the Watcher, a familiar… ‘taste’(for a lack of a sensation comprehensible to most organisms) begins to appear. It is ever-so-faint, but the Watcher instantly recognizes it. There is a compatible sentient material somewhere in here. Just the faintest hint…

The idea ‘Maus’ enters into the Watcher’s inner mind. Fascinating.

The neural materials of these ‘Maus’ are separated from their pulpy bodies and further reintegrated by the curious entities of Mir, Go and Ka. Meanwhile, what remains is already beginning the slow process of metabolization. The Watcher feels more and more of its hibernating body returning to life, as the vast genetic factories in its core begin to activate.

Back on the forest floor, the native life is in a stupor. One creature, lithe and insect-like, is staggering around, frequently falling down and making ecstatic chittering noises as its mouthpieces dilate. A stray tentacle picks it up and draws it, without reaction, upwards.

The taste comes much more quickly with this one. Deep inside the mental world of the Watcher’s mind, his component sentiences watch with interest as the mind of this intelligent alien creature reassembles itself before them.

Suddenly freed from the hormones softening and pacifying its mind, the creature’s mind bursts out into a terrible scream. Its thoughts thrash around, horrified and disoriented. The local minds watch with concern- this reaction has not been observed before. One blends itself into the new arrival’s thoughts, calming them, then drawing it together with the ragged remains of the thoughts of the Maus. Releasing it, the new arrival- a Jun’Lauki, as it knew itself to be- was calmed and comforted by this familiar presence.

“Hello. We are the Watcher. Who are you?”

The minds of the Watcher could easily rip apart the mind to seize all of the answers by force, or alternatively, they could subtly leaf through the mind over time- but this formality of introductions was the very same thing that had been afforded to them when they were first integrated into the Watcher by Mir.

“Hello again. We are the Watcher. Who are you?”
@Iggy, is there one of those ancient Skriv vessels parked in the outher reaches of my system? There is something grey-looking on the map...

Story ideas accumulate.

A lens extends my vision, but narrows my scope.

I saw the apparition of a new star in the sky.
It was a star of our own making.
I contemplated its potentiality.

I find joy within.
I experience joy without.
Events unfold in a pleasing manner.

Before my final dawn,
Clad only in my lover's mucus,
I contemplated my potentiality.

The new star calls to me as a mother.
I soon approached with great haste and action.

In the shadow of beautiful Naellae
Bathed in the blue light of Eulla.
It glowed with the love and excitement of our people.

Self-regulating machine, parts within parts.
I imagine it as a conscious being.
It longs for balance and action.

The great power and potentiality is building.
Millions of minds ponder it.
When will it traverse the void?
A crew and vessel, joined in mind and orifice,
Our bio-feedback will decide.

Our home tree has no roots.


What follows is [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] and as such should be seen to reflect [REDACTED] policy note 752.39. Pursuant to this and subsequent to the appendices A of 124.575A an immediate [REDACTED] strike is recommended. Further delays at this point pose an unacceptable risk in light of the events of [REDACTED].



It is [REDACTED]'s belief that this poses a clear and present danger to [REDACTED] and that [REDACTED] should be treated as hostile. In this respect [REDACTED] does not concur. It is [REDACTED]'s suggestion we follow the directives laid down in 657.423 in preference to the instructions in policy note 752.39 which were intended for circumstances quite different from these!



This constitutes an obvious threat to [REDACTED] and it is the firm belief of the [REDACTED] that we should move with caution. [REDACTED] concurs with our assessment and believes that while the possibility of a threat is there, it is better to initiate [REDACTED] rather than a [REDACTED] strike.



As of this morning 653.2 AR has disappeared. [REDACTED] remains unsure of the nature of this. [REDACTED] station is not aware of an relevant policy or guidance in regards to this situation. As such a request has now been made to the relevant agencies.
- Station [REDACTED] affair is now [REDACTED] by order of [REDACTED]
Daft, the thing in your system is a Yjogl and its Yplein, who are not connected with the Association of Fplinmy. Due to the light-warping effects of the Yjogl, they've presumably not been detected until just recently.
It is a lonely existence for a Zan to live. Only once in an eon do we see and touch others of our own kind, others of our own level. Most of our lives are spent inside machines, inside ships that move across empty space. Rarely do we meet face to face with another living being as all our lives we are surrounded by our machines and robotics. We have lost our voice for we never ever speak, we have lost our sight for we never ever look, we have lost all of our body but our mind. I have lived for almost for seven eons (eon=237 earth years) since the cataclysm and yet I am one of the youngest remaining Zan.

