CFC TG1: Calling All Settler, Chieftain, and Warlord Players

OK, my computer is officially bugging me out. CiV has been crashing left and right, so I've decided turning over the save after only three turns of playing. Got to do some fun stuff during those turns, though :D

Turn 78
The Scout gets Visibility promotion, then goes N onto a hill. Reveals a Chariot Archer a few tiles N of Si Satchanalai and two warriors right next to the city, E and SE.
Two of our Horsemen move in to take the warriors out, recieving minor damage in the process.

Turn 79
Three of our Horsemen successfully attack and conquer Si Satchanalai without losses, thereby eliminating Siam. Ramkhamhaeng gets sad :sad:

By taking Si Satchanalai we get another worker. Yay!
Our 'old' worker moves to build a road between Antium and Sukhothai.

Turn 80
All wounded units are put on fortify until healed. The new worker is sent to complete the road between the two siamese cities. A barb camp is discovered W-SW of Sukhothai, by the sea.

That was that, then. Siam conquered according to plan. Has anyone else experienced taking screenshots causing CTD on CiV? It usually happens to me once out of three times, but today it CTD:d every time I pressed PrtScrn. :mad: Tried using other programs to do the screenshots, but they won't work. Getting really frustrating, this.


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Congrats on removing Siam. I hope you enjoyed it. I haven't looked at the save yet, so I'll come back later with further thoughts.

Has anyone else experienced taking screenshots causing CTD on CiV?

I'm on a Mac, so don't even have that button. Sorry I couldn't help you. I'd suggest seeing if anyone else has experienced it, or raising the issue in the Civ V Technical Support forums.

Current Roster:
  • Methos
  • Centerfinger - Captured Sukhothai
  • Aldor
  • Sindri Pink - Finished off Siam!
  • shanodin - Up!
  • eris - On Deck

@shanodin: I'm really wanting everyone to some warmongering in, so hopefully by the end of your turnset you'll be capturing the first German city. As usual, let's discuss the game before continuing.
That sux about the CTD. It has never happened to me, actually I have only had 2 CTD the entire time I have played civ5 and both of those were the first game after the patch.

Siam falls like dominoes, now comes the march to the south. :D
We should discuss improvements. Personally, I farm plains tiles, so that they feed themselves, yet we still get some :hammers:. Forests I typically leave for lumbermills, unless I prefer to alter the base tile for something else.

Rome: We have the :gold: and a Library is available, so personally I'd purchase a Library immediately. I really don't like working so many unimproved tiles, but we currently don't have a choice.

Antium: I'm not sure why, but two of our citizens are locked onto working the two grass forests, yet no one is working the improved horse?

War with Germany: It looks like its going to take approx. three turns to heal all of our units and another three turns to reach Germany, so shanodin should be able to take our first German city. I highly suggest as soon as our scout is healed enough (two turns), he should immediately head to Germany to take a look around.

With our current knowledge of Germany, how would you all start the invasion of Germany?



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I farm River tiles, whether grass or plains. (Civil Service is my friend!) I mine hills and do lumber mills for forests. I farm non-river plains if I feel short on food. Otherwise squeeze in Trading Posts. Those are general principles open to adjustment because of situation. My goal is to have each city self sustaining on food to some reasonable size so that Maritime City States are a true growth bonus. "Reasonable" is something I expect needs to be defined according to the economics of the difficulty level, so I am lost on that subject.

Antium does need citizen adjustment. It looks leftover from when we were trying to avoid growth because of happiness. That would be a long time ago. I know that I locked one of them during my first turn.

I would attack Germany starting with Hamburg. You could line up a set of horseman to come in through the plains tile NE of Hamburg and back out of each other's way. You should be able to get at least three horse attacks in on one turn. Hamburg could be a one turn invasion, two at the most. Then we should be free to approach Berlin from the West, where I think terrain will be less of an issue for us.

A library could indeed be a decent buy. Is it going to be early on other city builds? Is it going to be a good use of Rome's UA? Puppet cities won't be building it. And we are going to have twice as many puppet cities as our own.

It is my opinion that we are working too many undeveloped tiles because of the time we have taken building roads. The roads have their uses, but it is an early game trade off and I don't know enough to say if it was a good one.
If it's possible, you could consider buying open borders from Bismark before declaring war. That would allow you to move some units (2 horses + warrior?) to the other side of Hamburg, to prevent it from being taken back the next turn after capture.
I prefer buying OB to exchanging, because they are often cheap, but also often glitch, and not end properly...

