[Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

I wonder if it has to do with AI and stirring up natives?

AI does not yet use that feature.
(Still trying to figure out a good logic for AI.)
Forgot to correct that in the description. :blush:

It must be something else.
I will try to figure it out. :thumbsup:
Hi guys,

I am pretty close to the problem. :)
However I am too tired to work concentrated now.

I will probably upload a fixed DLL to SVN tomorrow, so you can continue your game. :thumbsup:
(I will also post a message here.)
That is the old problem with "wide screen"-Resolutions.
Maybe KJ can make an image that works for both (normal and wide-screen). :dunno:

Unfortunately, it's impossible to make one image that works on both normal and wide-screen rsolutions without distortions. Each monitor resolution requires the own image. Even between there screen resolutions (1600x960, 1600x1024, 1600x1050) will be some distortions. They became too serious for screens of 1600x1200 in size, where a part of image or buttons became invisible at all. But, note, all these parameters belong to so-called "normal" resolution.
Just out of curiousity did you manage to find the problems?

Yes, it is fixed and uploaded to SVN. :thumbsup:

Your old save will still work.
You can just continue playing.

Sorry, but finding and fixing bugs needs some time.
(I simply couldn't do it faster. :blush:
I was too tired to do it yesterday night.)

Thanks for reporting. :)

I will get started then.


  • First bug to appear is related to "Abandoning of Settlement". Just for fun of it I used one of my scouts to build a settlement in the middle of nowhere.
  • 2-3 turns later I destroyed the settlement by leaving it. Worked great and the settlement is now a ruin on the map.
  • 5-10 turns later I get a message popping up that "abandoning of settlement" is not allowed in war time. :S Weird since I am not in war with anyone and the fact that I destroyed the settlment many turns earlier is worring. :)
  • I also had to click the ok button several times to remove the message. And it popps up every new turn this message.

Strange. :confused:
(Never had problems like that with the feature "Abandoning Cities".)

I will check that. :thumbsup:

Do you have City-Automation acitvated or something like that ?

Please upload a Save.

Edit 2:
Forget it, don't need a save.
This is easy to fix.
Will do so in the next hour. :thumbsup:
I have not City-Automation turned on no. I have never turned it on anyways even if it has been reported to turn itself on and move colonists around in settlements without yourself doing it.

Here is the save!

Edit: I thought you said you werent fast. haha. :thumbsup:


  • AbandoningColony.ColonizationSave
    268.9 KB · Views: 131
Just a little balance suggestion to raids. I think or hope it would be better to lower the possibility of a raid if natives are cautious or better in relations to almost none. And if they are annoyed or worse then the bigger risk of a raid.

In my game most natives is cautious in relationship towards me. Just like most times in the beginning of a game. And in my eyes cautious relationship wouldnt mean that the natives would raid every treasure they find. They would be cautious/careful in dealing with me but not attack. I think annoyed is the keyword here. The raids took place when I had +4 in positive relationship and none negative too. Another thing to discuss. How would a relationship penalty be for an raiding native?

AI couldnt use stirr up natives at the moment right?

Also would it be possible to have the visual effect of attack and screen centered on raid/attack when the natives raid? I only get a red message saying that I lost my treasure. And if 2 raids happens in one turn then screen only get centered on the first raid. Instead of attack animations which would be great the natives just move over the old unit and replace it.

Can we change it so you cannot choose Missionary profession without having a church in the colony?
Just a little balance suggestion to raids. I think or hope it would be better to lower the possibility of a raid if natives are cautious or better in relations to almost none. And if they are annoyed or worse then the bigger risk of a raid.

In my game most natives is cautious in relationship towards me. Just like most times in the beginning of a game. And in my eyes cautious relationship wouldnt mean that the natives would raid every treasure they find. They would be cautious/careful in dealing with me but not attack. I think annoyed is the keyword here. The raids took place when I had +4 in positive relationship and none negative too.

Also would it be possible to have the visual effect of attack and screen centered on raid/attack when the natives raid? I only get a red message saying that I lost my treasure. And if 2 raids happens in one turn then screen only get centered on the first raid. Instead of attack animations which would be great the natives just move over the old unit and replace it.

Yes indeed, Native Raids could need some improvement. :)
But it is an extremely complex feature.

I will see what I can do, after we have achieved a certain level of stability.
(I would first like to fix bugs, before I will do feature improvements.)

But generally I agree. :thumbsup:

I will put it on the list of Todos for Release 1.

AI couldnt use stirr up natives at the moment right?

Right, currently AI does not use that feature.
(Every logic I had in mind could have caused problems for AI instead of bringing benefits.)