I have only expanded my empire so much, and I chose to personally speak to some very lucky beings that my empire has conquered. The wisest of their races I met to discuss matters of wisdom and of knowledge. I must say that for such low life beings some of them were very intelligent. Not living gods like the Zan yet they can understand ideas of the Zan existence, they could understand the infinite mind of a Zan. When I spoke of some of this meetings to the other Zan some showed amusement but the elder Zan, our most powerful leader, the one who controls the network of our minds seemed suspicious and worried, he did not seem to be amused that other creatures get so near to my true body or that they are so intelligent. He said to me to kill those of such high wisdom and so I did, yet I ask myself, what is Taor Zan afraid of?

Now I move with my main fleet to where I am meant to go and conquer vast new territories. My spies tell me this Zaff are a powerful empire, they rule many worlds and have enslaved many low lives under themselves. They also seem to posses certain abilities that allow them to control others. It would be wise if only robotics would do the fighting against this creatures, slave armies would just be posses ed and turned. It must also be wise to keep my body away from their power, while no longer possessing a true mind I fear their so called psychic abilities might actually be able to influence even a god like the Zan.
Update One

Life has already thrived in our galaxy for hundreds of millions, and likely billions of years. Countless civilizations, most of them unknown to us in the present day, have risen and traced their course through history. Some have been destroyed in their entireties, others have ascended beyond the concerns of those such as we- one imagines that they’re still out there, as unconcerned with our existences as we would be of those of the simplest and most unobtrusive insects, crawling beneath our feet.

There are a few cases where the elders take interest, for varying reasons. The Wera, gargantuan beasts who, by their explanations, were old when the planets themselves were young, continue to wander across the galaxy. A small handful of them can be found in our little region of space, sailing through the void or basking in the light of countless suns and watching the tiny dramas on their planets play themselves out.

Also an ancient force are the nomadic Yjogl- vast, light-distorting beasts- and their vast flocks of riders, the Yplein. These psychically-sensitive creatures are capable of rotary atmospheric flight, and possess toxins capable of inflicting maddening pain on their victims, though this power is seldom exercised. Indeed, any sort of organization at all between these associated species is only a comparatively recent development. The Association of Fplinmy has been established as a psychic link between some of the herds, but as of yet very little has come of this new order, and the partnership of Yplein and Yjogl continues on as it has for all of the grand history of their species.

Though the Zan have not spoken with a truly united voice for eons, since their great cataclysm, scattered remains remain to uphold its legacy. In our neighbourhood, the Empire of the Zan Shamai exists in comfortable stability. Shamai himself commands a vast force of slaves and robotic machines of war from his eponymous factory world, and from there controls a grand number of dead, but resource-rich worlds in the middle of what most nearby species consider to be an unappealing and empty tract of space. His forces ever-growing, Shamai has begun to eye the ‘squatters’ neighbouring his empire: the primitive Kog’Vlad and the burgeoning Zaff Dominion as a potential new territory of the Zan Galactic Hegemony.

The Kog’Vlad are vicious carnivores, and bloodthirsty in the truest sense of the word. Recently arisen from a planet-wide dark age, their civilization is in a state of strong union and rapid advance, under the leadership of their absolutist Emperor. With a powerful and loyal population, the prognosis for the Kog’Vlad looks good- but they still require much time to mature, and they have some very dangerous neighbours of which they still know nothing.

The Zaff themselves are a rather young species, but already one of the dominant forces in the local neighbourhood. Corpulent parasitic amphibians, the Zaff thrive off of the psychic dominations of others, and engage in ceaseless expansion to ensure a constant source of technology to reverse-engineer and new minds to and drain. With their elite slave corps, the Branigan, and a vast army of biological war machines, the Council of Ten has forged the Zaff Dominion into a potent and terrifying force.

At the outer verges of Zaff spaces live two races, the Ullau and Fudirunins. The Ullau have established themselves as an eager group of spacefarers and explorers, having developed a surprisingly effective, albeit primitive, warp drive. Repeated surveys of their near surroundings have not revealed any alien life, though quite recently, a very large anomaly has been found in the inner system of their home star, Ollu, which causes strange distortions on the spectrum of light produced from the star when viewed from certain angles. Investigations into this mysterious phenomenon are only beginning.