EDIT. On the other hand, in the next several turns Bismark just might build a new city on your side of the continent. You should probably consider this in any plans you make.
If it's possible, you could consider buying open borders from Bismark before declaring war. That would allow you to move some units (2 horses + warrior?) to the other side of Hamburg, to prevent it from being taken back the next turn after capture.
I prefer buying OB to exchanging, because they are often cheap, but also often glitch, and not end properly...

I'd prefer we not use cheesy methods on this game.
I'm not against cheesy tactics. :) I just prefer to spend the money on other priorities.
Hello, I'm finally back up again! Took a look at the current save already, we really made nice progress!

My ideas/suggestions:

- we could buy a hill tile (all pretty cheap currently, 55g), and mine it for higher production -> must make sure its actually worked then however! IF we get stonehenge, we might not need to buy a tile, since cultural expansion will almost certainly get a hill rather soon then.
- next build I'd make another horseman, and start clearing barb camps. I'm counting 7 of them currently, thats 175g we could have now! (we MIGHT get quests to clear them, but otherwise the CS might also clear some camps on their own...better we get the cash!)

- farm both lake tiles and build the cow pasture. Keep other forests for lumbermills.
- might buy Mt. Fuji (150g) - its an excellent production tile, but gets low priority in culture expansion :(
- next builds: MONUMENT! and then perhaps a circus?
- And yes, please unlock those citizens and put them on better tiles ;)

- farm river tiles, build plantation on incense

Si Satchanalai:
- lots of resources here to improve: sugar, wheat, sheep (I'd do them in this order)
- farm the river tile, mine both hills next to the city
- we have IRON here! Look, Ramkamhaeng started building a mine in the desert...we can't see it yet but in four turns we'll be able to :)

In general: complete road network between cities. Btw. my general strategy for improving is so that I count the food required in the inner ring, then build as many farms (+1) to support that. Rest of the tiles get mines as appropriate, then trade posts (we need trapping tech btw!). Then repeat for next ring, and so on.

There's a lot of tiles to improve. We have another worker in production, but even three will still be low. I'd vote for buying another (or build in Rome as soon as possible).

As suggested above, I'd start clearing barb camps now before attacking germany. We might get one or two more promotions, and be in generally better shape.
lurker's comment:
With all the unimproved tiles currently being worked, might I suggest that a worker might be more valuable than a library at this point?
Spoiler :
If you do go with the library, make sure Rome assigns two scientists rather than continuing to work unimproved tiles.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to do my turnset, life has come along and made stuff horrid and so I'm going to skip this and let the next in like take my turns.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to do my turnset, life has come along and made stuff horrid and so I'm going to skip this and let the next in like take my turns.

I can relate.

Current Roster:
  • Methos - On Deck
  • Centerfinger - Captured Sukhothai
  • Aldor
  • Sindri Pink - Finished off Siam!
  • shanodin - skip request
  • eris - Up!

@eris: Alright eris, looks like its yours. I agree with you regarding starting the invasion with Hamburg first. The terrain practically forces us to do it that way.
Turn 80 Adjusted citizens in Antium. Used production focus and it put the citizens where I wanted. Move worker towards Antium cattle. The southern lake tile would be good for farming, but it puts the worker in range of that barb camp in the shadows. Bought a worker in Rome. I like the library idea but getting tiles properly worked will help all infrastructure. Every body is healing except the garrison warrior in Antium. Move him one tile SW to check out the barb camp. It is an Archer. I think I can take that on. Move towards barb camp.

Turn 81 Bismarck asks for open borders. Sorry, we have other plans. Hit by Archer for 4 points.

Archer is still decisive victory. Take out Archer and get 25 gold. Worker in Rome to plains river tile. One Horse wakes up from healing and starts towards Hamburg.

Turn 82 A worker finishes a road at River Tile near Si Satchanalai. I make it start a farm on the river tile. Start pasture on Antium Cattle.

Turn 83 Two civs enter Medieval Era. Warrior goes back home to heal. A healed Warrior garrisons Sukhothai. Start moving troops towards Hamburg. I have one advance scout as a Horseman. I have the Warrior from Sukhothai. I left the Scout at Si Satchnalai. I don't know if a Scout helps a City. And the General is walking towards the Warrior and will be escorted before leaving our territory.

