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Accurate Earth Map in development

I'm half filippino and half chinese , you've might have read it from the thread i made .

so , filipinos are of malay ancestry , although our laguage is austronesian , our culture is not polynesian , but asian .The term polynesia should only apply for the islands of the west pacific ( fiji , solomon is , hawaii ) , while the east indies ( Phil, indonesia) belongs to asia .Although the eastern part ( east timor , papua new guniea , sulawesi) of indonesia could be considerdered as polynesia .And i don't think my history book tells about filipinos settling in taiwan ?

kevin , could you include the philippines in your mod ? They were important in during spanish colonial power .

BTW , in borneo Sabah should be for the philippines not malaysia , so, who will support us ?

Neither does wikipedia. Wikipedia just said that Filipinos and Taiwanese Aborigines are closely related to each other. for that reason I think that the Philippines should have interest in Taiwan, as well as China.
Hey guys, sorry for the delays. I just had a culminating activity to do, but despite that, I still managed to get some work (on this) done.

I should have NZ and Shigg's update done for tommorow.
Shigg, its coming along quite nicely

The NZ update is postponed to another time this week.

I am unfortunately forced to pack this in and do some homework for the night, so I am showing the progress I have made on Shigg's map now. The expected update (Shigg: what I said I would have tonight on your mod's page) will be posted with the NZ update.


With that river going up America as sea tiles (i'm assuming its the mississippi), will it act like a river? ie give freshwater when a city's built there, allow for irrigation.
That's a really good idea, but you'd have to ask Shiggs. Its his mod. It would seem his modding has been straightforward and simple, and I certainly would encourage you to do that, Shiggs, if you get the chance :) I'll be working on the smaller rivers today, then take this into the game for good, where I will continue to work on it.
well, firstly the mod will either not allow settlers, or extremely limit them (I haven't decided)... if they're not allowed then city razing won't be allowed. A tough choice between historical accuracy (cities could be razed, yet expansion will obviously get unrealistic with the AI) Though the Sioux will be nomadic (using a modified version of mongol camp unit)

It will be navigable... but as far as giving say the river bonus for a levee... that hasn't been worked on, or really even thought of until now. My first thought would be to just plant the city on a oasis, to give it a food and commerce boost, but thats not quite right. Another thought, just run a normal river down the side of the big river, but that might look weird. Maybe with python you can change something around, I'm not really sure.

I'll look into it.

Since the map will be quite large, I'm thinking of making it similar to the MaxRigaMod, in the way all tile yields are lower than normal (well except cottages, villages ect.), Really I've been trying to take the best of the best from all the good mods around cfc, and turn it into a really good civil war & revolutionary war mods.

@joakim: Thanks :) btw what do you do, musically?

Shiggs, here is your map with rivers (and a few other really minor changes):

Would you like Bermuda on the map? It might be able to be squished onto the right side of the map.

Tommorow I start working on it in-game, where I'll start adding hills, features, and anything after.

As for the NZ update, it should be ready for tommorow.

I'm just really glad the great lakes and the Delaware Bay look good. Though lake Huron looks a little odd. Rivers seem a little excessive, but its quite a large map, it'll probably look much better in-game. Looking good kev :)

And yea, go ahead and add in Bermuda if you don't mind.

:) Moopoo - didn't ignore you, but it does appear we made a mistake and I asked/Shigg answered the question in his thread, not mine.

It would seem not. I really wish it would though. I think the reason was that there won't be a lot of settling going on (it only spans a little longer than the revolution). If anyone knows of an easy way to change this, or I find something, I'll let him know.

EDIT: oops, no we did answer that in this thread, I think

I'll add Bermuda.

However, the river amounts should be perfect, even visually. The wet watershed parts are pleasantly wet, and the dry areas have very few rivers to be adjacent to. The only part where rivers may be off is the prairies in Canada, where I could not see what was going on on my map that night and just did what felt right.

As for Huron, it looks like I would expect it to. However, I will move the notch in Michigan up one tile.

NZ/more on this map tonight :)
@joakim: Thanks :) btw what do you do, musically?

I do the music (melodies and stuff), write texts, play synth and (attemp) to sing :) Right now most stuff is quite primitive, but I need a band to help me evolve the pieces I've made so far. I don't know what actual style I'm doing, but if you only take account for the main classifications (jazz, classical, hip-hop, metal, rock...), then it's simple rock. I like to try experimenting though, but it's not included in the music yet. :)


On another account, I think we're all very happy to ask whether there possibly could be seen a beta version of the map? ;)
Michigan seems...squashed. I suggest adding one-two tiles extra in the 'thumb' to create a true Saginaw Bay. Other than that, looks great! :goodjob:
:/ Beware an onsluaght of pictures...

South Island:

North Island:

Note: I have since moved North Island one tile east. So here's an overall:


1) I am unsure about Lake Taupo. Was placing it (being a relatively small lake) the right thing to do?
2) I was unsure of how I could smooth out the peninsula without getting rid of 2 rivers. I personally think it looks ok. If anyone really wants this changed you're going to need to draw out your expectation for this.
3) I forgot to add the S Island wine, though I am still unsure about this. Higher land coverage doesn't neccessarily mean more production, and my worldwide source is telling me that the one in the north is more important. But it is, for now, still planned.
4) I plan on weaning out the resources. You guys are simply too nationalistic- NZ is not as rich as you make it out to be ;) But for now they stay, and I'll let you know of any changes I make
5) There was something else, probably suggested by Shathaik, which I forgot about EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot to try out your river suggestion for the S Island... mustn't have wrote it down... I'll be doing further fixes later on anyways

Here are the requested South Asian screenshots (hopefully these give you some idea):

If you can't tell what a certain resource is, just let me know (for example, in the first Asian image, there is a salt and a nutrients).

And sorry I got these to you guys so late; it takes quite a while to process so many images :p

EDIT: On Michigan, it's not that its squashed but rather that the thumb isn't pronounced enough because of the shape. I will see what I can do about this.

And Shiggs, this is what the map looked like before it went into the game:

I have sinced done a LOT more, including: finishing Southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, finishing California, finishing all elevations on the west coast, did a lot of elevations around Eastern Canada/Maine, placed all the thinsoil texture, placed all coniferous trees, and some other small things.

Well, Philippines are the right size. I haven't enlarged anything because no bit of land is any more important than any other :p even for gameplay

But you probably should note that cities can be made 2 tiles away from eachother in my mod.

In case you're wondering, in the SE China (no trees) pic that shiny resource is tungsten. In Bangladesh that's Jute and in the Philippines there's a nickel. And of course rubber in the southern countries (ie Malaysia). And yes that's coconut.

On that note, I will be purchasing a decent-looking chicken model to use for a poultry resource. For now it will use a pasture but maybe soon I'll have a coop.

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