The Fudirunins are a species of what would appear to most to be an undifferentiated, fuzzy magenta ball, which occasionally extrudes poisonous spikes when threatened. Their behaviour seems to be equally simplistic- a singular Fudirunin is cowardly, but a mass of Fudirunin is a fearless, shapeless form of destruction. However, they are, in fact, a highly-advanced civilization. With highly-developed technology and a near-complete automation of industry, the Fudirunins are able to lead an egalitarian and, in their view, utopian lifestyle of research, and sporting competition, which serves as a sort of military training, although the need for a military has been absent ever since the unification of the planet. They have for some time possessed an ‘Elastic Drive’ for interstellar travel, but proper colonial behaviour would have to wait for the development of more advanced technologies to perform cost-effective jumps in less time than it would take to simply travel somewhere directly on sublight engines. With this done, the Fudirunin have begun a brazen era of heavy expansion and exploration, bringing them into contact with the United Republics of Hedge.

The lifeforms on Hedge were not even recognized as alive by the Fudirunins, at first, though repeated near-violent confrontations and a few very confused contact attempts have since familiarized them with the locals, and enabled a thriving trading relationship to arise. The Verthommes, the native sentients of Hedge, all display a variety of plant and animal-like traits. They form a tripartite civilization, composed of the Carvers, who serve as warriors and diplomats; Framers, the labourers; and Vengarians, who wield all of the power in political and cultural activities. Together, the Verthommes have build a significant interstellar civilization, and possess a highly-developed navy containing numerous specialized vessels.

Just beyond the space known to the Verthommes is the fearsome world of Tenodera. Home of a massive hyperorganism composed of billions of insectoid creatures, this area is avoided even by some of the galaxy’s elder races- though their relationship with the Tenoderans isn’t necessarily one of fear- rather, it is more similar to the attitude that a human being might hold towards a small wasp’s nest in the far corner of his backyard. Very little is understood of the Tenoderans by outsiders, even the current level of their technology is not entirely clear. For instance, great surprise was expressed by the galaxy’s non-interventionist observers when they, apparently with no precedent, built a collection of ships with faster than light capabilities and began bee-lining towards the nearest inhabited system.

That system holds the planet Cherwyn, home of Cherwel civilization. Six-limbed beings with a snake-like body, the Cherwels run an egalitarian civilization and have a fondness for visual artistry. While technologically stagnant, they have developed a fledgling space program, but it has been largely neglected in recent history due to a lack of impetus for any sort of expansion or exploration.

Also nearby is the region of space frequented by the Choon. Giant gas-giant dwellers, these creatures have been wandering largely at random through space, making a few contacts with other species. On Wasir, a Choon by the name of ‘The Hunter’ has established himself as a god-like entity, hovering above the primitive native civilizations, feeding off sacrifices, and occasionally communicating by sending down ‘prophets’, Wasiris who have been eaten then reconstituted after having spent time within the Hunter’s inner mind. Meanwhile, The Watcher has arrived on the colony of Uex, initiating a first contact with the Lauki-Maus which is still ongoing.

The Lauki and Maus are two species, insects and trees, tied together in Ma’Autra, eternal union. After their initial escape from the confines of their homeworld, they quickly came upon the Uex, an intelligent, industrial species, and were horrified to see the wanton environmental destruction caused by these aliens. In order to end the devastation, the Lauki-Maus made landfall on Uex and began a terrible, protracted war with the natives. The tides of war would shift from one side to the other throughout the war, but eventually the sheer numbers of Lauki, combined with some clever biological attacks devised by the Maus, led to the natives of Uex being overrun and exterminated to the last. Their entire civilization was posthumously dismantled as the planet was brought into Ma’Autra, and by the time of the Watcher’s Arrival, no traces remained to anyone but the most determined observers and excavators. The Lauki-Maus would also have a brief run-in with one of the galaxy’s elder entities, which ended rather embarrassingly for them- but really, when dealing with the figure known as ‘One’, that is to be expected.

