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[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

Just a feature request, but could you add the ability to workers to just clear jungles around a city? For some reason automated works will only clear out jungles with resources in them, but leave the rest. I've tried both with and without the "workers leaves forest" option set.
Oh, since I'm in the FREQ mode, it would be nice if an idle worker would instead help another worker that is in progress, assuming the idle worker can get there before the work is done. I often group workers in pairs and such to half and better the build time.
Well, the idle worker is rather on purpose so you know it has stopped doing tasks...
Can't download following the main install link in first post. Takes me to 3D Downloads site, then queues for 5 minutes, then finally says the file you are looking for is either moved, deleted, or your got the wrong url. Wassup?
Funny, my automated workers do clear all jungles, unless there's a camp.

Anyway, I was wondering. Since the Malakim have the desert theme and got the nomad trait, shouldn't the Doviello get something similar for tundra and/or ice? I know there is no such trait, but nomad hasn't been around too long either. Just throwing it out there.
worshipwillow said:
Can't download following the main install link in first post. Takes me to 3D Downloads site, then queues for 5 minutes, then finally says the file you are looking for is either moved, deleted, or your got the wrong url. Wassup?

Try it again, its downloading okay for me.
This may be a newb question but: do i have to download it all over again just for the patch? I don't know how to make the patch work with the already installed game. Once again, sorry for the newbism. :sad:
Has anyone noticed not being able to attack with a unit that is in a stack of casters after they've used plague? I have a stack of Losha, 4 vamps, Bambur and a Royal Guard. I just used the plague ability of Losha and the 4 vamps, then went to attack the reduced strength city, but couldn't. It was as if the whole stack had used a cast and so couldn't attack that round. A chariot that was in the same square, but not in the stack could still attack.
hawkeye72 said:
Has anyone noticed not being able to attack with a unit that is in a stack of casters after they've used plague? I have a stack of Losha, 4 vamps, Bambur and a Royal Guard. I just used the plague ability of Losha and the 4 vamps, then went to attack the reduced strength city, but couldn't. It was as if the whole stack had used a cast and so couldn't attack that round. A chariot that was in the same square, but not in the stack could still attack.
This is a known quirk. You have to separate out the units that cannot attack (since they casted this turn). Then you can attack with the rest of the stack. I don't have any idea how difficult it would be to program the stack attack to ignore units that cannot attack, but it would simplify combat involving dozens of units.
Ordom said:
This may be a newb question but: do i have to download it all over again just for the patch? I don't know how to make the patch work with the already installed game. Once again, sorry for the newbism. :sad:

If you have any flavor of 0.15 you only need the patch (which is in the first post). If you have any ealrier version, 0.14 or anything before, you will need to download the full 200meg file.
Just me wondering... but how come the forum has a patch f avalible for download and this thread only a patch d?

Intentional or did you forget to update both? :confused:
Kael said:
If you have any flavor of 0.15 you only need the patch (which is in the first post). If you have any ealrier version, 0.14 or anything before, you will need to download the full 200meg file.

Thank you very much.
Maybe it's a fluke, or maybe it's part of patch d, but I was just playing a game as the Calabim, and my capital and second cities were almost immediately surrounded by Orthus, Acheron, and four other barbarian cities. Each city was pumping out spearmen and nearly killed me. I didn't change the setting to raging barbarian, it just happened. AND somehow they had a barbarian longbow (very very early in the game).

Is this normal?
jselsmark said:
Just me wondering... but how come the forum has a patch f avalible for download and this thread only a patch d?

Intentional or did you forget to update both? :confused:

Sorry, yeah I just forgot to update. Patch "f" is linked in the first post now.
Kael said:
Sorry, yeah I just forgot to update. Patch "f" is linked in the first post now.

No need to apologize... at the rate you guys post new patches and updates it must be hard to keep track... I was just wondering :)

Can't wait to give this game a multiplayer tryout this weekend... I'll keep u dev's posted if we experience anything out of the ordinary... the last games I have played... they simply rock :goodjob:
So.. Me and a friend fired up a multiplayer game, and 'lo and behold our surprise when it turns out he (playing Sheaim/Tebryn Arbandi) can see mana resources from the start. Is that intentional as a new feature or something, or a bug? Seems to be only him (me playing Einion Logos of the Elohim) able to do that, so.. I'm curious. If it's a bug, consider it reported, weird as it is. If not.. Well. :)


ps. No, it's not just him actually. I can too. So.. We can see mana from the start now.
Perfectly sure. I never start games in later ages, and I checked to make sure I didn't have Knowledge of the Ether by some weird accident. I can see Mana, plain as daylight, but there's no reason I -should-. So there ya go.
What's most impressive about this version as opposed to an earlier version I played is how well you've developed the spell/magic capabilities. It adds a whole new dimension to the game and makes this mod even more better than the vanilla civ4 game.
thealien_83 said:
Perfectly sure. I never start games in later ages, and I checked to make sure I didn't have Knowledge of the Ether by some weird accident. I can see Mana, plain as daylight, but there's no reason I -should-. So there ya go.

Yes, you can see mana from the start now. The reason was we wanted to block players from being able to drop non-mana improvements on mana nodes. Its easy enough to block them but it created areas where the players couldnt build anything and they couldnt tell why (since they couldnt see the node yet). So we just made them viewable from the begining.

Even outside of that I think its a good change. Now that mana nodes are so much mroe important it allows players to plan there early city placement around them.
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