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[Map Script] PerfectWorld2.py

This script creates beautiful yet terribly unbalanced maps. Starts with only one pre-industrial resource in BFC yet lots of forests to chop in first several cities, uneven amount of land per player per start with "start everywhere"... Any workarounds?
For some reason, when I try to make the changes to this build of your script which successfully changed the map to a 2:1 ratio in your last build, it doesn't work. Would you know why this is?

(See page 10)
@LadiesOgre. When you compare the two files, your using something like WinMerge so you can plainly see all differences right?
This script creates beautiful yet terribly unbalanced maps. Starts with only one pre-industrial resource in BFC yet lots of forests to chop in first several cities, uneven amount of land per player per start with "start everywhere"... Any workarounds?

There is no guarantee of any particular resource in starting BFC. This map looks at all the stuff that you are closest to in determining how you should be placed. Occasionally bad starts happen, but as you play a few games you'll see that the AI's tend to fare equally well. If you start without any bonus resources, it's because you have a very good starting position.

The 'value' of the land per player should be pretty close to mathematically equal.
For some reason, when I try to make the changes to this build of your script which successfully changed the map to a 2:1 ratio in your last build, it doesn't work. Would you know why this is?

(See page 10)

What sort of error are you getting? I tried 160, 81 and it was fine.
Yes, I am using WinMerge, but I am not finding anything. I am about to give up and just deal with the one-tile strip, it's annoying. I tried making both wraps false and that didn't even help, it was still there one tile wide the whole way up the eastern edge of the map
Yes, I am using WinMerge, but I am not finding anything. I am about to give up and just deal with the one-tile strip, it's annoying. I tried making both wraps false and that didn't even help, it was still there one tile wide the whole way up the eastern edge of the map

What terrain is on that strip?
What sort of error are you getting? I tried 160, 81 and it was fine.

Well, every time choose it from the Custom Game menu, the Old World, Pangaeas, and Wrapping options disappear. I've learned that when the extra options disappear, to interpret that as a failure to load.

Change #1

        #Height and Width of main climate and height maps. This does not
        #reflect the resulting map size. Both dimensions( + 1 if wrapping in
        #that dimension = False) must be evenly divisble by self.hmMaxGrain
        self.hmWidth = 144
        self.hmHeight = 97


        #Height and Width of main climate and height maps. This does not
        #reflect the resulting map size. Both dimensions( + 1 if wrapping in
        #that dimension = False) must be evenly divisble by self.hmMaxGrain
        self.hmWidth = 192
        self.hmHeight = 97

Change #2

	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_DUEL:		(12,8),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_TINY:		(16,10),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_SMALL:		(22,14),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD:	(26,16),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_LARGE:		(32,20),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_HUGE:		(36,24)


	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_DUEL:		(16,8),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_TINY:		(20,10),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_SMALL:		(28,14),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD:	(32,16),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_LARGE:		(40,20),
	WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_HUGE:		(48,24)

What I can't understand is that I changed it in exactly this way before, and it worked. Still does.
It runs the spectrum of expected terrains for the climate band. It also looks like there is a line over which waves are lapping. When I edited it out with the WB, it looked like a trench, it didn't look like the typical Ocean terrain.
Well, every time choose it from the Custom Game menu, the Old World, Pangaeas, and Wrapping options disappear. I've learned that when the extra options disappear, to interpret that as a failure to load.

Sometimes this sort of thing can be caused by a caching problem. Check your ini file to see if caching is turned on. If you use alot of mods, they can sometimes put weird stuff into your ini file.

Is there anything in your PythonErr file?
It runs the spectrum of expected terrains for the climate band. It also looks like there is a line over which waves are lapping. When I edited it out with the WB, it looked like a trench, it didn't look like the typical Ocean terrain.

That's really strange. I've never seen that. I would call that a show stopper. You gotta fix it. Attach the latest file so I can check it out.
This should work for 3.19, though I'm holding off upgrading for now mylself.
I tried it. I guess I'll try it without my mod the MoreStuffMod but it crashed when it was loading. I don't think it would affect performance but do you think the better bts ai dll would affect it? I am using it with that and the MoreStuffMod. Is that an issue there are only two custom python files in the screens folder with is why I don't think this would affect it. What do you think, you know what's in this py file and I don't. All I know is that what I've edited or added doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. Help is appreciated.
Sometimes this sort of thing can be caused by a caching problem. Check your ini file to see if caching is turned on. If you use alot of mods, they can sometimes put weird stuff into your ini file.

Is there anything in your PythonErr file?

I am running more mods than last time. I went to the .ini file and set both "Disable cache" options to 0 (which I believe enables caching), or do you mean I should disable caching (set to 1 for both)?

PythonErr2.log contains this, but I can't read any of it. Do you see anything out of the ordinary?
Spoiler :
sys.path = ['..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed\\src-images', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

sys.modules = {'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (built-in)>, 'signal': <module 'signal' (built-in)>, '__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' (built-in)>, 'exceptions': <module 'exceptions' (built-in)>, 'CvPythonExtensions': <module 'CvPythonExtensions' (built-in)>}