I almost believe it is better to leave it like that. :dunno:
Can we change it so you cannot choose Missionary profession without having a church in the colony?

Please discuss stuff like that in our Thread for Mod-Development. ;)

I am not sure, if and how much you are playing currently with our internal version, but it would be great,
if you could attach savegames here in this thread that are pretty much in late game.
(Within the next 2 weeks or so. :dunno:)

If possible with different Handicaps and Mapsizes.

I would need that to check how AI was doing compared to Human.
(Cities, Buildings, Colonists, Founding Fathers, Army, Ships, ....)

Also detailled Feedback would really help:
(Including information about MapSize, Handicap, Style of Playing, Nation you are talking about ...)

1. Is AI too aggressive or too passive ?
2. Is AI offering too many Defensive Pacts ?
3. Is AI expanding too fast or too slow ?
4. Is AI not starting Revolution when it should ?
5. Is AI using Troops and Ships wisely ?
6. Is King increasing taxes too fast ?
I'm going to start testing soon. But before that, about Gomer_Pyle's question.
Why is Nieuw Netherlands not New Netherlands?
I think we should discuss this
Because that is how the Dutch had called their colonies. ;)
(Just like the French called their colonies "Nouveau France" ...)
I agree with you Gomer_Pyle, we should change every name. We should change each name. (For France it would be "Nouvelle France")

But we should also change King's name ("Roi de France") etc... And all the adjectives etc... Isn't that too much? :dunno:
I'd rather stick with the old names...
Just for Clarification:
I did not do these changes to Texts. :)
(They came with TAC.)

But actually I do not really care if it is one way or the other.

However it should be consistent !
(No mixing of texting-styles.)

Would you like to take care of that ?
Just for Clarification:

I did not do these changes to Texts. :)
(They came with TAC.)

But actually I do not really care if it is one way or the other.

However it should be consistent !
(No mixing of texting-styles.)

One feature I have thought about is having in the game options the player select which languages he understands, and have another option for having texts be in the language of the nation he is playing, if he understands that language, and if not, the default language would be displayed instead.

It would probably be quite complex to code if at all possible, so I'm not actually proposing this as a feature, only throwing the idea out there :)
Do I understand you correctly now that you want "New" infront of nation name on all europeans and not their native language? Or do I missunderstand. I am not entirerly sure I read that you all agree on this?

In any case I have done some research on where to change the different names in the files. Do you want something like this? Also if this is what you want. Is this gramatical correctly? I used Google Translate. Can you correct me if I am wrong?

New England
New Spain
New France
New Portugal
New Netherland

Nouvelle Angleterre
Nouvelle Espagne
Nouvelle France
Nouvelle Portugal
Nouvelle Hollande

Neue England
Neue Spanien
Neue France
Neue Portugal
Neue Netherland

Nuova Inghilterra
Nuova Spagna
Nuova Francia
Nuova Portogallo
Nuova Olanda

Nueva Inglaterra
Nueva España
Nueva Francia
Nuevo Portugal
Nueva Holanda


<English>New Nederland</English>
<Text>Nouvelle Hollande</Text>
<Gender>Male</Gender> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
<Plural>1</Plural> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
<German>Neue Netherland</German>
<Text>Nuova Olanda</Text>
<Gender>Female</Gender> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
<Plural>0</Plural> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
<Text>Nueva Holanda</Text>
<Gender>Female</Gender> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
<Plural>0</Plural> => do we need this? if so please let me know what is correct for all languages.
Ok, I give you an example. :)

You have complained about this:
		<English>Nieuw Nederland</English>
			<Text>Nieuw Nederland</Text>
		<German>Nieuw Nederland</German>
			<Text>Nuova Olanda</Text>
			<Text>Nieuw Nederland</Text>

And after what I have read here you all would prefer this:
		<English>[COLOR="Red"]New Netherlands[/COLOR]</English>
			<Text>[COLOR="Red"]Nouvelle Hollande[/COLOR]</Text>
		<German>[COLOR="Red"]Neu Holland[/COLOR]</German>
			<Text>[COLOR="Red"]Nuova Olanda[/COLOR]</Text>
			<Text>[COLOR="Red"]Nueva Holanda[/COLOR]</Text>

If you want, you can look for things like that and correct them. :thumbsup:

But actually I think it is better to ignore things like that for now.

TAC is still in a progress of translation and correction of texting.
It is probably better we check this after TAC 2.03.
Yeah this is what I understand it to be aswell. I can to this I think. But I would need the correct versions of nation names in french,german, spanish and italian. I am not sure Google Translate is gonna be correct...
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