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End of Empires - N3S III

I think he was talking about me you crazy merchant. :p But he's right anyway. All of the old great empires have been humbled or destroyed. :/

Hiuttu is still the world's most ancient and beautiful city.

Also, @conehead234 and @Lord_Iggy; I've always liked your stories, but one thing has saddened me throughout. You always seem to mention other empires at random (Specifically each other), but I feel a tendency of ignorance against the previously quite yellow block near you, and that is also taken into account from the time of Hu'ut's heyday. Like back when Iggy posted the story called "Troubled Times" or something, which was during the Faron-Hu'ut war, and spoke of all the threats threatening Helsia - the Satar that had begun to appear on the fronts that is - while not even mentioning the Hu'ut that they were fighting at the very same time. And yes, I might be remembering wrongly.

Yes, I like hearing people chat about me.
Hiuttu is still the world's most ancient and beautiful city.

Also, @conehead234 and @Lord_Iggy; I've always liked your stories, but one thing has saddened me throughout. You always seem to mention other empires at random (Specifically each other), but I feel a tendency of ignorance against the previously quite yellow block near you, and that is also taken into account from the time of Hu'ut's heyday. Like back when Iggy posted the story called "Troubled Times" or something, which was during the Faron-Hu'ut war, and spoke of all the threats threatening Helsia - the Satar that had begun to appear on the fronts that is - while not even mentioning the Hu'ut that they were fighting at the very same time. And yes, I might be remembering wrongly.

Yes, I like hearing people chat about me.
If it makes you feel better, a huge amount of my discussions in MSN involve the Hu'ut in some way or form.

Also, Faron and Hu'ut- previously, we were something of a unique, hostile partnership. The idea of the Hu'ut is so deeply engrained in the collective Faronun consciousness that it basically goes without saying that they are under consideration.

Also, when you're at war, writing stories that say 'we are at war' isn't quite as intriguing as writing stories about 'okay, what next?'.
Okay, can't get this done tonight. I hope by the time I get back Azale has sent in orders... and that our wayward players who have yet to report back in have done so. :)
If it makes you feel better, a huge amount of my discussions in MSN involve the Hu'ut in some way or form.

Also, Faron and Hu'ut- previously, we were something of a unique, hostile partnership. The idea of the Hu'ut is so deeply engrained in the collective Faronun consciousness that it basically goes without saying that they are under consideration.

Also, when you're at war, writing stories that say 'we are at war' isn't quite as intriguing as writing stories about 'okay, what next?'.

You actually made me happy there. :) Also with the above better/worse apology. ;)

Okay, can't get this done tonight. I hope by the time I get back Azale has sent in orders... and that our wayward players who have yet to report back in have done so. :)

I guess this means my orders counted for the future turn. Very well then.
Does this mean NK's gone fishing for a week?
I am sorry to ask but when are the orders due?
Im happy to come back to this NES it is so much fun :)

Orders have been sent.
Sorry for not getting my orders in, I should have started them earlier. I didn't want to rush because these are not just *my* plans, but I should have started Saturday instead of Sunday :cringe:
The birth of a nation.. The creation of The Empire of Gothia.

Mostly unknown to the world a small people from the far north was arising, for centauries a little band of tribes ,untouched by the known world, lived a life of anarchy with internal was raged through the tribes all struggling for control of the Moorlands. But fifty years ago, an ambitious warlord know to all as Taurus Attinum. The man Taurus was but an unknown figure from lands far beyond the Moor woodlands. But this character was to alter the history of Gothia, beyond any ones expectation. Taurus came from lands not known to the people of the Moor woodlands. A place called Gallat, he had fled during the wars raging in the region fearing for his life as he was from a noble decent. With him he brought not only riches, but also knowledge that was unknown to the people of Gothia. It was he that taught the men of the Göth’t, the skills of mining and forging. He made the tribe of the Göth’t so much more superior than any of the rival tribes. With steel and riches from the earth he lead a campaign of diplomacy with all the surrounding tribes, quickly tribes from the region realised that this man had a lot of potential benefit to them. Quickly several of tribes joined the cause, to create the nation of Gothia. Those who did not wish to join willingly suffered a fate of blood and iron. With his knowledge and his power, not to speak of the armies he had at his disposal, he set out to expand his new found land. To the delights of the people of Gothia, riches and prosperity soon followed this conquest. The foreigner that had come to these lands was now a famed warlord, but his fate was not to lead, great as he was he was selfish and barbaric even to the Gothians standards. The Council that had been formed, a band of fellow warlords leading the campaign together with Taurus Attinum had their concerns that this type of leadership was bound to fail, when there was nothing more to burn or pillage. It was decided that he was not the future of Gothia nor was he safe to leave alive.
In the new founded capital of Attinum it was done, the once great warlord had been assassinated by the same people that he had brought out of the dark ages. This was truly a new beginning for a new people. What they needed in a leader was a national that knew the values of the people and their customs.
It was decided in the grand council that, the leader of Gothia was to be Wellofrich Anderheim, the former cheiftan of Göth’t. As he was already a respected leader and a local he was quickly accepted by all.
And this is here the story of Wollofrich the Great begins…
I will send orders tomorrow or Friday as school ends on Friday. I should have done them earlier but school dumped large amounts of Geography coursework, with a side portion of History, and English dessert so I have been busy this past week but soon it will all be over. Woohoo!
I realize that orders are probably past due/due now/soon. Is it possible to get a small extension for she who just got back from Seattle late tonight and didn't see the (new) update until an hour ago? I know, I know, I should have been planning in advance, and the orders will be pretty simplistic anyway. I will be able to get something passable in by tomorrow afternoon, although a lot of the coordination I had hoped for this turn won't take place (and there will be no stories).
Eh' I think that North King fellow is on holiday in some god awful third world country place where they don't have internet.
I realize that orders are probably past due/due now/soon. Is it possible to get a small extension for she who just got back from Seattle late tonight and didn't see the (new) update until an hour ago? I know, I know, I should have been planning in advance, and the orders will be pretty simplistic anyway. I will be able to get something passable in by tomorrow afternoon, although a lot of the coordination I had hoped for this turn won't take place (and there will be no stories).