sys.builtin_module_names = ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')
load_module CvEventInterface
load_module BugEventManager
load_module CvEventManager
load_module CvUtil
load_module traceback
load_module PyHelpers
load_module BugCore
load_module BugUtil
load_module time
load_module ColorUtil
13:20:52 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod RevDCM
load_module CvScreensInterface
load_module CvMainInterface
load_module ScreenInput
load_module CvScreenEnums
load_module GodsOfOld
load_module RevInstances
load_module CvConfigParser
load_module ConfigParser
load_module CvPath
load_module _winreg
load_module CvModName
os.getcwd(): C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\Beyond the Sword
os.getcwd(): C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\Beyond the Sword
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\CustomAssets', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Assets"]
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Addons.ini', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Addons.ini', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Addons.ini", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Addons.ini"]
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\CustomAssets', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Assets"]
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Revolution.ini', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Revolution.ini', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Revolution.ini", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Revolution.ini"]
load_module BugOptions
load_module BugConfigTracker
load_module BugInit
load_module BugConfig
load_module xmllib
..\WARLORDS\ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\xmllib.py:9: DeprecationWarning: The xmllib module is obsolete. Use xml.sax instead.
load_module BugPath
load_module FontUtil
load_module InputUtil
load_module configobj
load_module __future__
load_module codecs
load_module validate
validate import failed
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod NJAGC
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Scores
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MainInterface
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CityScreen
load_module MonkeyTools
load_module AStarTools
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod PLE
load_module Scoreboard
load_module DealUtil
load_module PlayerUtil
load_module ReminderEventManager
load_module Popup
load_module SdToolKit
load_module cPickle
load_module autolog
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Autolog
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Reminder
load_module GGUtil
load_module GPUtil
load_module ProgressBarUtil
load_module RawYields
load_module CvTechChooser
load_module TechPrefs
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Advisors
load_module CvForeignAdvisor
load_module math
load_module CvExoticForeignAdvisor
load_module IconGrid_BUG
load_module DomPyHelpers
load_module TechTree
load_module AttitudeUtil
load_module FavoriteCivicDetector
load_module CvReligionScreen
load_module CvCorporationScreen
load_module CvCivicsScreen
load_module CvVictoryScreen
load_module TechUtil
load_module CvEspionageAdvisor
13:21:08 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BetterEspionage
load_module CvOptionsScreen
load_module CvReplayScreen
load_module CvHallOfFameScreen
load_module CvDanQuayle
load_module CvGameUtils
load_module RevDCM
load_module CvUnVictoryScreen
load_module CvDawnOfMan
load_module CvTechSplashScreen
load_module CvTopCivs
load_module random
load_module CvInfoScreen
load_module CvIntroMovieScreen
load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen
load_module CvWonderMovieScreen
load_module CvEraMovieScreen
load_module CvSpaceShipScreen
load_module SevoScreenEnums
load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen
load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen
load_module CvDebugTools
load_module CvDebugInfoScreen
load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil
load_module CvGFCScreen
load_module CvPopupInterface
load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface
load_module CvOverlayScreenUtils
load_module CvDotMapOverlayScreen
load_module CvStrategyOverlay
load_module SdToolkit
13:21:10 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod StrategyOverlay
load_module CvScreenUtils
load_module BugOptionsScreen
load_module BugErrorOptionsTab
load_module BugOptionsTab
13:21:10 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod TechWindow
init-ing world builder screen
load_module CvWBPopups
load_module CvCameraControls
load_module CvAdvisorUtils
load_module RevolutionInit
load_module RevDefs
load_module RevEvents
load_module pickle
load_module RevData
load_module SdToolKitCustom
load_module RevUtils
load_module RevCivicsUtils
load_module BarbarianCiv
load_module AIAutoPlay
load_module ChangePlayer
load_module Revolution
load_module RebelTypes
load_module TextUtils
load_module Tester
load_module TechDiffusion
load_module StartAsMinors
load_module DynamicCivNames
load_module LeaderCivNames
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PreGameStart'
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'BeginActivePlayerTurn'
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'LanguageChanged'
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'ResolutionChanged'
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PythonReloaded'
PY:Initializing Revolution Mod
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\CustomAssets', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Assets", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Assets"]
[u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Revolution.ini', u'C:\\Users\\Mitch\\Documents\\My Games\\Beyond the Sword\\Revolution.ini', "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Mods\\RevolutionDCM\\Revolution.ini", "C:\\Program Files\\2K Games\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Gold\\Beyond the Sword\\Revolution.ini"]
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugInit - initializing...
13:21:13 DEBUG: BugInit - global context not ready
load_module CvAppInterface
I tried it. I guess I'll try it without my mod the MoreStuffMod but it crashed when it was loading. I don't think it would affect performance but do you think the better bts ai dll would affect it? I am using it with that and the MoreStuffMod. Is that an issue there are only two custom python files in the screens folder with is why I don't think this would affect it. What do you think, you know what's in this py file and I don't. All I know is that what I've edited or added doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. Help is appreciated.

Occasionally this map does crash. If you are getting a repeatable crash, look in your logs folder for the PythonErr.log file. That way we can see what might be the problem.
I am running more mods than last time. I went to the .ini file and set both "Disable cache" options to 0 (which I believe enables caching), or do you mean I should disable caching (set to 1 for both)?

PythonErr2.log contains this, but I can't read any of it. Do you see anything out of the ordinary?

You want to disable caching, so you want 'disable' set to 1. If it already was then caching is not the problem.

There should be a PythonErr.log without the '2'. What's in there after you try to generate? Make sure you're looking in your myDocs bts log folder. There is a short-cut to that folder in your main BtS folder I believe. Each version of Civ has it's own log directory (vanilla, warlords etc.), we want the bts one if you are running bts.
as requested

I was going to compare this with the latest version, but I noticed that you had merged with version 2.0! You'll definately want PW 2.03, there are some important improvements there. Get a fresh copy of PW and put your marsh code in there, if that doesn't work, it will be easier for me to help you if you're on the latest version.
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