Turn 84 Antium horseman wakes up and joins the migration. Theres a Warrior in front of Hamburg.

Turn 85 We miss Stonehenge by 2 turns. Start Horseman. We finish Iron Working. We have two Iron in borders! I can see a partially contructed Stonehenge in the shadows outside Berlin. Bucharest wants us to to kill Rio de Janeiro. I tend to stay away from attacking City States. I have 4 horses and one Warrior outside of Hanburg. Invasion starts next turn.

Turn 86 Germany moved their troops around. There is a Spearman! Yuck. Let's think this over. Okay, Here we go. Numbering from North to South, horse 4 goes NW to take out Warrior and get away from Spearman. Horse 1 swoops in and hits Hamburg and retreats to forest. Horse 2 swoops in and takes Hamburg. Horse 3 attacks SW to eliminate Warrior and retreats to avoid Spearman.

Turn 87 Rio de Janeiro wants us to take out Bucharest. That's symmetrical. The Spearman went off to Berlin. Another shows up from the West. That's two of the beggars. All injure units heal. The accompanying Warrior moves towards Hamburg. No one in range of attack.

Turn 88 The second Spearman moves into range of Hamburg. Hamburg fires for 5 damage. Emboldened by that, The Hamburg garrison horse attacks and takes out the Spearman, then retreats. Units group around Hamburg. The worker in Rome heads for the Iron. Worker moves from Cattle by Antium to farm river tile. Worker complete in Antium. Move west to extend road system to Sukhothai. Worker in Si Satchanalai to Sugar for happiness. Antium starts Monument.

Turn 89 A Warrior got at one of our healing Horses, but didn't live to talk about it. So, I have units healing more than I hoped to leave them, but we're ready for someone to puzzle out how to take Berlin.


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I still think that you should have sent the scout to scout out the area before hand! We might be facing more than just the two cities.
We would have needed Open Borders to get past the Hamburg/Berlin combination and it seemed we had decided to not do the Open Borders then DOW combination as it is dishonest aggressive behavior as opposed to to honest aggressive behavior. A subtle differentiation.

Perhaps I have missed something. Given the state in turn 80 with Germany stretched from coast to coast, what would you have done with that scout that would have been more useful than the first horses I sent to scout out their northern border?
We would have needed Open Borders to get past the Hamburg/Berlin combination and it seemed we had decided to not do the Open Borders then DOW combination as it is dishonest aggressive behavior as opposed to to honest aggressive behavior. A subtle differentiation.

You still could have moved the scout up to take a look. It had the promo (at least I think it did), to see three tiles, so you could have moved it around the border to see. Once the war started, move around within the borders too see.

I'll take a look at the save later. Congrats on getting the war started off! Hamburg fell easily for you. From the screenshots it looks like our units are in good condition. BTW, though Hamburg doesn't have a very good defensive terrain, note we do heal faster within our borders. Outside our borders is +1 hp/turn, while inside is at least +2 hp/turn.
I forgot about the sight bonus. I have such troubles keeping Scouts alive that there has never been an opportunity to scheme about them in later usage.

The horses should have all ended up inside borders for accelerated healing, but yours truly mis-clicked. In a home game, I would have reloaded immediately because I hate when my clumsiness trumps whatever skill I have. The spirit of succession games seems to be live with your mistakes and learn from them, so I left it as is, with a Horseman in a leather saddle grumbling about the incompetence of leaders in offices with leather chairs.
In a home game, I would have reloaded immediately because I hate when my clumsiness trumps whatever skill I have. The spirit of succession games seems to be live with your mistakes and learn from them, so I left it as is, with a Horseman in a leather saddle grumbling about the incompetence of leaders in offices with leather chairs.

This is something that'll take time to learn, but I seriously suggest that even in home games you don't reload due to errors. I think the last time I reloaded a save was back in [civ3].

If shanodin doesn't reply by tomorrow stating she's able to take it, then I'll play the next turnset. I'll give her until tomorrow (approx. 16 hours from this post) to claim a 'got it'.
Hey, I can take the turns now. Hopefully I'll be able to keep real life at bay long enough to play ten turns *grumbles*

Do we want some discussion, or shall I just get on it?
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