If you do orders over the next few days, Cuiv, NK will almost certainly incorporate them in the update when he returns.
Boys and girls are playing in the courtyard around a dry fountain, which presently is serving as a makeshift rampart in an imaginary war. Tiny heads appear over the fountain-pulpit as they surreptitiously scan the other side, aha’ a target: another head. Dirt clods, fly. The whiplash action of arms releasing their less-than-deadly cargoes hangs only for a moment in the shimmering heat before the head and the arms retreat back to cover. The first casualty lies in no-mans land, some distance from the fountain, surrounded by errant clods, which now by virtue of their position lie just out of reach of the warring parties.

Her face is young and delicate, mulberry eyes framed by dense grey streaked curls, otherworldliness dragged back to earth with a conventional, if somewhat aquiline nose. She isn’t paying attention. A long elegant finger traces delicate mathematical forms, newly learnt, in the sand strewn over worn white pavers, cracked corners and the gap between the grout, proof of poor workmanship. She is oblivious to this. Her tongue sticks out just a smidgeon past peach pale lip, now beginning to crack. She’s been lying there for some time, you can tell, when she turns on her side to rub out a distant part of her calculation, the sand has imprinted upon it an impression of her diminutive form smaller than her playmates.

Her lying there makes the children uneasy. Eyes roll. They know she strayed from the safety of the fountain deliberately. She wanted to be hit. Nobody would walk that far away and expect anything else. The archaic forms now being traced in the sand only confirm that suspicion. They don’t care. They’re doing it for themselves and not for the strange girl dressed in robes of a long dead order, now lost in calculations a thousand-years-older than this courtyard and a thousand-and-five-hundred-years older than any of the children present. They are not of course aware of any of these details and they could forgive them, like they had for some of other exiles but she was stranger than strange and they knew it.

She didn’t care. She didn’t care to answer their questions. She didn’t think they could understand, even if she had wanted to explain. The parents in the balcony some meters above, sitting in shade created by reams of cloth weaved haphazardly between timber colonnades, once painted gaily red in the now fading guts of some Opulensi snail: wouldn’t have understood either. That didn’t bother her, she was used to not being understood. The occasional near-miss or hit only caused her nose to crinkle ever so slightly and a quick brush of her hair escaping over her shoulders was enough to restore her poise and concentration.

She was waiting for her mother who was presently ensconced somewhere in the balcony above, discussing something she wasn’t allowed to hear. She rather hoped it wasn’t anything to do with marriage, she wasn’t ready for it and at age eleven didn’t really want it, yet. But, if it was, she was resigned to the fact that she would have to kill herself. She wouldn’t do it in the local manner that was unnecessarily bloody and did not recommend itself to a lady. She would instead request an early lunch from the kitchen, fresh bread, not the end cuts, dried salted herring, heads removed, a measure of strawberry preserve, without the seeds, and two sun-dried tomatoes, flesh only. She would then take the strawberry preserve and generously lather it onto the bread, add the herring on-top of that, before finely dicing the sun-dried tomatoes which would go on-top of the herring, of course. This she would then eat as she drew a warm bath for herself. Taking care to sharpen the knife that she used to cut the tomatoes, cook always provided a sharp one for those but one could never be sure, she would then open her wrists running the blade across the point at which the veins were most visible. She wasn’t sure how long it would take but estimated that she would probably pass out long before she could observe the result.

That would be fitting if not timely, she was still yet to finish the Book of Common Prayer and it had nearly reached the foundation of the First Republic (and most importantly her Father!) That would have to wait unfortunately. She was quite sure her ancestors wouldn’t begrudge her finishing their histories and she could even ask them about it afterwards. But that was merely idle conjecture on her part. She still didn’t know what her mother was up to.
The third world country known as Isle Royale National Park. Back now, though I may be too tired to actually write it today. It should be done by tomorrow, assuming my RL friends don't borrow me too much.
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