Fall patch is out

I'd recommend everyone deactivate ALL THEIR MODS until compatibility of them has been ensured. I am 99% sure this is the root cause for most of the stability issues people are having.

Mods can have issue with the new patch, as usual, but corrupted graphics and the other bugs reported here are for the most part absolutely not mod related.

Still it's a good idea to make the first game after a new patch without any mod, yes, and one should always try to reproduce a bug with all mods deactivated before reporting it.
Started a new Large Emperor map last night. So far, so good.

I'm not noticing turn times being any faster, but it's still very early in the game, and turn times were pretty fast for me before anyway.

The AI seems to be a little more aggressive than usual. Isabella captured a city state on something like Turn 40!

Ghengis killed of three in my game. The next one kame killed both colombo and sweeden, and if you think thats shocking, Dido ics'd her way across the map, destroying siams and egypts chance of expanding.
Ghengis killed of three in my game. The next one kame killed both colombo and sweeden, and if you think thats shocking, Dido ics'd her way across the map, destroying siams and egypts chance of expanding.

are coup balanced now ? or should I disable espionage just wondering.
I played a few turns last night and was practically overrun by swarms of Mongolians. Will probably start a new game next as my only real goal in that game was to build the Great Temple. I think that is a good addition, and might take the weight off of the "Spread" enhancer beliefs.

Also it might have just been my game, but the AI civs seemed to spend more of their money and often didn't have the gold to by my luxes at the beginning of the game. If true, I think that's a really good change as every strategy depended on that.

I'm hoping this fixes my directx bluescreen issues, that I'm part of the "rare crashes that could occur depending on hardware." :)
Great patch! Washington rebuild 3 Cities which I razed twice. AI is expanding!
What is weird though is that for building national wonders, cities which are razed have to have the required building too. If you raze Antium - not having a market- you cannot build the National Treasury.

Do you happen to have a save for this situation?
I played a few turns last night and was practically overrun by swarms of Mongolians. Will probably start a new game next as my only real goal in that game was to build the Great Temple. I think that is a good addition, and might take the weight off of the "Spread" enhancer beliefs.

Also it might have just been my game, but the AI civs seemed to spend more of their money and often didn't have the gold to by my luxes at the beginning of the game. If true, I think that's a really good change as every strategy depended on that.

I'm hoping this fixes my directx bluescreen issues, that I'm part of the "rare crashes that could occur depending on hardware." :)

I noticed the same thing with AI lack of gold when playing the Game of the Month with the new patch (Immortal level). I wasn't sure if it was a one off, but it would appear not.
ugh, ill see if the RA bug was fixed in my next game. i was less plagued by the overflow doubling (almost never happened to me) than i was by the pure fizzle. the notes dont seem to address the bug where your RA yields no gains. it happened to me at least 20 times.
This happens if either you or your RA partner break the friendship by denouncing the other one.
I don't think it's a bug.
Since the new patch, I can't make a ranged attack of any kind without it crashing, whether it be by a city, ship or archer, but the ai can make such attacks.

Also, had a fishing resource spawn on the same tile as the Great Barrier Reef...

Also, graphical tearing is much, much more prevelant, and I did update all my drivers and such...

On the good side- AI is soooo much more aggressive, USA had 7 cites by turn 100 on prince...whilst I had 2...
Well I must be lucky I haven't got anything wrong all things have been positive unless negatives will strike later at me.
one thing i noticed is that everyone seems to want 30 gold. and i mean everyone
Why? What logical sense does that make? A submarine should *only* be visible if it's in the radius of a unit that can see it, that's how it's always worked. An 18th century frigate shouldn't be able to fire on a 20th century submarine.

It keeps the subs power in check. Keeps you from using 1 or 2 subs to completely annhialate another civs navy that hasn't teched subs yet. Is it realistic...nope. Does it balance gameplay...yup.
Since the new patch, I can't make a ranged attack of any kind without it crashing, whether it be by a city, ship or archer, but the ai can make such attacks.

Could I take a peak at your DXDIAG? Also, are you playing DX9 or 11?
We're taking a look now. Thanks for the heads up.

Could you please post the first page or two of your dxdiag? Thanks!
We're taking a look at it now, thanks for the highlight.
We did quite a bit of optimization for the Intel HD Graphics chip-set that you're using. Please update your Intel video driver to the latest and let me know if this solves the problem.
If you can post the .mdmp files that are generated in your civ v root directory, that would be very helpful, along with your dxdiag. Thanks much.
Could I see your dxdiag along with a screenshot please?
Do you happen to have a save for this situation?
Could I take a peak at your DXDIAG? Also, are you playing DX9 or 11?

dshirk, thanks for being so responsive to players' questions and concerns. It's much appreciated. I'm so sorry I'm moving this weekend and won't have a chance to play until Sunday! :cry:

Nope, I was in fourth place above Spain but below Byzantium (who was in first place).

Is your military small, making you an easy target for AI aggressive expansion? Friends will indeed attack you if you make yourself an easy target. I certainly would. And, remember, some AI personalities have a "deceptive" flavor, making them seem friendly when they really hate your guts.
Great patch! Washington rebuild 3 Cities which I razed twice. AI is expanding!
What is weird though is that for building national wonders, cities which are razed have to have the required building too. If you raze Antium - not having a market- you cannot build the National Treasury.

Do you happen to have a save for this situation?

It has been this way since Civ was released.
I've had no graphics problems or crashes while playing (played over 300 turns), but over 50% of the time the game will crash during the initial loading screen when starting the game, both dx9 and dx10/11. Sometimes it will never finish loading and ill have to tab out to see it has crashed, other times the game closes down and the crash message appears. Don't have the intro movie enabled nor any mods.

Yesterday i verified the integrity of the game cache trough steam, found 2 bad files and replaced them, didn't help.

This never happened before.


  • DxDiag.txt
    38.4 KB · Views: 59
yes..i think its abug here...after a range attack from the city red attack circle is still on even i already attack enemy which is off course not happened before. I use DX11 but i dont know how to post diaxg...
Do you happen to have a save for this situation?

I attached a save. London builds the National Treasury. There are only 2 SoL and a Caravel to conquer a Siamese City. If conquered and razed new choose production in London. Maybe have to press next turn.
Hope you will find a good solution!


  • Elisabeth_razing..Civ5Save
    770.4 KB · Views: 118
I've had no graphics problems or crashes while playing (played over 300 turns), but over 50% of the time the game will crash during the initial loading screen when starting the game, both dx9 and dx10/11. Sometimes it will never finish loading and ill have to tab out to see it has crashed, other times the game closes down and the crash message appears. Don't have the intro movie enabled nor any mods.

Yesterday i verified the integrity of the game cache trough steam, found 2 bad files and replaced them, didn't help.

This never happened before.

In the root folder for Civ V, do you see any .mdmp files that correspond the the date/time of the most recent crash? If so, please post that, it helps engineering immensely.
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