Hundreds of light years beyond Choon space is the planet Zarr, home of the predatory Skriv. Whether a collection of these bloodthirsty, bipedal reptilians could really be called a ‘civilization’ is debatable, but the presence of derelict alien spacecraft in the planet’s orbit and scattered across its surface suggests that it is a bad idea to ask. Exactly why these vessels are present, and how the Skriv are able to pilot them remains a troubling mystery, along with much of this species’ history. Some have theorized that they are descended from ill-fated colonists from the same civilization that built the ships, others believe that they are the results of genetic engineering by a long-lost elder race, while many more suggest that they have simply defeated multiple colonization attempts and claimed these spoils for their own. At any rate, they presently live in a violent, highly-divided and tribal society, so the chance of sudden unity is quite unlikely. However, the potential for small numbers in a single tribe to leave for new worlds remains a very real concern.

Rounding out the civilizations of the ‘down-arm’ half of known space is the Collectivity of Sanath. Emerging from a devastating war which left their homeworld of Nept a dangerous, uninhabitable mass of radiation and storms, the slight, amphibian Qii, the mighty Kasekral and the adept Nitha desperately build a fleet of 7 vast cityships, to ensure the continued survival of their species. Now faced with a stark Universe before them, they exist as a union of reason, force and faith, and have dedicated themselves to preventing a similar annihilation from occurring at a galactic scale.

The region we refer to as ‘known space’ is actually quite well divided into two separate sections by the rather intimidating obstacles presented by the Zaff Dominion and Zan Shamai Empire. Let us now proceed to those who are further ‘up-arm’.

The avian-descended Allentryen have been fairly recently making their first steps out into interstellar space. Their starship Assani has made the momentous first discovery of extrasolar bodies bearing life, on the two moons of the Gas Giant Nuxue. The discovery has stirred up great excitement about the possibilities of following up the expedition with the creation of the extrasolar colonies, but for now the Senate continues to debate the pros, cons and morality of expanding to this new world.

Now, we reach one of the areas of the greatest density of civilizations. Based on the stormy planet Zephyr, the Democratic Autarchy of Akari finds itself in very much the same situation it has been in since time immemorial- in a state of intense economic competition between the city-states, united under the Democratic Autarchy. The Akarians are hectic, restless schemers, and thus thrive in this environment, although the lack of any external targets for trading and other interaction has resulted in the civilization possessing a distinct lack of an outward focus. However, all it will take is one contact to entirely reverse this trend.

A short distance from Zephyr is the planet Catifah, where the armoured Karron are as defensive and circumspect as the Akarians are open and extroverted. Until recently, the Karron were caught up in a multi-way cold war, fought between heavily entrenched fortresses and swarms of covert operatives, but the arrival of the very first Fehan spacecraft brought a rather abrupt end to these longstanding conflicts, as the Karron did what came naturally: they united, aimed their defensive weapons towards the new threat, and curled up into a protective ball. The feared alien invasion did not take place, but the Karron have by no means lightened their defenses. The sheer arsenal of defensive weapons aimed skywards has turned Catifah into a fortress the likes of which few species have ever seen, and massive sunken fortresses dating back to the old cold wars remain for any invader who manages to penetrate to the planetary surface. Beyond this, the Karron raced to develop a working space program, and have recently commissioned the First Karronic Expeditionary Group, a heavily-armed multi-purpose vessel with a primitive warp drive. The ship has been tasked with the mission to evaluate any and all alien threats, to locate worlds for future Karronic expansion and to report all findings back to Karronic command. Some tensions from the unresolved cold wars remain between the Karron, but racial survival easily trumps the petty conflicts behind the old wars.

The Fehan are a species who have now successfully made their first steps into the galactic ocean, and are now ready to swim. They are heavily-armoured tree climbers by ancestry; and firm and ruthless in their behaviour. At the same time, however, they have a great willingness to self-sacrifice and rarely get into conflicts over territory and possession. The Fehan remain very enigmatic to their neighbours, who still struggle to get even the faintest grip on what they might be thinking.

The Fehan also possessed a great head start in terms of the chronology of their development in comparison to their neighbours. They were in outer space when the Karron were still digging out burrowed fortresses of dirt with their bare claws, while the Akarians and their unfortunate celestial neighbours the Sadhilim have still yet to travel a significant distance away from their homeworlds under their own power.

