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End of Empires - N3S III

or if your a xenophobic Seshweay ;)

Note: Skizzik is actually already in FueroNES so this would technically be his second NES. But Happy First Post!
thank you for the welcome, but im not that new as masada poited out i am in feuro NES,

i just havent posted on the main thread.

alot of PM's thoug
In NES it is pulled from Civ that it is pretty much the lowest level of "friendly" diplomacy.

What you are talking about would be more akin to a joint project
OOC: I'm feeling a Gondor-Rohan relationship forming between the Uggor and the Duroc.:D


From: The Council of Chiefs
To: Jalin Nak of the Duroc Republic

We thank you kind Jalin Nak. If the Duroc Republic is filled with as many kind people as you the Uggor are lucky to have such a great neighbor.
Now cue Das to wreak my argument anyway we should stop spamming up the thread.

lurker's comment: Actually, I do agree with your argument, but I strongly disagree with the practice of posting the entire wiki article in the thread. It's really unnecessary, not to mention something of an eyesore, especially inasmuch as it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. It's not like most/all people here don't know what Helm's Deep is; but even if it was required, you could always post a link instead.

Anyway, now that I finally posted here, neat map ideas you've got here, NK, amongst other things. I really can't commit to it right now (especially given your, ahem, past record ;) - the fact that your NESes suck people in the way they do makes it all the more torturous), but if it lasts for long enough I'll probably join. I'm sure that's understandable. :p
Your right, I'll stop spamming this place up, I still think you need to consider what Fortified positions are best for, as I think the Helms deep approach goes at it backwards.

It wasn't so much a fortified position in place for stratigic value as much as it was a glorified refuge. It may have started as a fortress to guard the Fords of Isen, but without many people to man its walls it became a rather ideal place to run to if all other options of warfare were gone. You also have to think what Rohan would think about hiding there. They'd expect allies to come help them whenever they were behind Helm's Deep's walls. Whether the help would come or not doesn't matter. They almost always expect aid from either Gondor or another Rohirrim army.

So, Helm's Deep was like I said, a glorified refuge. It was an impressive defensive position, but the only thing it could really guard was people.

So if the Republic of Duroc was overun and surrounded but it still had an army of respecable size, it could have its people hide in a Helm's Deep-esqe fortress and wait for aid to come and kill the invading forces.
lurker's comment: Ofcourse, if that fails they will run out of food eventually, and will have to surrender or perish (my personal favourite here is the Masada (by the way, I just realised what that username meant. My brain works slowly these days...) - collective suicide in the face of defeat).
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