• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Announce Your Files for Front-Page Coverage

Title: Ultima X - Battle for Brittannia!
Type: Scenario with minor mod
File Version: 1.00
Compatibility: Civilization V ver
Download Link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=19617
Thread Link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=469218
Author Name: Gen. Maximus

- Redefinition of many items from resources to terrain to building/wonder to reflect the Ultima universe! Everything from Mandrake to Temple of Codex!
- Tech slowed to maintain medieval Britannia flavour
- Unbuildable Heroes units
- Challenging setup, perfect for higher difficulty settings
- All game changes and information accessible via Civilopedia for ease of reference

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Update posted :).
If something is wrong, needs corrections or additions, then please notify me via PM, in the thread or via a visitor message :).
If you want that something should get added afterwards to the announcement (because you just missed this one but still want to be in), then please post it within the next 24 hours and say it in your post.

Please also don't forget that you're encouraged to advertise updates for your mods, especially after patches.
Next update is in general scheduled for the end of august, in case we get at least 6 or 7 things to advertise :).
TSL maps by Gedemon are now playable in HotSeat, and that the same is in the works for the R.E.D modpack
Sorry, I've just realized I've not announced this one here, but it's not R.E.D. Modpack that will have hotseat, it's the already available Custom Advanced Setup Screen that allows hotseat (and save most map settings) for all mods (except scenario and custom maps).
Update posted :).
If something is wrong, needs corrections or additions, then please notify me via PM, in the thread or via a visitor message :).
If you want that something should get added afterwards to the announcement (because you just missed this one but still want to be in), then please post it within the next 24 hours and say it in your post.

Please also don't forget that you're encouraged to advertise updates for your mods, especially after patches.
Next update is in general scheduled for the end of august, in case we get at least 6 or 7 things to advertise :).

Hey The_J, the "Andrettin and Androrc the Orc" in the Bacchanalia credits I gave in this thread are both my aliases, so perhaps you could just shorten it to "Androrc the Orc".
I know I missed the boat this time. :blush:

Title: Earth Plus for Gods and Kings
Type: Map
File Version: v1
Requirements: Gods and Kings, Polynesia DLC and Spain vs Inca DLC
File Entry URL: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=19650
Author Name: chrissifniotis
What's new in this version?: Using the Earth Huge map, 5 new Natural Wonders - totaling to 12 - and 19 Atoll features.
Title: Orbis (Gods and Kings Required for "scenario"/starting locations)
Type: Map
File Version: v1
Requirements: Gods & Kings, Babylon DLC
File Entry URL: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=19671
Author Name: Thorburne
What's new in this version?: Created Orbis map and added several custom City-States including Hattushash (Hittites), Knossos (Minoans), Leptis Magna, Sparta, Syracuse (Sicily), Tarquinia (Etruscans) and Troy.
Title: Luboric Resource
Type: Graphics Modpack
File Version: 1
Author Name: Androrc
Special Thanks: sukritact, Pazyryk
File Entry URL: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=19672
Discussion Thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=469942
Description: This mod includes custom Luboric resource icons, font icons, and 3D graphics, so that the resource may be used alongside Uranium without repeating art. It only adds the Luboric graphics, so you'll need to make the necessary .xml and .lua alterations to actually make use of it. Credits to sukritact for the Luboric icons and font icons, and to Pazyryk for developing the method that allowed me to add a custom 3D resource graphic to the game.

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