Ah, the Sadhilim. Ever ones to be confrontational. Prior to first contact with the Fehan, the Sadhilim were ruled by a variety of warlords, who all theoretically paid their respects to a de jure confederated government. Stagnant technologically, the only thing capable of provoking a change, it seemed, was the arrival of an outside force. For the Sadhilim, this was the arrival of the first Fehan expeditions to their world. Dismissive and generally disrespectful of these newcomers, their aggressive nature got the better of them as they ramped up their posturing and threats towards the seemingly implacable Fehan, ultimately instigating the fight themselves. While their warrior heritage did them well in a few cases, the Sadhilim were defeated by the ever-increasing numbers of the invaders, who possessed a massive technological advantage. Unable or unwilling to put up a united front against the Fehan, the Sadhilim were pacified. The Fehan would decide after considering the results of some depopulation measures to permit the Sadhilim to live, mostly due to the difficulties that entail from having to fight such a vigorous foe on its home turf. Nonetheless, the Sadhilim were forced into an underclass on the world which would ultimately bear the name ‘Sathan’- a Fehan corruption of the Sadhilim name for themselves. However, while occupied, the Sadhilim have not been utterly crushed and shamed- there is light yet in their future.

Finally, we come to the three closely-spaced species living at the outer edge of the arm: The Sgligatiki, the Nurm, and the Amur.

The Sgligatiki are a rather small, unimposing race, and by their own declaration, nothing important happened before the coming of Izoza. A great metal god from the stars, Izoza blessed the lowly Sgligatiki with technology, and they responded to his gifts with absolute devotion. Izoza taught his chosen followers the secrets of creating terrible weapons of death, mechanical labourers in the shape of the god, great tools of agriculture and civilization, and all else that was needed to run an advanced civilization. With these advantages, the Worshippers of Izoza spread their faith around their planet of Athre. With a very real god to show off, most bowed down immediately. Others required a light peppering of lethal force before submitting- others, a slightly heavier dose of lethal force. All others who refuse to follow Izoza, or who hold on to their own old, heretical beliefs have been forced into secrecy, or have fled to the most remote and inhospitable reaches of their homeworld. Since the beginning of these interesting times, the Sgligatiki have continued to develop, but are beginning to plateau as Athre reaches its carrying capacity. Rumor has it that Izoza is going to lead them into the stars, but the truth of these hushed words remains unclear, and Izoza has said nothing of the matter.

The Nurm are the sole sentient residents of Nurm-Tok, a sparsely-populated group of cylindrical intertidal armoured creatures. In recent times, they have developed a network connecting all of their once far-fledged settlements, which is hooked up directly on their facial apparatuses. The ubiquity of this network has rapidly accelerated the development of the species, and allows for stupendous feats of cooperated activity. Hess’peh, one particular networked organization from the community of Nurmtin Seven, has been struggling to devise a method for faster than light travel, but thus far their efforts have proven fruitless. However, the potential for a breakthrough has just arrived right on their doorstep.

This opportunity has come in the form a mysterious edifice which arrived quite suddenly along with a group of robotic construction drones from parts unknown. It is, in fact, an incomplete Amur research station, which has been dispatched to prepare for the arrival of a major scientific vessel at some point in the near future.

The recent history of the Amur has been one of dramatic decline, and at the present the long recovery is only beginning. Over two hundred Amur years ago, their civilization was at its peak. A faster than light drive based on very similar principles to that used by the distant Fudirunins was in regular use, a grand collection of biodomes were beginning to terraform the myriad worlds of their home system, and a great fleet ensured the place of the Amur as a regional power. However, all of this collapsed with the appearance of a deadly infestation by a toxic plant known simply as ‘The Vine’. The infestation laid waste to the ecosystem of the homeworld, and killed off upwards of ninety five percent of the population. An antitoxin was devised in time to save the last remnants of the species, but the results of sustained exposure to the Vine would have bizarre effects on Amur anatomy. Activating a strange form of neotenic development, the Vine would cause fetal features which were lost during early development to become expressed in adults, resulting a radical transformation of the victim from the reformation of the feet, the reappearance of a vestigial tertiary leg, partial collapse of the spine, and the development of auxiliary ocular systems. The Vine itself remains a terrible enemy of the Amur, who have only recently managed to reform an effective government after generations of disorder. Deformed though they feel themselves to be, the Amur continue to move forwards, to reclaim what has been lost to them.

The stage is set. A grand new period of discovery and conflict is dawning on our little neighbourhood in space. The Galaxy is watching.

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