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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

What you don't seem to understand is that my opinion of what I think you are clearly trying to do cannot be proven or disproven because it is an opinion. You can deny it all you want, but it doesn't make it a "lie". I think it is rather obvious what your intent is.

I am amazed that such simple concepts are apparently far too complex for you to understand. That you continue to misuse such simple words.
VRCW is an honorable person, who I am glad to have as a friend. He and I were in contact after he left here, and we had some fun and interesting conversations.

His thread should still be in the old OT, where he posted about having changed his mind on a particular conservative issue, simply because he'd thought things over and realized his original stance wasn't right. I respect people who are capable of this, and having the honesty to say so.

So, VRCWAgent is seen as honorable because he allowed himself to be compromised by leftists. Personally, I would rather influence, than be influenced.

What leftists here have ever compromised for a conservative ideal in any way shape or form? Is the lack of this occurring in turn not 'honorable' as you allege, or does that not go both ways? Or is the standard perception by you that only leftist ideals are the only 'correct' viewpoints and those that are willing to change to those beliefs, 'honorable'?

Realizing you're wrong about something is being compromised by leftists. Now I understand.
I was thinking "how did I miss this monster?", but, Jesus, ten pages in thirty-six hours, and it's not even really about anything. You people are insane. :crazyeye:
I think Formaldehyde and MobBoss should set down their beers and go out into the parking lot and settle this like men. Loser is scum.
Tip to the OP: if you've really wanted a serious discussion, you would've titled the thread differently. Something like "what are your opinions of right-wingers". The current thread title is just asking for trouble.

Taking bets in #fiftychat.

5 ducats on Forma.
Sorry to disappoint. I'm not a redneck. I don't resolve issues with my fists. Besides how could I possibly fight someone who claims to be disabled?
I think Formaldehyde and MobBoss should set down their beers and go out into the parking lot and settle this like men. Loser is scum.

I'd be up for that.

Realizing you're wrong about something is being compromised by leftists. Now I understand.

How often have leftists on this forum suddenly realized they were wrong and come over the the conservative side of thinking on an issue? Its no surprise to me that conservatives that are seen as more palatable by the left are those they consider more willing to change their minds on their evil bigoted ways and admit their error, and the ones that stick to their guns tend to irritate them no end arent so nice. You think that mere coincedence?

5 ducats on Forma.

You'd lose.

Sorry to disappoint. I'm not a redneck. I don't resolve issues with my fists. Besides how could I possibly fight someone who claims to be disabled?

Rofl. And here I thought you liked NASCAR. Yeah, I totally expected this answer. Btw, Form, when did it start being cool to make fun of someone with a disability?

And again:

How about we expand the field. Is there anyone here that backs up Forms allegation that i've intentionally tried to drive people away or silence them? Show of hands pls or proof of same? I'd really appreciate it if others reading this thread feel this way, or not; especially people who dont usually agree with me on topics. But if not, please state so to Form, because this will go on unless he is shown to realize that others dont really think his allegation is justified.


Any particular reason no one aside from skwink will comment on this? Pro or con?
I don't subjectively know. My guess is that you've used the report button for at least the partial purpose of temporarily silencing other posters.

Rofl, that wouldnt silence them anyway, nor 'drive them off'. I'm sure we both have been reported many, many times. Did it work on us? :crazyeye:

I mean come on Jolly, thats really, really reaching. Maybe i'm wrong in appealing for fairness to this audience?
It certainly has caused a dialing back from my end. I'm practically posting with my foot on the brake.

Ah, but thats not from posters but rather from the mods.

And fwiw, I hadnt really noticed you dialing back anything.
Trust me, I am posting at about 50% of my posting style's full potential. Many viable posts have been aborted.

Like I said, I dont think thats by any particular other posters doing.
Trust me, I am posting at about 50% of my posting style's full potential. Many viable posts have been aborted.
And this is the sin of pro-choicers, everyone. Clearly they are murderers of the worst kind. The life of a post begins at conception, and as such, are considered full, complete human beings. No "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. Any abortion of a post is a crime against humanity, but more importantly, it is a crime against God himself.

I pray for you, pro-choicers. Repent now when you still can! May God have mercy on all your souls.
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